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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54810582 No.54810582 [Reply] [Original]

121 straight BTFO on CT. Absolutely incredible consistency. Nobody knows humiliation quite like the Link team and their cult following. Just counting down the days until theyre behind bars for fraud.

>> No.54810597
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>> No.54810615

It will be kino when there's youtube videos of Francisco beating the shit out of sirgay on stage.

>> No.54810894
File: 564 KB, 1125x1904, ACFBC223-9AFD-4510-802F-0A86B32E6E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao. The team hired another “advocate” to write a thesis on the scam. And it just get btfo one time after another, even by armchair crypto guys such as pic related. Embarassing. Complete humuliation is coming

>> No.54811083

Mental illness

>> No.54811528

Pay up faggots

>> No.54811611

>FUD fags are ESL third worlders
Bonjour! And that guy isn't an "advocate" he's actually calling for sub $5.3 LINK.

>> No.54811629

How are there so many spelling mistakes when browsers and phones literally have built in auto correct.

>> No.54811709

Because when you're a retard, you'll always be a retard.

>> No.54811730
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Add another rug to the list. Good lord

>> No.54811742
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Pay up indeed

>> No.54811835

You sound like a bitch with no job.

>> No.54811866

>Anonymous (ID: y2I/xvnc)
>05/02/23(Tue)10:21:13 No.54811611
>>>54810582 (OP) #
>>>54810894 #
>>FUD fags are ESL third worlders
>Bonjour! And that guy isn't an "advocate" he's actually calling for sub $5.3 LINK
What a shityy advocate bro lmao

>> No.54812190
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Youre in a cult though

>> No.54812205

Whens your shift over?

>> No.54812473

i really really like being in a cult

>> No.54812727

It’s getting worse

>> No.54812749

lol you're an incel cuckold
stay poor

>> No.54812908

No seriously, whens the shift over? Youve been hard at work posting your little pictures and captions. You could use a break.

>> No.54813249
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>> No.54813614

Fucking always makes me cringe since gme seeing it more and more.

>> No.54813901

kek is this the new gravelcoin?

>> No.54813912

They raised $7MM 3 years ago from Stripe and it’s just 2 guys there is no way they burned through that. Probably rebranding and stealth building.

>> No.54813951
File: 45 KB, 1045x425, massivebrainsamefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54815141

friendly reminder that JUMP TRADING is behind both the blatantly scammy btc dumps to suppress price and the 24/7 FUD campaign on both biz and twitter. this is how they choose to spend their vast resources. these are the parasitic organizations that we will inevitably be purging from the world.

also congrats to SNX for having abysmal foresight and getting suckered into a wolf in sheep's clothing attack.

>> No.54815149

i hold LINK and PEPE. no more brother wars

>> No.54815198

>making the price collapsing


>So great project

>> No.54815270

I wonder if they spend time fudding in their own language, or if fudding LINK is something they only do in their second language, which seems super weird.
Like imagine going on some Japanese imageboard and talking shit about Nissan corporation in Japanese every day.

>> No.54815614

is this bait or is this some epic new "in it for the tech" coping mechanism? Price keeps going down = people become unhappy, it's not really that complicated
how autistic do you have to be to not realize this?

>> No.54815642

>Price keeps going down = people become unhappy
boy you should've seen the fud on here in 18-19-20 when Link was outperforming the entire market.

>some epic new "in it for the tech" coping mechanism
No, that's what the "fud Link to normies, Link will pump purely on its fundamentals alone" crowd was about.

>> No.54815667

I was here, the sentiment was overwhelmingly positive especially after the 2019-2020 pumps.
>inb4 muh Zeus
nobody on /biz/ was even concerned about them, the only thing that has actually changed is that /biz/ is far more negative than ever before.

>> No.54815674

>inb4 nooo the fud was just as bad back then
it wasn't, simply because of the price action. FUD acts like noise when it keeps outperforming, common sense.

>> No.54815690

Honestly this perma bear will be worth it if a lot of link twitter suicides. Maybe the market will turn around when chainlinkGOD uploads a shotgun video to liveleak.

>> No.54815705

Francisco Gonzalez is unleashed ngl kek

>> No.54815900

The fud was at least just as bad, what the fuck are you smoking.
After Google Cloud, every day hundreds of posts about "muh fake partnership", just to give you an example.

>> No.54816287
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>> No.54816606
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friendly reminder that based Bulgarians and Pajeets are suppressing a blatant /biz/ scam while making the cuckolds SEETHE

>> No.54816668

Total, complete, final annihilation
>b-b-but I bought at 40 cents!!!

>> No.54816701

And they were right.
A cloudformation template, docs on how to create a chainlink node fast can be done by any pajeet on medium.

I can write infra for a chainlink node in terraform in couple of hours, am I partnered with chainlink labs yet?

Stupid fucking ape, lmao

>> No.54816724


>> No.54816726

Bulgarian Chad here

I’m happy my country is contributing to the downfall of a meme project

>> No.54816734

Well at least you aren’t massively butthurt about it or anything lol

>> No.54816739


you MEV mafia pricks have another thing coming. The world will find out about what you're doing to free and open finance and you nerdy little faggots will go straight to federal prison and that's the happy ending - keep doing what you're doing and see what happens

>> No.54816788

just a spic spitting the truth

>> No.54816838

based bulgarians

>> No.54816845
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>it's the WEF
>it's the discord FUDDERS
>it's the Bulgarians
>it's JUMP
>it's the MEV mafia

>> No.54816919
File: 756 KB, 1125x1712, 4E47098C-8DA5-440D-8981-99E7FF0616C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait, let me get this straight…you hired an advocate to post a 40 part thread on twitter to shill Link, and his conclusion was its worth $5 and change!?!?

Bahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah holy shit you cucks never cease to out-do yourselves. Well done

>> No.54817002
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baggies literally make up a new boogeyman each week.

They will never blame Sergey and the 140 million tokens he dumped in 2020-2021 kek

>> No.54817140

Look up how many tokens Solana, Fantom, Matic, … dumped during that same timeframe.

>> No.54817167

shitcoins are made by greedy devs? Wow shocking news!

Are you trying to tell me that dumping 1 billion $$$ on retail investors doesn't affect the price? lmao

>> No.54817224

>Are you trying to tell me that dumping 1 billion $$$ on retail investors doesn't affect the price?
Clearly not; Solana, Fantom, Matic, … all dumped a lot more and outperformed the entire market.

Hell, even ADA dumped as much as Sergey did in dollar terms.

>> No.54819479
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Holding Link has driven me crazy. I'm sure of it.
Year after year, as we try to figure out why the price has been so shitty, we've found culprit after culprit.
CL dumping tokens for runway
Nexo and friends shorting relentlessly
BTC dumps
Slow progress on CCIP, Staking, etc
and now MEV mafia.

To be frank, I think all of the above have a hand in the price suppression, so I really don't know how we can expect a Link pump before the next crypto bull market is in full swing.
What a mess.