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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54842962 No.54842962 [Reply] [Original]

>even if you were a very big actor with a lot of money, even if you're a market maker or a hedge fund, you cannot go and manipulate the Chainlink data source, to steal and extract value from DeFi
Sergey's best talk in years. Fucking love him going after these crooks. Imagine how completely untouchable Paradigm et al would feel without Sergey breathing down their necks. They would rule everything and they would run crypto into the ground.

>> No.54842973
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And the response from the rent-seekers lmao
Fucking tradfi corporate grifters, the antithesis of the entire crypto vision.

>> No.54842996


>> No.54843003

It was a particularly urgent and plain spoken talk for someone like Sergey.

>> No.54843009

I'm probably 135 of those.

>> No.54843068

holy fuck go outside

>> No.54843075

I'm watching it outside.

>> No.54843091

good, stay there

>> No.54843109

Stop stealing money from people.

>> No.54843300

Based af Sergey. Is this at their hackathon or whatever?

>> No.54843310

No it was at Consensus 2023 which is even better. He was in the belly of the beast talking to a ton of devs who were probably getting courted by the same parasites he was calling out.

>> No.54843320

went to vc central and called them all out
imagine how exhausting it is
even having close partners like snx being bought out by vc cutout pyth

>> No.54843322

Will there need to be a major crash before Link can takeoff?

>> No.54843340

You all do realize the amount of unlimited coffers they have to continue dumping on Serg? He's not beating an army of Paradigm, Jump, Polychain

>> No.54843345

I am watching some of the other videos now... when he called certain oracles "psychopath hedge fund traders" who is he referring to exactly?

>> No.54843348

Chainlink are now openly taking on the most powerful hedge fund/VC/market maker cartel in crypto.
Worst case scenario that power bloc keeps Chainlink's price suppressed until the absolutely final possible moment that Chainlink is generating so much value that the token price has to increase, suppression or no.
They've succeeded for the last couple of years, there's no way to say how much longer they'll get their way.
The main difference is now Sergey is calling them out in public. The downside is that only 100 /biz/ autists are literate enough in the technology to understand what's going on and actually barrack for the good guys.

>> No.54843355

Pyth oracles owned by Jump trading in that specific example, also Maker and Paradigm.

>> No.54843365


>> No.54843404

How can I get involved in the matter?

>> No.54843405

All it really takes is one fully unhinged genius to completely free Sergey of his opponents.

>> No.54843436

Spread awareness about the literal billions of dollars that crypto investors are losing to MEV parasites. Make it a big deal. Get the parasites to actually have to respond to it.
The whole thing is so incestuous that there isn't a single prominent talking head actually willing to call this shit out, except for Sergey.

>> No.54843451

Oh this the part where Sergey is making enemies. Shmidt mentioned something along these lines. It’s about time Sergey puts all these faggots and their minions down.
If you give me more information on culprits I’ll spread this far.

>> No.54843496

>Spread awareness about the literal billions of dollars that crypto investors are losing to MEV parasites. Make it a big deal. Get the parasites to actually have to respond to it.
>The whole thing is so incestuous that there isn't a single prominent talking head actually willing to call this shit out, except for Sergey.

Just spread it to the SEC/Gensler. Just mention what MEV is, how its predatory, and name who is guilty. Miners, DEXes, nodes, ETH devs, ETH whales, and trading firms all benefit from it.

>> No.54843539
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>> No.54843551

Not to worry tho, oldfags on /biz/ have the foolproof plan to drown potential enterprise users of chainlink in FUD to "force sirgay to pump the price".

>> No.54843597

Does he have a Twitter? I will start posting all of this on it kek. Fuck these guys.

>> No.54843633

Pyth and gelato

>> No.54843675

yep what the project doesn't need on top is bagholders spamming ct everywhere

>> No.54843767
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>posts a huge crossed-out Chainlink logo
>"I-I'm not trying to shit on Chainlink, guys"


>> No.54843916

Sergey calling them out probably got an attention from whales and big other players. Since they dump Btc to kill the momentum of the link pump. They are exposing themselves and their positions. Counter-traders can bid and buy a cheap BTC when the link pumps. There is always a bigger fish.

