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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54802398 No.54802398 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we work

>> No.54802431

So you're too tired to resist the elite's attempts to destroy your quality of life.

>> No.54802436

To make faggots like that guy suffer

>> No.54802452

You could be playing video games and watching anime all day if you had the NEET life. Wagecucks.

>> No.54802465

i don't

>> No.54802475

/biz/ loves this Reddit tier webm

>> No.54802513
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>> No.54802533

imagine if he ended this gif with putting his hands on the hot electric stove

would make it 10x edgier, missed opportunity

>> No.54802548

yea what is the point of him standing there all depressed

>> No.54802559
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>> No.54802576

I work in a warehouse having a blast lifting heavy things without having to think at all and talking shit with the boys. I make enough to live very comfortably, invest and fuck hot as fuck hookers every week. Life is amazing.

>> No.54802590

I don't. No pussy, no work.

>> No.54802594

No work no pay
No pay no rent money
No rent money no place to live
Pretty simple really

>> No.54802602
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>> No.54802622

>hookers every week
Either you're fucking ghastly drug addicts or there's something you're not telling.

>> No.54802624

He did all that when he should’ve bought a better stove. Lmfao poorfags will NEVER get it

>> No.54802644

what else are you going to do?

>> No.54802648

She's no where even close to auti-line

>> No.54802655

>wagecucks literally can't see a way out

>> No.54802679

Do wagerats really?

>> No.54802730

>time/half Saturday
>double Sunday
>30 mins with literal JAV girl at brothel = $250
Pretty simple

>> No.54802738

What do you do?

>> No.54802742

>work, feel miserable but have a good routine
>neet, feel pretty good for a month, then fall into despair
>work again, can feel my sould draining from this shit
>start uni, hate it already
I just can't win. I got hobbies, friends, a girlfriend but working, not working and studying make me miserable

>> No.54802743

>he didn't take the God-pill

>> No.54802748

Sort my nation's mail

>> No.54802753
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how did you get a gf?

>> No.54802772

To give jews more shekels through taxes

>> No.54802780

Try making your HOBBY your work. IF you do something you truly enjoy. Not just the " i like video games Hobby" but something you like to do.
>I have no fucking idea what it could be. go find it.

>> No.54802782

Living in Japan? Isn't it super expensive there because it's "technically" illegal.

>> No.54802787

delete this shit

>> No.54802795

$250 for an escort is a fucking ripoff

>> No.54802815
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>> No.54802816

No, this particular brothel and sister shops are Japanese girl focused and occasionally fly in JAV girls.

That's for a JAV girl. Regular hot 18 year olds are $150

>> No.54802830
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>> No.54802857

Got relatively /fit/ went on dates with tinder girls and lost my anxiety around women and romantic situations. Fucked some expensive escorts here and there which desu made me far less afraid to get intimate with normal women. I met my gf at a work event (she's not in the same company) and she made the first moves with getting my number and texting.

>> No.54802868
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Kek another white collared nerd drowning in debt who fell for the college meme
I make the same as this guy, if not more
These damn blue collared tweakers are running this here town

>> No.54802869

little bitch needs to lift some wights

>> No.54802871

you sell time for money so you can do things that require money

>> No.54802873

>lost my anxiety around women and romantic situations
how do u do it? (and dont say just put yourself out there)

>> No.54802884

But it literally is that you just put yourself out there, there is no magic fix

>> No.54802922

>just be happy
thanks my depression is fixed

>> No.54802941

Warehouses indeed pretty comfy. Do your robotic task in autopilot and have all brain to think about whatever and earn good moneys.

>> No.54802948

>how do u do it
By dating women and getting into romantic situations. During the same time I went to a lot of job interviews. Job interviews were pretty similar. You're nervous, anxious, are constantly second guessing yourself. Then after a dozen or so the anxiety stays managable, you've got a repertoire of responses and stories and you start focusing on what you want and start actually enjoying yourself. Do I like this girls, do I wanna touch her, do I wanna see her again? And then you start acting on that.

