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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54829112 No.54829112 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely do not see the appeal of a single man buying a house.
Renting in an upscale area is responsibility free and relaxing

>> No.54830216

Yes. There's a QoL factor that many don't see when it comes to both lifestyle and investments for the wealthy. There comes a point where it no longer makes sense to minmax everything.

>> No.54830256

I’ll admit it becomes a pain to have to do all maintenance myself but it sure as fuck beats paying the rent jew every month and having to tolerate other shitheads if it’s an apartment.

>> No.54830310

I have no idea why anyone would choose to living in a city

>> No.54830363

They need constant stimulus to feel anything at all.

>> No.54830382

>poorfags coping already
the city is where the richest and smartest people congregate

>> No.54830395

Richest and smartest? That’s why billionaires buy huge sprawling ranches and islands? Sounds like onions cope to me. Fuck cities, urban hellscapes with no room for privacy. Try a peaceful walk through the woods and count how many junkies are shooting up

>> No.54830407

Good for them. I'm quite content to not have anyone bothering me and being able to see a clear sky at night.

>> No.54830417


Unlimited pussy within 10 minutes. You wouldn't understand

>> No.54830426

I've been happily married for the past 14 years, so no I don't understand the appeal of Mediocre sex.

>> No.54830432

There are pros and cons. I think the crux if the issue is that paying a mortgage is sort of like paying into an investment savings account compared to paying rent which is like tossing your money into a fire.

If you're rich enough to not care, or need the mobility, renting is fine, but since both house prices and rent has been grossly outpacing wage growth, whether you really want to own a house or not has become less important than simply hedging your bets and protecting yourself from potentially being locked out of ownership forever.

>> No.54830442

I will never rent.
Sorry kikes, uhhhh I know, I know, just not going to do it lol, okay.

>> No.54830446
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2 and a half fucking days for a ban is too fucking long

>> No.54830544

>heh, just walk through my boring opioid infested shithole with no public transportation or culture
no thanks

>> No.54832527

>I genuinely do not see the appeal of a single man buying a house.
because fuck landlords thats why i would rather overpay for a house than rent

>> No.54832749

>Paying money to use something you don’t own at the end of the day
Sounds like what poorfags do can’t can’t afford a house

>> No.54832830

What’s the mortgage payment on a condo in a city versus just renting the same size unit in a city? I’d imagine renting is significantly cheaper. Buying a condo in a big city sounds like a rip-off. You don’t own the land, you pay an HOA, and you’re held hostage by the building owner anyways

>> No.54832902

Internet removes the need for cities. Citycucks say they're cultured and experience arts, but theyre actually alcoholics that get drunk 3 times a week.

>> No.54832952

If you genuinely 100% will never have a wife to breed and kids to hand over your wealth

Then yes, you may as well rent. Your life is pointless anyway

>> No.54833698

Im incel

>> No.54833802

Real. I rarely drink on weekdays but I went to a concert yesterday. On a tuesday. It was good though. gf bought tickets

>> No.54833810

you never buy a property first though and you do not need one upscale is chill and cozy so you save money on the 88% CFO of a mortgage and you let the girl decide this stuff when the time comes

>> No.54833875

A yard. Once you eat home grown vegetables everything else tastes inferior. If there were more empty lots in cities dedicated to backyard growers city life would be a lot more bearable.

>> No.54833887

>potentially being locked out of ownership forever.
Everyone says this as if the market is something that's totally disconnected from reality and prices just happen for their own reasons. Surely the fact that it seems impossible for most people to buy a house right now should indicate that there's not much room for prices to go higher and a lot of potential for prices to go lower. This very thinking is what motivates people to make house purchases they actually can't afford, which perpetuates the price rises and hysteria a bit longer until there's a spectacular collapse.

>> No.54833941
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I make enough money at this point that I’ve taken the rent pill. I like that I can move every where just for the hell of it, and that I don’t have to care about maintenance. Not to mention free gym, pool, etc.

Living in the city is actually great. Everything is convenient and I’m almost never forced to drive since I wfh.

>> No.54833955

some people prefer going to good restaurants instead of smoking meth

>> No.54833963

>no shared walls
>no potential for some retard living above you to flood your living space
>no potential for a crackhead schizo to burn the place down
>more space for personal projects, hobbies, relaxing, etc.

after 8 years of rentcucking, i've had about all i can take -- and my neighbors have generally been good, aside from the time i had a poorly medicated bipolar 60 something roastie downstairs neighbor who had a mental breakdown which resulted in me calling the cops and her brother hauling her off to a retirement home.

i'm buying a home within the next 12-18 months.

