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File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1500, 34FBCE27-DF0D-4D7B-9596-C0AE6397A7E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54856867 No.54856867 [Reply] [Original]

>Can make trillions disappear
>Can’t buy toilet paper without the government knowing what kind you bought.
>Government will see your foot prints and build your profile.

Government spook and fed tards, can’t even do their jobs; but want every successful persons offshore money. Just so it could go into a black hole and never seen again. Lol

>> No.54856876

Bitcoin and XMR solve this

>> No.54856908

Not psychopathic just very very desperate. They are the most invested they have the most to lose and the entire world is pointing fingers and mocking them
Buy btc

>> No.54857211

they are trying to catch up with crypto, it's pathetic

>> No.54857873

Btc is king.
Central Bank cartel went within 5y from uuh, has no intrinsic value to, yeah, we gonna go cdbc.

>> No.54857965

When the building is burning down, some people open the exits, some people attempt to lock them.

>> No.54858208

Just take the barter pill and move to a remote village
What are they going to do? Kill you? At least you'll be free from this jewed hell hole that is our world

>> No.54858230
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If you're still clinging onto naive fantasies where the brave oppressed masses rise up against the corrupt elite, led by a titular hero riding in on a white horse, you need to come back down to reality, if only for the sake of your mental health. You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.

The powers that be are here to stay. You are subject to the perfect enslavement machine honed by generations of economic and military research. The arrival of the digital age has heralded the point of no return. There is no going back. Every contingency, and every last deviation has been accounted for.

Revolution, by any means, is impossible. Any would-be dissidents are subject to all-encompassing surveillance at all times, with data fed into precognitive AI run on quantum supercomputers that can identify an individual's threat level based on the very most trivial habits. They will know your secrets that you haven't told a soul to and planned to carry to your grave. If you have any qualms against the agenda, no matter how slight, they will know.

Federal surveillance and infiltration has made organizing and training impossible. Any poor individuals consumed by their vain defiance to lash out at the system will never become martyrs thanks to the nigh-absolute control of the media and its narratives disseminated to the masses. Any organized resistance that does manage to form will be doomed to be crushed and swept under the rug.

Why am I telling you this? For your own good. Denial is only going to degrade your already fragile mental state even further. Don't throw your life away in vain trying to fight a force beyond the scope of mortal man. The truth is excruciatingly painful, but all in all you're better off just accepting it and letting go.

>> No.54858261
File: 58 KB, 409x310, kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the explanation mr. kikenstein

>> No.54858295

Bitcoin makes it easier for bad actors to track your transactions and wealth

>> No.54858308

If you use BTC for holding and XMR for transacting, with atomic swaps in between, then nobody can track shit. What is needed is more non-KYC on-ramps.

>> No.54858358

Every empire that ever existed thought that they were different from the empires that came before them. They were bigger, smarter, more advanced and more powerful, so they wouldn't make the same mistakes that doomed their predecessors. So far, every empire that ever existed was wrong.

>> No.54858456

The empire might collapse but it's not going to be overthrown. The play is to get out of the way.

>> No.54858577

>You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.
That is their power. They are, of course, not fundamental forces of nature. Man has tried to become that ever since he pieced together that he was an agent and not "merely" part of the natural world, which is what the Myth of Gilgamesh is about.
Sure, they have created a bunch of overbearing control systems that do give a fairly convincing illusion of them being unstoppable forces, but the harder the illusion, the more brittle it becomes. Everything is surveilled, KYC'd, permitted, recorded, scored, and categorized, but what does it really amount to? The police can intimidate a few individuals and maybe even an armed insurrection can be put down, but what does it really amount to? Governments exist because people believe they exist; they have no real power. They don't even have real reality; they are memetic constructs in which humans just so happen to participate. That is not to say that the behavior of the participating humans isn't real, but that it's instrumentalized by what are, at the end of the day, simply thoughts, and thoughts by themselves have no power. Who is Joe Biden really? Or Vladimir Putin? Or any other "national leader"? They're just guys about whom people say that they're something called "presidents" or whatever. That's literally all they are. People just act as if that were true, therefore it "is" true, but only memetically. And, paradoxically, the harder they do push the narrative that they are what we might as well call "gods", the more likely it is that the scales will fall from people's eyes and they'll see the bullshit for what it is. It is precisely because they make life unlivable that they thus destroy their own power. If life were livable, people could just close their eyes and uncomfortably pretend, but since they're resolved in their quest for power to take well and truly everything away, they'll take away even the illusion.