Last dump they used 25 million USD worth of btc almost 900 BTC. If the dump gets bought quickly their 900 BTC will be worth less depending on the reaction. Next time they pull that shit and if BTC pumps 30 percent after the dump Whoops your 900 BTC is now turned into a 600 BTC.

>> No.54844100


I think you can make formal messages or claim to their website.

JUMP, Uniswap, Infura, mining pools, ETH whales, ETH devs and more all profit from this scandalous behavior. If they want to focus on regulation this should it.

They'd probably go full retard though and do things that are bullshit but hey the MEV Mafia.

Regulation is only positive for Chainlink

>> No.54844105

Do you guys need to be reminded of Gensler and his handling of FTX? The SEC has confirmed they have no actual interest in going after the bad guys.

>> No.54844162

Something that I missed the first time watching the talk is how Serg was commenting how the FTX fallout resulted in conversations where Chainlink had to convince people/companies/others curious about web3 they’re nothing like FTX. I’m sure part of Serg’s anger comes from the fact that FTX caused a lot of companies to go cold on any web3 initiatives they had up until FTX blew up. And you just have to wonder if any potential CCIP deals were impacted.

Obviously we can point the finger and question how SBF was invited to SmartCon. But whatever the reason was it seems Serg learned a (painful) lesson: this industry attracts absolute psychopaths and Chainlink needs to be much more careful with who they work with going forward. BUILD seems like a good way of creating better incentives for all participants. I think up until late last year Serg was hopelessly naive about how he thought this was all going to work. He’s always had a “let the tech speak for itself” mentality which clearly isn’t enough to win against these niggers. I’m seriously curious to see just how far this ideological fight over MEV will continue to escalate. When you consider how much money is at stake is it really absurd to consider that these niggers might actually do physical harm?

>> No.54844192

>Do you guys need to be reminded of Gensler and his handling of FTX? The SEC has confirmed they have no actual interest in going after the bad guys.

I don't see that as a reason to not try. He's been getting hammered with bad press lately too maybe he will actually take some action for a saving grace. Odds are he is bought out by large players in the ETH ecosystem honestly he won't even say if its a security or not when pressed.

The idea is to be so annoying and raise a metric fuck ton of awareness about MEV. Most people still don't have a clue what it is and how they are being robbed of value whenever they make a swap.

>> No.54844207

By all means try, I personally have no expectations from that snake Gensler is all I’m saying.

>> No.54844240

>By all means try, I personally have no expectations from that snake Gensler is all I’m saying.


>> No.54844269

run the juels should be the leader

>> No.54844636

>I'm soooo angry at psychopath hedge fund traders!
>I was forced to prove to companies interested on web3 that we are nothing like FTX1!1
maybe he should have contemplated that before deciding to shill Celsius, Bancor, and FTX itself
he made his bed, now he can lie on it.

>> No.54844666

how come no one is holding those Bankless scammers to account?
Why does Sassal the Scammer get a free pass?

>> No.54844691

how come none from the team has taken legal action against these "psychopath VCs"? Does the Chainlink team not know there are laws against insider trading and market manipulation and unethical competition? Why did Rory dismiss every NEXO allegation, going so far to even name them as "a trusted and valuable partner"? Why are /biz/tards the only people aware of this entire debacle?
just some food for thought

>> No.54844812

everyone else is paid to look the other way. money solves moral problems for low IQs unfortunately.
rory fucked up bad. chainlink are desperate to grow the industry.

But only Chainlink are called out for supporting scammers when everyone in the industry supported NEXO and FTX including Binance Bankless Coindesk the list goes on and on.

Only Chainlink are held to account by you and no one else. Why is that?

