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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 825 KB, 692x720, avax-chan-kda-rework-rename-before-posting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54808834 No.54808834 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy KDA
>Buy KDA (for burgers)

>Create a wallet

>Kadena's ecosystem (DEXes, NFTs, etc)
>Kadena Bridge
https://tellor.io/ (coming soon)

>Kadena Explorer & Metrics (Network Overview, Statistics)

>Socials (Twitter, Medium)

>Why Kadena? (Official Website, Summaries)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_XZv_TN7V8 (Kadena - Just an ETH Killer)

>> No.54808840
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>> No.54808879



>> No.54808941
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>tellor.io/ (coming soon)

>> No.54808965

They should pay the chainlink asap bribe instead of wasting their time with any other oracle solution.

>> No.54809013

ChainLink is free to use (when they implement it) >>54249096

>> No.54809028


>> No.54809042

Why would anyone go on 4channel and tell lies about ChainLink?

>> No.54809052

good point

>> No.54809424 [DELETED] 

Didnt this shit rug months ago and all the tranny retards hanged themselves?

>> No.54809781

Bigots not welcome.

>> No.54811717
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>> No.54812417
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>be me
>kevin murcko
>need to think of a name for this new crypto scam i've had brewing for awhile
>homeless at the moment living on a metro for the past 2 years trying to avoid taxes and running from interpol
>I'll call it Conmetro
>write it down with a ballpoint pen on my forehead so I don't forget, using the window as a mirror
>nahh it's too obvious
>add an i, since people love anything with the name coin in it, coinbase, coinance, coincoin, bazinga
>shit shit angel investors will see right through me
>need to figure out the perfect demographic
>it has to be a group of some of the most autistic degenerate retards imaginable with no foresight or experience
>perfect, i'll create some degenerate handle to blend in
>entire board is filled with this white supremacist nazi green frog shilling something called chainlink
>initially center a larp around being a chainlink insider to further blend in and gain notoriety
>spread the most vague cryptic nonsense imaginable, boosting everyone's ego, tribalism
>at the end sprinkle in my own scam, but never say it directly so that they don't think i'm a shill
>never post again

>> No.54812427
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>fast forward a few years
>turns out those nazi frogs were right
>seen as a prophet and become immortalized
>managed to scam a few million so far, built an office, hired some yes men
>still not satisfied
>the degenerate autists are starting to get suspicious
>remember my roots as a snake oil salesman in chicago
>make endless promises that I know will never be met, make it a meme and get your yes henchmen to regurgitate it over and over upon any questioning
>want to try my hand at conning venture capitalists
>set a price floor to our own native token so that nobody can sell
>tell everyone that we saved them from the bear market even though everything was already crashed 80% when the price floor was set in motion but the autists dont even question it since they worship my very word
>looks incredible on paper
>can now fool oil princes by saying we are evaluated at $200MM
>secure my rounds
>begin soft rugging on the nazi frogs starting with the AMAs
>actually made it and can finally retire thanks to these retards

>> No.54813602

>Why Kadena

>> No.54814306
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Yes, I myself fucked emin back in the times in Cornell. Man, I think about a boy with a tight ass with such a good grip. We used to walk together on campus to eat kebabs and smoke some hookahs. After that, we went to his dorm and I always raw dogged him with a bit of olive oil on top of my cock.
When I came it was really fantastic, I emptied every single drop of my balls into his light brown asshole. Just the thought of it makes my dick tremble again. He looked me in the eyes, shivering from pleasure, and really grateful that I blessed him with my seed.
When I sniffed his tasty butthole, he would make a noise like a dog crying, and the vapors of turkish seasoning would fill my lungs.

>> No.54814792

yo niggas is me kevin murk here just wanted to say thanks for all your shekels nerds

>> No.54815619

Will include in the next general.

Kevin would never say the n word.

>> No.54815665


>> No.54815783
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It's over

>> No.54816861
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I'm gonna to die alone!

>> No.54818343
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Would you rather die at the same time as your loved ones?

>> No.54818547

No, and you were right with the get used to no replied, I thought you were joking. I wonder what they are thinking, do they get so many that they don't even feel like replying to people? She has too much fun texting chad to talk to the losers! it's over.
I don't mind, figured I would mind, I think I will mind if the girl was S Tier dream girl. Anyway that makes me want to message complete bullshit to them instead.
Matched with 10 by now had a nice conversation with a cute ukraian girl but that's about it. Basically it's 4chan's fault that my standards are so high.

>> No.54818791
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Why yes I photoshopped my waifus on my profile images because I think they are cute, how could you tell.
It probably scares away the normies, seems like a good thing.

>> No.54818821


>> No.54818915

You only get one.

>> No.54819165

>Why yes I photoshopped my waifus on my profile images because I think they are cute, how could you tell.
I hope this isn't a joke. Post it on your onlyfans so we can see it.

>> No.54819207
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It is not a joke. I am autistic.

>> No.54819337

Post it. I want to see how attentive to detail you were. Just blur out your face if you are afraid of being doxxed.

>> No.54819491
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I'd rather not but here you go. It's low effort I just put her on top of the guy imgur.com/a/H9Jr4Mr

>> No.54819763

teehee im a girl in germany uwu

>> No.54819906
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Cute self sabotage.