>> No.54858605

Let them introduce their CDBCs for all I care. What'll it benefit them? Money that loses 50% of its "value" at the button-press of some politician who is himself deceived and projects his idiocy out into the world, for all to see instantly? There is no value in even playing along anymore in such a system, no value in and no possibility of pretending that things are fine. People will simply utterly despair - but it is the efforts of the people that are holding the system that makes them despair up. Which is why we need, more than anything, despair. Not rage, not fear, no panic, but total despair. To cause despair, as they do in you, is their so-called power, and as soon as they exert that power "perfectly", their system collapses in on itself.
There is no hope for this system, there's no silver bullet, no deus ex machina, no trick that anyone can pull, no nothing. You're perfectly correct. And what happens when everyone realizes that things are not going to get better?

>> No.54858635

For clarity: I don't mean that you need the sadness of despair; I mean you need to give up. Nothing is saving this thing short of divine intervention.

>> No.54858679

CBDC doomers are so retarded. You act like they aren't already doing this with credit cards. CBDC changes literally nothing, they do not give a shit. Just use cash retard

>> No.54858699

The point of a CDBC is that you can't use cash.

>> No.54858763

They're never gonna get rid of cash. And you're a coastal elite bubble fucktard if you think that's even remotely in the realm of possibility

>> No.54858787

I'm not saying that they'll flip the switch and eliminate cash overnight.
There's already limits on cash payments in Australia - that's one thumbscrew. Most Americans are cash-strapped due to skyrocketing costs of inflation. If they don't have cash to begin with, getting a CDBC payment will seem like a gift - that's another. As inflation devalues fiat, the upper limits on cash payments will become more and more restrictive, and as CDBCs will come in the form of stimulus money, they'll be seen as a gift.
It doesn't matter if one guy somewhere pays with a few $100 bills, what matters is the trillions and, moreso than that, the control it allows, namely the inability to escape future inflation.

>> No.54858811

They have already given us a taste of what they will do, bank accounts seized in Canada for wrongthink, expiry dates on the money in China. It's all about control and keeping the ordinary person under their boot. Just you wait for calls for cash to be removed completely because "its too expensive to produce" or some other bullshit excuse.

>> No.54858825

They already wanted to remove cash during covid because it "risked spreading" the virus

>> No.54858826

What's happening in Nigeria?

>> No.54858828
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, OccupyWallSt99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we already won so don't even try
is that why a bunch of minimum wage toothless unwashed menial laborers can collectively decide to not go to work one day and force you to declare martial law to force them back to work even during a pandemic?
what your "elite" don't realize is that people don't need them, they need the people to make their profits out of their labor, if the people realize that they can just collectively strike and starve you out your entire system falls apart
that's why there has to be constant propaganda machine to tell people to give up and accept their lot in life, if you want to see the power of workers unions just look at nordic countries

>> No.54858855

Once bread and circuses run out then it will collapse, as usual.

>> No.54858856
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>> No.54858930

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said - “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look upon my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.54858934

amazon and walmart wouldn't be top profits companies if there were union mandated pay, and the reason they are willing to throw so much money at combating unions is because they work and they work really really fucking well at improving the quality of life of the workers
tired of being treated like shit by retarded nepotists that keep fanning the flames of division between the "underclasses"? unionize and organize
you have no one to blame but yourself if you one day wake up being replaced by a illegal immigrant that worked even cheaper than you while you were already living paycheck to paycheck while working overtime

>> No.54858937

Ok be that somebody somewhere that pays with $100 bills. Problem solved

>> No.54859134

Kike post. Kike being afraid post
Buy btc, fade eth and other shitcoins they throw in the mix

>> No.54859250
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>If you're still clinging onto naive fantasies...
>Posts another of his insane delusions

>> No.54859588

>pls don't revolt trust me bro it's very anti semetic

>> No.54859692
File: 346 KB, 725x664, 1682836792180584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the inherent problem that you seem to forget is general trust
What you say might work if America was totally monopolized by corporations but it's not.
There are too many loopholes in the system
I live in New York
I carry cash on me
Because all the grocery stores around me are owned by smelly brown people from the middle west who can't wait to get my credit information on their fake card scanners
There's a crypto hack every other week, but somehow with government backed CDBCs everything is going to run smoothly?