I think I see what comes next and if you recognize patterns well enough you would too

>> No.54844853

>why is nobody taking legal action
>everyone else is paid to look the other way
Are you insinuating that legal authorities are paid off to look the other way? Why and by whom?
What is the incentive here? It doesn't make any sense at all.
>Only Chainlink are held to account by you and no one else. Why is that?
>heavily implying that Chainlink is the victim despite knowingly associating with every grift under the sun
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

>> No.54844865


>> No.54844883

>if you can’t attack chainlink attack half a dozen of the thousands of people around them
Even your fud tacitly demonstrates that chainlink themselves have been unimpeachable

>> No.54844895

is Rory not part of the Chainlink team? What about Jonny, is he part of the team or not?
Your cope is pathetic.

>> No.54844936

Well it is a two man team and Rory and Jonneh are not those two men
>the world doesnt make sense
Its real simple anon there are people who work for the pedos in charge and those who work against the pedos in charge
Now whose side are you on?

>low iq analogy
I know I am typing to someone who struggles to find sound reasons for things when they break out the boomer analogies.
Why don't you make one thread calling out Bankless or Coindesk?
Mainstream crypto media shilled Nexo and FTX hard but no threads no vicious words for them why only for Chainlank?

>> No.54844962

>Well it is a two man team and Rory and Jonneh are not those two men
>he literally retorts with an overused unfunny maymay from 2017
>why is nobody taking legal action to combat the blatant and illegal collusion of VCs against Chainlink
>1. the legal authorities are paid off
>2. I mean, the world is an illogical place, don't question it any further anon, it is what it is
literally what?
>Why don't you make one thread calling out Bankless or Coindesk?
I did not make this thread, why don't you? Also, I'm not invested in Bnaknless or Coindesk either, why would I make a thread about every scam in the industry? I'm interested in what Chainlink is actually doing to protect itself from bad actors, assuming they're innocent that is.
You know, it doesn't look good for your arguments when you resort to steering the attention away from the actual issue and moving the goalposts all over the place.
>yeah, some actions from the Chainlink team are questionable, but look over there anon, those guys are worse!!1

>> No.54844986

>calls the "if it looks like a duck" idiom a "low IQ analogy"
third world ESL uncultured swine detected

>> No.54845018

The problem is most people aren’t swapping crypto. Most people don’t even own it, but the subset that do and actively trade on dexes is exponentially smaller. And of that group, the overwhelming majority are actively knowingly gambling, and care far more about beating the potential rugpull than they do the cut that miners are skimming off the top.

Not saying it isn’t unethical, but trying to push some sort of ethical crusade is going to fall on deaf ears when the people you’re trying to save are degenerate gamblers who just want to play the shitcoin casino. None of this is going to matter until crypto grows up.

>> No.54845023

All analogies are low IQ shitskin
All maymays from the golden era of may mays are based and redpilled
>literally what
read it again until you comprehend it I'll wait.
>I didn't make the thread but some scammers are worse than other scammers but only Chainlink deserve their reputation tarnished because umm well BLUE HEXAGON BAD and Paradigm are innocent!
>steering arguments away
no I read chainlink bad constantly on this board
I only read that here everywhere else is silent on Chainlink

You sound really mad did you not want to talk about Coindesk sponsoring Nexo or Bankless shilling Nexo and FTX?

>> No.54845045

To elaborate, sounding alarms for MEV is the equivalent of trying to explain to customers in a casino that the slots are rigged against them. They don’t care, they’re there for the flashing lights, and the 1% chance they win it big.

You could try to make the argument MEV prevents or slows adoption, but its more likely institutions would simply create alternative solutions if DLT was the goal. The real issue is adoption is just taking longer than anyone would like, but its only natural and expected that a casino would be rigged from every possible avenue.

>> No.54845046

>why don't you want to talk about bankless and coindesk on this chainlink thread anon??? Huh??? Is coindesk paying you off as well???
Why don't you want to talk about Chainlink's perceived shortcomings and blunders or inaction anon, veery sus. Is Chainlink paying you off to do deflect all criticisms and steer the attention to Coindesk?
Btw I'm beginning to lose track of all the colluding parties here so make up your mind, I thought we'd be focusing on JP TRADING, what happened to that?
Don't bother responding, it's fairly evident you're not here to discuss in good faith.

