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54820248 No.54820248 [Reply] [Original]

How many tokens did you get from your browser today?

Just doing my part to keep the conversation conversation about BAT going!

>> No.54820274
File: 144 KB, 530x586, F398F306-8F8F-4E1C-BB61-0CC3AF052AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t show anything for me, just says I’m getting a small amount. Is something wrong with my browser?

>> No.54820289

What's the easiest way to farm BAT? I want enough to buy a cheeseburger a day.

>> No.54820329

Fuck this shitcoin. My life vastly improved after I finally dumped this garbage. I only regret it took me so many years to finally give up.

>> No.54820339
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Sometimes it takes a few days, give it some time. For some reason mine came in pretty quick this month.

>> No.54820348

Got 2 BAT

>> No.54820365
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Forgot I can reply to multiple posts in on thread. For my I usually set it up on my laptop, phone, and desktop, so if I am looking at a screen I'm earning. To you go into your setting and set it for maximum ads?


>> No.54820379
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I seriously need to get some ceffeine before I start typing Jesus.

It's a start! As I asked for the other anon, did you set it for max ads?

>> No.54820517

Dead shitcoin scam but it still has a lot of potential

>> No.54820565

17 BAT to which I immediately dumped for XRP and sent to my Kucoin wallet

>> No.54820639
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So sad, ngmi

>> No.54821075

If you have nothing to talk about, why make a thread?

>> No.54821556
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>> No.54821887

We need another lockdown for BAT to really succeed. Hopefully Gates is cooking up some heat in the lab this time. Covid was fake and gay

>> No.54822670


>> No.54823395
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I got 15 or so, feels good man.

>> No.54823571

None. I'm not KYCing. Donated all my browser BAT after they required KYC to simply accumulate it.

>> No.54823596

>not KYCing
You don't have an account with any major exchange?

>> No.54823957

>2+ weeks with no TP content
Sirs…is the call decent at least? Would join but stuck at work

>> No.54824751

How was the call? Did Luke’s son really beat him at chess or did he let him win?

>> No.54825990

He sucked off Brendan and spat cum into the camera. Turned me on desu

>> No.54826238

That’s so hawt

>> No.54826873


>> No.54827518
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can I get uhhhhhhhhhhh quick rundown?

>> No.54827543

>Still no updated MAU / DAU numbers

They're probably gonna be bad

>> No.54829036

They are not serious people.

>> No.54830688

Yea when they’re late putting the numbers out there usually horrendous so they delay

>> No.54831950

Token not needed

>> No.54833093

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.54833874

I finally disabled the rewards last night.
Can't be arsed to collect them anymore because I refuse to use Uphold, and Gemini isnt supported in my country anymore.
Bought more BAT yesterday though, still stacking.
I have faith that they'll eventually sort out the KYC jewishness and get better exchange partnerships. But until then, I'm not watching ads for free.

>> No.54833933

KYC isn't strictly the problem, because you're right that pretty much every crypto owner has done KYC with at least one CEX.
The problem is that Brave requires you to do KYC with either Uphold (dogshit) or Gemini (dogshit2) which literally no one otherwise uses as their primary cex.
Not to mention the fact that they are continuously barring additional countries from doing KYC at all, so rewards are pretty much only viable for US based users now.
Thats a serious problem for actual adoption.
If they allowed you to hook into Coinbase, Binance, or any other popular CEX then KYC for BAT wouldn't matter at all.

>> No.54835253

>If they allowed you to hook into Coinbase, Binance, or any other popular CEX then KYC for BAT wouldn't matter at all.
Checked for truth

>> No.54836545

Our threads have really fallen off, deadest thread on the board

>> No.54836560

I’ll buy them off you at .11500 for the BAT tip

>> No.54838109

0 cos they switched off Rewards for non-KYC participants here in Germany (not available here anyway).
Next payment date says Jan 1.
I suppose their next step is to steal the ones held in my browser LMAO what a silly idea.

>> No.54838148

Brave would be better if BAT could be utilized in-browser without the need for KYC anyway.

>> No.54838191

No good news. Brave and BAT is a kind of ''what could have been'' story.

>> No.54838209

Correct af.

>> No.54838287

Gonna have to do this soon, myself. The only issue is the amount of vBAT I've collected is quite a bit and what to do with it before I turn Rewards off and delete Brave.
Did you have many vBAT left?

>> No.54839317


>> No.54839555

Mine isn't actually vBat, I was lucky enough to have done the KYC with Gemini _before_ they stopped supporting my country.
So I was able to withdraw all the bat from the exchange before turning my rewards off.
I only bothered doing the KYC initially because I had 230 BAT... If it was any less than that I wouldn't have.

>> No.54839580
File: 43 KB, 700x544, 1555841905968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this POS at 1.18

>> No.54839819

Kek. Baggie

>> No.54840562

Ah, gotcha. I have 530 vBAT with no way to get at it.

>> No.54840587

Holy shit this thread is still going? We might actually make it if Brave stops dicking around

>> No.54840603

Literally all they had/have to do is to figure out a way for the user to spend his Rewards on the internet.

>> No.54840631

Whoa buddy, you’re asking for a lot there. Slow it down and wait another 6 years and maybe they’ll consider it

>> No.54840660


>> No.54841227

I would laugh but that's probably their mentality.
The two priorities were a BAT marketplace (tips, site access, stores, services etc.) with partners and with their own products AND an in-built system to stop the small browns farming it.

>> No.54841332
File: 334 KB, 636x609, 1677806507198824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ok anon?

samson said brave wallet will be the best wallet. i trust him. simple as.

>> No.54841370

It's all good then.

>> No.54842614

How can we get new BAT bagholders? Can we pay some discord tranny shill group to spam /g/ and attract pajeets?

>> No.54842675

/g/ absolutely hates Brave and you just get dog piled by low tier tech fags until jannies get you.

>> No.54842690

/g/ absolutely hated bitcoin too, I think they still do last time I was surfing that dogshit board. Probably around 2019

>> No.54842706

Think Im going to run some self serve ads on a few boards even though it’s already been done. My only other idea is making coombait BAT threads. Been editing some text and Brave/BAT logos on some of TPs last few dumps.

>> No.54842718

I’ve been banned at least five times suggesting Brave in browser threads. Absolute shithole board full of call center faggots

>> No.54842721

I’m actually working on a project that will shill whatever coin you pay it in. I might just cut and paste the Brave self serve platform and tweak it slightly.

>> No.54843226

do it and post link here, sounds interesting

hilarious. I hate those freaks