>> No.54802952

Bahahaha it's pretty comfy bro, $23/hour monday-friday,

>> No.54802957

i work to make money. i like my job (accounting) most of the time but it's just this thing that i do for money.

>> No.54802997

Exactly. I love my job, every day I show up is another $200+ in my pocket. I can do whatever the fuck I want with it. Invest, buy 200 French fries from McDonald's, WHATEVER

>> No.54803022

i make $47/hour to sit in my pajamas at home and shitpost.

>> No.54803040

Wearing pajamas is unironically one of the most cuck things a man can do

>> No.54803075

>Sort my nation's mail
You say that like it's this noble endeavor. What a faggot you are. Probably a spic, too. Kill yourself.

>> No.54803166
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to be fishers of men

>> No.54803279

you just get used to them until dealing with them feels normal.

>> No.54803426

fear of death

>> No.54803443

because they setup a situation where we have artificial scarcity on shelter and infinite credit.
this means shelter will always be bid up to force everyone to work. Any productivity gains we make will immediately be incorporated into higher shelter costs, leaving us always subsisting.

>> No.54803456

>Why do we work
Because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit

>> No.54803470

Because it provides the comforts of modern society

>> No.54803479

Use Xanax retard. Benzo naive people are so dumb.

>> No.54803483

Nah, I like pussy too much to be a neet

>> No.54803488

He literally said in his post, fuck escorts

>> No.54803498

>love from kazakhstan

>> No.54803500

So we can fall

>> No.54803510

Fucked a 23 years old for $50. Stay malding wagecuck.

>> No.54803523

Cope. I was a NEET for six months and I crushed the most pussy I've had in my life.

>> No.54803539

Lmao you have to pay for a woman's affection. I'm sure she was impressed by your funko collection too

>> No.54803543

Neckbeard incel fantasy cope

>> No.54803554

Haha oh I'm sure you did bud
>how many of them stuck around when they saw you were low value?

>> No.54803556

>has to work to get pussy
>you have to pay for a woman's affection
Least retarded wageslave everyone. You just admitted you can't get pussy without money 3 minutes ago.

>> No.54803560
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>Lmao you have to pay for a woman's affection. I'm sure she was impressed by your funko collection too

>> No.54803577

Post physique

>> No.54803578

honestly, try this
1 mg and the little monkey in your brain telling you to be shy and afraid disappears
use only once a week max, very easy to get addicted if you're desperate (you are)
do not mix with alcohol

>> No.54803584

If your brain wasn't completely fried from mind numbing tedious work you would be able to google escort prices in Europe considering we're posting in Euro hours. Wagerat.

>> No.54803599
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>> No.54803613

Top kek, it's very obvious you didn't understand what I wrote, nor do you understand how low value neets are, nor will you ever experience the rush of a woman throwing herself at you because of the value you've made for yourself.
>you should be doing more with your life

>> No.54803620

Wagecuck's wife while he is at work.

>> No.54803630

You're such a retard, no woman would stay with you if you weren't a wagecuck and didn't have money, you have to pay for their affection

>> No.54803650
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>> No.54803678

Lmao. Source on the full video?

>> No.54803683
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Turn to Jesus and find salvation in God's love.

>> No.54803686
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Haha oh OK bud, I'm 29, fit af, charming, own a house. I'm already better than you. I actually have to fight women off of me sometimes, it's pretty wild ngl.

>become more valuable, and your mates will come to you. (Incels hate this trick)

>> No.54803688

wow what a sperg
she's probably one of those creepy incels

>> No.54803715

Would wife and have autistic blonde children with

>> No.54803760

>unzipped jeans
I'm by no means a puritan but that is far too close to walking around with your fanny out.
Tbh as I've got older my sympathy for making women cover up has grown. I used to love seeing them in their skimpy outfits in summer, now it just pisses me off, like my body's reaction to seeing cleavage and transparent dresses with thongs underneath is being activated against my will.