>> No.54845072

here you can read all about it in your other thread
but you can only read about chainlink no one else

More important chainlink centric fud here anons
>More important chainlink centric fud here anons
More important chainlink centric fud here anons
>More important chainlink centric fud here anons

>> No.54845083

that's not my thread and that has absolutely nothing to do with what's being discussed here.
>but you can only read about chainlink no one else
holy fuck, I've been talking to an ESL retard all this time

>> No.54845119

>chainlink fud has nothing to do with chainlink fud
holy ESL please for the love of all that is holy learn English

>the very mention of Coindesk, Bankless, any other scammer is bad
>blue hexagon bad

>> No.54845118

Btw you’re both talking past each other, green ID anon has already acknowledged he’s a bagholder so that’s why he zeros in on chainlink and ignores the rest of the space. I personally think if one is an angry bagholder they should sell and take their own advice, but to each his own.

>> No.54845129

>ESL shitskin tries to cobble together some coherent thoughts and fails
many such cases, please kill yourself you third wordler subhuman. I'm buying 1000 LINK tokens tomorrow, once the wire transfer clears. How does that make you feel?

>> No.54845137

by your own coping definition I'm not a bagholder since I bought well below $1, I'm a disillusioned 5 year holder and I find it very strange how this current generation of bagholders refuses to acknowledge the possibility of long term holders being actually dissatisfied with LINK's (lack of) progress after 6 fucking years.
look at this shit, a fellow linkie even mistook you for an ESL fudder you illiterate third worlder

>> No.54845146

Wait I thought I was the shill and the other guy was the fudder. I feel [feelings] about your purchase.

Angry bagholders need to take their anger out on the world like a common negro who's with me?

>> No.54845148

Xrp is evil as fuck

Its literally jews just dumping on 80 IQ normies

>> No.54845154

>sees "Gensler"
>immediately assumes it's for XRP
yeah, this board is fucking dead and filled with bots

>> No.54845158

Stop shilling LINK you unironic shiller you. If you want to sell just sell things are only going to be worsester from here and out

Have you tried emailing the company your problems?

I think there is a problem with the chat gpt bots itt bros

>> No.54845167

I'd say you're a bot but your english is actually fucking terrible
>I'm just pretending bro see "Worsester" lol lmao
fuck off you jeet

>> No.54845178

Thing is going to get worster than worster you fucking jeet scum
>you're a bot
It's your a bot dumb jeet LMAO

>> No.54845186

>noooo stop talking about Chainlink, talk about Coindesk and Bankless!11
>proceeds to breakdown and derail with "ironic" nonsensical shitposting
huh, makes you think

>> No.54845212

This jeet is the worster fudder I have even seen LMAO
I would advice you my frens to avoid high IQ project like LINK because its a scam this anon have convinced me

Only chainlink is the scan are the century

Calm it down bro you sound v. mad....

>> No.54845228

>They don’t care, they’re there for the flashing lights, and the 1% chance they win it big.
I think this is the unfortunate reality. Most people who larp about crypto being so important to them are just grifting faggots trying to make their quick buck and then fuck off. There are so many layers to this situation because of top of most people not even caring, there's also a group of people who can't even begin to care because they don't even know what MEV is. A good chunk of users are just in it for meme shitcoins. MEV works because most people cannot even begin to even understand how Ethereum actually works, let alone how the MEV cartel robs them.

>> No.54845233

epic troll bro, good discussion on Coindesk and Bankless as well.

>> No.54845250

I already said Coindesk sponsored Nexo and Bankless and everyone and their mother shilled FTX.

This only chainlink nonsense is such blind FUD!

>> No.54845282

I’d also argue that there are plenty who are at least vaguely aware and still do not care, because they aren’t using crypto for decentralization or self custody, they’re using it to trade shitcoins. It takes a special kind of autist to actually complain about someone taking a cut of their pregnantbutt for bingus trade, which is why you’ll only see serious discussion amongst retail in a place like this.

