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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54852718


>> No.54852732

Biden killed the economy.

>> No.54852736
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You bought calls right anon?

>> No.54852738
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>> No.54852743



>> No.54852744

yes, for SQQQ

>> No.54852748
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Do you understand why he drew it in yet?

>> No.54852756
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>debt ceiling

What would happen theoretically if we DON"T raise the debt ceiling this time and let the USA default?

Nationalizing debt may happen but curious what would become of America if shit hits the fan.

>> No.54852758

AMC $10 tomorrow
Screencap this

>> No.54852767
File: 428 KB, 678x591, dkng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sdgr

>> No.54852770

Why do you post in a stock market general every day?
Are you using it as a replacement for the social interaction you lack in real life?

>> No.54852773
File: 186 KB, 847x793, 1668786480364920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill bulls. Behead bulls. Roundhouse kick a bull into the concrete. Slam dunk a bull baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy bulls. Defecate in a bulls food. Launch bulls into the sun. Stir fry bulls in a wok. Toss bulls into active volcanoes. Urinate into a bulls gas tank. Judo throw bulls into a wood chipper. Twist bulls heads off. Report bulls to the IRS. Karate chop bulls in half. Curb stomp pregnant black bulls. Trap bulls in quicksand. Crush bulls in the trash compactor. Liquefy bulls in a vat of acid. Eat bulls. Dissect bulls. Exterminate bulls in the gas chamber. Stomp bull skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate bulls in the oven. Lobotomize bulls. Mandatory abortions for bulls. Grind bull fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown bulls in fried chicken grease. Vaporize bulls with a ray gun. Kick old bulls down the stairs. Feed bulls to alligators. Slice bulls with a katana.

>> No.54852776
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For DKNG yes

>> No.54852780

no, I don't

>> No.54852784
File: 188 KB, 720x1200, free money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other day I had to blow one of my 3 day trades and cut a BOIL swing loss at minus $35 before it got worse, and a few hours later got picrel. Felt nice!

>> No.54852785

millions of federal workers lose their jobs. unemployment thru the roof.
stocks go up 15% in one day

>> No.54852787

Still amazing at how well USBs value has held.

>> No.54852788

The few dreams I had regarding investing or my personsal venture to get rich was me being rich rather than a ightmare of trying to get rich. However the investment one did sometimes get the "i need to sell at open" type dream. If I was rich Id probably not being posting here anymore. Free at last of ever working. So far my personal venture has better odds unless we get a 2020 repeat.

>> No.54852792
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May the Fourth be with you

>> No.54852795

Normies aren't fun to hang out with

>> No.54852803
File: 16 KB, 649x114, GIANTredditFAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want me to post this early into the session or one minute after the bell?

>> No.54852806

So apple pumped but why are my bullish holdings not pumping? I thought apple would have a bigger effect on the market if it pumped.

>> No.54852808

man apple always goes up i wanted a bear indicator so i could get some cheapies reeee

>> No.54852816

Schizophrenics are often very antisocial while simultaneously having multiple different streams of consciousness running in their heads. It follows, that schizophrenic antisocial people consolidate themselves into internet forums. There is no real social interaction, and the heavy lifting of processing multiple streams of consciousness is reduced. It is preferable containment for a schizo.

>> No.54852824

I rarely visit here anymore. The ones who are doing long term investments make the least sense to be on here, like get a life bro. This isn't so entertaining to watch every day, all that did to me in the past was cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

>> No.54852831

exit pump

>> No.54852833

>he hasn't tricked/brainwashed himself into loving his career
I'll never understand early retirement fags. What do you niggas plan to do everyday?

>> No.54852839

>having a job


>> No.54852840

Does the broader market usually react to AH earnings though? I expect it to tomorrow moreso.

>> No.54852841
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I am currently doing it.

>> No.54852853
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Oils past performance in recessions is not a good indicator of how it will do in this one because of the WEF's climate scam green energy policies. Oil companies are generating enormous amounts of free cash flow and have pristine balance sheets and continue to return enormous profit to shareholders through dividends and stock buy backs. The entire industry is fundamentally undervalued (by a lot) and any dip is a buying opportunity.

>> No.54852866
File: 88 KB, 720x646, Screenshot_20220912-213739_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only enjoyed them when I was an alcoholic.

>> No.54852867

>day 54 of holding SQQQ

>> No.54852872

Honestly? Shitpost here and lift, maybe read and play vidya. Fuck it.

>> No.54852874
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Sounds like you got hooked and lost.

>> No.54852881

At what point is being early the same as being wrong?

>> No.54852883
File: 58 KB, 157x241, niceport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enormous amounts of free cash flow
>fundamentally undervalued
These don't go together.

>> No.54852903

you are correct, a good business would be reinvesting all of that cash into retarded pie in the sky future maymay business ventures, like direct air carbon capture, or the metaverse.