>> No.54803764

>do the things you need for a family
>no family
>why am I doing this
Why indeed.
>its the system thats wrong
No you are just retarded

>> No.54803817

And you still admitted you'd get no pussy if you weren't working lmaooo.
>has to work to get women's affection

>> No.54803833

I dont see any problem with this

>> No.54803854

>has to put in 40h labor per week to get a woman's affection
lol lmao again at wagecucks

>> No.54803879

Yeah I'm sure the reason she's alone is that men don't like surgeons.

>> No.54803894
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So he can take your money and give it to fat welfare mamas who in turn keep up the charade of a working system

>> No.54803899

rich men are insecure about being married for their wealth especially if they're also on the spectrum or have social disabilities
it's why a lot of rich dudes either get divorced a lot, they like keeping beards around so people don't think they're weird, but they're also disillusioned by their wealth and how it attracts women regardless of their actual "love"
a woman can fall in love with what you think is a broke loser, and that feels a bit more genuine since it's not based in material desire
a 7 figure earning CEO can't date a waitress without it being seen as transactional

>> No.54803906


Insufferable """""career women""""" always like to pretend that anyone is intimidated by their occupation and it isn't just them being annoying as hell. 99% of men would love for their woman to outearn them and make their life easier.

>> No.54803911

Idk what kind of loophole you think you have but im sure its not worth doing.

>> No.54803942

>wagecuck literally doesn't realize you can just not work
>wagecuck doesn't realize I can just cough $50 whenever I want to get some pussy
Women's "affection" is a fucking meme if it evaporates the moment you lose your wagecuck status. She's not in love with you fag she's in love with your career.

>> No.54803948

That kinda makes sense but counter point, kids cost money. You want to be reproductively viable, the whole reason to have a girl in the first place, you need money. Theres nothing wrong with a woman recognizing that simple truth.

>> No.54803966


where can i see the whole video?

>> No.54803969

>love ends where money comes in
So she doesn't actually love you and your relationship is purely transactional got it

>> No.54803971
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>> No.54803981

>no rebuttal
lose your job and your whore wife leaves you congrats

>> No.54803984

Child, you don't understand anything other than money bringing value, because you're worthless without it. One day, you'll grow up, and realize you're living a low value dead end life.
>no woman will bear your children

>> No.54804005

not many people are in relationships these days for kids...a lot of people/normies are lonelier than they're ready to admit and they think of a relationship/marriage as the natural next step after their college years or early 20s, 30s
I think we're at a time where "reproductive viability" isn't really what you're seeking, but a genuine connection since social media has desensitized everyone and turned us into unwilling cynics who hyper focus on our insecurities
maybe this is too real of an answer but I think that's true for everything besides relationships as well, people want things to feel genuine, and wealth kind of makes that hard, acquiring it even more so than being born into it too

>> No.54804015

You have no disposable income as a neet. You're nothing but a parasite, leeching off govt gibs like a nigger.
>low value male has to part with 50 bucks for an hour with a low value whore

You're not winning at life bud

>> No.54804023

You are literally double digit IQ. Do you ever get tired of repeating mindless TRP garbage?
>muh valuuuuuuue
Textbook TRP talking point except they admit women don't actually feel affection and are attracted to value, not you. Somehow you missed that part being a retard and all that.

>> No.54804030

Theres love there, its just not the fairytale love you expect when you watch too much tv.
I just buried my grandpa, do you think my grandma was crying because of some loss of transactional value? Lmao.
Theres some serious sour grapes vibes coming from your posts

>> No.54804036

>wageslave has to constantly provide value or his wife will leave

>> No.54804039

Love isn't meme to people who actually made something of themselves. But to you, a worthless nigfag, it doesn't exist.
>that 50 bucks won't buy you love

>> No.54804054

That was his rebuttal, you just don't get it.. like how a loving woman will never be with you

>> No.54804057

>There's love there. But she wouldn't love me if I was NEET.
So she loves your status not who you are as a person. Got it.