Not to say MEV isn’t an issue, but nobody is going to actually care until their actual everyday spending money is in crypto(CBDC’s) and at that point chainlink will have already won anyways.

>> No.54845298
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you should inform the Chainlink team about them asap
this also begs the question, why does Coindesk provide the best coverage regarding Chainlink news and integrations?

>> No.54845306

>why does Coindesk provide the best coverage regarding Chainlink news and integrations
does it? lmao sauce?

>> No.54845351


>> No.54845391

>weird indian scammer link
not clicking youre scam rajesh

>> No.54845875

>drown potential enterprise users of chainlink in FUD to "force sirgay to pump the price".
its the fatmans own fault, after all his betrayals in the past 2 years the one and only thing he ever responded to was the fud on official channels
so in trail and error we will use the one tool we have that apparently touches them to its fullest effect to ensure the betrayals stop
if the fatman prefers to shit on his oldest holders over the success of his project then it all deserves to go down in flames

blame him for all he has done and remaining tone deaf

>> No.54845899
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>> No.54846032

thats the thing. chainlink is just the building block but we need the actual products/apps that are not blatant scams. too many projects got rich and they have no incentive to actually make good products now

>> No.54846230

I think we're going to see much more of that once reputable institutions, who are 100% working on their Web3 solutions now, start launching things.
Once the broader dev community realises what can be built here the number of high quality products will skyrocket. Crypto currently still only has 30k devs, with a large proportion of that just being grifters or constant rug deployers.
In the meantime we just have rare steps forward like GMX. They are far and away the most successful DeFi product in years, it's awesome to see them on team Chainlink.

>> No.54846302

>Crypto currently still only has 30k devs
so literally one third of all crypto devs jsut signed on for the chainlink hackaton?
pretty sure that number is way higher there anon

>> No.54846356

signups arent the same as developers. you should compare with submitted projects, making that number ~1000

>> No.54846391

There actually are not laws around any of this. The laws around insider trading and market manipulation all are specific to stocks, which is why crypto is such a Wild West filled with this shit. The reason why SBF could got got is because he took customer funds and did a bunch of shady shit with it, which there are more generalized business laws around with financial services. But just being a trader in this market you can get away with anything legally.

>> No.54846595

try researching before you post

>> No.54846817

>belly of the beast
Hardly. No one in the real world even knows what Consensus is. 20% of the presentations were about how to get more diversity into web3.

are these the new "Bulgarians?" Funny how quickly they became the new scapegoat

Given that CL was a trusted partner of FTX, shouldn't that help them?

>I think up until late last year Serg was hopelessly naive about how he thought this was all going to work.

So he's in the space 10+ years and still playing the babe in the woods card? That dog just don't hunt...

This. You can't partner with scammers and then virtue signal just months later.

>Why don't you make one thread calling out Bankless or Coindesk?

As you guys love to say, this is a Chainlink board, right?


Agreed. Also to add, how the hell are you going to get people to care about a few % skimming when your holders are down 90%. Seems a little hypocritical

> they should sell

sell into what though? No point in selling the bottom, though they should revisit if there's a pump at some point in the next year.

he's clearly not a jeet though. Your argument becomes weak when you get into the petty back and forth about someone's intentions.

>MEV cartel robs them.

Just like Link robs its bagholders. CCIP is still not out after promising 1/1/22.

>> No.54847174

He’s more or less correct and your links prove him right, “first crypto insider case” in 2022 in a market that’s existed over a decade and a half already, just because governments are slowly trying to insert themselves doesn’t dispute the notion that crypto markets are vastly less regulated than traditional markets. They’ll be playing catch-up for years to come.