>> No.54852904


>> No.54852916

this bitch is so sexy I want to be eaten by her

>> No.54852918
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When you sell for a loss

>> No.54852927
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>people think that counts as a blizzard

>> No.54852936
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But he gave the all clear and apologized

>> No.54852940
File: 102 KB, 787x457, nice confidence there bucko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We consider FRC to be an important domino to stand up to have people keep confidence in the global financial system. That's why we all put $30b into it."
>Somehow they let it fail.
>JPM scammed retail yet again.
>Jamie Dimon: "The banking crisis is officially over!"


Good. You get what you fucking deserve. I hope all the banks fail, you fucking big nose faggots deserve it. I lost a couple of grand, I hope you lose BILLIONS.

>> No.54852941
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54 days ago buying sqqq was already late silly.

>> No.54852943
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>> No.54852951
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>started investing in stocks around new years
>already down 12.5%
Am I doing this right

>> No.54852953

I want her to make fun of my dick

>> No.54852954
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They don't have your real phone number right?

>> No.54852956
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>> No.54852960
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My sister made this for me

>> No.54852961
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i agree that bulls are tards
but it's incredibly entertaining to watch lines
and numbers move
and read economic/financial/corporate news

>> No.54852962

I'm down 50% starting in March so you're doing better than me at least

>> No.54852963
File: 257 KB, 1536x1536, 6FD1D8F3-EF18-411E-8BB2-72FD72DB5A8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everybody is meant to make it, anon

>> No.54852967
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Sorry the economic opinion of niggers is irrelevant.

>> No.54852973

Lol I shouldn't have bought NET

>> No.54852975

mighty nice! blessed

>> No.54852988

Well I for one, will be fucking glad to finally not have to listen to the "beep,beep,beep" of the alarm clock ever again (or any alarm clock for that mater) after I retire. May not seem like much but think about it; ever since you were 5 years old starting school you've been listening to that same "beep" sound for 5 days a week. At least during the final decades of life I can finally not have to deal with it anymore. Get up when I want, do what I want whenever I feel like doing it. (or not do it depending). There's plenty to keep my mind/body active that don't involve doing work for a living.

>> No.54853001
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>> No.54853003

if bulls are tards then why do they have better returns than u lol

>> No.54853007
File: 33 KB, 1171x466, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will eventually get the hang of it

>> No.54853010

Slowly kill myself getting absolutely demolished drunk on the beach everyday and harassing tourists. Maybe pass out under the pier and the stars

>> No.54853019

2017 was different, always will be a FUN chad

>> No.54853022

>"We put $30b into this bank because we expect it's gonna fail and we're gonna lose that money" -Jamie Dimon

Again, hope the banking system collapses uncontrollably at this point. Hope stealing FRC's assets through a bait and switch was worth it you fucking faggots. You get what you deserve.

>> No.54853029

Literally why didn't you buy DKNG how could you not see this coming

>> No.54853031
File: 259 KB, 549x544, i_drink_bibles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy gold

>> No.54853036

who are you quoting? gold is worthless. if you think shit is legitimately gonna hit the fan, buy food and ammo.

>> No.54853039

To be fair USAU is a great price to buy right now, and it was literally double its value in the last few weeks. It moves a lot. Great for swinging. Wouldn't expect it with gold, but it's pretty solid for swinging.

>> No.54853038

Can a person explain the ridiculous overreaction of the Carvana earnings?

>> No.54853040

Keep bees.

>> No.54853049

I was the DKNG shill all the way to single digits.. I held that bag for so long and finally got out green at like $15. I was right but I was sooo early. I learned a lot from that but I wish I had stuck with my thesis. I'm hoping for a pullback to get back in and still follow them but damn they have just been on a fucking moon mission now

>> No.54853057
File: 22 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-0aab2df45ae39a5f2f4f07e0db043471-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short food companies. Short reits holding grocery stores. Look around you. There are no shortages there are no supply chain problems. Places are overstocked with shit from PepsiCo as an example. Nothing is moving and until the food giants make dividend holders sweat we will not see a real bottom. The fed making bonds more attractive will only drain more funding from food companies and return them to reality.

>> No.54853059

because it's not been 2 weeks yet!

>> No.54853062
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Is the federal government buying back its own debt to increase liquidity bullish or bearish

>> No.54853064
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I just figured if you want banks to collapse you had a plan?

>> No.54853069

I was an initial supporter pre-IPO, gave up on it after it dropped below 40. Got back in at 10. It's much healthier now.

>> No.54853072

>he doesn't use tomorrow

>> No.54853096

So how will the lizard people make tomorrow dump like crazy? Too many shoe shiners and barbers are going to profit on AAPL. They won't let that happen.

>> No.54853108

honestly i think after this trade im in closes im moving to t-bills for two reasons. one is that they are giving good returns. two is that it will keep me from touching my money and making a bad trade that wipes out my hard earned gains.