>> No.54804058

this is the type of anon who would invest in a sex doll
it stops giving out if he doesn't pay his Tradwife© subscription

>> No.54804064

No woman loves you lmao, shut the fuck up already. Your whore cunt would not love you without a job, pathetic.

>> No.54804072

try getting a high paying job next time neetcucks, why are they so dumb bros?

>> No.54804073

Your wife's "love" ends when you lose your job

>> No.54804078

My mensa membership says otherwise lmfao

You're incapable of generating value for yourself. This is why you reject the concept. Good luck anon, I'm sure someone will just wake up in love with you, and your social status as an adult "male" will improve drastically

>> No.54804090

>mensa membership
What an autistic faggot my god.

>> No.54804101

I don't.
>t. NEET master race

>> No.54804122

Hahahaha thats a lot of projected rage you got there, boy. Maybe you should take a shower and go to the gym (if you can afford it) or you can cry about it

>You'll never breed

>> No.54804123

>women throw thesmelves at me
>own my house
>mensa membership (lol)
This is the level of larping wagecucks have reached ahahahahahaha

>> No.54804130

Do your mensa butt buddies know you're wasting time malding on a mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.54804131

Oh, you're intimidated.
It's ok, I don't punch down, you're not going to be bullied

>> No.54804138
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>> No.54804150 [DELETED] 

take your pills schizo

>> No.54804153
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that is me, I dont like to travel
is that a huge issue for women?

>> No.54804159

Haha not a larp, my life is pretty fuckin sweet.

Had you fools been bolder in your actions of life, you could share in the laurels of victory. But now you're priced out of home ownership, women reject you at a glance, and you post to 4chins for free, instead of bettering your circumstances.

Next you'll tell me it's the jews who are keeping you down lmfao

>> No.54804163


>> No.54804174
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>> No.54804184


>> No.54804193

Oh I'm at work, bullying you fools.
>some of you are actually proud of being genetic dead ends

>> No.54804205

yea. it is.

>> No.54804207

cant afford a house thouggh keep being a slave

>> No.54804209

It's an issue for women on dating sites.

>> No.54804221

what if I let them travel on their own would that work?

>> No.54804223

>h-haha n-not a larp t-trust me brooo

>> No.54804240

>bullying you

>> No.54804248

Homie, that's an awful idea. Bite the bullet and travel with them, or just assume that your chick will cheat

>> No.54804255

no. then she would just cheat on you.

>> No.54804256
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>> No.54804272

It matters not if you believe it or not, I'm going back home to.my 2k square foot house and my wife waiting for me in lingere (shits cash when you win)

Get mogged on

>> No.54804291

You're proud of being a genetic dead end. Your fate is already sealed, no one will remember you

>> No.54804298

we work so we understand the value of money so that when we get scammed and lose all our money, we stop investing and focusing on two things: saving and living stoicly and using one's wealth as a weapon. ie, not putting it into so called financial instruments. i lost 11k on frc and 0,6k on crypto. this is a lesson from god. please, people learn from this lesson. life isn't a game. stop wasting your time. do not look for miracles offered by swindlers. work, study, find a wife, get a house and kids. that is life. the internet inspires madness in people. please people, listen to me. find peace in a normal wage. do not gamble your money. do not be greedy. show patience. if you work, you get 2k a month. that's more than the ROI most stocks or crypto promise. why do you choose doubt over uncertainty. i will teach this lesson to my son, inshallah.

>> No.54804306

Why are you seething though?

>> No.54804340

Son, it's not seething. You feel attacked, because even my own written words illicit feelings of inadequacy in your mind.
However, you're still a genetic dead end

>> No.54804343
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>> No.54804442

You seem upset friend. Perhaps you should go back to work instead of getting your jimmies rustled eh?

>> No.54804507

For the enlightened end of the All. Soon all this evil wickedness will be vanquished by righteous men and you will feel happy again just like you did as a child.