3 bad hacks and the entire system falls apart
Every CDBC needs to be insured not only once but 3 times over
Sorry I just don't see the viability as systems become more compromised and less secure due to the inherent issue of competency in the west.

>> No.54859720

The Nigerian people lost faith in government cash and the people all started using Bitcoin to trade in their daily lives

Seething and sharting the Nigerian government created its own CDBC to try and compete

>> No.54859749

This. Normies and third worlder don't know about eth or meme coins but they know bitcoin. When the dollar they used to hegdge their own currency goes hyperinflation they turn to btc, not inutest memecoins

>> No.54859790

ITT: bitfucks who don’t know ILP was planned 40 years ago and bitfuck is a simple test network that can easily be taken down numerous ways.

>> No.54859806

"specialization" is rewarded by the kikes to keep you dependent

be well rounded like a boob, manifest the wealth in mind body and spirit that the money represents

>> No.54859862

Are third worlders trading in btc or shitcoininu test listed in binance ", innovation" hub

>> No.54860028 [DELETED] 

Crypto market is barely 10 years old and you absolute clown shoe niggers think it’s e fuere fate is written in stone. You really have to be subhuman intellect to believe such an antiquated piece of shit will forever remain #1 when it’s forced to be a piece of shit for the sake of scarcity.
Funny part is how you fucks don’t realize blockchain will allow CBDCs to be sound money. Not necessarily strictly gold-backed but the powers that he have already claimed they could be pegged to numerous commodities, bonds, securities, etc.

>> No.54860050

Crypto market is barely 10 years old and you absolute clown shoe niggers think it’s fate is written in stone. You really have to be subhuman intellect to believe such an antiquated piece of shit will forever remain #1 when it’s forced to be a piece of shit for the sake of scarcity.
Funny part is how you fucks don’t realize blockchain will allow CBDCs to be sound money. Not necessarily strictly gold-backed but the powers that be have already claimed they could be pegged to numerous commodities, bonds, securities, etc.

>> No.54860101

It's about trust and if a protcol can blacklist wallets because you called the chief a faggot if ofac compliant validators censor your tx and fork your funds away then its worse than fiat. And it looks like not even third worlders are falling for it.
Corpocrats and Jews are terrified and they have been to slow. Btc is money you and only you control. Not a bank, not a validator not some other centralized third party

>> No.54860309

Its funny, people think this will be just another depression linking to the 100ish year cycle, others have speculated that this is part of a larger cycle(empires last 250ish years type thing). Others even talk about the yuga cycles(hi schizos), which makes the most sense. Why? Because the whitepaper/patent for distributed ledger technology is over 30 years old. Guess where the patent creator is now...

>> No.54860354

>I think the inherent problem that you seem to forget is general trust
I do just by virtue of having to sketch out the scenario. In a way, it reflects the idiotic wishes of people like Carstens. But you did hit the nerve. He specifically always talks about "trusted money" (lol). He obviously asserts "the money is trusted!" because he knows, on some level, that it isn't - no need to forcefully assert the truth, after all.
This CDBC-system IS untrusted as shit, but they will try their best to force that "trust" upon you.

>> No.54860434

>loses to a bunch of goat farmers with smoothbore AKs from the 1970s

>> No.54860503

They were too slow and too late. Hubris got the best of them and the failed coof putsch has destroyed the last shred of credibility they had. Everyday normies do silent bank runs and let it slip that they would be okay to kill politicians and ceos

>> No.54860752

You don't seem to get it. People will be begging/demanding a solution to the liquidity crisis that is becoming more and more apparent.

>> No.54860765

I can only see the factors, not their strengths. I see both the liquidity crisis and the lack of trust, but which one will be dominant in the end isn't determined.