>> No.54847254

legal entities do not prosecute if nobody files a report or presents evidence to them, crypto scams are prosecuted exactly as every other financial scam, all you need is to actually report them
>inb4 nonono source source reeee
google is free, use it.
all these mental gymnastics to justify the absurd narrative that "Chainlink can't do anything about blatant collusion and manipulation!11"

>> No.54847486

It might sound like a trivial thing, but I do think that it is harder than it sounds. Two key problems stand out: the likelihood of going after people who are operating in a jurisdiction outside the sphere of US influence (hell, Chainlink themselves is officially headquartered in the Cayman Islands, right?). Then let’s say you manage to actually find where these scammers are operating, who are you going to hire to take the case? I’m sure it’s gotten better, but I remember Brian Armstrong talking about how hard it was to hire lawyers early in CoinBase’s life because it was all completely new. And if you do manage to find lawyers willing to take your case it’s probably going to be unbelievably expensive.

I just don’t think reporting them will work with the current state of the SEC. They’ve done the complete opposite of what any sane person would have expected them to do with their absurd decisions on crypto regulation and getting cozy with SBF. Gensler has to go if that stuff is gonna improve.

But I really have no idea with this stuff, not trained in law. Just my own speculation.

>> No.54847646

NEXO is headquartered in Bulgaria, yet the FBI (American) somehow managed to raid their offices.
Do Kwon (Korean) was charged with fraud from US prosecutors, after being extorted from N. Korea to the States.
Alexander Vinnik (Russian), founder of a crypto exchange called BTC-e, was arrested in Greece on a US issued warranty, and then was promptly extorted to the States.
History has shown that governments around the world are more than willing to comply to US prosecution at any given moment and there are countless examples of them doing so.
Not to even mention that the entities in question (eg Jump Trading) are already mostly based on U.S. territory.
So no, it's bullshit excuses from the bagholders, if clear evidence of manipulation or collusion exists, there's no legal framework that can exclude the crypto industry.

>> No.54847671

I meant South Korea lol

>> No.54847700

NEXO and Bulgarians is just a boogeyman made up by salty cuckolds

Even if it were true (it’s not) it just proves Link is a shitcoin that can get suppressed by a small Balkanic country

>> No.54847706

fuck off, adults are speaking now

>> No.54847719

>Even if it were true
hedging like that just shows you know it's true lmao

>> No.54847757
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post proof that Bulgarians are suppressing your shitcoin

I’m waiting kek

>> No.54847783

im so fuckin sick of former yugoslavian republics

>> No.54848878

>So no, it's bullshit excuses from the bagholders, if clear evidence of manipulation or collusion exists, there's no legal framework that can exclude the crypto industry.

i know i'm stating the obvious here (at least it is to me, i don't know if you just haven't thought anything through or if you're being disingenuous) but *very* convincing evidence has to be presented when you're going after larger, wealthier, more connected groups - even moreso in an industry with a lot of legal grey areas

just because there is a framework for prosecution and anons on here have liberty to shoot the shit and connect some pretty convincing dots doesn't suddenly mean that chainlink definitely has a smoking gun on every group doing this that they're aware of or that any of these groups are as sloppy as fuckheads like nexo

some of these bad actors have been committing financial crimes and getting away with it for years and years now in far more established markets

>> No.54849007

Nice I'm the 137th right now

>> No.54849019

>an alternative financial system where nobody can steal from anyone else
oy vey, btc dump incoming, suppress this nonsense

>> No.54849080

>these groups are as sloppy as fuckheads like nexo
yet they couldn't even file a measly complaint against NEXO, Rory defended them, and NEXO got fucked by something completely irrelevant to Chainlink suppression.
So by your own admission, despite what every schizo has been screaming on top of his lungs here, it seems more likely that no evidence of manipulation involving certain entities exist, and I completely agree with that.

>> No.54849123

too bad that Bulgaria ain't one of them, you historically illiterate autist

>> No.54849180

Call in bomb threats to their offices, burn down their houses, stalk them and leave menacing phone calls etc. maybe send them pictures of their kids at school and ask if they’ve ever seen a Serbian film.