>> No.54804517

Don't make me order jimmy johns. I'll fuckin do it

Where I work is really chill until I have to actually do something lol I've got time today good sir

>> No.54804538
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>> No.54804544

I've got time everyday wagecuck

>> No.54804651

Some people find stupidity infuriating. You are basically going up to tiger woods and telling him hes wasting energy following through on his drives.

>> No.54804655


You live In poverty, depression, no pussy, and you play nu-videogames. You're winning

>> No.54804675
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bros ich liebe her hair and the brown eyes

>> No.54804699

Very high iq post

>> No.54804702

You have been conditioned since birth to accept the 9 to 5 rat race

>> No.54804705

Costs me $50 to buy pussy. Stay mad wage rat.

>> No.54804719

Oh I bet you do bud. So it's perfectly clear: I don't hate you. I hate that you view unproductivity and complacency as something to be prized. I'm pretty sure you're a male, but you're not a man. You're no better than a teenage girl.

>> No.54804744

>dicken booty
I wish

>> No.54804747

>You're no better than a teenage girl
Says the guy making lies like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar haha

>> No.54804746

Idk man, she's got a pretty face too. The neets won't ever be with someone like that

>> No.54804765

Somehow I knew his car was going to have a boxer engine.

>> No.54804784

this feels like a conversation between two twelve year olds pretending to be adults

>> No.54804792

>I'm a disgusting subhuman who pays literal whores for attention

Wow sure showed me

>> No.54804794

>I did everything that consumerist/conformist society told me to do and now I feel empty
People like this, who waste their one chance at life mindlessly following orders deserve their suffering

>> No.54804809

This. Imagine bragging about fucking a $50 40yo crackhead hooker lmao.

>> No.54804818

I pay them for pussy, you crave a hole's attention because you are a weak bitch who can't handle life by himself.

>> No.54804819

If that's all it costs that's some shit pussy lmao

Degenerate wageslaves can at least afford prime $500 pussy. Seethe

>> No.54804824
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>> No.54804842

>virgins who don't go outside are clueless on the European escort market
of course

>> No.54804843

I'm gonna kill that motherfucker Satan for being the source of my wagecucking

>> No.54804845

>I am sad
>I am poor
>I am alone
>I am a genetic dead end
>I play bidygaymes (in year 2023)
>I am balding
>I buy the cheap discount pussy
>I'm winning. I'm the winner

Holy shit. I love this board

>> No.54804863

>I buy cheap pussy
And the rest is your projection. Hilarious.

>> No.54804875

But you know I'm right though

>> No.54804883

I know you're a miserable wagecuck projecting his insecurities on me

>> No.54804903

but xanax is illegal :(

>> No.54804931

To pay for college so more can work for banks' dol hairs duh

>> No.54804935

>Omg you make money??!!
>Im so angry!!! Don't do that !!!
>Be a poor butthurt incel like me!! (I buy $50 discount pussy though so I'm really a Chad h-haha)

Yeah, nah

>> No.54804937

You can't afford a cookie jar

>> No.54804955

lol NEET mean not valuing doggert$? /Yeah I value fucking women I'm not a gay slave 4 banks

>> No.54804959

I can fuck your whore mother for $50 wagecuck

>> No.54804975

Women don't get turned on by submissive men who suck doll hair printing bank dicks for food. You can't eat a doggerts $=-shit :D

>> No.54804982

Probably richer than you
You've been seething this entire thread
You just said I fuck cheap hookers dumbass. Make up your mind.

>> No.54804990

Two have a good reward for their toils. Work with your friends/family brothers in Christ keep crying suicidal already dead bankers' corpses

>> No.54805002

Lmfao we both know that's not going to happen. But you'll continue to cry and project, because that's all you can do. You're unproductive and an overall detriment to society.
Get a job you broke nigger

>> No.54805004
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>I'm a rich genius who lives in a mansion with a hot wife that greets me in lingerie
Holy fuck this guy. At least make it believable.