>> No.54860826

Lack of trust. Institutions have been polling below 45% trust ratings consistently for 2 years. Tendency 30%

>> No.54860832

Wont matter because the backbone CBDCs are meant to last the next several thousand years. Also, I find it hilarious no one really takes to question what a cbdc is and meant for(hint its not meant for use by retail). Just unfortunate it gets conflated as such.

>> No.54860869

>no one really takes to question what a cbdc is and meant for
What is a CDBC and what is it meant for?

>> No.54860923

Its meant for governments and banks to facilitate transactions between each other. It is not meant for some middle class person to buy groceries with. The thing about CBDCs it they must be transparent, but whatever an individual nation does internally does not need to be. If it makes more sense, consider cbdcs a subnet of CBDCs.

>> No.54860936

>Thousand years
Sounds like Hitler. He made it 12 years

>> No.54861128

Don't you think it kind of funny, as CBDCs become more studied and pushed publicly that AI is popping up and being pushed super hard? They lament that people don't want to work, well what will happen when tens of millions lose their jobs to AI and automation?

>> No.54861184

No. It smells like an astroturf glow nigger. And an astroturf wont work if the trust is gone among the majority of the population. It is just going to make the population fade the establishment even more and endanger their investment while normies and outsiders have nothing to lose.

>> No.54861257

You can feel the desperation in this post

>> No.54861619

If you mean Stefan Thomas he's the guy who locked himself out of 300 million pounds worth of Bitcoin

>> No.54861653

Nation states are on their way out.

>> No.54861884

Think what you will, but when credit dries up and businesses start locking everything behind plexiglass with armed guards we can talk again about how trust will work.
DLT, simple google search should get you results.
Unlikely, just a redefinition of power and influence going forward. No longer a unipolar world but rather a multipolar world.

>> No.54861966

Not at all. The alternative to trust to stabilize a system temporary is bribery which as shown over the past 10 years with the green new liberal fascist move giving compliant individuals privileges only creates more alienation more mistrust and more parallel structures rivaling the niggers invested in the dying ponzi.

People that have nothing to lose, smile when thry kill

>> No.54862020

Wont matter because normalcy is what people will want.

>> No.54862060

You are a retarded doomer faggot I was a “top tier” threat according to your faggotry and zog bots didnt do shit about it. I committed felonies on the daily and was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year illegally while hanging out with hardcore skin heads and Feds did nothing. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.54862079

Those invested in the ponzi are in a bubble and failed to see the signs. The coof putsch in my opinion sealed the deal. Boomers die and cannot be productive while it is rational for millennials and genx to look for alternatives. Again trust in institutions isn't just falling below majority over night and won't be able to rebuild. People outside wont return and those are through the western systems above 45%

>> No.54862144

Do read The Sovereign Individual, even if you disagree with all of it.

>> No.54862171

Fuck off astroturfer

>> No.54862181

Based skinhead raubritter

>> No.54862193

You, on the other hand, would be more satisfied actually eating astroturf. You can munch on some in my library, as a mascot.

>> No.54862210

based and checked

>> No.54862218

Nigger you have been trying to astroturf your bible now for how long. Gtfo and advertise somewhere else

>> No.54862247

It's never too late to read a book. There are programs in public libraries where they can teach niggers like you to read, for free.

>> No.54862284

You sound like the typical false prophets that always show up during times of civilatory decline. Nobody cares what some boomer trying to make a buck selling books thinks. Only more stupid are the niggers trying to make cults out of a grift

>> No.54862320

woah....niggers? niggers.....NIGGERS!!??!! hahahah niggers!

>> No.54862408
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This Nigger gets it

>> No.54862726

You seem rather extreme. If you think people will revolt against the system, well look at the OWS and how that fizzled. This time the government will let banks fail and boomers to lose their pensions. Its all designed to transition to the new system with as little pain as possible(hard concept for you i imagine). Powell is turning out to be a real artist in all of this.
Will do, thanks.

>> No.54862756

Not your keys not your coins fednigger, get shot.

