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54848212 No.54848212 [Reply] [Original]

why does ETH consume so much electricity?

>> No.54848876

op pic has actually only served to make me think that eth electricity consumption is way less than i thought it was and is not that bad at all.

>> No.54849263
File: 376 KB, 1921x698, ethbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did some digging on this site and I think I got a comparison with Bitcoin.

ETH energy usage in 2022: 2.33 gigawatt-hours
BTC energy usage in 2022: 107.21 terawatt-hours

BTC is 46x more energy intensive than Ethereum. That is huge.
Can someone explain why they use differently named measuring units for different mining mechanisms tho? Energy unit is still equal to energy unit tho right?

>> No.54849375

>no date published
So is this before or after PoS? Shoddy work.

>> No.54849397 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck cares energy needs manpower if you’re buying eth you’re creating jobs

>> No.54849582

i think this speaks more on how horrifically power hungry that university is

>> No.54849915

Yeah, are they running a particle accelerator or something?

>> No.54850040

I live in Cambridge and a cab driver once told me that the university helped plan the invasion of Iraq

>> No.54850197

that's GWh vs TWh.

BTC is 46,000x more power hungry

>> No.54850590

And how much power is used for the electric dildos that go into the ass of people making these comparisons?

>> No.54851160

I thought this problem would be solved with ETH 2.0. KEK

>> No.54851460
File: 12 KB, 250x217, 1647724209901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why they still prefer ETH when there are other solid projects that are better

>> No.54851493

Who cares when Eth is a centralized PoS scam now
40% blocks are "mined" by two entities coinbase and lido
Nice decentralisation there

Coupled with the fact that consensus (JPMorgan) runs the development
Censorship is now rampant

And solidity fucking sucks, it does the job now but in 10 years?

Cope metheads

>> No.54851523

It's after.
PoW Ethereum used far, far more, closer to that of a small country, like Bitcoin still does.

>> No.54851531

>when there are other solid projects that are better
..such as?

>> No.54851606

seconding this
after 3 years on /biz/ I still struggle to seperate the wheat from the chaff

>> No.54851646

Actually it's in the article. ~2 GW for PoW ETH vs ~17 GW for BTC. That surprised me because I thought ETH had more volume.

>> No.54851766

That sounds very odd. Ethereum had similar or greater mining-generated revenue as Bitcoin, which should have led to the same or greater size mining network, all else being equal.
My best guess is that there was far less Ethereum mining equipment being purchased in the months or even years leading up to the merge, because potential miners factored the merge into the equation and knew that it wouldn't be profitable if they had to decommission the miners after so little time.

>> No.54851792

cope, no way BTC uses 46000x more electricity
Site probably has some error

>> No.54851825

Did you not know that Ethereum stopped mining? And how demanding of electricity mining really is?
I was actually surprised the difference was only 46000x.

>> No.54851832

>593 air conditioners
Wow the entire Ethereum network uses as much power as a small town in Japan's air conditioners. It's over.

>> No.54851878

46,000x is not far off. I did my own calculations and came up with 39,000x.

>> No.54852474

Stay away from eth