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54808386 No.54808386 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know your life’s purpose?

>> No.54808584

No and it's killing me. 32 years old.

>> No.54808927
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>> No.54808975

Reproduce before dying. Take care of my offspring so that they produce fertile offspring of their own.

>> No.54808995

>Do you know your life’s purpose?

I guess we gotta make something up

>> No.54809076
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yes, thanks for asking

>> No.54809302

Try hypnosis or guided meditations, some people have great success from stuff like that
Or just do a big dose of DMT

>> No.54809344

Ask yourself which of your wants do you *want* to want. Those are your values. A meaningful life consists in being what you want to want to be, and doing what you want to want to do.

>> No.54809450

This but also glorify God with my life and teach my children about the Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.54809614

>both great advice
sometimes we just need to sit in silence and ask the right questions
try alternating between focused concentration on your ideal self, the money, confidence, body language, attitude that you would have if your life was perfects, for 5 minutes
then let go of all thoughts and sit in silence for 5 minutes and any time a thought pops in your head, don’t follow it, just let it go
that’s 2 different and effective types of meditation.

sit down and turn off the tv, phone, computer, set a timer for at least 5 minutes, close your eyes, take a deep breathe. ask yourself what do you want to do and who you want to be. sit in silence and gratitude for being here in this moment of your life. the answers will always pop into your head if you practice this

>> No.54809640

>children of light
Care to explain this?

>> No.54810136

God exists

Its complicated, angel exists too, fallen ones aswell

>> No.54810146

To fight

>> No.54810174

Thank you for making this thread>>54809344
Thank you for your contributions

>> No.54810256

There's a weird thing about how some entities I saw on psychedelics look exactly like those weird things Ezekiel described. Pretty strange coincidence. I have no conclusion for you, just something I noticed. Another weirdly coincidental thing I learned: if you burn acacia bushes they have a small amount of DMT in them. I wonder if the burning bush was acacia. Or maybe Sage. Idk. Just weird stuff I'm learning.

>> No.54810360

If you look at primitive tribal groups that still exist today, they all have religious rituals revolving around the ingestion of hallucinogens derived from the local flora. It wouldn't surprise me at all if historically referenced substances like "manna" or "soma" had powerful psychedelic properties.

>> No.54810585
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I was a sickly infant and if born only 100 years earlier I would have died before age one.
By nature I am not meant to be here today. I should have died by design.
This explains why I've never felt a purpose, never had any ambitions, and never knew what I wanted to do with my life.

>> No.54810717

>Do you know your life’s purpose?
Yes. It's to be the jester clown of that faggot of a god

>> No.54810883

My purpose is much more clear but still relatively undefined and developed but the clarity in my purpose is life changing in itself.

>Love the esoteric meme, That bird head fellow is my phone wallpaper - (;

>> No.54810909

You’ll find your purpose one day anon
We all will

>> No.54810989

It’s crazy how quantum physicists are starting to agree with the mystics and medicine men
psychedelics are only a tool to access other vibrations. Unused correctly they can be magic

>> No.54811111

they already told you the purpose of everything and it roughly translates into
'to know thyself'
and that can be whatever you want it to be at any moment for any person

>> No.54811210

Good digits

>> No.54811228

literally to just vibe and chill

>> No.54811277

What does this even mean? Simply think the words in your head or what. I feel christians are purposefully vague and it's why noone takes them seriously. If you just explain this in terms that don't feel toothfairy or santaclausish adults might listen. Is religion a brain hack or do you actually think a man in the clouds watches you masturbate?

>> No.54811805

Right? I think the brain hack angle has some interesting aspects but religious people never care about looking behind the hood

>> No.54811928

Be the best you can at every opportunity. The reason we don't know our purpose is in the same way as if you tried to explain how the internet works to a cat. We're far too limited in knowledge and dialect to understand any of it. Just be as best as you can, whenever you can.

>> No.54811999
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Well said. We only understand a fraction of the absolute truth and universe
Enjoy the beauty while it lasts

>> No.54812056

>Do you know your life’s purpose?
im gonna become a millionaire and knock up an asian chick at least 5 times

>> No.54812115

there are people in every earthly culture who are “attuned” to these things. being aspiritual is really just a retard passtime.
it is truly amazing what sort of psychoactive / spiritually-inducing substances are present everywhere on earth. you really think that is meaningless, an accident?
but don’t get lost in the sauce. it probably takes lifetimes of rebirth to reach a place where you allow yourself to learn anything from an experience like that

>> No.54812830

>this anon gets it

>> No.54812862

I've tried making a thread about hermetics on /biz/ before but it's like casting pearls before swine, they don't wanna hear it. Most who come here are materialist golems of the highest order of retardation.

>> No.54812881

This but it's not complicated. It's simple.

>> No.54812895


>> No.54812901


This is sad and true anon

>> No.54812914

Thank you. I need to filter out the easy distractions in my life.

>> No.54813270

thats thoth

>> No.54813305

this might sound depressing but its not
I used to fear death and aging but now im looking forward to it, life is hard work, i cant wait to be fucking 65 and just do whatever the fuck i want and trim my flower garden or whatever the fuck im doing at 65

>> No.54813311
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To stack silver.

>> No.54813378
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>> No.54813411

based meditation practice

>> No.54813459

God exists and the people that run our world despise him and do everything to catch his attention from destroying his symbology to doing the inverse to comitting great sin. Why do they do what they do? Why do they hate him so much?

>> No.54813828

This thread is your chance to talk anything hermetic

>> No.54813870

>to catch his attention
I think that's it. They act out like shitty kids for attention. As long as they're kinda funny and not destructive in some important way, God probably still likes them more than the average boring pleb.

>> No.54813939

One can hope

>> No.54813976
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Or be tortured for eternity for not slavishly worshipping the jew god.

>> No.54814192

I just finished Dolores Cannon’s “New Earth & 3 Waves of Volunteers” and I understand my purpose more than ever now because of that book

>> No.54814259

Almost died at birth, NDE at 22, tried to kill myself at 31. I'm 34 now and I've made peace with the past, my old self has finally left me. I know why I'm here. It's all about bloodline anon. Take care of your future offspring, you'll become the fruit of the tree that which you've planted in your next lifetime.

>> No.54814276

>Do you know where you’re at?
at the computer shitposting
>Do you know your life’s purpose?
i haven't decided yet. everything seems pointless so i'm just going to do whatever i feel like doing.

>> No.54814300
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those aren't even translated right
judahite, judean, and tons of other words are all translated into jew

this is why jesus rebuked the jews as not his sheep, cause jesus wasn't a jew

>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Jesus said, “Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”
>They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
>"We have NEVER been slaves." (The Edomites (Jews) were never slaves, The Israelites were.)

even says they have different Fathers
>Ye are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

>> No.54814307
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>> No.54814654


>> No.54814830

this anon knows the stillness

>> No.54814956

>Do you know where you're at?
In bed rn

>> No.54815051
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Me too

>> No.54815098

This. And I get all the strength, courage, knowledge, guidance and comfort in knowing the lord. Blessed me with a beautiful day today.

>> No.54815179

Yeah except for that part where Saint Stephen called the Jews a bunch of Christ killers and reprimanded them for persecuting every prophet sent to them and finally persecuting their own God. Bible is pretty clear there is a difference between the old and new covenants. IT is also very clear Jews 2000 years ago were not following the Old Covenant and had denied the New Covenant. This is some Judaizer cope.