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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54790242 No.54790242 [Reply] [Original]

>It means the US hasn't had money for about 40 years, it also means you pay interest on a 32 trillion dollar loan. New spending means your interest payments alone to things like the World Bank are now higher than money spent on the defense of the US.

>> No.54790245
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>> No.54790249

Nothing is real lol

>> No.54790279

If we’re lucky, the treasury will pay off the debt and save the us from defaulting on its debt and the tax payer from debt slavery

>> No.54790290

They just need to import 31 trillion brown people. Then we just owe a dollar. Trust the science Stefan molyneux

>> No.54790329
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All wealth should be seized from billionaires. Unironically.

It’s a joke that amerifats allow oligarchs and borderline trillionaires to exist.

No matter how smart, hard working or savvy you are, it’s simply not possible to (a) work hard enough to ‘earn’ that money and (b) have a need for that much money, accounting for lifestyle and allowing for enjoyment of the fruits of your success. Capitalism has only one direction, and that is to create a bigger and bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Wealth and income inequality will keep growing if the whip doesnt start cracking.

>> No.54790339

I'd agree except the biggest supporters of neocommunism seem to be absolute worthless faggots

>> No.54790349

billionaires should be captures as public rape slaves
wealth should be destroyed, literally just unplug the hard drives

>> No.54790390
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Some say that during the great reset, uncle Klaus will forgive all debts, but citizens will have to forfeit private property, move on a to system where all property is rented on a weekly basis, people will be confined to small "smart" cities (smart = full of spying devices everywhere). The gov will give everyone UBI through CBDCs with a negative interest rate, so it's money that you either spend it or it burns off at the end of the month.

I don't like to think that's all going to happen like that, so dramatically, but there are many indicators that show that's the direction (((they))) are pushing towards.

So, in short, debts might be resoot one day, and citizen's debts are forgone in exchange of all their property and rights.
>Bu-but I am not in debt!
If your government takes on a debt, it falls on the citizens to pay it. Every time the FED prints fiat money, or a bank makes digital currency out of thin air, they are taking on a debt to the crown that you are forced to pay.

>> No.54790427

I remember being 13 and giving a shit about this.

>> No.54790428

I, too, like a good schizo rant

>> No.54790493

The funniest and interesting part is the frog's area because debt is skyrocketing
1960: 53%, 80: 34%?, 2000: 59%, 23: 128%

Yeah, we are close to the crash

>> No.54790523

Can someone edit the KILL THEM to be on top of Vote them out. With a line going across vote them out. And the eagle is wearing a skull mask and a glowing red eyes

>> No.54791217

shhhhhhhh the goyim don't know.

>> No.54791225

I've seen them and don't want to stick my pee pee in them

>> No.54791390

I don't know how well that would work anon.

>> No.54792936

couldn't imagine being midwit enough to believe this lmao

It's all fake you fucking rube, billionaires promote this shit so the cattle (you) vote for austerity instead of billionaire lynchings

>> No.54792974

I owe little Caesars $25 on my 1 credit card. Other than that I am completely debt free
So fuck you

>> No.54793181

>2000: 59%, 23: 128%
interesting that you skipped 2020 and opted for 2023

>> No.54793460

You are a gorilla retarded nigger. What is the point of having CBDCs when the Central Banks control the entire money supply? At this point money would loose meaning.

>> No.54793865

Most of the debt is owed to citizen themselves.

>> No.54794015

>Insert BRRR Saiyan GIF

>> No.54794062

It's fine as long as other countries go with it

>> No.54794145

Crazy almost like its currently 2023

>> No.54794691

Buy treasurys so the government is paying you :)
Btw this is just to show foreign holders of US debt are getting rugged. Sorry chang.

>> No.54794771
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The problem isn't who holds the debt (mostly banks that buy treasury bonds). The problem is the ability to service the debt. Gov't spending is still running virtually unchecked and adding to the tab, and we're approaching the point where money will have to be printed just to pay the interest on the debt.

Fed will never admit to defaulting, and Congress will always vote to print the money to pay the bills. This will continue devaluing the dollar through inflation which will pressure the Fed to keep rates high. High rates makes the dollar unattractive as a global reserve currency. And it's only because the dollar has global demand that it even has any real purchasing power. When that demand wanes, US hegemony is over.

>> No.54794782

>All wealth should be seized from jews

>> No.54794910

>High rates makes the dollar unattractive as a global reserve currency.
How? If I'm a government i would buy less dollars if rates were low, and more if they were high in real terms

>> No.54794943
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i got you

>> No.54795025

dont care i hold digital corn

>> No.54795134

Debt is a social construct why can’t we just do what Nazis did and just say no to debt and start their own financial system

>> No.54795322

>all the money in your bank account disappears
>oh wait not that debt only the debt I don't like

>> No.54797077

Communism is for retards. It has never been sustainable in history because the economy depends on innovation which is impossible without incentive(money). It always turns a subtle oligarchy because the upper class deems themselves more worthy of the share of goods produced.