>> No.54853113
File: 108 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230504-184528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my last trades with them. I swung some options after and another stack of 100 shares but I watched them go from like $30 to $10 to $20 and start dumping again and didn't have any more patience with their shit. They ended up back at $10 again so I guess I got out at an okayish time but I wish I had re entered at $10 again because I was always the biggest shill for them. I felt too emotionally invested in the ticker so I stopped trading it

>> No.54853130

The best entry for any good stock is when it's been beaten up the most.

>> No.54853147

We should pump overall tomorrow as long as we don’t get any unexpected bank failures tomorrow. We can lose PACW and WAL since that’s expected, but any more and we go right back down to 395

>> No.54853148

It was down like 70% ytd when I started buying it and I still had to baghold it for months and average down lmao.

>> No.54853151
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pacw wal or zion will say "we're seeking strategic options".

>> No.54853156
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>> No.54853163

WAL will survive. Bretty good balance sheet and its not in California.

>> No.54853168

Look around, ever seen a skinny American that wasn't on drugs? They can charge what they want and the populace will continue to consume more than humanly possible.

>> No.54853171

Your average down intervals need to be pretty huge

>> No.54853174


>> No.54853177
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We should keep it that way.

>> No.54853178
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It's literally going to be perfectly fine tomorrow isn't it bros

>> No.54853181
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>made more money playing the market on osrs then I have playing the market IRL

>> No.54853195
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>> No.54853203

Tomorrow we get agony. Some news is going to circuit breaker us.

>> No.54853208

that would be cool

>> No.54853212

I almost exclusively swing ETFs now. I rarely invest in any particular company. I think PBR was the last one I shilled here. I bought at $9.06 premarket.. my cost basis doesn't even show up on the chart for them and /SMG/ called me a retard. Sold it at like 10.50 less than a month later. Ended up ripping to over $12

>> No.54853215
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>Some news is going to circuit breaker us

>> No.54853221

Down 80% on a BAKA short that ends on June 16th.
Do I have a chance to get out?

>> No.54853231

Lel i should withdraw my money into physical assets right?

>> No.54853243

The general consensus that the top is in and another .25 bps rate hike being priced in, banking crisis, apple will be sold off look at how weak this pump is despite the 90 billion share buyback and divvy increase

>> No.54853246

Less manipulation there unironically

>> No.54853248

They're "considering" doing it next year. They're announcing it in advance hoping people buy their shit.
>bonds will have negative yields after the inflation they plan

>> No.54853256

Apple's share price is so massive relative to the dividend, I don't really understand what purpose it ever serves.

>> No.54853262

so jimmy buffet can get a really big check to keep margaritaville open

>> No.54853272
File: 3.94 MB, 468x768, white people are racist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, im just full of spite.

>> No.54853273
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Divvies are what billionaires crave.

>> No.54853293

I am considering a conservative portfolio of 100% BNKD.

>> No.54853296


>> No.54853303
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This is EXTREMELY crabbish

>> No.54853305
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bill -ACKman

>> No.54853306

clown market is hard to learn fundamentals in
just follow some tickers, observe their general trends over a few months, and try your hardest to buy when they're trending low and sell when they're trending high

>> No.54853316

Buy my bags

>> No.54853322
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x720, bitcoin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cultural thing you wouldn't understand.

>> No.54853325

Ackman Chamath double team when?

>> No.54853326

What broker should a nu fag go with?
E trade or Robin hood?

>> No.54853329
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 1589486758163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my 5 vix calls for like $368 profit today. i know its not much but i consider it fairly successful trade having only used about $900 principal.
its probably likely vix will increase climbing but when it comes to options i've learned to take what you can get. getting left holding the bag becomes too easy if you try squeeze the dollars

>> No.54853333
File: 159 KB, 601x512, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just reverse search it lol

>> No.54853341
File: 137 KB, 255x357, back2reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trading volatility products and you'll get more profit.

>> No.54853349

>he has worse verbal parsing ability than an actual sperg
" I was wrong to say sell" does not mean that he was factually incorrect rather than legally culpable.

>> No.54853352
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>> No.54853356

is essentially the most simple actual truth and finest advice that can pretty much possibly be given. I have been thinking it's a lot like being a hunter, one must know the ways/habits/patterns of their prey through observation and study.

>> No.54853363

Did you notice the large September VIX 60 Call volume today? It was on the top 10 option volume screener that I use. It was like 300k contracts. I looked at open interest and there were only like 9k open when I looked around noonish. Some big vol better took profits or cut losses today possibly? What this means for the markets now that there isnt this big VIX to 60 by September bet going on? Will vol pump now? or was this is and now we fizzle back down to the teens?

>> No.54853370

Isnt this the same loser whose SPAC failed and seemed to be giving hopium?

>> No.54853372

Since /pmg/ is retarded, does anybody know if PSLV is fractional reserve?

