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54820762 No.54820762 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of PEEPO having such a strong AI image generator?

>> No.54820771

unlimited frog friends OP, just think of the possibilities

>> No.54820832
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Imma be honest with you guys, im fully into the PEEPO coin, but mostly because of the money and the community. I still don't think AI art is art per se. Impressive? Sure. Creative? Nah

>> No.54820839

I think AI art is a fascinating practical exploration into the question of whether 'art' is determined by the creator or the viewer.

>> No.54820846

by the creator no? i don't do jack shit to the art expect watch it, i didn't have any role in the creation of the piece

>> No.54820855

Ye. People often try so hard to pick sides whenever there’s an argument that they forget there’s never an objectively right or wrong answer to anything really.

>> No.54820865
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This kind of relativism is neither true nor productive. Aesthetics is a perfectly valid school of thought that can come to real determinations that are objectively true - it is not just a bunch of randoms sharing unfounded opinions at the pub.

>> No.54820882

People overestimate themselves. There is no such thing as “objectively true”. Who decides what is objectively true? Most of what we believe and live today are made of human constructs, and the human brain is unreliable at best. Especially when it comes to aesthetics, a particularly subjective and abstract topic in which there are no “right” answers.

In technical terms, yes, aesthetics is a beautiful and complex subject with many strong intricacies that are seemingly undeniable, but once again these opinions are merely what we make them out to be.

Same shit with the market and the people who think not investing in AI is denying the development of science, who's to say what will make humanity better in the future?

>> No.54820890

You haven't actually refuted any idea of objective truth, you've just restated your idea that it isn't as though it were self-evident.

Mathematics is a human construct. It builds from its (actually) self-evident or tautological base premises an unbroken chain of logical necessity to construct a complex system of objective truth. It is not any less so because "the human brain is unreliable" - sure, humans can make mistakes in the moment, but we can also correct them. The fact that a2 + b2 = c2 is not anything less than absolute proven truth for the fact that the person who made it was capable of error.

>> No.54820907
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Uhh apolocheese, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.54820911

If we’re bringing mathematics into this conversation, then yes, math is a human construct, but it’s more so a tool for the determination of what is “true”. Scientific knowledge is considered to be the objective truth, but humans know so little about how the universe and even our own brains work. The important thing is to recognise that we know little. Our opinions don’t matter.

We hold our existence as “humans” with such high significance, as if our lives have “meaning”. And while it’s perfectly fine to think so, none of us really know why we are here or what we’re meant to do. And there likely isn’t a reason to begin with.

Long story short: We often give meaning to things in life, but is there really any meaning to anything? People will continue to do this, that’s just what makes us human, but we shouldn’t assume we can even begin to pinpoint what “objective truth” is when it comes to the arts.

>> No.54820924

This Pyrrhonism that you claim to advocate is contradicted by your own statements. You admit the existence and validity of abstraction, and you admit the reliability of observation (even if you question its scope). You say "our opinions don't matter" or that "we know little" but how much do we need to know to partake in aesthetics as a field of study? Not much beyond that which is relevant to human affairs, generally.

"is there really any meaning to anything" is a particular philosophical question, it is not a prerequisite for philosophy (or aesthetics) to be true or, in fact, meaningful. It cannot be. The assertion that there is no meaning to anything is in itself a meaningful, objective (not true but objective), philosophical statement.

You seem to believe that there are only two states of being: omniscience and total ignorance, and if you are not omniscient then you can make no meaningful assertions about anything.

>> No.54820947

This is false. I don’t strongly advocate anything in this instance. It may have come across that way, but my main message is that human beliefs and thought processes, along with the world we live in, are complex and that acknowledging how little we know is something I think is important. In no way am I trying to preach anything.

You stated that I included a philosophical question in my post and that it contradicts my ideas. I understand your point about how the belief that nothing is philosophical is philosophical in itself, but I never claimed that philosophy is something that doesn’t exist or shouldn’t exist. I was merely bringing up a popular question of debate to show that definite answers when it comes to meaning and other philosophical topics are arguably impossible to define.

You brought up the Pythagorean Theorem earlier in a thread about art, and while your comments on math and logic are something I strongly agree with, this conversation pertains to the arts, and yes, aesthetics is a field of study and I have never believed otherwise. But the “arts” and what we associate with the arts are made up of human ideas. And there is nothing objective about what one might find aesthetically pleasing or whether or not AI art is real art. Aesthetics (the branch of philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste) is exactly what you described it to be; a field of study. Which does not equate to objective truth.

Yes, there are popular opinions and biological tendencies (that may fluctuate and differ from person to person) when it comes to aesthetics, but you linked objective truth to math and logic earlier. Not art.

>> No.54820954

not really, its always 'off' and can tell that is was not generated by a human with a SOUL.

>> No.54820972

Ah yes, biz, the place where i go to talk about funny memecoin tokens and end up reading about objectivism, nihilism and the philosophy behind a fucking peepo ai generated image

>> No.54820993
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>acknowledging how little we know is something I think is important
I disagree in most cases - I think it's implied, and discouraging the search for truth (in fields such as aesthetics) on these grounds is not productive even to the extent it is technically, though unquantifiably, correct.

>But the “arts” and what we associate with the arts are made up of human ideas.

I believe I have disproved the point that human ideas are inherently without definite truth by acknowledging the field of mathematics. And if there can exist a field of study devoid of any objective truth, I would have to wonder what they are even studying or how it can be said to exist at all.

>you linked objective truth to math and logic earlier. Not art.
If that is how my point has come across than I made it misleadingly. My point was that objective truth stemming from wholly and exclusively human concepts is a precedented phenomenon. To say that aesthetics is necessarily arbitrary and irrational, to my assessment, is much the same as saying that the movement of the cosmos is arbitrary and irrational, as it looked to primitive peoples without the understanding of it we now enjoy. If you'll forgive me the indulgence of this manner of speculation, I rather think that (should the intellectual development of aesthetics as an objective thing continue) we should see in the future a similar level of contempt for relativists and nihilists viewing art as we now hold for those mystics who attributed the migration of the stars to the arbitrary whims of emotional deities.

AI art is not real art because it is not imbued with the metaphysical property of meaning which is imparted on a work by its creator. One can superficially read meaning where none exists like one might find a face in the shape of a landscape or an image in particular arrangements of stars but that is to impose meaning, not gain it from the thing itself.

>> No.54821009

i need the contract on this token op, i want some of the stuff these guys are smoking

>> No.54821020

sure fren, you can find it on dextools
