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54849317 No.54849317 [Reply] [Original]

Where are these economically attractive gentlemen?

>> No.54849360

shoo shoo phone poster

>> No.54849377

I'm right here. But we don't love these hoes.

>> No.54849383

they are busy slinging shitcoin which is equally exhilarating as porking a roastie slampig

>> No.54849398 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1280x1280, photo_2023-05-03_23-48-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a lambo and get it over with

>> No.54849405
File: 483 KB, 1080x892, Screenshot_2023-05-04-18-41-11-819-edit_org.telegram.messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4CHAN and BIZ holders

>> No.54849416

Waiting for happening day

>> No.54849430

This is the biggest cope I have ever seen, on par with we wuz kangz, lol what rich guy wants stinky used up pussy, that ain't even your money ho, that boomer you fucked to get your job is your pimp, ditto in college, literal prostitutes with more steps haha

>> No.54849450
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Dis be da poompa

>> No.54849454

Seriously. I don't understand why women don't get well off men have MORE choice and less tolerance for their bullshit.

>> No.54849461

>It's not you
Uh, it kinda sounds like it IS them with their unrealistic Mr Big Sex and the City expectations.

>> No.54849478

No man that has ever lived sat around fantasising about a career woman who only dates men that make more than her

>> No.54849497
File: 182 KB, 1440x1800, 1682106472615464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ladies, its not your fault that you have extremely unreaslitic expectations, its fault of the male population for not being exclusively 6ft tall while earning 6figs AND being single between the age of 25 to 35 AND willing to commit to an open relationship. ITS NOT YOU, ITS MEN.

>> No.54849529

>that fist
i mean, she had all her time to take a photo

>> No.54849547

Asian women might just have fucked up hands, my Korean gf can't make a proper fist to save her life either and her index finger sticks out the same way

>> No.54849574
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Choose wisely.

>> No.54849584

if you want the money
you're going to need the virginity

>> No.54849592
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Driving lambos, obviously.

>> No.54849697 [DELETED] 

Trading shitcoins and staying indoors all day.
t. shitcoin trader virgin with a net worth of 2milly

>> No.54849741

>(((study))) says

>> No.54849751


>> No.54849755

>also be 75 year old boomer dad
>whenever he reads study says he believes it
>reason is because the new york times or washington post wouldn't lie because back in muh time they'd go to jail for libel or some shit
The naivety on these boomers is something else

>> No.54849758

Men don't have money. Women most affected.

>> No.54849811

new money and non-inherited wealth at the top end of the scale is nearly all men.
there is a massive oversupply of "10/10" women compared to, say, anyone with $20million

>> No.54849934

This is 100% demoralization judenpresse propaganda. The are some women that actually do think like this, but it's in the single-digit percentages.

>> No.54849938

Content aside, studies like this flat-out shouldn't be published. Scientists have zero right complaining about "fake news" when anyone can write up some piss-poor "study" featuring 10 people, vague criteria, data out of which the conclusion was beaten out, trials that were re-run until until the "intended" conclusion came out, and often enough outright fraud.
When anyone tells you to "trust science", he should look at Andrew Wakefield's outright fraudulent 1998 paper that didn't get retracted for 12 years from the Lancet. It's not that the scientific method isn't useful, but that the people who's set themselves up as its authorities have failed it in almost every regard possible, and have become, in terms of methodology, worse than Buzzfeed or any other clickbait site that frankly tends to have the decency to put disclaimers onto disproven articles after maybe a few weeks.

>> No.54850024

I hate women

>> No.54850026

Idiocracy was wrong. The only men who reproduce are either
>quasi-retarded lower class men whose mates are supported by social programs
>intelligent upper class men whose mates are supported by their income
western society will become genetically stratified into intelligent and unintelligent strata desu

>> No.54850072

the way it's always been
only now it'll be even more obvious with the mulatto races looking nothing like the pure european lineages at the top.

>> No.54850117

oh fuck off poltard. have you ever heard of the term hybrid vigor?

>> No.54850119

Literally like Mexico.

>> No.54850147

mulattos will seethe and disagree but you're not wrong

>> No.54850189

>hybrid vigor
doesn't exist, you dumb shitskin nigger

>> No.54850218
File: 1.37 MB, 3084x2394, RobertDeNegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You can't just throw two things together, you have to carefully handpick both.

>> No.54850231

don't worry, there'll be plenty of pure europeans in the lower classes.
humans are genetically predisposed to prefer white children. how do you think light skin evolved significantly faster than it needed to due to vitamin d deficiencies alone?

or brazil, only with brazil it's the european outsiders that landed and ruled the natives, but there's a similar correlation with genetic hierarchy and social hierarchy.

>> No.54850232
File: 441 KB, 1988x2048, 1663780813881075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies, I'm just not good enough for you. Back to my video games I go. Oh, that trip I booked to thailand? Don't worry about it. I'm just very interested in asian culture.

>> No.54850245

>men, it's not you. There just aren't enough debt-free virgins with no tattoos

>> No.54850279
File: 438 KB, 717x679, gook fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Korean gf
beta male spotted LMAO

>> No.54850292

I'm a decent looking guy that can get a girl but I don't want one. Even Chads and Tyrons don't want these hoes. The women of our generation were stolen from us by capitalists. These women were purposely destroyed by capitalists because they know if they can ruin women morally they would be easier owned and ground to dust in their corporations plus it would double consumption of their goods and services. Women are the ultimate consumer class. They know if they enable them to be whores it would ruin their prospects of marriage and that would only benefit the capitalist ruling class as now they wouldn't have to deal with a strong middle class of families below them. They don't need normal people to have children here, they want mixed race, uncultured and divided children and families or better yet, they can just import people here that are born in other parts of the world. Why shit where you eat? They prefer an underclass of single, low IQ sheep to rule over that have no union between them and cannot harm their power in any way