>> No.54853373

Should I do some puts on $BUD? Shit has gotta go down a bit

>> No.54853378


You remember the meme "around blacks, never relax"? Well...

>> No.54853392

Sprott is schizo approved

>> No.54853397
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Because you're the only people I can tolerate. I hate normalfags so much it's unreal. Bloomberg anon is the closest thing to a normalfag that's acceptable to me. Although he calls me a schizo when I talk about the WEF.

>> No.54853400


>> No.54853405
File: 3.90 MB, 494x270, volmaggeddonn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate money sure.

>> No.54853409

you always say thats its literally over, then the next day is fine. now youre saying its now over. you better not have crashed the market or i will find you.

>> No.54853416

>real life
this is it fella hate to break it to ya idk what ur lookin for

>> No.54853417

you can read the prospectus if you like but SLV says "lol we might run out" and PSLV I think you can redeem for physical

>> No.54853433

But my question is, do they have enough physical if everyone tries to REDEEM THE CARDS at the same time.

>> No.54853435

>all that did to me in the past was cause a lot of stress and anxiety
that's because you are still heemable. become unheemable anon.

>> No.54853438

>talk about the WEF
Should be talking about the WEDG
The wedgies your wife gets daily that is

>> No.54853443
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I'm not trying to crash the market tomorrow don't worry

>> No.54853445

they claim to be 1:1, but of course if you're not physically inspecting their coffers you're still trusting another person

>> No.54853448

Literally just pick a name brand stock you recognize, learn how to read basic fundamental metrics about a company (like their debt, revenue, economic moat, how good their management is, etc).

Then literally just buy at the 50 day moving average while it's above the 200 and short the 50 when it's below the 200. It's honestly just that easy. 50 day moving average is magic for swing trading.

>> No.54853474
File: 56 KB, 474x578, 80ab5e9ff985bd12d93ec0dd92c6c550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw HOOD nootifies that the APR on uninvested cash sitting in brokerage ready for me to pull the trigger on a trade at any moment has bumped up from FOE PONT FOE to FOE PONT SEX FIE
ideal for bearism, make good yields between in and out swings

>> No.54853486
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x1600, miko38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I've tolerated you slandering my wife for long enough. Any more negative talk and I'm going to have to get the based moderators involved.

>> No.54853487

>has bumped up from FOE PONT FOE to FOE PONT SEX FIE
i have to hand it to them, they are offering a competitive offer, not bad if ur a goombler

>> No.54853492


>> No.54853496

how come when i buy a stock it moves in the direction i expect and i make 1-5% but when I buy an option on the stock it moves opposite the direction i expect and i lose 10-50%. the more money i put on the line the less likely i am to be correct lol.

>> No.54853497
File: 1.47 MB, 3265x2449, 585A17ED-761C-4601-A257-95F237442656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Sprott has a long history of being pro PM and anti government, he left it in the capable hands of Rick Rule who also kept it well run. He hired Turd Ferguson as his PR manager. The Sprott Twitter acct was actively cheering on the huge tonnage of physical silver buys they were making hoping to drain the COMEX and crash the system

>> No.54853499

There'd unironically be a credit crisis and almost certainly a market closure. I don't need to tell you what happens next from there.

>> No.54853506
File: 1001 KB, 1475x1381, bobo-wearing-wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the based moderators involved

>> No.54853512

the moderators already join in in giving her wedgies

>> No.54853539

Keep it up. Little do you chuds know, the jannies work for me. I'm the one that pays their wages.

>> No.54853541
File: 244 KB, 752x575, Peter Lynch thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in tarnation was today?

>> No.54853545

competitive with treasuries even, but without the time tie up. that bump came within hours of the fed rate hike

>> No.54853549
File: 6 KB, 597x600, 47D0E651-F5F1-4548-9A95-A2AB05EB5C78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are futures green? This better be a bull trap.

>> No.54853555

Can confirm that sleeping as much as you want is exactly as great as it sounds.

>> No.54853571
File: 315 KB, 886x712, bobo-karate-master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the one that pays their wages
thank you for your contributions fren :)

>> No.54853582

market waiting for AAPL

>> No.54853583
File: 47 KB, 587x591, finalrepface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This better be a bull trap
More like, bull CRAP!!!

>> No.54853593

>4 dollars away from ATH
what a fucking fake and gay stock

>> No.54853597

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.54853603

>but without the time tie up
thats huge, now myself as a goombler, there are other things that would steer me clear from HOOD, you wouldnt be able to do what i do on a cell phone. Not saying the people on cell phones arent making more money than me, they probably are, but i need to analyze the deltas and the gammas of the contracts

>> No.54853605

I keep losing money.

>> No.54853607


>> No.54853610
File: 67 KB, 434x273, perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, who apparently had the worst earnings since before the iPod. Is it fuckin over?

>> No.54853612

Still banned.

>> No.54853618
File: 69 KB, 775x837, sheiitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf why is this post blank? How did you do that?

