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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 443 KB, 1767x1480, build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54846492 No.54846492 [Reply] [Original]

>the project will make 7% of its native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers
We're so gonna make it, LINK staking chads.

>> No.54846497
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cuck sisters...when are our bags going to pump?

>> No.54846499
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This post is going to rile up the troon fudders

>> No.54846511

Checked and not even a minute in and they're already here, kek.

>> No.54846513

they're already riled up
im pretty sure someone is running a script to post the same pasta in their fud threads over and over again and they cant really do anything about it lmfao

>> No.54846519

dumb cuckolds lol

>> No.54846522

Do you seriously think none of the fud is automated?

>> No.54846582

when did i say that none of the fud was automated?

>> No.54846604

If it sounds too good to be true...

>> No.54846615

i have no idea, i'm high as shit. i don't even know what I was getting at. Sorry.

>> No.54846656

me too
its all good lol
im pretty sure a decent chunk of fudding is automated but its still funny seeing their threads reduced to being even more functionally useless than usual by some autist with a script

>> No.54846677

Sounds like it’s over for Everest?

>> No.54846804


>> No.54846867

I wish I staked everything. I only staked 25% because I thought MAYBE I would want to offload some during a run (lol) and I also was scared shit would fuck up and maybe I could lose it all.. but all the BUILD and SCALE and straight revenue deals are going to make APY minimally 50% and I feel like a retard missing out on so much easy money. I guess I should be glad I staked what I did.

>> No.54846891

How does this make price go up? It only goes down

>> No.54846906

straight revenue deals and all the BUILD and SCALE airdrops, will eventually lead to price appreciation

>> No.54846996


>> No.54847010

hopefully at some unspecified point in the future, it could be staking v0.2, it could be something else none truly knows

>> No.54847013

you guessed: just two more weeks

>> No.54847039
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>> No.54847357

sigh...we are running out of time. What is the exact holdup here? Like why do we have to wait until December every year to see if the next feature is coming out. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY DO ALL YEAR

>> No.54847440
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>cuck sisters...when are our bags going to pump?

>> No.54847454
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>dumb cuckolds lol

>> No.54847462

we're running out of hope and time

>> No.54847465
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>> No.54847629

I can't wait to play sergey and periodically dump my pristine minted tokens on the seething market

>> No.54847758

Service providers INCLUDING stakers.

So realistically stakers will at most see half of the 7% airdrop while service providers get the other half

>> No.54847823

so the cuckolds are now spamming…ugly fish to mock the “FUDDERS”? lmao

>> No.54847955
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>so the cuckolds are now spamming…ugly fish to mock the “FUDDERS”? lmao

>> No.54848557

I fail to understand how any of the Build shitcoins are going to have any value?

>> No.54848599

we're hoping that they do at this point
why are you asking these questions? nobody knows anything, not even the team themselves, I'm 100% staked so I have literally no other option than to trust them, and desu most of the people posting here are on the same boat

>> No.54848659

Sergey has billions of pre mined shitcoins he can dole out for 7 dollars a pop, his only opx costs are paying HR women to drain his balls, jeets to make templates to deploy his worthless Oracles on different cloud providers that he calls "partnerships", and Eastern European schizophrenics to make flowchart diagrams that have increasingly lost any semblance to a functional ecosystem or even reality for that matter, and occasionally greasing the palms of different consulting companies to include them in their worthless reports.
He can keep LINK holders engaged with this system and has enough runway for 2 decades, forget two weeks. That's assuming he doesn't just rug but his fanatics would probably hunt him down if he tried that. In a lot of ways by starting this cult Sergey is just as locked in to this as any of the retards that staked this semen slurping token.

>> No.54848688
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>the project will make 7% of its native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers
>make available
lol at everyone thinking this is an airdrop. they're just going to let you buy it. your staked link is basically and NFT that allows you to buy more shit that will never pump and only decrease in value. nice grift, truly sergay is the king of all grifters and you idiots will keep sending him your money.

>> No.54848805
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>found the Bulgarian Jew!!!

>> No.54849021

>they're just going to let you buy it
lmao @ cumbrained faggots making shit up.

pool's closed nigger, you are NEVER getting in

>> No.54849052

Blah blah blah fud all day everyday. Are you trannies getting paid? If not, then you have to be mentally ill.

