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File: 18 KB, 299x300, Ultimate Shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5485795 No.5485795 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine a new coin launched that had a 1MB block size, no scalability, transaction times that can take hours, $30+ transaction fees, and no additional privacy features. It would be dead on arrival. This shitcoin does all of that yet it's still the top coin because of the first-mover advantage. How long do you guys think it'll take until the ultimate shitcoin becomes a thing of the past?

>> No.5485818

first mover advantage so.... it's gonna take some time...

>> No.5485832

Give it some time. What bitcoin does every other shitcoin will integrate it, even if its in its development phase

>> No.5485886

I hope BTC will fall along with all his forks. Soon the mainstream will realize cryptocurrency is not BTC only.

Imagine getting into BTC today... Fees are astronomical. No scalability. Small block size.

>soon to be dethroned

Mark my words

>> No.5485979
File: 490 KB, 600x850, 1514140105256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issues that currently plague Bitcoin are due to it's unprecedented success over your so-called superior shitcoins. Scaling to Bitcoin is coming, and your centralized shitcoins will become irrelivent. The only shitcoin that will ever have a place is monero, and even that might not last. Have fun playing with your shit tokens while they last

>> No.5486029


Bitcoin cash will end all alts

>> No.5486066

Only mimblewimble can dethrone Bitcoin

>> No.5486068

It's literally recovering both in mempool, fee size and worth value.

>> No.5486188

>blockchains are only useful for money and despite bitcoin core being dropped by vendors and payment services while Stellar and bitcoin cash gains adoption, and with currency agnostic payment platforms rolling out next year too that will allow any token or ethereum and a bunch of other shit to be used for payments no matter what vendors want to receive, bitcoin core will win because muh bitcoin
You are kinda dumb and ignorant in multiple ways. The sad part is that you're not even super retarded. You have above average intelligence. But that little edge you have, you waste being willfully cock sure and thus unknowingly blind about things you never truly researched.

>> No.5486238
File: 345 KB, 1920x1440, G&SR_(e-gold_Operator)_office,_1998-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

censorship resistance

>> No.5486280

Lol fucking brainlets why do you think there are high transaction times and fees?

Goddamn you people are so fucking retarded.

>> No.5486301

>small fee txs are spam and shouldn't be processed
>r/bitcoin bans anyone who points out large fees or the success of bch
>censorship resistance

Anon, please.

>> No.5486360

>Bitcoin literally dies
>70% of all money invested in crypto disappears permanently
>"This will be good for shitalts"
>"investors will flock to our shitcoins they won't bleed dry or anything loL"

>> No.5486411

How can you talk about daddy bitcoin like that? What is wrong with you

>> No.5486464

Bitcoin is the most trusted, most secure, most decentralized as anyone can run a full node. payment systems that scale will be built around Bitcoin so it will probably never lose its value.

>> No.5486477

this means i have like 2 -3 years to accumulate. good shit for the entire crypto space

>> No.5486501

>first mover
>more than one (1) dev
Stay rustled, OP

>> No.5486516

I want to vaginally penetrate the nep.

>> No.5486537

This anon gets it.

>> No.5486576
File: 107 KB, 1072x758, market cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its getting smaller all the time. The smaller it gets the smaller its movements effect the rest of the market.

>> No.5486585

This is something everyone always seems to forget : bitcoin is literally the most decentralised and the most immune to fundamental change of all the coins.
ALL the shitcoins have some combinations of small devs team able to change the fundamentals on a whim, big blocksize making node only a big player thing, unlimited printing...

Bitcoin is the first and the best.
Not the best because it's the first.
Both of these qualities are independant of one another, but since bitcoin have both, it completely dominates and it's completely normal.

>> No.5486619

This is retarded. Bitcoin is TCP/IP of money. Http coming soon. Shitcoins have no scaling issues yet because nobody use shitcoins.

>> No.5486645


>> No.5486680

microsoft is going to be implementing bitcoin blockchain soon...