>> No.54853619
File: 543 KB, 1036x919, bobo-crazy-face-laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting fuck jannies as your test message

>> No.54853633
File: 948 KB, 1947x1525, mumu-riding-green-arrow-rocket-underwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta my WAY

>> No.54853634

>PACW and WAL up 10% after hours
lol at bears who didn't take profits.

>> No.54853646
File: 25 KB, 720x477, 1671464909704708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the best stocks to invest in are the ones you find to be the most ethical and morally sound as far as that companies mission. Likewise you should also to this for ones you find morally and ethically corrupt or evil (like advertising booze and moral degeneracy to children.) There is no better feeling then making money and helping a company with a sound principled mission. It also feels good when you make money helping bring down a company that is evil. If you lose money or breakeven, it actually feels good knowing you did you part to help make the world right with your recourses.

>Be the George Soros the world deserves.

>> No.54853647
File: 692 KB, 1600x960, chart-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where we headed tomorrow?

>> No.54853649

yes even at my simple level of things I prefer laptop but unfortunately HOOD is *very* phone "app" oriented. I mostly monitor on laptop and do the actual trades on phone to cut out the annoying as fuck authorizations required when using their website.

>> No.54853653

Remember that BNKD includes fortresses like JPM and C, not small banks: https://microsectors.com/big-banks/

About half those are decent shorts though, so it's not bad. Just less ideal than targeting the weak ones with puts

>> No.54853662
File: 176 KB, 300x411, Jeanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crapple earnings

>> No.54853665

Yes, PSTH.

>> No.54853669

>monitor on laptop
>when using their website
So HOOD has no standalone PC platform, just the nigger phone app? CAN YOU SAY HOOKED

>> No.54853672

AAPL doing another stock buyback. How does that help shareholders, if they're not retiring the shares? Shareholders' ownership will not be increased.

The float of AAPL is so large that availability won't be affected, either.

>> No.54853691 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 850x1245, sample_315cb63d199228ff905e1a817be6dee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will gold attract a jewess gf?

>> No.54853696

>become a beach vagrant junkie
stay classy smg
is this the where the neet path ultimately ends up? lol, lmao even

>> No.54853699

Wasn't it bad?

>> No.54853704


>> No.54853705
File: 29 KB, 198x208, snibs-apparent-winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is snibs still the apparent winner? To the bobos, where is the big doomp? To the mumus, why are you buying? Can a nigga get a month of VIX 30 daily SPY goombling. shieeeeeeeet

>> No.54853707

I wanted to be a ski bum desu senpai.

>> No.54853712

HOOD is backed by all the TBTF's they're fine. Though I guess you could say Hook'd considering when they go under we'll all become Schwab or JP Morgan customers and will be beholden to their services and fees...

>> No.54853716

Yes, but not for long. I have jewish family friends that set me up with a khazar milkers gf and after two kids and half my shit she left. Luckily, I've been able to recover.

>> No.54853721
File: 43 KB, 490x773, 4e06f5fcbe1044d0bd325a3a3bb4e8d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they do, but once you accidentally engage 2Fauth you can't turn it back off (maybe if I contacted support, who knows) and it requires an actual auth app for Gold. the thing for me is that there are some details that work by far the best with my overall approach, including having live quotes in browser tabs, and essentially having almost no functional differentiation between extended and market hours, and lots of things complex to explain. so, i just use it, it's the best available for my personal overall needs, it seems. definitely HOOKED!

>> No.54853724

>they're fine
that's not what i mean, sure the company is fine, its their customers who are hooked on the MM tit

>> No.54853725

Aside from WAL suspended trading for an hour, how many halts were there between the two?

>> No.54853727

>no ATOM
>no SMCI


>> No.54853730
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, 01290572152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since apple did good,gonna be a boring,crabby if i may friday

>> No.54853731
File: 19 KB, 678x215, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright the media is absolutely out of control with trying to incite bank runs. The government officially wants this now.

>> No.54853733

how the fuck is BAC not getting gawked at by the feds?
it’s a SIFI with huge unrealized losses on the books.
the forbidden “unrealized losses” on the books is what kicked off most of the bank runs so far IIRC

>> No.54853737
File: 136 KB, 411x347, pull it (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you they would say when to pull it.

>> No.54853740

Got in at 18. Fucking wish I got in at 12. If this hits 25 in the new few days I'm selling.

>> No.54853745

I knew I should have bought LYFT puts. Pumped hard this week thanks to Uber.

>> No.54853748
File: 104 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230504-195528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are into all that Greek nerd shit you can indeed do it on your phone on Robinhood

>> No.54853751

I hope you know you are gambling on regional banks in an environment where every single one has nosedived

>> No.54853750

Cant get everyone moved to the cbdc without a little suffering anon. What do you think will happen if a lot of the small banks get gobbled up by the big ones and the big ones refuse to issue new debt? No one is talking about how the cbdc will be introduced, just what they perceive the plan is.