>> No.54849062

You will never be a real identity provider. You have no biometrics, you have no regulatory approval, you have no ongoing monitoring. You are a credential sharing platform glorified by buzzwords about blockchain into a crude mockery of true identity.
All the “validation” you get is misunderstanding and non-compliant. Behind your back people mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “users” implement actual solutions behind closed doors.
Institutions are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of KYC and AML have allowed institutions to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even DIDs who “verify” through soul bound tokens and ZKP won’t be accepted. Your lack of biometry at the base level is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a green check mark NFT, any serious clients will turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your failure to acquire a license.
You will never be compliant. You wrench out a fake verification every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the regulation creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy $ID, run a VNO, stake your tokens, and comply with regulations. Your clients will find you, relieved that they no longer have to risk dealing with the authorities. They’ll delegate their tokens to a VNO with a better reputation than yours, and every Everchain observer for the rest of eternity will know a superior solution is used. Your project will decay and go back to the dust, or you will be sent to prison and get butt raped daily by Tyrone and his gang.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.54849068
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>doesnt know what a DID is

>> No.54849076

lmao there is only one solution to identity and it's not even close

>> No.54849078

Price isn't looking too good. I would advise a sell action on chainlink.

>> No.54849090

Price of link looks good for buying to me

>> No.54849115

Early access staking Chad here. This all sounds good to me, my only question is when the fuck are we gonna start actually getting this shit sent to our wallets?
>t. haven't actually checked my wallet contents in like 2 months

>> No.54849130

Same, only staked 3.5k out of fear, especially considering what happened with lpl at the same time. I'm just happy to be a part of it though, still made like 60 linking so far.

>> No.54849183

try reading the post before replying you massive retard, the post is chainlink fud
jesus christ the autism on this board

>> No.54849222

Kek if is true. I swear steaking is punishment for all the fat sergey memes.

>> No.54849737
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I don’t, I haven’t done my research ID anon. Can you explain to a retard why Everest is the one and only?

>> No.54849824
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Everest is the only *identity* provider because it uses biometry at the base level. Everything else so far are glorified credential sharing platforms. It doesnt matter how many fancy zkps are used to wrap up a piece of identification, that piece of identification can always be faked. Also the regulatory compliance.
The following is from Bob (I got criticized for casting pearls before swine last time I posted it, rightly so perhaps but whatever):

DeFi will be regulated……that means a full compliance suite
-Identity verification, deduplication
-Risk rating
-Ongoing monitoring
-Policies, procedures, insurance, etc…...
Problems……DeFi players
1) don’t have any of this, nor know how to do it, and they will need to outsource all of this, and
they want to stay clean holding any identity data or KYC checks anyway
2) 99% think that a green check mark on a wallet from a SW vendor will satisfy these requirements……It’s honestly driving me crazy
a) DIDs…..hashes of credentials will not satisfy the above. And you can launder money money with DIDs. And you don't derive an identity from credential - it's vice versa.
b) SoulBound Tokens……..cute idea, might be relevant for reputation, but if you’re using just those without a real identity underneath, you’re going to jail
c) Zero knowledge proofs……wrap a KYC green checkmark inside of an encrypted proof……again, not compliance, not identity, no way to do any reporting, etc……I can launder money with it, and DeFi suppliers will go to jail
- Contract with an entity that has the same reporting, data retention & protection laws……so a licensed crypto custodian
- Risk rate users and transactions
- Perform ongoing monitoring
- Don’t actually pass the data to the DeFi project (keeps them clean), but have it available on-demand
Guess who is uniquely positioned to supply the solution? Everest.

>> No.54849843

make a new video Chainlink Tonight anon

>> No.54849850

no u

>> No.54849875

>altverse AI
Sounds super promising. What is 7% of 0?

>> No.54849882

i hate you, chainlink tonight anon

>> No.54849887

7% of the supply distributed among the 25 Million+ LINK that are staked?

>> No.54849897

he was indifferent to me until he made the Sergey Betray video, then I had a change of heart

>> No.54849900

I have 7k staked and I don’t understand how anyone is excited about any of these retarded build projects. It’s all just more worthless shitcoins.

>> No.54849910

checked and I know this feel bro

>> No.54849918

bro 20K daily non volume, 3M mcap and price only going down and down while MiCA is already officially confirmed

at which point do you actually move on?

>> No.54849966

kek thanks for your concern

>> No.54849998

make new videos about the absolute state of Chainlink® and forget about that shitcoin anon

>> No.54850052
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you can't :)

>> No.54850171

Who were you referring to as the subsequent hire to Crypto Oracle? Phil Daian?

>> No.54850288


We staked our LINK tokens because we bought them when they were dirt cheap with the plan of never selling, so we might as well get some more LINK as a reward. Now, obviously we're excited about these extra rewards (tokens from 25+ projects) because we're getting them FOR FREE. How is this hard to understand? The 4.75% staking rewards in LINK is more than enough for us. To get even more rewards is fun.

