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54844088 No.54844088 [Reply] [Original]

post all chainlink psychopath material and twitter screencaps

>inb4 wowzer twitter thread anon

>> No.54844092
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>> No.54844130

god work anon i was thinking of starting this thread too. Bump

>> No.54844133
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>> No.54844166
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Another MakerDAO fag.

>> No.54844174
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>ARI exposes MEV theft

>> No.54844175
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More psychos.

>> No.54844182
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>MEV trannies seethe

>> No.54844186
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>> No.54844187

>twitter cap thread
>during peak Israel-o-clock

>> No.54844241
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>psychos seethe so hard they crash the market during consensys

>> No.54844266
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>3 years of dumping
Ready to revisit 15000 sats, linkies?

>> No.54844272

checked, huge bullflag pump imminent good ta fudfag

>> No.54844274

every single fudcuck should look at this thread and understand how useless they are and how obvious they are
ultimately you can't do shit
most of us are up by a life-changing amount of money as it is, and it's only going to get better while the uncompromising monomolecular blade of cryptographic truth slits the throats of every low iq nexo / mev / jump / francisco / thomas tier shitbag that tries to fud and gaslight 24/7

>> No.54844286
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>> No.54844290

>most of us are up by a life-changing amount of money as it is

You WERE up by a life-changing amount of money during the last peak.

Now you're just in low 6 figure hell at best. And it's not like it matters since you're inclined to not selling and seeing it melt away further into 5 figure hell.

Enjoy your suffering linkoid, you deserve it.

>> No.54844333
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>y-you're only 6 figures up because that's what my script says and it says the only experience link holders have of crypto is link
being up 6 figs in link alone is still a massive victory, not that a dumb animal like you would ever understand what that feels like because you obviously only found out about link in 2021 when you probably bought some at the top without understanding what it was
for myself - its not including the money i made from the [redacted] \ neo rebrand that put me in semi made it status before link even had its first moon
thousands of hours of spamming fud and you literally have nothing to show it, literally all just like pic related - the lolcows of biz, and lower forms of life than internet janitors
just kill yourself, fudcuck
fertilizer is all you're good for now

>> No.54844348

anon why are you deluded? you posted the most bullish TA pattern and you are pretending that it will crash explain yourself now without resorting to tactics like ad hominem or pilpul (pilpul means arguing for the sake of arguing and disruption of discussion)

>> No.54844361

fucking kek

>> No.54844371

I mean there is people like me. I didn't buy until $18 pump (thanks anon that shilled the top on /pol/). Kept buying all the way down, all the way up, and all the way down. Locked up 95% of my stack in early access. Then kept buying. Really I should thank them for the 24/7 reminders that I need more. Admittedly I'm a small fry.

>> No.54844373

I bought LINK in early 2018, you mongoloid.

I listened to you faggots and didn't sell at any of the previous peaks. Ended up selling at 40k sats, and guess what? This fucking shitcoin went even lower after that

You and everyone else that posts this deranged garbage are responsible for millions of losses and broken dreams faggot.

Enjoy becoming poorer and poorer as your 10k stack keeps bleeding

There is nothing bullish about my TA. We're going into a recession, BTC is about to do it's pre-halving dump, alts are going to bleed and LINK will shart itself to the lower support

>> No.54844380

Trips of truth
I cant even begin to imagine spending thousands of hours every single year whining about shit like xrp or bsv... yet here you are doing the same for what you believe is a scam. Your life must be in absolute shambles and you probably would be better off dead.

>> No.54844406

>proceeds to launch into some lie about buying in 2018, as if anyone would actually believe it
as i said fudcuck, just kill yourself
or after the singularity im sure if you wait, someone will "put a bullet in your chest" for sport like you threatened to do to someone else recently

>> No.54844418

Cope retard, I probably got into LINK before you did.

Everything I said is true. You faggots are evil.

>> No.54844449

>doubles down on the lie
>starts projecting about evil when his existence is based around trying to constantly lie and gaslight
just kill yourself fudcuck
try to do it outside so that no one has to drag your corpse out of whatever cum soaked basement you live in lmao

>> No.54844454

I bet you bought LINK above $1, kek

>> No.54844460

how can you say that your ta is not bullish? its showing a bullflag on a large timescale

as for your recession comment that is just your prediction not a fact

as for your impatience, well, that cant be helped and you wont make it because you dont believe in chainlink. the only ones who will make it big are the anons who are so excited about it and have faith in it

>> No.54844467

mostly around .30-40c actually

anyway - just kill yourself fudcuck
try to do it outside so that no one has to drag your corpse out of whatever cum soaked basement you live in lmao

>> No.54844478

>You faggots are evil
Forget Chainlink for a minute, what the fuck are you even expecting from anonymous shitposters on 4channel lmao

Definitely sounds like a you problem.
Also, delete System32

>> No.54844503

It would have been a bullflag if it pumped out of the descending triangle. To me, it's obvious it's going below 24k.

