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5483176 No.5483176 [Reply] [Original]

Originally when I invested in crypto, I just wanted to make a few thousand maybe. Now I can see that it is possible to make 100k or more if you are smart.

What should I do with my portfolio? Should I sell some of this stuff and put it into other coins? Should I keep holding?

How do I make it to 50k lads?

>> No.5483233
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Have a jungle Asian

>> No.5483256
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And a city Asian too

>> No.5483312

From experience your gains will be bigger with such a small pool if you stick to fewer coins.

I'm about to withdraw my initial+profit and fall down to roughly the same amount as you. Will most likely pick a single coin to all in or go half on something else.

Had I done this originally I would have made way more.

>> No.5483355

Trade these under delevering shitcoins for ICX / XRB / LINK / VEN for short en long term gains.

>> No.5483367

Not asian. Asian-murican. Theres a huge difference. You wont find such huge jugs from some jap or chink girl...

>> No.5483377

Yes this is what I’m thinking. I want to put all my money into one or two promising coins.

Not sure what to pick though. Salt looks good but it’s a bit late for that maybe...

I feel like ETH is an alright long term hold. Probably will get a few thousand more gains from that

>> No.5483398
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>a few thoiusand more gains from ethereum

>> No.5483426

Not "Asian"
"Asian" American.
Well this isnt /pol I guess.

>> No.5483444

I looked them up and none of them are on bittrex. I suppose I better get a binance account if I’m going to become a real crypto millionaire

>> No.5483468

If eth hits 1.5k that’ll give me another couple thousand in gains

>> No.5483480
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>If eth hits 1.5k that’ll give me another couple thousand in gains

>> No.5483503

Lmao what?

I’m holding 3 eth dude. That’d literally be a coupe thousand in gains

>> No.5483526

If LINK goes to 1.5k I can buy half the african continent. But it will not, get it now, brainlet?

>> No.5483541

Uhhh no because eth has a good chance of hitting 1.5k or higher in the next year

Stop huffing gasoline fumes

>> No.5483550
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>> No.5483580

t. Sold eth at $250

Enjoy shuffling around your shitcoins faggot

>> No.5483609
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>> No.5483619

Gonna hold 3 ETH for 6 months anf make 1.5k and retire bois. Will.I.Makeit????

>> No.5483665
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official brainlet thread

>> No.5483684

I got a new phone for Christmas, how do I move my blockfolio to my new phone? Is manual the only way?

>> No.5483705

No that’d be 4.5k dumbfuck

I’m saying I would hold that as a stable investment and try going all in on shitcoins to make like 10k

>> No.5483740

t. Put his money into shot pins and hasn’t made any gains

Should have held your normiecoins faggot

>> No.5483754
File: 30 KB, 369x292, 1492189336001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try going all in on shitcoins to make like 10k

I'm running out of brainlet pictures

>> No.5483778

Ok tell me a coin to invest in