>> No.54849246

close enough, nigger

>> No.54849268

nah you're just fucking stupid like all link niggers

>> No.54849280
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>> No.54849329

i hate link, dumbass

just imagine being the fag who bought link in 2019 and watched PEPE moon

>> No.54849443

>by your own admission there was likely no evidence of manipulation
i stated no such thing because i made it pretty clear that a certain standard and quantity of evidence has to be present to go after organizations based on their size and prestige

but because you're being disingenuous of course you're clinging to that and generalizing with "but anons on biz found clues but nothing happened therefore it's all fine and there's definitely nothing!" that's not how the world works - 4chan has dug up heaps of shit on various groups outside of crypto that never gets prosecuted or investigated but is nevertheless inarguably true or suspect

and what was fucking rory meant to do exactly? should he have sat there and pulled up some biz posts and said "oh well yeah see how it links to C:\users\simeon in the table of contents here? yeah well as the community manager i'm going to tell our legal team to issue a notice to the sec about nexo based on that!"

if you have any response outside of "wow i'm an idiot that makes more sense than the retarded shit i've been posting" that's all the confirmation i need that you're either incidentally wasting my time by doubling down on being an idiot, or deliberately wasting it because you're a failure who wastes his life fudding shit on biz

>> No.54849658

you're right anon, Rory couldn't have possibly kept some distance instead of claiming "they're trusted and valued partner", you are absolutely right!
Actually Sergey going up on Consensys stage and calling out "psychopath hedge funds" in a passive aggressive manner, after almost 3 years of brutal suppression, paired along with one of the biggest defamation attacks against Chainlink, and after Celsius, another trusted and valued partner imploded, and after Linkpool literally rugging on the eve of fucking staking, that was the way to go.
And then you have the audacity of calling me disingenuous, fuck off.

>> No.54849802

>4chan has dug up heaps of shit on various groups outside of crypto that never gets prosecuted or investigated but is nevertheless inarguably true or suspect
never again compare serious shit like p*zz@g@t3 to this delusional schizo XRP-tier conspiracy involving the entire fucking world against LINK

>> No.54849873

so just out of curiosity which is it?
are you an idiot trying to waste my time just by your nature of being an irate idiot or are you actually one of the porn addicted failures from r9k that believes he's fighting the wef by making shit up on biz?

>> No.54849965

If anything you're the one wasting my time, tiptoeing around the crux of the argument with bullshit sophistries.
>hurrr 4chan has figured out shit in the past!
>durr what did you expect Rory to do, wasn't he supposed to openly endorse the very entity that played a part in suppressing his project by taking advantage of the intimate relationship they had as partners?
What exactly did I make up you moron?

>> No.54850071

i guess i'll never know
but i guess it was stupid to ask, because an idiot wouldn't be that self-aware and why would some porn addicted retard admit he has a hobby more embarrassing and time consuming than porn

>> No.54850102

Kek, look how fast you devolved into incoherent insults when you're left with no arguments whatsoever.
Just leave the thread, let it go.

>> No.54850204

>implying all non-western countries and Japan aren't just one giant mass of subhumanity

>> No.54850321

>None of this is going to matter until crypto grows up.

A focus on MEV is literally how crypto starts to grow up.

>Agreed. Also to add, how the hell are you going to get people to care about a few % skimming when your holders are down 90%. Seems a little hypocritical

Its much different. Skimming off the top and knowingly take value from users is much different than buying an asset and it performing poorly. Many don't even realize they are being hit by MEV. It adds up over the lifetime of their DEX swap history. There are plenty of low cost solutions to solve the problem

>> No.54850339

>please engage with my posts which are obviously in bad faith and respect my pronouns and dont be mean!
nah, fuck off faggot

>> No.54850385

>noooo I'm telling you, taking legal action as a limited liability enterprise company *is not that simple* and if you don't conform to that you're engaging in bad faith reeee!!
go outside, literally

>> No.54850967

I have 20cm bwc and i cant stop buying LINK

>> No.54850997

There is a focus on MEV, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people "using" crypto right now are doing so as a casino, and nobody is going to go to war over MEV when that is the usecase. There are solutions that handle MEV, and players that matter will utilize them, but you can't force institutions to jump in, and until then grifters are going to grift.