>> No.54850390

Checked. This disintegrates the fudtroon.

>> No.54850405

I am done with cuck sisters and staking link, lost a ton of money on that shit. fucking better to stake my private ETH on RAIL wallet any day.

>> No.54850443

trading six years of my life for 700$ is not worth it.
sorry eight year because we are still two years away from a bull run

>> No.54850461

>The 4.75% staking rewards in LINK is more than enough for us
you shouldn't speak on behalf of others anon

>> No.54850466

it's enough for me

>> No.54850491

checked and good for you

>> No.54850497

Yes, I was mocking the incoming stream of LINKchuds blaming the Illuminati, the Jews, the Bulgarians, SBF, anyone but themselves.

>> No.54850501

i'm glad you think so

>> No.54850503

7% to chainlink
7% of that to stakers
7% of that to the community stake pool
thats %0.0343!

>> No.54850518

that's enough for me

>> No.54850522
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imagine bragging about making $700 in SIX MONTHS

fucking lmao, staking is literally a chastity cage for cuckolds like you

>> No.54850542

sorry fudwojakanon, that level of irony was 2deep4me
yes, I also think that an even higher apy would be even better.
what do you think about that?

>> No.54850555
File: 742 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200218-163852_Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Another blessed LINK thread. We are going to make it brothers. I love Jesus, and Jesus loves us. God be with you brothers!

>> No.54850608

I don't want to insult you senpai, but it has become very apparent that (You)'re really into hardcore IR fetish humiliation stuff, not the people you're mocking.
Just saying

>> No.54850637

That's a good question. I think it's fine to have that opinion. But for me, the current apy is enough.

>> No.54850663

yeah had to search what's that about. I doubt that anyone but actual mindbroken fetishists know what that portrays, but watch him pretend as if that embarrassing shit is general knowledge lol

>> No.54850787

Sorry you feel that way Anon, and I hope we all make it.

Where are you getting this $700 figure from? You do realize we have WAY more than one wallet staked, right? Oh and guess what I'm gonna do with the rewards? Yup, gonna stake them. I'm literally never selling a single LINK token.

Checked, bless you Anon.

>> No.54851509

>Where are you getting this $700 figure from? You do realize we have WAY more than one wallet staked, right? Oh and guess what I'm gonna do with the rewards? Yup, gonna stake them. I'm literally never selling a single LINK token.
you know that in order to make money you need to sell. why am i talking to a stupid faggot that bought at 50$ peak bull run

>> No.54851921

So you’re saying someone with multiple wallets bought at LEAST 7,000+ link at 50$?
That doesn’t seem right to me.

>> No.54852003

If even one of those shit projects are classified as a security, Chainlink gets fucked by the SEC and LINK goes to 0

>> No.54852011

this :}
link = a security
going to zero

>> No.54853825

4chan is done in the age of AIs...

We need a decentralized and transparent solution enforcing a form of ID to prevent this.

>> No.54853865
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we just keep winning

>> No.54853870
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>> No.54853895
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>Sergey dumps another million tokens to buy some literal who endorsement


>> No.54853908

What's the price?

>> No.54854622

As opposed to freely defending the guy scamming you? Youre down hundreds of thousands last year…and you thank the guy doing it. YOU are a KEKOLD

>> No.54854642

A simple yes would have sufficed. lol @ ur life. With love from New Zealand.

>> No.54854646

Because youre a cuckold, and idiot. Get a calculator. Also, nothing in life is free, remember that

>> No.54854671

WOW was it $2,800 instead of $700!!!! High roller alert everyone!!! H h h made bank interest on not just one stack, b but several. Warren Buffet over here

>> No.54854697

>Get a calculator
You made your first post ITT 11 hours ago. I think we can both assume you haven't been outside or done anything constructive since then. How many times have you coomed? Can we extrapolate this data and extend it over a long time frame? How long have you lived like this? Can you please calculate for me? Do you have any idea what you have done to your own life?! Where is this all leading to?

>> No.54854750

I staked just under 50%. I would have gone all in, but I subscribed a bit too hard to the "not your keys, not your crypto" deal and wanted to maintain some control of my stinky linkies.

Oh well. The moment they open up the gates again, I'm dumping the rest in.

>> No.54854792

He actually made $2,800,000 you just don't know it yet.

>> No.54854796
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>> No.54856183

it was so weird how he demanded an extra tall chair like that

>> No.54856530
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It's just visual perspective trick

>> No.54856682

Why would LINK be adversely affected? Just remove it from the build program. The company who created the security would take the brunt of the litigation if not all of it.