>> No.5486733

Bitcoin is going to outlive 99% of the market for the simple fact that the creator is anonymous

>> No.5486752

How can BTC die if almost any shitcoin is valued against BTC?

>> No.5486823

it will decline only when more fiat-crypto pairs are adopted.

>> No.5486850

BCH pairs are coming very soon

>> No.5486876

Theres already an exchange for BCH pairs.


>> No.5487314
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1514124592559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currency agnostic payment platforms rolling out next year too that will allow any token or ethereum and a bunch of other shit to be used for payments no matter what vendors want to receive
This will initially cause shitcoins to crash significantly. Bagholders will buy ropes to hang themselves, and then the payment processors will dump the shitcoins onto the market, just like bitpay did when it first rolled-out Bitcoin payments, which will in-turn cause more bagholders thus increasing the sale of ropes. Being able to spend shitcoins will not initially increase demand.

>bitcoin core will win because muh bitcoin
I unironically believe this. Bitcoin is still the most decentralized, most widely known, and most widely used cryptocurrency there is. This will not change anytime soon, because there is no reason for it to. LN will be out soon for those who want quick low cost transactions.

>> No.5487514

You care about fucking reddit but not the feds freezing your money. Sort yourself out.

>> No.5487669

Never. Bitcoin gets shilled and attacked for fuckin' years and they fight if off someway and bring in new investors. Bitcoin knows how to market and they have the data in moving crypto currency.

Bitcoin is like Apple to the public, sure there's better technical options but nobody gives a fuck about them.

>> No.5487778

Mostly wishful thinking, bitcoin has no real use no matter if everyone waits another year for the lightning network then we see more fees. I say get it over with the sooner the better for all crypto problems and I don’t see it crashing the market either when it happens, bitcoin is what’s holding us down.

>> No.5487861
File: 350 KB, 1000x625, 1514073897618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what shitcoiners really believe

>> No.5488016

>Bitcoin is still the most decentralized


>> No.5488169
File: 15 KB, 248x189, pptears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>please buy my shitcoin bags, I believed such a thing as "better tech than bitcoin" existed

>> No.5488185

We're all waiting for the lightning network.

>> No.5488264

Bitcoin's temporary low transactability is a feature, not a bug. It is forcing out the filthy darknet money and the laundering shitters into alts.

>> No.5488404

>Forcing out smart money is a feature

Doesnt really bode well for its future.

>> No.5488460

At least you mentioned Monero so you are only slightly retarded, not braindead.

>> No.5489251

Bitcoin is a money laundering scam.


This is what the world's governments will end up using to ban BTC so they can implement their own crypto. New World Order, anyone?

>> No.5489518

Trump fucked the new world order in the ass. If they dont kill him within the next year, it will never recover.

>> No.5489570

How did he do that? Redpill me pls

>> No.5489631

ITT: crying late adopters

if you actually think something is going to surpass bitcoin as a store of value asset without the entire market collapsing, wake up and accept the fact that you were too late for bitcoin and still don't understand the market.

>> No.5489648

pump and dumps

>> No.5489663

Imagine a new coin launched on every exchange, with literal ATMs across the world and tens of thousands of commercial partners willing to accept it instead of cash

>> No.5489731

Look up his list of accomplishments. Its to long to list here. But almost every single thing is pro America. Deregulation, Bringing the GOP back from the dark side. Lowering taxes. Fucking Liberal states in the ass with no more state deductions, judge appointments, Sessions waking up from his stuppor. The list is long and its sending waves out over the world. Emboldening people and fanning the flames of nationalism.

>> No.5489819

in a sea of 1500 random coins, what is the one coin for people to throw there initial capital at and use as a trading pair?
the answer is the original coin, the one that started EVERYTHING.
even if the tech is horribly outdated and can't scale, the one coin we will all agree to throw a large amount of our portfolio at and trade against, is bitcoin.

>> No.5490612

t. buttcoin bag holder

>kys faggot