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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54820961 No.54820961 [Reply] [Original]

>Apply to jobs for months
>two places total want to interview me
>Nobody wants to give me a job
They said a business degree was more employable, I should just kill myself because my life will never amount to anything but debt and wagie drudgery.

>> No.54820986

me too except biology degree and I dont even get past the phone screenings

>> No.54820992

>history degree
Stupid bitch

>> No.54821004
File: 102 KB, 733x464, A7DF0C44-76CE-4E8E-96F9-71262EC2F61B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”what did you spend 4 years and $200k studying anon?”
>”ok which specialization or industry specific topic in business did you study?”
Filtered by your single digit IQ, many such cases

>> No.54821013

Just made my boss 7500$ in 8hours and got compensated 15$/hour.

>> No.54821016

>can't read
>Stupid bitch
kys jeet

>> No.54821066

You never listed what your degree was you DUMB FUCK.

>> No.54821113

nigger how new are you that you don’t understand ids? also it’s in the first sentence kys

>> No.54821171

Lmfao no it's not. Learn to read you stupid FUCK

>> No.54821176

>look mommy im le heckin epic trollolol!!!!

>> No.54821180

Fucking retarded zoomer killed a thread for that wannabe oldfag fuss. Kys faggot

>> No.54821193
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>Fucking retarded zoomer killed a thread for that wannabe oldfag fuss. Kys faggot

>> No.54821203

>still can't read
80 IQ shitskin, fuck off

>> No.54821241

>Business degree
Did you go to business school for a masters or just an undergrad in business?
A b school masters program should net you an easy 250k minimum selling your soul to a consulting firm at 60 hours a week.
What country are you in though? And what school did you go to? GPA?

>> No.54821291
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>80 IQ shitskin, fuck off
i can tell your are a link cuckold

>> No.54821301

Doing what? With what supporting elements? Do you own any of those things? You're telling me you manifested nearly $1000 an hour on your own merits alone and you're waging for $15 an hour instead of just making $1000 an hour for yourself?
Anon, why don't you just go work for yourself with your foolproof strategy of turning nothing into $1000 every single hour?
I hate communist niggers so much it's unreal.

>> No.54821342

He's right though. OP was vague and didn't say if he got an MBA or just a worthless undergrad in business. If you weren't going to go to grad school you should have just done accounting.

>> No.54821583

>They said a business degree was more employable
>was more employable
>more employable than the degree he does have, which is not a business degree
He never said what degree he has. The other guy is just a seething 80 IQ shitskin

>> No.54821631 [DELETED] 
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The sad truth of the world is that most people just never get to exploit their full potentials OP. Most people go around life aimlessly trying to get by and without connections or extreme luck, they never make it into big enterprises. Why do you think people band with each other to make coins? Think of what drove people together to make $PAPA, the drive to celebrate the memes but also the need to make money, and thanks to that it's already high above 1M mcap. Maybe you're using your knowledge on the wrong field and you should try using it to make you money instead of trying to make a career in a place that doesn't want you

>> No.54821640

I think he's just an ESL retard. You're right about the low IQ shitskin part. Likely he meant that people told him to get a business degree. But even if I'm that charitable it's still retarded. MBA is not a business undergrad.

>> No.54822342

Go self emloyed