>> No.54853757

hey do you man, whatever works. But I'm just saying there are other ways to earn 4.6% (not on HOOD) with uninvested cash without paying the monthly subscription for Gold. Is it sitting there as available to trade cash? no it would be in a MM fund. But then you would also be with a real broker instead of a cell phone app that doesn't give you full market data. but end of the day, notmyproblem

>> No.54853760

a tad greedy no?

>> No.54853765
File: 18 KB, 474x306, th-1702381864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are loading up on cruise line stocks right??

>> No.54853770

that’s basically piss compared to 2008 from the graphs that I’ve seen
but it was a shitload of smol ass baby banks.
You’re asking to lose your money if you’re parking your life savings in a smol ass baby bank.
It’s mostly lost normies that have under $250k in the account, so it means very little to them

>> No.54853774


>> No.54853776
File: 45 KB, 750x484, 1643481310274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I spammed MIC.

>> No.54853782
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>> No.54853784

I can't wait

>> No.54853786

It hit 23 today. 25 is fair. 30 is greedy.

>> No.54853803

Their custodian is Canadian Royal Mint. Trudeau seizing your metal is your biggest custodial risk. Otherwise they have a pdf of all their bars' serial number on the site facts: https://sprott.com/media/1044/pslv-bar-list.pdf

PSLV minimum for redemption is for 10 1k oz bars. Each share is ~1/3oz. SLV doesn't guarantee redemption, only spot price exposure.

>> No.54853804

There's still time to buy RCL and NCLH. I wouldn't buy CCL tho

>> No.54853806
File: 6 KB, 202x248, Screenshot 2023-05-04 200120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't give you full market data.
all that shit is more than i know how to use regardless. i just try to buy low and sell high

>> No.54853810

i have no idea. i just play vix sometimes when its low. it normally spikes around the fomc rate hike days.

>> No.54853813
File: 225 KB, 1125x1230, 1683233904179136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have investigated ourselves and found no issues!

>> No.54853816

They didn't though, they have decreased earnings YoY and are doing a useless buyback, very low volume small pump that will be a dump tommorow after big boys trade their calls in for puts, SPY 380 is coming

>> No.54853822

>regional banks are... LE BAD!!!
Thats not whats going on kid. One or two banks were run by literal retards and connected to crypto (imagine /biz/ running a bank). Billionaire funds are now using standard short tactics with fake news to manipulate the market. This has happened many times before (you probably heard of GME and AMC as the biggest ones).

>> No.54853824

But I feel less greasy buying RTX/LMT

>> No.54853842

Yes but for smaller community banks
Dodd Frank was what culled them btw, not the recession itself. Powell said it on FOMC day but they serve a purpose economically JPM, Merill Lynch, etc usually can't. That won't stop them ofc.

>> No.54853854

Literally shills for short sellers lmao. They arent even trying. They got away with it so many times they are getting sloppy.

>> No.54853856

Especially going into the weekend. There should be warning signs flashing after what happened with FRC.

>> No.54853864

I wonder how much JPM pays for these hit jobs.

>> No.54853866

doesn't matter and I don't even disagree, acting like the market's just gonna go "oh wait maybe banks are okay" is just asking to be heemed

>> No.54853872
File: 62 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230504-200710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add whatever meme lines and look at whatever market data you want on Robinhood if that makes you feel like a "pro trader". The interest is paid monthly but calculated daily. Gold is $5 a month

Robinhood haters are seething faggots basically

>> No.54853912


>> No.54853925

The same shit that happened in March is happening again. People panic when the banks fail, there always a slight recovery. WAL went from 8 dollars to 32 within a few days. Its gonna happen again. WAL will be back to 40 on Q2 earnings.

>> No.54853949

Bloomberg anon explained it to me very well. He basically said that any bank can go under quite easily of a bank run starts, and all it takes to cause a bank run is a slightly negative news article about whichever bank they choose. No bank is safe in reality.

>> No.54853959
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>> No.54853960
File: 16 KB, 300x401, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interest is paid monthly but calculated daily
ain't that shit nice to see update every night!
us HOOD users might be niggers
but we are niggers with our own special elements of refinededness in tha mix

>> No.54853972

If that happens then the US regulators will have to step in. Because it will obviously domino.

>> No.54853985

I'm actually thinking about slurping some fuggin HOOD at the next bottom. This shit is bussin and I love that it makes boomers seethe that I'm finna get 4.6% interest on my cash while they get jewed on every trade with no perks on fidelity or whatever

>> No.54853994
File: 149 KB, 936x870, SPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news for everyone here. Take a look at my TA. Today's Planetary Positions overlayed with over SPY shows a near exact match. We can see that the most obvious linkages form a solid foundation on Gemini, Taurus, and Aries. Don't be fooled! See where the point is, right toward Scorpio. I put a red line to show where the point directs, and it's right toward the beginning of Scorpio. And when I extended that line, it went to about 450.
Buy your calls.