>> No.54819927
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>> No.54820122

If I upload a picture of myself to this thread on 4channel dot org will you make me one too? Let me just look for my passport because I don't have any other pictures of myself.

>> No.54820252

It's not self sabotage, I have little to no interest in women who are not down with the tism, and I got enough validation already for it not to matter, I can try changing it to see if it really makes any impact if you like.
Ok, but we can't have the same waifu.

>> No.54820578
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>I have little to no interest in women who are not down with the tism
Why? Women are retarded. Make male friends to discuss your autistic hobbies instead of expecting girls to care.

>> No.54820624
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Yesterday I matched with a chick who reads junji ito and had read punpun. I am not going to give up hope like you did.

>> No.54820635

Tell me you've never heard of those too and it's not just me.

>> No.54820738

A girl who likes popular things!? Wowzers!

>> No.54820746
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>> No.54820747

The girl above your post didn't even know about said popular things.

>> No.54820876
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Punpun is the 9th most popular manga on my al and Junji Ito is the author of some stuff in the top 50. You are trying to discern someones taste when for all you know she has read 5 manga in total. I haven't given up, you are just trying to find a girl who fills in for the cool weeb friends you don't have. Make more friends.

>> No.54820923

You are too good at being right, but keep your initial point in mind
>Make male friends to discuss your autistic hobbies instead
Is that not incorrect? The fact that they are popular is not the point here.

>> No.54821070
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I was pointing out you wouldn't want a girl who cares about manga if you had male friends to talk about it with It would be a plus but very, very low on your list of priorities. Come to think of it you don't even read manga and just want a weeb girl because you hate yourself for being a weeb and imagine yourself having no real value to anyone except to another weeb.

>> No.54821104
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Absolutely brutal. I will never ever recover from this post.

>> No.54821140 [DELETED] 
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I do read manga haha

>> No.54821319

>3 chapters
>bunch of Z tier manga trash equivalent to marvel universe but worse
A failure at being a weeb as well it seems.
Lol. Lmfao. Even.

>> No.54821320

I just read whatever is the latest on dynasty-scans because I've read it all anyways. It's rough being a minority, himejoshi are seriously oppressed. Bitcoin is even conspiring against us by going up 1.4%.

>> No.54821596
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There is nothing amiss in seeking a companion who truly understands and appreciates our passions. In a world abundant with long-haired, inebriated smokers, discovering shared interests serves as a potent unifying force. What is life, if not to watch incest anime and subsequently be able bring said scenes to life with your gf? I shudder at the thought that some would object to such desires. My fellow anons, the alternative is to endure a partnership with one who fails to resonate with our interests, inevitably leading to disillusionment, and ultimately, disconnection. What is even the point of having discerning taste if one cannot share it with their cherished partner. Let us embrace the quest for a kindred spirit who mirrors our tastes, for it is in this journey that we uncover our most authentic selves and forge the deepest connections.
I am not a weeb so my taste being bad seems fine.
- Anonymous Sun Nov 27 22:04:30 2022 No.52638927

>> No.54821753

>endure a partnership with one who fails to resonate with our interests
What if I am interested in cute girls and all my other needs are met without a female?
>What is even the point of having discerning taste if one cannot share it with their cherished partner.
I am a complete person alone. The girl is just there to look cute.
>uncover our most authentic selves
Do you know what they do to guys like my authentic self in prison? Life isn't an issue of comic lo.

>> No.54821798

>Do you know what they do to guys like my authentic self in prison? Life isn't an issue of comic lo.
The oddly short correction officers will laugh and step on your face with their feet?

>> No.54821843

You're replying to halfway aigenerated nonsense. But you bring up something I wanted to highlight in my word soup, if you don't care and more importantly don't need one due to your needs being met, then why even have a gf? it would be completely useless. If I was offered a government assigned gf that has no interest in the things I do then I'd rather have none.

>> No.54821919
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>why even have a gf?

>> No.54821930
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>> No.54821956

This is unironically the best idea for an anime I have ever heard.

>> No.54822161
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This is why I want Linux on my Macbook. Using MacOS is like taking the most dumbed down normalfag friendly linux distro and then just shipping it broken and make it impossible to improve or customize. The (?) button opened a blank page by the way. All the images on my desktop are invisible by the way. It broke mid use and restart doesn't fix.

Sent from my Safari

>> No.54822229

Restarting the third time worked. Freetards in shambles, this is what real software is like.

>> No.54822333

Restarting wouldn't have fixed it if it was Linux.

>> No.54822628
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That was me

>> No.54822756
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If I can't see AVAX CHAN's feet, can I see hers?

>> No.54822810

It's over for non ASIC-resistant POW. The cost of mining rising 30% just before the next halvening is funny.

>> No.54823766
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>> No.54824122

You might as well get a bf if you just want to share manly interests and camaraderie.
Making your arm numb is all it takes to make it not gay >>54795871

>> No.54824147
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>> No.54824790
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Nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy the time you spend with a partner.

>> No.54826471

Why do you want a girlfriend and not a boyfriend? You have a Madonna-whore complex caused by a lack of sex, talking to degenerates about cute girls all day and being isolated from your irl friends. All things considered that isn't very messed up by 4channel standards.