Cope, retard. I hate you faggots and I'll enjoy coming to your threads again to laught at your shitcoin reaching 15k

Don't worry about me, it's just a really good pasttime to laugh at you cucks once in a while

>> No.54844509

>I-I'm laughing!
No, you're seething.

>> No.54844515

>c-cope retard i'm laughing thats why i spend hours every day trying to lie and gaslight
just kill yourself fudcuck
try to do it outside so that no one has to drag your corpse out of whatever cum soaked basement you live in lmao

>> No.54844523

>fudding cum-brained troon tries to blend in with the >i bought the bottom in 2018, im an OG, my opinion should matter right
just imagine the rivers of SEETHE when the MEV mafia is castrated and it is the anons that rise to the top of the cryptofood chain. I'm personally down for chipping in a couple links and having Thomas the sissy, Hudson Jameson and the Jump Trading pajeet, the three of them, skinned alive and boiled in hot seed oil.

>> No.54844530

The only kind of person who thinks that spending hours on here bitching about oracle crypto investors is a mentally deranged freak bro. Normal people have actual hobbies and friends to spend time with. Get help.

>> No.54844536

idk man im still buying
all fudders can do it seethe

>> No.54844563

>itt: desperate linkie baggies engaging in mass delusion
sad and pathetic

>> No.54844736

Imagine thinking that people relentlessly going out of their way to spend time mocking someone else for their choices who have nothing to do nor want anything to do with those choices is not completely inorganic and sus and warrants bullish emotions.

There are only a few potential reasons for fud at the magnitude of LINK:

>1. Desperate losers who didn’t buy early and are jealous
>2. Angry top buyers who sold and lost money and feel they got psyopped and are now trying to reverse psyop when actually they’ll just fucking neck one day
>3. Coordinated paid fud
>4. Psychopathic behavior where medical help is required
>5. People who think this place matters (it doesn’t) and want to try to suppress price (they won’t) to accumulate more
>6. Bored holders who are bullish and just waiting and in the meantime hate themselves and their lives so are lashing out at literally themselves, which really is just a subcategory of #4

All of these result in bullish feelings for the sane, balanced, confident LINK chads. And there is nothing you or any other retard here can do about it.

>> No.54844757
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>guise the fud is much bullish here's why
I present to you potential reason #7
>link astroturfing shills won't comply to containing their autism to a /link/ general, so naturally people give them shit

>> No.54844837

Hes 100 percent correct and your response is 100 percent cope though
Every single post salty fudders make works against them regardless of the reason. You're here because link is rent free in your head. You wouldn't be here if that weren't the case.
Go on, prove biz right by spending more time on link by replying to link holders on a link board.

>> No.54844866

>Hes 100 percent correct
but it's still (You) on a different id though
are you having fun owning the fudders, son?

>> No.54844893

anon you need help

>> No.54844920

I’m not him and he’s right, if link didn’t matter you’d ignore it and it would go away like every other shitcoin. I have posted in gme threads before to shit on bagholders, the difference is I post once, maybe twice and leave, it doesn’t occupy space in my mind. Yet for some reason link fudders will literally post for hours in a thread, in multiple threads, day after day. Its because (you) hold link, they all do. There’s no other sane explanation.

>> No.54844995

>proves me right because link upsets him so much his instinct is to self-own unthinkingly and start schizoposting about being gangstalked by 1 link holder
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.54845106

>there’s no other sane explanation
Another explanation is they’re paid to do it because link threatens their livelihood (i.e the MEV mafia, oracle ‘competitors’, cex’s that short, etc)

>> No.54845115

do you see the link logo in your walls at night you fucking schizo nigger? lmao take your meds

>> No.54846940

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude itsthhh a consthpirathhyyyy!!!!

>duuuuuuuuuuude the whole world is out to stop our Heckin shitcoin!

>Chainlink, sponsored by VOLT INU

hahahhahahahahahhahahahha, and lastly

>down 90%

>> No.54847060

>22 LINK threads up in the catalog
>nooooo reeeeeee we won't comply to a general reeeeeeeee
get rekt

>> No.54847076

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54847103
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he's absolutely correct.

the only reason chainlink labs is blackmailing projects into baking oracles solutions into the underying blockchain is because they can't generate enough revenue from existing price feeds, due to them being public read contracts (unironically token not needed for reading data)

this way they can at least properly monetize price feed contracts and generate more revenue from the underlying DONs of the aggregator contracts.

>> No.54847121

if you didn't like them you'd filter them it's as simple as that. i filter new shitcoins after i see 3 threads, never think about them again.

>> No.54847124
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Never said any of that. Just said it’s an explanation, not even that it’s actually true.

>> No.54847255

>link threatens their livelihood (i.e the MEV mafia, oracle ‘competitors’, cex’s that short, etc)

>> No.54847344
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>> No.54847477

We are not evil anon. Its just you are incredibly stupid

>> No.54847568
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>cuckold thread

>> No.54847577
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>> No.54847990
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>> No.54848000
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