>> No.54805016

>You're unproductive and an overall detriment to society.
Yeah. Stay mad bitch.

>> No.54805021

And yet, I'm probably better off financially that you are. Work for yourself, work for a bank, work for a company, I don't really give a shit. Be a productive member of society or you're a nigger

>> No.54805031

I know right? Wagecucks have to larp like 5th graders to not look pathetic

>> No.54805039

Lol what makes you think you're relevant enough to illicit an emotional response? You're a cheap source of amusement, watching you squirm and vie for the approval of strangers is almost as succulent, as your pride in mediocrity

>> No.54805040

>Uhmm I'm ackshully richer than you
> I'm so rich I buy the cheapest whores on Craigslist
>Uhmm I paid for sex with a whore so I'm totally not an incel now okay...guys..

Sure thing buddy. Stay poor

>> No.54805051


>> No.54805057

>you fuck cheap hookers
>you're an involuntary celibate
Make up your mind already you stupid wage slave lol

>> No.54805085

Oh it's not a mansion, but one day I'll get one lol. I really wish it was a larp, the bigger the house, the more home maintenance.
>she's also 23, and absolutely smitten with me.

>> No.54805089

Lmao you dumb fucks

No one cares about being useful for society or any of that crap

Point is if you're rich you're better off than some poverty neet. I'm making fat stacks shitposting on double time. He's poor and has no future

Stay seething

>> No.54805093

he's depressed he bought an M-series
compounded by his own faggotry for wearing beamer merch lmao

easy fix for that kid if he's done whinging
>lift weights
>get a 911
you'll feel 100% better

>> No.54805095

>he keeps going
He's trying to convince himself lmaoooo

>> No.54805099

No woman would have sex with you without it being transactional. That is why you're low value

>> No.54805115

>He doesn't understand paying whores for sex means you are still an incel

It's okay. You have to cope with the fact you are an incel. I understand it's hard, but don't let it eat away at you.

>> No.54805123

who is Linda?

>> No.54805124

>his worth as a human being is decided by wether a hole wants to fuck him or not

>> No.54805136

It's only unbelievable to you, because it's so far beyond your grasp. To you, it's a fantasy, to me it's my daily reality.

Oh the things you can do when you have proper motivation, funding, and earned value. This could be you, but you're content with squalor

>> No.54805141

>i-it doesn't count!
kek what a dumbass

>> No.54805154

it's unbelievable because you're a low IQ chimp who couldn't lie to save his pathetic life lol

>> No.54805206

Some people do actually care for being useful to society. They're typically the ones who force progression of the species. The neets do not. They are nothing but the unproductive and outcast members, neither deserving of pity or reprive. Theirs, is a destiny to be forgotten. Yours is a destiny to be lauded, you're actually being somewhat productive.

>> No.54805207

My parents took us to the beach all the time as literal infants this bitch is just lazy.

>> No.54805218

losers work. winners are born. all i have to say. gotta hit 7 hours today on the time tracker boyos, but i guess my day went the way it ought to.

>> No.54805252

you are both spending your time in the exact same way, so much for productivity

>> No.54805270
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>> No.54805278

My iq is 165 lol, I have a job, disposable income, retirement funding, investments, property, a fitness model wife, professional military experience, and a rescue cat. If I were you, I'd also find that unbelievable, and cry larp... it's the only cope that's possible. You wasted your potential, I didn't. You capitulated in life. I didn't.

You'd be on my level if you weren't a dipshit with your time.

>> No.54805299

>wageslaving for women

>> No.54805302

I'm literally at work, some broke bitch decided that he wanted to be bullied today

>> No.54805313
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>got the car
>wearing a BMW M power shirt

>> No.54805334

Women are a flex on those who can't get any.
>it's not the peasants who had multiple women.

>> No.54805346


>> No.54805472

If you can dick em down once, you can dick em down again. Especially if you have and know how to use a great dick.

>> No.54805595

Implying that's somehow different lmao, a wageslave is a wageslave.