Communism is for literal retards

>> No.54797233

It's about dominance you wouldn't understand

>> No.54797262

I get that
I'd rather make them try to get a job and then have to work part time at a kfc in the hood

>> No.54797274

Plus you'll lose 3%+ of your money's value every year of your life

>> No.54797346

Money is debt and we have money as long as people are willing to give us debts they know we can pay. Look at other countries if you want a laugh.

>> No.54797464

I don't owe anyone shit. Debt is fake.

>> No.54797484

All wealth should be seized from jews

>> No.54797487

people made such a big deal about the national debt during bush2 presidency and it ended up not meaning jack shit

>> No.54797489

The whole money,debt thing is fake. It's all a bunch of digital bits a computer cooked up. A computer at the FED (or treasury) says: Ok, there's 31 trillion owed" Since money is not backed by anything anymore (gold,sliver,etc) how much money is in the system is merely whatever that computer says it is. Which means you want that debt gone? Simply say "Oh hey we found 31 trillion in some account, debt is now paid" Nice and easy. (Or simply erase it cause like I said it don't exist anyway). The money is whatever the govt says it is. You seen this first hand during 2008 and covid. You don't think all that extra money just got pulled from some bank did you? Hell no, it got "created" out of thin air by the computer.

>> No.54797497
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(((Subtle oligarchy)))
Most of the leadership of the bolshevik communists were jews funded by international bankers like jacob schiff and olof aschberg

>> No.54797509

The jews at the federal reserve print money then buy us bonds on interest from the treasury. We dont need interest tied to every dollar printed thats why its so high because of parasite jews in the federal reserve. Eliminate all jews and every world problem ends.

>> No.54797565

The whole system is unsustainable.

Almost everyone's is and probably won't be changing anytime soon.

A debt crisis is always self-inflicted without reasonable justification. It's not something that can otherwise happen. Money isn't a resource since it's an abstract representation of value. Not being a resource means that creating it doesn't have a cost, such as a liability. Without a cost, you really can't have a debt crisis.

No system can get around the simple math that if your population is stagnating, meaning a lower worker to dependent ratio. The truth is that we should be cutting government expenditure rather than promoting mass immigration.

>> No.54797591
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Usury is a sin. The holocaust is a lie, but it should have happened. The world would be a better place without jews.

>> No.54797603
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Money is physical

>> No.54797606

The problem is that someone has to decide who gets the value represented by that money when they distribute money. The purpose of loans is to make sure that money distributed goes into productive investment of some kind, goes into creating some kind of value in excess of what is received.

Just because money isn’t a resource itself doesn’t mean it doesn’t represent a resource, which is here the output of the US economy. Whenever you print new money, you’re essentially taking away some control over the output of the economy that everyone currently in possession of money has via dilution.

>> No.54797611

the "dollar" is an imaginary instrument, it's impossible for the government to owe a specific amount of it, default on it, or ever pay it off.
the absolute state of brainlets here is embarrassing

>> No.54797614
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Only advice I have for you besides to defund israel

>> No.54797638
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Cant print silver

>> No.54797653

we are NEVER returning to the gold standard, EVER.

>> No.54797664


>> No.54797681

>t. silver hoarding retard

>> No.54797709

Uhhh... Based department, hello?

>> No.54797995

>we are never returning to the gold standard
Too late fren. Already stacked knee high. You will work for me, you will be compensated well, you will own a home with a family.

>> No.54798104

If we ever got to that point me and my vatos would skin you alive :)

>> No.54798203

>All wealth should be seized from billionaires. Unironically.
Reported for antisemitism.

>> No.54798262

Good luck when you're made of swiss cheese from being riddled with lead. I have an arsenal of weapons that would make your pea shooters look like squirt guns. You are nothing, i can't believe I'm even responding but as we speak I have officials locating your position to drone strike your ass at my call, is that what you want, retard? I didn't think so, so you can take your vague little mexicano threats of having your vatos come bycfor some skin. You best stick to the boiled pork skin rinds because otherwise you will be deleted from existence and vaporized on the spot. You imagine your mother crying but really she's already gargling my balls as I type this and your sisters are next. What a chump you really are, how petty you must really be to freak out that much over a comment about gold, it makes you show your true colors of how simple minded you are because you essentially have brought a knife to a jet fighter fight.

>> No.54798333

America has socialism for the rich and a brutal form of capitalism for the poor where we step on each other to get ahead. Elites look down at us and laugh while we kill each other fighting for whatever scraps they leave us.

>> No.54798344
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>> No.54798401
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What if we just banned usury?

>> No.54798427
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Now you're talkin