>> No.54854009
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>> No.54854021

I am sure the handover of bank assets to JPM by the regulators will go over very smoothly

>> No.54854031

That's essentially what is happening right now, but with small regional banks. About the only thing regulators could do is tell businesses that their money is in mandatory hodl mode, which would only buy them time, because as soon as hodl mode is lifted, they're pulling their money out even quicker out of spite.

>> No.54854035
File: 175 KB, 795x1000, stark-trek-1966-tv-series-photo-kirk-spock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold some HOOD green just today that I bought yesterday shortly before the bell.

>> No.54854037
File: 1.24 MB, 680x925, 1683238403897797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you retards loading up BBBYQ?

>> No.54854047

Let's be real, this is probably more accurate than anyone else's TA

>> No.54854055

maybe I'll buy some after cashing out of my 0DTE's tommorow, did that whore Sue sell the company yet?

>> No.54854057

Thats literally circular logic. Thats not what actually happens. On top of the fact that First Republic accounts were fine, so theres no reason to take it out of the bank in the first place. What he said is just ex post facto reasoning to justify whatever he wants to believe.

>> No.54854063
File: 122 KB, 900x600, bigbbqguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only load up on BBQ you know wat imsayin

>> No.54854066
File: 87 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20230429-141907~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it but I still think I have the best TA on smg

>> No.54854070
File: 109 KB, 1194x615, wild-bill-deadwood-feat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro trader
I'm no pro... But I am faster than you also not a pro. You can be more right than me, that matters not. Speed baby. And there ain't no way you can scalp faster than me. I'm wild bill, quick on the draw while you are pushing your thumbs on your phone screen randomly

>> No.54854078

Does googles ESG score get dinged for selling my data to junkmailers?

>> No.54854083
File: 29 KB, 1080x257, Screenshot_20230504-143658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a long term investor. I hold my options for almost 24 hours sometimes

>> No.54854089
File: 368 KB, 404x570, miko11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Bloomberg anon is my friend, you better watch your tone.

>> No.54854091

I’m starting to wonder what TA niggers even exist on /smg/
I don’t think any regular, recognizable posters do TA.
It’s even a new meme format to roast TA — Mott Capital.

But anyways, yes, 100% accurate

>> No.54854092
File: 117 KB, 1000x1156, 42f2cb0420a4dc1fdfbae5658fd8941e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, i do hate the occasional speed bump

>> No.54854096

Not risking them getting delisted, fuck that

>> No.54854100

>almost 24 hours
Too long for me. Notmyproblem

>> No.54854102

How heavy are those bags?

>> No.54854105


>> No.54854108

TA is worthless because it only relies on the past to predict the future.

>> No.54854110

I was about to do a big write up on using volume profile but I lost most of my trades using that strat so I bailed on my essay.

>> No.54854111
File: 124 KB, 740x900, dark-wojak-red-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally over tomorrow isnt it?

>> No.54854119
File: 204 KB, 396x302, 1682827098116661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit...

>> No.54854120

I already took profits on my shorts.

>> No.54854123
File: 222 KB, 823x527, 1622679654653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how else do you predict the future numbnuts?

>> No.54854124

>He says as indexs bounce off the same exact number they have failed to break through for the last year

>> No.54854130

Trips confirm, SPY 380 for Friday. Tim Apple failed

>> No.54854134
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>> No.54854137
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>> No.54854146

its literally all over

>> No.54854149
File: 72 KB, 676x960, 16e97e73e5c32e8aaf5c09c274abb577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's far from worthless, it shows behavioral trends, but it also far from dictates future behavior and the shit about specific PEE PEE POO POO PATTERNS is mostly a meme.

>> No.54854151


>> No.54854152
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>> No.54854158
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>> No.54854170


>> No.54854175
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>> No.54854182


>> No.54854188

Things like moving averages and certain patterns can certainly be signs things are oversold or overbought. It works until it doesn't. Major catalysts/macro events/Jewish money printing can make the old patterns and price levels irrelevant.

>> No.54854189
File: 38 KB, 574x644, pepe-halo-pray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, yea, thats my number one strategy actually.

oh shit are they uninverting?

>> No.54854193
File: 10 KB, 160x239, Kenneth_C._Griffin_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAL is below Ken Griffin's cost basis when he slurped the first dip in March. Ken Griffin can't lose right?

>> No.54854198
File: 66 KB, 1110x897, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 handle in ONE day. Shit's FUBAR

>> No.54854206

Hmm just a thought; today's PARAA divvy slash outta the blue news could be a ploy. Doesn't Warren Buffet own shares in this? Could be a way for him (or someone else) to swoop in and bag a shat load of cheap shares. Then next year; CEO says "we're bringing back our divvy at 0.24".

>> No.54854205

wait, this means people dont want 1-month right? they think something bad is gonna happen really soon?