>> No.54805614

Hedgies were the biggest larpers of history all along xD

>> No.54805630

Chad hasn't worked a day in his life and fucks pussy every day he wants.

>> No.54805670

lmaaooo agreed. Chad just shows his genetics and pussies get wet. they even give him money instead of the other way around. Chad sleeps in the lawyer girls bed and waits until she is back from work and then she sucks him off and he pounds her money pussy

>> No.54805739

An entire life of woman moments

>> No.54805805

>My iq is 165
i shiggy diggy

>> No.54805818
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>evil snake convinces woman to eat fruit
>8 hours + ot on excel every day until you die

>> No.54805825

If you don't have anything, money is the last resort. Money is magic. You can fuck the hottest bitches with money.

>> No.54805865
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>> No.54805895

You're an undesirable incel who pays for low quality whores. Stay mad

>> No.54805900

Yes, money is indeed useful in the ventures of a coomer especially if you are only but mediocre in your sex performance. However take note that it seems as if those who are in good physical shape are the most successful coomers. I have yet to test this theory myself.

>> No.54805919

do you even know what 'incel' means?
jesus you're retarded.

>> No.54805936

You're still celibate if you have to pay to get your dick touched

>> No.54805961
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>> No.54805997

sounds like projection.

>> No.54806067

Woman logic.

>> No.54806166
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Well im a family man so i work to support my family. My son is just starting highschool so he's still dependent on me, i think he'll be able to get a job in a couple of years and i trust he will be good at it since he's a hard working boy. My wife is the perfect woman, she does all that i can't and more and im glad we have our backs. These days im glad that being a $PAPA comes with the joy of knowing my family loves me.
And who knows, checking the charts makes me feel i won't have to keep working much longer if i play my cards correctly.

>> No.54806234
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>> No.54806314

The only explanation is that he works at a whorehouse and his phone auto corrected it to warehouse.

>> No.54806317

this, artificial scarcity. we just simply live in a timeline where the belief is that most people would turn to useless eaters otherwise

>> No.54806327

I have 100,000 in the bank (after years of struggle). Can I quit my job? I don't want to work any more.

Well I do, but only on personal projects. How cheaply can I live and in which country? I have enough credit card rewards to get a 1-way flight to anywhere in the world.

>> No.54806391

SO based and tradpilled not to abort this precious human being!

>> No.54806441


>> No.54806469

in santiago, living cheaply you can live for 8 years with that money

>> No.54806482

Who the fuck Luke's tro travel? Long airline or car rides are not fun. What she is talking about is TOURISM.

>> No.54806483


[GirlsDoPorn] 19 Years Old - E371 - 4K

>> No.54806502

yea maybe get a hobby, who relies on work for their happiness wtf

>> No.54806511
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>I work for Steve

>> No.54806531

I actually agree with these women. I make over 200k and it doesn't buy much these days.

>> No.54806539

What the fuck is this obsession with beaches?

>> No.54806550
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tourism, travel I will have none of it

>> No.54806555

Someone should tell this faggot to stop larping. Everytime I see this webm my eyes go to the cheap ass old electric stove, the countertop that's stained and the wrinkly shirt. Empty undecorated kitchen. He's a skinny ugly manlet. I hope he's dead he's so fucking retarded.

>> No.54806572

Child mentality

>> No.54806575


>obsessing over visiting other places

There hasn't been a single time that I've been to a place as a tourist and said "hey, maybe this is better than the soil I was born on"

Tourism more than once every year is jewery. Your place is the place you were born on, everything else is just a scheme to make money off of you

>> No.54806581

only redeemable quality of porches is the rear

>> No.54806602

women seem to find it important

>> No.54806649
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Work is a system to keep the peasants occupied so they do not turn into warriors and bandits.
I would be a killing so many people if it were not for the laws/entertainment in place.

>> No.54806693

look up "slavery"

>> No.54806855

I want to peasant for mootles

>> No.54807019

To afford escorts

Cumming in hot women is my hobby