>> No.54833979

Hi Klaus, how you doin' ?
I will fucking slice your throat in Half Life 2

>> No.54833993

I own a condo in a city and its super convenient
In the process of buying a small plot of land + cabin in the countryside an hours drive from here to chill at when I need some space. Best of both worlds and overall cheaper than a house.

>> No.54834082

As do I but it's in an old building. Like really old. Built in 1881.

I don't get any services with it so my HOA is pretty low (205/mo). It's a 3-flat so pretty nice to live in. Walking distance to everything i need on a daily basis.

Stay away from bigger, mid-century buildings with elevators/doormen too. They are insanely expensive to deal with

>> No.54834109
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worst of both worlds.

>> No.54834519

>paying rent which is like tossing your money into a fire
How is paying for shelter wasting your money?

>> No.54834652


Pretty much this, home ownership is how your average normie builds wealth. It's helpful later on in life too when you're retired and on a fixed income having a paid for home and minimal housing expenses, at that point all you have to cover is the property taxes, insurance, and upkeep.

If you can rent and still sock away millions for retirement and the years when you're no longer able to work and earn an income, then go for if that's the lifestyle you prefer.

>> No.54834736
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>tf wen no lambo

>> No.54834763
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I honestly like living in the city OP. Renting is convenient and I don't really care that i could buy a house with the money i will spend on rent in the next 20 years because putting it simply i don't even know if i will be alive in 20 years. Im happy now. I get to invest in all my $PAPA and $PEPE coins, go outside, grab a coffee with a friend, walk basically everywhere and enjoy the comfort of a city life without having to lose time in driving a car or taking a bus.
Im comfy as they call it

>> No.54834843

dividends pay my rent
get to remain liquid and pursue career opportunities wherever they are
costs are predictable
get to sleep in on the weekend, no responsibility to take care of yard, maintenance, etc.

big difference between renters and rent chads

>> No.54834968

a car is also a house

>> No.54835139

Did you never see the distressed souls of all these people walking to work in the morning, wasting their life to produce paper?

>> No.54835373

>public transportation
One of the worst inventions ever devised. Mobile drug dens that allow third-world savages access to safe, white neighborhoods
>muh culture
Degenerate brainwashing golem programming designed to undermine traditional Christian values

>> No.54836738

I will never understand why the fuck anyone would want to purchase a glorified apartment unit. Who the fuck does that, you still don't have a back yard, you still have no space or real privacy. You still have to fight over parking spots, wtf lol.

>> No.54837887

ruralfag cope
nothing interesting has ever been created out in the country
every invention and inventor was in the city or eventually moved to the city

>> No.54837953

Prices are high because people can still easily afford them, the average American family makes like 180k a year houses are cheap.

>> No.54837982

There's just tons of poor people that can all join in reddit grievances together thanks to the internet and gaslight each other into believing things are bad everywhere. You're just a loser, embrace loser maxing

>> No.54838010

I read that as "unlimited STDs within 10 minutes"

>> No.54838030

>thinks his wife doesn't save her best for someone else
brother you have been deceived

>> No.54838032

>be rentfag
>asked to fill up any form
>fill it up and get to address section
>current address?
>Is this your permanent address, this this box []
It's humiliating

>> No.54838094

Wow! City folks get eat food! Amazing!

>> No.54838104

That's not even what permanent address means you fucking retard

>> No.54838119

Are you retarded?

>> No.54838136

ok fakecel

>> No.54838161

Depends on the building. Some are great and others are a living hell.

Rule of thumb: the taller the building, the more problems you're going to have

>> No.54838177

No, just not a city-dwelling faggot. I don't understand how you people would want to live in a glorified cattle pen, apartment life looks like hell. Buying a condo to live in sounds retarded as fuck.

>> No.54838186
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then you are a retarded cityfag who doesn't care about, gun rights, hunting, fishing, farming, homesteading, or any of the other incredibly based and rewarding things you can do on land

>> No.54838200

indeed, citybugs are retarded, they are self exterminating though

>> No.54838214

Late 30s here. Rent upscale apartment w incredible pool scene.