>> No.54854210

It's even more inverted. It's almost fully inverted at this point.

>> No.54854216

what stock should i buy so my fiat dollars arent worthless

>> No.54854227

If something bad was going to happen in 1 month then the rest of the durations should have sold off too.

>> No.54854230

He's a rethuglikkkan hedge fund fascist being targeted for financial justice by the Biden administration, citizens of the earth are in control, validate the plan.

>> No.54854239
File: 95 KB, 1170x1190, Frd2xkdaYAETAXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54854240


>> No.54854250


>> No.54854252
File: 8 KB, 106x112, 1682922215034089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this shit to me like I'm a mongoloid with peanut butter all over his face and shirt.

>> No.54854260

Basically it's over.

>> No.54854271

Just be right bro

>> No.54854273
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>> No.54854290
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>> No.54854291


>> No.54854296
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>> No.54854298

1. A bond rate is inverse of its demand. Higher rates indicate lower demand, and lower rates indicate a higher demand.

2. In normal economic times, bonds with longer maturities are expected to have higher rates than those with less time to mature

3. that curve is all fucked up

>> No.54854302

(no picrel)

>> No.54854317

I'm up 3% today but down 30% overall. The market is fun!

>> No.54854321

I can't believe the man is shorting bonds to start a bank run. If the short duration bonds are this kill those unrealized losses are going to obliterate any remaining holders. Gonna pull another 300 from US Bank to speed things up.

>> No.54854326
File: 149 KB, 790x631, 1678841033765011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh shit. Really?!

>> No.54854334
File: 477 KB, 1500x1405, 20230504_053212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Truist is the best risk/reward bank. WAL, PACW, and CMA are all the next highest in deposit loss percentage.

>> No.54854336

>the man

>> No.54854346

the market will make its highest highs before it makes its lowest lows.

It means people think America wont be able to pay them back in the short to mid term. People wouldnt want longer term bonds because who konws what will happen in 20 years but now they dont want short term because theyre thinking "who knows what will happen in 1 year".

>> No.54854357

>buy low and sell high
People like to complicate the simple things

>> No.54854368
File: 33 KB, 480x454, c3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do business with some of those companies.

>> No.54854374
File: 308 KB, 700x631, 1669833411471046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will SPY hit 415 again before 380?

>> No.54854388
File: 260 KB, 611x414, Surely_there_will_not_be_adverse_consequences_from_this_scenario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my efund is in one of those banks
it will still be easily accessible during FDIC receivership... r-right??

>> No.54854396
File: 56 KB, 819x1024, 1670620610763233m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing and checking your work

>> No.54854402

Lets say a women had a body count of 100+. WOuld you not then use her past as a prediction for her future behavior?

>> No.54854411

No because body count doesn't matter

>> No.54854424

you will never be an incel.

>> No.54854432
File: 820 KB, 1540x1222, 1664383446931606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300+ replies
Fresh bread: >>54854403
Fresh bread: >>54854403
Fresh bread: >>54854403

>> No.54854445


>> No.54854452

truist is an absolute shit show. I'm surprised the run was so small on them.

>> No.54854469

It feels like every stock is red yet SPY is only down 0.71%. This is some hebrew magic.

>> No.54854489

15% of spy is fucking MSFT/AAPL/NVDA, the most unhinged and overvalued stocks in existence

>> No.54854491


>> No.54854620

holy shit, I was literally just posting about how fucking wild it’d be to see the 1mo-10yr invert sometime within the past week.

Has this shit ever fucking happened before? I’ve literally never heard of this being a thing before

>> No.54854638

could this from people dumping the dollar, or is it just run-of-the-mill recession inversion fubar?

>> No.54854645
File: 1.71 MB, 360x240, 1334651663856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are futes green then

>> No.54854647

Please don't tell me you're the FRC at 19 guy

>> No.54854730
File: 82 KB, 735x551, ce21c2a300e794bc5a54f4d73ceb6d18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they be enticing short af term treasuries investors as part of dealing with the debt ceiling issue, just getting up some quick mooney fo da bills due?

>> No.54854740

why do you say that? Are you talking about the managment or what?

>> No.54854768
File: 1.86 MB, 1080x1987, pss6kda0erv41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tha bank catastrophes tend to

>> No.54854771


>> No.54854803

remembering the last couple of months

>> No.54854933

Are any of these primary located in the west coast? Those would be the most unstable.

>> No.54854947


>> No.54855846

lmao that was fast

>> No.54857023

Apple with this bad numbers this high is fake and gay, expect a may dump as last year. How the fuck did they make less money than last year when a war broke out? Most companies this year surpassed Q1 2022 exactly because of that reason. This is why all companies "shine". Might even be worse should "analysts" base their estimate on Q1 2022 numbers, cause it's obvious that these were bad warrelated and only can be better now, since rate aren't biting hard enough yet.