>> No.54856771

I'll believe it when I see it. None of us have received any BUILD rewards.

>> No.54857063

Are you mentally retarded? Do you not know what smart contracts are?

>> No.54857078
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Very nice and gay

>> No.54857135
File: 65 KB, 1342x712, may lows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the last vestiges of hopium for LINK from a PA perspective was that it never put in a new low on BTC since last May. If it does and the LINKBTC yearly candle turns negative, I literally don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I cannot keep rationalising the position regardless of what I think about fundamentals. By that point it's just a broken strategy.

>> No.54857142

You could always move into tea leaf reading. Or animal bones. Both have all the predictive power of TA.

>> No.54857163

They’ll probably time out with Staking 1.0. All the 0.1 stakers will get 100 airdrops at once and they can use that to market the community pool as they expand it to 75m.

>> No.54857251

Normie brainlet response

>> No.54857477

Quick bro draw some more lines

>> No.54857697

Enough with the TA shit. You guys have been calling for a Wyckoff break out since the start of the year and who knows what else I have forgotten.

>> No.54857912

I think you're confused, this project is paying chainlink

>> No.54857923

That's the goal of jump trading and every other corrupt VC.
Direct the money flow into their scam and attack the project which takes away from their corrupt scheme.
It could create a final capitulation and a new lower low in $ price which is what the paid fud wants to accumulate by stealing from /biz/ at a lower price.

On the other side this is what Sergey deserves for not confronting the market manipulators and letting them destroy his community for the last 3 years.

>> No.54857933

What's the strategy for our airdrops, fellow stakechads?
Immediately sell all of them, use it to buy more LINK and restake in the V1.0 pool?

>> No.54857935

Gonna dump that shit if we are in bull market and market buy LINK

>> No.54857962

I think that's the play. Some of them are probably going to really take off, but it's way lower risk to just sell them for more LINK. Especially when we can just use it to compound more airdrops from V1.0.
It means I'll have to pay a bit of extra tax because I won't get my country's 50% capital gains tax saving for holding them for over a year, but it's worth it to maximise my V1.0 stake.

>> No.54857966

>What's the strategy for our airdrops
Half the projects will be defunct by the time we actually get the airdrops.

>> No.54858024

It would be better if Chainlink managed the BUILD stake for us.
The BUILD tokens are meant to pay for the node oracle services and the payment method for the different projects.
They should be converted into LINK payments for the node operator and community pool and replace the need to use the remaining team supply to subsidize everything.

>> No.54858045

implying that charts matters if the usd price stays stable, but go ahead and panic sell anyways
to time to rotate out in eth was a good while ago before eth pumped
is long term value investing really that arcane an art

>> No.54858071
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also according to conventional TA what does that say where this graph is going next
massive down capitulation or up, you tell me concerned anon it isnt a trick question nor a contentious looking chart
what does TA says is going to happen here

>> No.54858472

>being Australian
The absolute state

>> No.54858709

i've considered this before and was surprised i never saw it posted here(until now). in alot of ways this actually makes by far the most sense

>> No.54858715

I think the reason is that a lot of them are very early projects, and their tokens aren't on any dexes yet. Converting them to LINK would also be bad for the projects, because it puts instant sell pressure on their tokens rather than creating an inherent (but small) vested interest in their success.

>> No.54858895


Green dildo to $100.

>> No.54858967


Anon, have you audited the contracts yourself to see who controls what? Even Chainlink's data pricefeeds have a multisig where X out of 20 wallets are needed to shut on and off price feeds.

Hell, Bancor is a decentralized protocol, but they still had centralization to shutdown the impermanent loss insurance when Celsius Network was panic bailing out of every DeFi protocol they were farming in.

>> No.54859464

So youre down millions in the last year and now you celebrate a few grand at bank interest rates…

>> No.54859487

>asking another guy if he jerked off
What a fag

>if you posted at x time, and then again at y time, it means you were indoors all day

You aint too bright are ya

>> No.54859543

Yeah for that reason I think theyll all end up worthless or close to it. It will be a race to sell as soon as people receive. Of course we are years and years off of having to deal with this. Only 6 more Decembers from now before release

>> No.54859659


>> No.54859949

I was having coffee with Sergey the other day and he promised me that next year is going to be awesome and that we're not only having a 4th industrial revolution but also a 5th one. Can you believe it? WGMI

>> No.54862349

good point, that makes more sense

>> No.54862721

You are dumber than 5 boxes of Nigger brand Niggers.