>> No.54862801

They just need to fade it. Ignore the propaganda stop listening to the shills and give non or false feedback.
And the few anarchists and grievers throwing bombs and killing random people are just the cherry on the cake making it obvious

>> No.54863006

Don't think there will be ignoring the coming credit/liquidity crisis. Everyone would be impacted from rich to poor from 1st world nations to third world nations.

>> No.54863063

Ignoring the narratives idiot. If nobody reads the ad blogs nobody is aware of the "official" narratives the result are unpredictable. Every little bubble of humans will act accordingly to their own bias which results in more and more models the fools on the hill relied on failing

>> No.54863113

>sorry anon, due to circumstances outside of our control we are cutting the credit limit of your credit card from $1000 to $250
>sorry anon ATM withdrawals are now capped to $50 per day
No ignoring reality when it affects your daily life.

>> No.54863174

What's your point idiot? It will give rise to parallel structures. Muslims borrowing money among each others, criminals in cash only businesses getting more power, anarchist jews creating anarcho credit networks.
Sure a few will fall for the legacy solutions but after the coof failure putsch maybe 15% overall. The hardcore plebs that live to suck boots

>> No.54863230

You think there will be a lot of resistance but the people will be given deals that seem very good, and they will rationalize it as millionaires and billionaires lose everything. But have fun in your fantasy world.

>> No.54863270

How much are you invested mongo. People will do as they do already, take the most give the least while growing their parallel structures and mocking billionaires and millionaires that try though the state and legacy institutions to keep their power. It's already happening.

>> No.54863334

Goodluck with that, just know whatever parallel societies that may pop up the government can easily be cheaper. Hell the governments probably want these societies to pop up, to give the illusion of choice to people. Regardless, have fun playing rambo innawoods.

>> No.54863387

>May pop up
Oh naive over invested fool. They already exist. You can live in every western country comfortably without a bank account, knowing the language or paying taxes. Jews muslim niggers and spics already do it for the past 40 years and longer

>> No.54863438

Communities in cities? Kek, when cash goes away what then? Even the Amish wont be able to get out of this.

>> No.54863472

Bitcoin. It works great in Africa and south America to get around tyrannical government and their over invested parasitic apparatchiks

>> No.54863491

Its funny, the issue in Nigeria was testing how forcing people onto a shitty system would work, and argentina is the culmination of poor policies. In both cases the people are still bound by their national currencies.

>> No.54863504
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>Can waste all my time in a lifeless job
>Can earn money in the form of wages
>Can invest said wages in food and put the rest in shitcoins (papa)
>Can wait until the moment it pumps (now)
>Can make it
>After making it, I can put that money to good use by hiring a hitman to take out (REDACTED) people
And you said im powerless?

>> No.54863505

>The state is like God
>don't even try disobeying him
Holy fuck, the demoralization is strong in this post. Globohomos are fake and gay and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.54863530
File: 238 KB, 474x452, 1628731631835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level of glownigger damage control happening all across the internet is truly getting insane. Even here in this thread you can see them feverishly trying to force a false consensus.

The desperation of these rats and their masters is palpable. Sorry glowniggers, your evil plans are going up in smoke and you are going to die in agony begging and screaming for it to be over. Ta!

>> No.54863556

kek saved screencapped
post of the week
will repost during depression 2

>> No.54863576

Nobody will likely start to price food in sats, but they are not holding on to the cash. For now its dollar and with the dollar going Zimbabwe btc is the next as proxy hedge to pay for stuff that is for convenience priced in fiat shitcoins

>> No.54863610
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Just remember, the room at the top they are telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile when you kill, if you want to be like the fools on the hill

>> No.54863672

Being illiterate is sad, but I guess it does give me an advantage over you. Still, try to do better.

>> No.54863960

He is right. The book is lolberterian cringe

>> No.54863992

pick one

>> No.54864037

So let him read it and come to that conclusion. Instead he thinks I'm somehow going to make money from him buying their book lol. Just put something in a book; that way niggers will never see it.

>> No.54864060

lolberts are cuckholds that pay for being cuckheld
An ideology embracing central governance and working for it, as long as it doesn't treats too much on snek
Pussies too afraid of Anarchism, edgy liberals

>> No.54864296

Lol that book is a great textbook for anarchism; you haven't read it. The word is cuckold; the past tense of the verb is cuckolded.

