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54817929 No.54817929 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get rich?

>> No.54817947

What's it matter?

>> No.54817951

intuition really, gut feeling too

>> No.54817962

Win the lottery

>> No.54818088

Spend 100s or 1000s of hours on crypto, get really good at understanding when to stay out and when to go hard (most people will never get to this). You should have enough knowledge that you can tell exactly why most CT accounts are retarded the second you see them before next step

Eventually with knowledge and big balls one winning streak will change everything and you just try not to be too retarded with greed (everyone gives it back after wins don't listen to larps on twitter)

Source: I went from 9.5k in 2017 to around 8m currently, if you don't believe me I honestly dgaf

>> No.54818124

I believe you, how much XRP you holdin?

>> No.54818129

unironically stock options

>> No.54818147

Will add to build your network you will have to share real alpha on public channels like Twitter or some tg groups, that is super important, if good enough people will just invite you to exclusive groups with big ballers

>> No.54818443
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Pic is a 1 min chart I traded for 8 hours in Feb with trades on it, this game ain't for everyone and you will realise which one you are eventually

>> No.54818959

Okay anon I believe you, but I'm also retarded and am just now trying to make a concerted effort to get into all of this. What is a CT account?
>you will have to share real alpha on public channels
What does this mean?
Can you explain what it is I'm looking at/for? Or at least point me to a resource that will teach me? I understand it on a very basic level, but I don't understand what anons mean when they say things like
>1 min chart I traded for 8 hours in Feb with trades on it

>> No.54819174

That's literally gambling

>> No.54819193

buying calls in a bull market is one way.

>> No.54819230

buy MUMU
you are still early

>> No.54819666

Different anon here
When you say hours n hours, do you mean looking at charts and being able to recognize patterns? Reading about crypto fundamentals?
So I need to get on crypto tg channels. Where do I start on this?

>> No.54820881
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You can start by getting some DeFi bluechips (AVAX, LINK), a little of Bitcoin and Ethereum could be wise too considering they'll most likely keep on leading crypto for the next decade.
Aside from that, just hodl, and learn to trade properly only if you have both time and commitment.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.54820975

have value to society and it shall make you rich

>> No.54820994 [DELETED] 
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I've been aping almost every meme coin related to biz and have done very well. pic related

>> No.54821005
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>> No.54821054

can the meta become more meta? mang i hate shitcoins so much, i guess that's why i'll stay poor. meanwhile all my good utility projects crabbing or dying, fml

>> No.54821078 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 498x493, pepe-yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utility IS a meme my guy. just ride the wave till the end times its a lot funner

>> No.54821115

You don’t. You buy shitcoins and end up with nothing.

>> No.54821130

Trade with leverage inb4 you can't trade not my fucking problem then

>> No.54821146

So you're a trader? Post proof of your 8m larping bitch

>> No.54821159
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Make churros and white cream

>> No.54821194

How much have you gained.

>> No.54821213

I don't believe you and you should give a fuck.

>> No.54821277 [DELETED] 

2k on 4chan/eth alone
missooored pepe but made some solid gains on NOB and BOB

>> No.54821350


It depends on what you mean by rich. For most people this would be passive investments and living below your means. If you can't put away enough money, then get a higher paying job to speed up the process.

>> No.54821354
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Unironically invest in ICOs. Nilo is a good one. There are websites listing upcoming projects and shit. Just make sure its something that has a little bit of effort put in and nothing regarding shib clones or whatever.
>But what if they rug?
Just make sure its something semi professional and you should be fine. New projects usually x5 my initial investment. Sell after a month or so of its release and youll be fine.

>> No.54821373

Yeah, like being a teacher- oh, no wait. No it's more like being an engineer- wait, no, not that one either... Perhaps being a psychiatrist, helping others with their mental health? No, that one doesn't make you rich either...

>> No.54821375

most anything with some marketing behind it will perform well.

>> No.54821382

what's your secret on being early for plays like that?
if you respond with "my call channel" I will shove beans up my ass untill you beg me to stop

>> No.54821380
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>> No.54821402

Buy Memes, lose on Memes, Win on Memes, learn the meta

What is meta you ask well stfu and buy $4CHAN $NOB $BOB $MONG these are the big upcoming hitters i suggest.

Dont be a pussy above all, just buy pussy

>> No.54821411 [DELETED] 

my call channel
>verification not required

>> No.54821468
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Jokes on you
"Up my ass" is my fictitious and completely fabricated BSC shitcoin
get on my level of fantasy trading, nerd

>> No.54821652 [DELETED] 

based i tip my cap to you ser

>> No.54821906
File: 127 KB, 1251x612, papa is talking listen to him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons. Sit down, the class has just started, we are all?
Mumu I know you have a lot to say but please be quiet. No, Wojack, we're not going to let you expose today. Today Professor $PAPA is going to tell you how to get rich.
First you have to go to Dextools, with this contract that I'm going to write down on the board.


Once you have it written down, you have to take care of buying some bags of this currency. It is currently in the million marketcap and growing so it is not too late to start accumulating. Okay that would be it, remember don't sell and don't be tempted. Class dismissed

>> No.54821945
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Buy $Missor


>> No.54822003
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born into money
entrepreneurship all kinds, online businesses etc
lottery or other gamble winners
niche things like trading or online poker where ~1% can succes

those are it

>> No.54822113

Invest in crypto or die poor

>> No.54822175

Reason why I stick to web3 projects, LINK, ENS, ORE, they're having a good run.

