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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54820538 No.54820538 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54820548

twitter screenshot thread? OP, go kill yourself

>> No.54820549

>More AI astroturf

>> No.54820555
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this thread is not about ai
it's about chainlink memetics

>> No.54820577

>Elon trying to FUD AI again while he openly has an AI company
Never seen someone so salty they sold the bottom.

>> No.54820626

>twitter literal who

>> No.54820646
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unbearably retarded takes

god reading the archive makes me long for how this board once was

>> No.54820682


>> No.54820683

I honestly don't give a fuck as long as the AI kills me painlessly, or rigs my brain into liking slave labor, w/e they do to me can't be worse than waging.

>> No.54820724
File: 150 KB, 1202x1098, AI job replacements_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are <110 IQ you should give up trying to get any sort of office clerical/desk service job.
The next 5 years will see Industrial revolution tier change in "work".

>> No.54820739

yes, free feedback is hard to come by in corpo land, a shame the astroturfing ain't working anymore

>> No.54820743

> > As Bloomberg reports, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said the company expects to pause hiring for roles it thinks could be replaced with artificial intelligence in the coming years. As a result, hiring in back-office functions — such as human resources — will be suspended or slowed, Krishna said in an interview. These non-customer-facing roles amount to roughly 26,000 workers, Krishna said. “I could easily see 30% of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period.” That would mean roughly 7,800 jobs lost.

>> No.54820752

scary but opportunities abound also
sincerely DO NOT flash your wealth if you have it
desperation and jealousy will be everywhere

>> No.54820786
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this assclown was in my high school. he daddy got biiiiig pockets

>> No.54820787
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I member

>> No.54820788

The first Zelda Game where you can #Build holy shit

>> No.54820789
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>> No.54820897

i just remembered some anon said he thought the uptrend was going to begin may 12th. it was a throwaway comment in a TA thread yesterday or the day before. Not even sure why it stuck in my head.

>> No.54820899

i'm not even lying when i say this and you can find the thread in the archive if you care
i found the oracle of seasons connection while taking a shit a work
the connection hadn't been realized here before that

>> No.54820943

IBM is a consulting company. Their whole business model is to sell crap software. to other enterprises (b2b).
Anyone here remember blockchain services?
Do you know how many companies are using BLoCKChAin day to day.
They don't innovate, what they do is try staying relevant by creating buzz articles and offering fake services.
why you might ask?
This is plain financial engineering to prop up their stock prices, show investors that they are to be taken seriously. IBM is bloated and they could fire all those people, but this is just a cover story. Even if the AI is perfect, it takes legacy companies so fucking long to pivot, anyone who works in these behemoth companies know how fucking slow and annoying it to get anything to be done, let alone integrating cutting edge AI into your workflow. You would have to trian the AI on your data, get approvals, data security, create new business units, establish communicaton channels, blah blah blah.
Only startups are fast and nimble enough to take advantage of AI in its current form, and providers like microsoft.