>> No.54864331

no it isn't its a rationalization for lolberts why they should accept certain degrees of getting abused.

>> No.54864356

Again, you haven't read it.

>> No.54864404

Is it time to report you for advertising and begging? I think so.

>> No.54864416

Lol illiterate niggers really are propagating. #sad

>> No.54864487

way too show your colors
get lost twitter freak

>> No.54864572

> "You are a liberal"
> immediately looks for the Cancel button

>> No.54864727

>he expects morality
Yeah thats why loberts have been fucked by tyrants and mocked by anarchists forever.

>> No.54864787

Run along to mommy and tell her someone needs to be cancelled on the internet

>> No.54864808

Twitter is in siege mode Elon. Suspending the search function fro externals and larping as populists wont get you a cult. Trump got lucky with the timing, cleavages weren't as bad as they are today.

>> No.54865100

https://decrypt.co/139068/argentinas-central-bank-clamps-down-on-bitcoin oh nonono, its almost like governments can clamp down on crypto at the click of a button.

>> No.54865113

Lol look at who funds this piece of shit rag https://decrypt.co/99237/decrypt-raises-10m-in-funding-spins-out-from-consensys-mesh

>> No.54865116

Thats an adblog
and if you wouldn't have been a retarded cat dragging shit from advertisers with ulterior motives onto an imageboard nobody would know

>> No.54865117
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>Not psychopathic

>> No.54865142

Kek stay angry as reality slaps you in the face.

>> No.54865162

The reality of kikes weeping into their Talmuds

>> No.54865174

you cant censor bitcoin, its that easy, and their isn't enough trust in society left to get some corpos free meals

>> No.54865237

King shitcoin

>> No.54865346

>you cant censor bitcoin
in contrary to eth and other pos scams

>> No.54865356

Yes yes, get paid in sats. Dont forget to tip the miners. The explicit reason why Nigeria was rioting, it being costly and slow. Stay mad I guess?

>> No.54865396

Lightning network is faster than VISA and costs less

>> No.54865425

do you have any other rebuttals then
>stay mad lol

>> No.54865460

>gives reason why a country is rioting
>hurr you jus kep saying stay mad
Holy shit you must have like a kickass life being so unaware of anything.

>> No.54865488

>you country
Like the ADL or other wokist fascists giving reasons that inflation is high because of internet nazis
The incompetency of the public workforce and their contractors is asthonishing. Where does one find losers like you; behind an Arbys?

>> No.54865523

lmfao look at this retard
he thinks this tech isn't coming straight from the same think tanks that invented CD ROMS before computers were a thing
fucking kek at this nigger IQ

>> No.54865549

You really have a hate boner for pow. How deeply invested into eth spaghetti code are you? The thread talks about your kind
Most invested most to lose most unhinged against any form of competition alienating potential supporters

>> No.54865730

If they already won and it’s over for us as a people they wouldn’t be trying this hard to close the walls in around us. They’ve already lost and they’re just grasping at straws on the way down. We don’t even need to rise up. Just don’t participate in their system and they lose by default.

>> No.54865739

Such a child. Oh well, maybe some day you will mature. Hopefully people are wise enough to discern your words for what they are.

>> No.54865774

I don't think people quite understand that for a time, cash/crypto/possibly PMs will be worthless, maybe it will last a few weeks or a few months or longer who knows. But just know the game was rigged even before the players started playing.

>> No.54865788

First I am le mad now I am le child, whats next, you havent called non unregistered security users nazis yet

>> No.54865806

I would call you a link holder but even they don't seem as unhinged as you.

>> No.54865815

Oh, no I am at the
>no u
god you are pathetic. And it isnt even yet Israel-o-clock

>> No.54865821

They can’t rig every aspect of the game. There’s backdoors and parallel systems to trade value in place. Even if gold, silver and cash are devalued, labor and bullets will be valued. The powers that be will lose but it will be messy.

>> No.54865848

they already proved they are powerless.
As somebody from a country where the over invested group of ponzi players wanted to jab us by force and law failed I know how powerless they are.