>> No.54822195

if you own 5k, you already are. if you own 10k, you can make it through the toughest storm. if you own 15k you can live plentifull. if you own 20k you can plan to go on vacations. all these figures can be achieved by working with other people at a company for only 8 hours a day while gaining experience, socializing and growing into an adult. work isn't torture anon, the obsession many of us have with the rich is torture. we chase after them like birds chasing after meteorites. i would emphasize keeping it real. if something sounds too good to be true, don't chase it. it will only breed disconnect in all sorts of ways.

>> No.54822210

Anyone not bagging some RLC, OCEAN, RNDR, and DiD narrative probably have zero chance of making it.

>> No.54822226

Sold my LINK for AVAX and ORE.

>> No.54822288

indoor shrimp farming
bonus points if you live in the fucking desert.
Wait for the shrimp to become big and sell them directly to restaurants

>> No.54822584
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Getting married soon.

>> No.54822674
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Generating passive income Anon, it's not so difficult

>> No.54822704

And also bought alongside CVP and MATIC. When the bull market returns, I am certain i will be in huge profit with these 4 gems

>> No.54822754

you don't want to get rich, you want to be happy

>> No.54822824
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get into the right projects now and you'll make it in a year from now

>> No.54822854

Solid gems are always there to make one happy. LINK, HBAR, ENS and ORE are many of them.

>> No.54822882

He who knows he has enough is rich.

>> No.54822927

Be 22
Graduate with cliché bachelor's degree in whatever
Make $50,000/year out of school = $40k after taxes/insurance
$3,300/month net
Live in any place where housing is affordable aka 90% of the country
Live in shitty apartment
Save up for 1 year on a down payment for a house + closing costs + all associated fees = ~$15,000 on FHA Loan
Be 23
Have home
Mortgage is ~$1,200/month which includes taxes/insurance/MIP
Live within your means, save $1,000/month
After 1.5 years, rent your house out @ $300 over mortgage
Get another FHA loan
Rinse and repeat

After 10 years you'll have over $500,000 in home equity and $3,000 a month in passive income. By the time you're 40 you'll have over a million in equity, enough passive income to retire on. Every year, your net worth will increase by around $50,000 in home equity for rentcucks paying your mortgage

>> No.54822965

>Generating passive income
Stop spitting this scam trap jeet. Without those protocols like SpoolFi that I can grab my funds at will, I'm not living on passive income anymore. The tricky days are gone.

>> No.54823038

All well and good until the interest rate goes up. It's a good strategy but something to keep in mind.

>> No.54823063

Step on the back of other people

>> No.54823087

those things can bring value but only if you're exceptionally good at them. you seem to be good at shitposting so i would recommend working for a nation state.

>> No.54823448

Anyone have good website examples? Also, how do you buy an ICO? Swaps?

>> No.54823615


>> No.54823689
File: 29 KB, 375x427, IMG_20230501_151025_774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying AVAX at its current price would make you rich if you held it for 5+ years

>> No.54823811

Serious Q: what about avax makes it likely to go back to ATH rather than have a similar run to LINK?

>> No.54823920

You don't, kek, cope with it, or just do like the rest of us and pick something you can stick to, like I did with Rebase

>> No.54823948
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See you in a couple of years anon, you will regret this

>> No.54823954

No faggot, if others did it why can't I? Fuck off

>> No.54824001

Most of us didn't pick shit, we got scammed

>> No.54824188

I will get rich and you can't do anything to stop me faggot, fucking cope

>> No.54824271

Unironically 50% pepe, 25% wojak, 25% random shitcoin. I'm going with NPC. I have some BTC and ETH obviously but I'm only paying attention to the first three shitcoins

>> No.54824276

>Mortgage is ~$1,200/month which includes taxes/insurance/MIP
>After 1.5 years, rent your house out @ $300 over mortgage
Making only $3,600 a year off each home you rent means shit if you buy a house at the top and then the market crashes. Sounds like a pain to maintain all those homes, too.

>> No.54824674

honestly not a bad idea

>> No.54824701

didn't the rate increase on mortgages absolutely fuck the living daylight out of this strategy?

>> No.54825679

Get a decent job, save your money, max out your Roth IRA, and put any leftover money into a business that can be scaled. Run your business while working at first.

>> No.54825705

>wage to go to adult daycare
>commute and sit 40 minutes traffic and waste gas and tolls
>be in there with completely annoying fucked up men and women
>rinse and repeat for 5 days

You must be joking nigger unless you're wfh.

>> No.54825719

>Just get lucky bro

>> No.54825732

You have to convince other people to give you their money

>> No.54826021
File: 2.33 MB, 2540x1693, lamborghini-huracan-lp640-2-sto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go study Biology/Biochem, do a Phd and a Postdoc, with the promising results of your research, start a Biotech startup, get your pipeline into clinical trials and get bought up by a big Pharma company.
You are now a Bilionaire.

Easy just don't be dumb ou lazyu

>> No.54827456
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First make a robust amount of money and then invest it in AVAX, stake and wait for your passive income. Step number one is for you to discover.

>> No.54827852

No kneepad comment. You guys have changed man. Maybe you all died and got replaced by meta chat bots.

>> No.54828884

I can bet this can't get major exchange listings, take your profit as soon as you see one nigga
>AVAX, LINK), a little of Bitcoin and Ethereum
This anon will still have his money plus profits in the coming years
This I'm doing comfy with both itheum and Ride on Maiar dex

>> No.54829275

$npc unironically

>> No.54829289

buy 3 hours ago $4CHAN

>> No.54830389

What's up with this shit

>> No.54830436

>Unironically 50% pepe, 25% wojak, 25% random shitcoin
Realistically how much higher can this piece of shit coins go from here?
>I have some BTC and ETH
Nice catch
I just threw both in the sylo wallet to have control over them, i'm just pissed off i didn't get in below $20k

>> No.54830474
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Get woke and buy woke pepe.
Generational wealth awaits you