>anon buy a house, let your money work for you
>guys my age look 20 years older, spend whole weekend doing honey do list repairs
>my weekend, playing drinking games at the pool w 25 yr old smokeshow blondes

Yeah Ill pass

>> No.54838246

Its not a complete waste if youre self employed you can deduct some of the rent

>> No.54838249

I don't really care about your personal trauma

>> No.54838291

>move to city
>can walk to groceries
>can walk to work
>can walk to local library
>can walk to friday night magic
>can walk to friends house
>can walk home from bar
>can carry gun concealed
dont fall for the rural crabs and their opioid infested bucket anons

>> No.54838308

Did you grow up in a house or a flat?

>> No.54838312

>can walk to aaackckck, gets stabbed by nigger

>> No.54838325

Basically. There's something to be said for the down payment of however many 100k which, if invested properly, can probably generate more wealth for you short-term than your home will, which also only generates liquidity if you sell it. Renting somewhere while investing smartly can be a way generate more pure cash with which you can buy a home later in life. If you're in your 30's you might rather have more money to enjoy life and fuck around with, rather than just work like a bitch to save up a 200k deposit. I personally don't intend to buy until I'm in my 40's and bounced around a little, but I'm also a nurse and can work anywhere and make good money.

That said, no matter what you do, you should get yourself a home and pay it off at some point. A home ensures shelter for yourself and your family. I've had home health clients who I provided end of life care for in their little rental apartments, and that shit's kind of sad compared to dying in your home where you raised your children and lived your life.

>> No.54838349

>scared of black people because he knows they are superior
typical ruralite lmao

>> No.54838368

the best of both worlds, buying a cheap rural house that has income potential, with land, buying assets, working gig work or wfh, whatever as a source of income while you set up a farm

but that would be intelligent

>> No.54838378

>just life as a serf for free
lmao ruralites are so fucking funny

>> No.54838382

I'm around black people quite often for my work, they seem like nice folks most of them, chimpenings happen but in the periphery and aren't directed at me

a large part of my profits come from black people

>> No.54838394
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>cities are full of nigger worshippers

>> No.54838400

the city is the plantation

the land is lordship, nigga

>> No.54838404

>oh no im not racist, I have black coworkers

not being afraid of blacks is not worshipping them.
you treat them as superior aliens that can easily overpower your frail shitty body

>> No.54838412

avoid women, based old man

>> No.54838440

I am racist, but I recognize that black people are good and bad, the bad are extremely bad and more numerous than other races, but that doesn't mean that some black people aren't good

I don't believe any man can beat me in unarmed combat, or that I would be unable to flee any altercation in a 1v1, the only thing I'd be afraid of is a knife or a gun, but I also carry a knife

>> No.54838446
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I simply do not want to live around niggers. I do not have time or patience for the constant inconveniences they gracelessly provide to others on a daily basis. Deal with it, nigger lover

>> No.54838465

>too poor to afford the white neighborhood in the city
isnt this the rich mans board? lmao

>> No.54838474

>see he didn't slave hard as me he must be poor

no I'm just not a slave to the extent you are to your masters

>> No.54838497

>i-im not poor
>i just live in the country, have no career, no wealth, have no capital and am racist
god ruralites are the most delusional fucks on the planet
you contribute nothing and constantly shit up everything

>> No.54838517

buying a house is nice if you are going to be there for 20 years at least and raise some kids. else its indeed. a token not needed.

>> No.54838530
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>you WILL love living around niggers
>but not me hahahaha
retard kek

>> No.54838555
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>> No.54838591

I'm rich, because I'm much smarter than you are, you think the value of your shitbox really is 500k, when it clearly isn't

>> No.54838656

yeah you really let your intellegence show
you can have the last word because its obvious your terribly uneducated

>> No.54838703

you're poor, cityshit, moron slave, I'm rich, free, in god's image

case closed faggot

>> No.54838893
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>the average American family makes like 180k a year
You're the kind of person who talks louder the more clueless he is about a subject

>> No.54838915

>hes still larping as a ruralite

>> No.54839101

easy, won, ousted from the thread

>> No.54839133

>muh god
larping poor ruralite

>> No.54839303

larping cityshit, pretending his hoa shitbox is worth 500k

>> No.54840550

It’s also where the poorest and dumbest congregate too. It up to the individual what they make of a city.

>> No.54840643

lol, learn to cook. Shit isn't hard

>> No.54840678

seriously this. Some rando at a bar would never let me do the depraved shit to them that my lovely wife does