The jab was like a gun, you don't point a gun at somebody and dont shoot, that is certain way to lose all authority and be beaten to dead with a stick

>> No.54865963

Sure enough, but those would only be used if either it is allowed or a literal Christ like figure popped up and went ham. Aside from that, what we are seeing now is just a transition from one system to another system and it is difficult for people to consider anything but "le ebil j00s". It is unfortunate though, this isn't complicated but that goes to show you how deeply programmed or even demoralized people can become.

>> No.54866002

Oh don't worry, black markets will always exist. Say the new currency transactions under a certain amount probably wont be looked at or registered, or you know, things that would have been illegal before become legal so no reason for black markets to exist. Neat dontcha think?

>> No.54866012

btc again and again the answer to the end of the boomer jew ponzi fiat system is btc.

>> No.54866274

Sure btc could be used for black market transactions. Whats more likely is things become like the one episode of black mirror where everyone sees your social score. Can make essentially drugs legal. And if you think people wont go above and beyond to keep the high social score, well look at Anheiser-Busch.

>> No.54866304

>mainstream media reference
what makes you think anyone can relate?
I have no idea what you are talking about and faded your post after that assumed common culture rference
>could be
it is, since 2012

>> No.54866322

>look at Anheiser-Busch

>> No.54866380

I gave a pop culture reference and included what the reference relates to. Proves you are not here in good faith now please leave.
Haven't heard the controversy? They are having a difficult time even giving away budwiser products right now.

>> No.54866413
File: 2.42 MB, 1584x1744, homedefense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao

>> No.54866436

no you didnt you think you did
>social score
>make drugs legal
It makes no sense outside of the context of your assumed popular cultural reference, that is just niche shit
this isnt the boomer age where everyone gathers around the tv to watch the next propaganda

>> No.54866496

The government wants what is best for the world. They have been at the forefront working towards a more inclusive, diverse, equitable and environmentally friendly world for everyone. Have sex incel and touch grass

>> No.54866504

If things like drugs become legal but the consequence is it affects a social score then the consequence is no longer a need for black markets. My apologies, i figured the train of logic was fairly simple to follow. The social score will discourage its use overall and those who use and continue to use will easily be known to the public at large.

>> No.54866549

You are wrong here so wrong. And maybe should rather lurk than bring your mainstream thoughts here like a cat dragging a dead mouse to the porch.
I have really no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
>social score
I have lived as a ghost with false identity documents that hasnt paid taxes or worked for the past 10 years in a considered first world country. Nobody has the power, not at this point in time to bring any form of great panopticum into life. The coof failure sealed the deal, too many people realized how weak and powerless the states and their rent-seekers are.

>> No.54866569

Guess we will see as credit dries up and businesses start failing.

>> No.54866578

I can only repeat myself

>> No.54867705
File: 1.58 MB, 4608x3072, lukasz-niescioruk-LHgq4S_Zk2w-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood how people, on this site especially, could be as deep as they are down the rabbit hole and not come to the same conclusion as what you just stated. It's even funnier when they cling to ""historical events"" that are probably made up or lies about reality to begin with as reason this agenda might fail. Even funnier when they site Bitcoin as their salvation when transactions are recorded on a fucking public ledger for all eternity with that shitcoin. I just hope this is all powered by Chainlink so I can putt around in my Ferrari for the final days before total thinking emoji death.

>> No.54867784

>they need the people to make their profits out of their labor
And what happens when almost everything is automated and human labor isn't worth a penny? Mind you that isn't going to happen tomorrow, but it will inevitably and that is when the "elite" will "strike". Even if you still needed some people, the amount of people you would need would be so small it would be easy to directly mask off enslave them if you even had too (while wiping out the rest, don't even need nukes pricing everyone out of childbearing has been the ultimate silent weapon for this quiet war) Take a look at the labor market right now compared to 50 years ago.

Everyone sites inflation for the reason wages suck ass, but the reality is that 30 plus years of human labor is barely worth a house and a car. There are more people qualified for lucrative careers then their are lucrative careers in existence check the applicants numbers for any job worth two shits.

>> No.54868184

Really not. A psychopath is clever enough to pull the trigger when pointing a gun in your face and you don't do what he demands. They flinched, untested, unjabbed unbroken