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54794397 No.54794397 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get on a vegan diet? Is it cheaper than eating meat?

>> No.54794433

Go on a fasting diet and splurge on high quality animal fat and proteins whenever you feel like spending money. It's better than paying a premium on fad diets that don't even meet your body's nutritional demands.

>> No.54794453

It is far cheaper but is that really a life you want to live?

>> No.54794484
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If it is far cheaper, that's good for me!

>> No.54794500

It is slightly cheaper, but not significantly that much so, since you are spending equivalently on quality fresh foods like fruits, beans, nuts, and vegetables. I have lost nearly 50 pounds since switching to a vegetarian diet and my high cholesterol & high blood pressure issues have disappeared.

>> No.54794519

>Chickpeas, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and peppers
This looks like it should be good but the flavor is carried by a vinaigrette

>> No.54794532

Look up the price of ground turkey. It's like 80 cents less a pound than ground beef where i live, and it's a lot cheaper. Also healthier

>> No.54794544

If you do, there will be some nutrients that you won’t get unless you buy supplements or impossible burger type of food. If you want to, go for it. Fruits and veggies taste very good if you know how to cook

>> No.54794558

>Should I get on a vegan diet? Is it cheaper than eating meat?
yes and it's healthier too. You'll lose tons of fat. meat is a fucking meme.

But don't fall for the legumes meme. Legumes beans included are full of fucking toxins and they make you fart. just eat lots of sweet tropical fruit , sugar, rice, potatoes and

After 2 weeks you won't miss meat at all unless you let yourself get really hungry (at which point you just need to eat some carbs ) and you start to see it as frankly disgusting.
look up durianrider
it's real shit man

>> No.54794561

>chicken looks good but the flavor is carried by the marinade

>> No.54794585

p.s. sugar isn't bad for you. it's actually catabolic. Just try it, man . give it 6 months for the really good results to come though

also, quit caffeine

>> No.54794597

you stupid nigger, why the fuck would you season roasted potatoes with vinaigrette

meatfags are honestly the lowest IQ people on the planet

>> No.54794658

The biggest conspiracy is all the unfounded hate which tofu gets. Chinese invented tofu as a way to consume beans while lowering the side effects. Tofu is a core ingredient of East Asian cuisine, and it's good for your from a nutritional standpoint. Also look into tempeh.

>> No.54794676

Same goes for MSG. it was app fear mongering propaganda during the red scare.

>> No.54794684

tofu is meh in my experience, gives me a lot of intestinal discomfort. It's also quite high in AGEs and iron (not a good thing.)

I have found that the human body simply doesn't need any supplemental protein. Protein is a meme, much like meat. You can get enough from fruit and veg

>> No.54794695

Vegans are faggots but nothing is wrong with eating beans and legumes. Just don't eat soƴbeans and work out. And enjoy meat when your butcher has a sale.

>> No.54794730

you dont need to go full vegan but you can go semi-vegetarian and having mostly a plant-based diet with eggs, fish and a little bit of meat.

>> No.54794735

Eat organs and eggs. Cheap af and you will be in good health so you won't have to pay medical bills

>> No.54794772

Have some powerade

>> No.54794778

Checked. I do omad and feel great. ~180lbs 5' 9. Athletic physique.

>> No.54794797

Flexatarian is the way. You need animal proteins, especially if you're an adult male, but stuffing them down at every single meal is excessive and unhealthy.

Carnivore diet is just as retarded as veganism, maybe even slightly more since meat costs 10x the amount of resources and energy to raise than plants.

>> No.54794803

I find that meat gives me a ton of inflammation but I like to lift in moderation. Tofu lets me get in protein to maintain muscles, that's it. The majority of my energy comes from carbs because that is normal. I eat porridge made from Sprouts 12-grain, or just oatmeal when I do not have that. Having lasting energy throughout the day is pretty important to not feel like shit. I love rice but recognize that it is not the most efficient food (spikes your blood sugar). By the way I am a white guy - just adopting eastern eating habits.

Whole grain bread is fine, but it's basically impossible to find quality bread in most parts of the United States. Pepperidge farm multigrain bread is available, but it's laden with unnecessary salt (for preservation) and sugar (for sweetening.) I would start buying from my local supermarket's bakery, but those are even twice as laden with salt.

I dont want to consume my 25% RDV of sodium within a 1oz single slice of bread.

>> No.54794816

This is actually a direct quote given in a private meeting between heads of the sugar industry and the United Nations in 1971, causing global obesity rates to increase tenfold. Fr tho that's one of the more subtle trolls, and if you fall for that post and increase sugar consumption, you will literally die sooner.

>> No.54794817

I think this describe my eating style. It's also incredibly centrist from a meme-political standpoint which almost means it is the most logical option

>> No.54794843

I feel that post is extremely sus. Honestly I feel out of place in many dining situations I find myself in. Business situations in which drinking is expected, for example. I absolutely hate drinking but doing so is sometimes a requirement.

Alcohol is poison, and it is incredible that society still embraces it.

>> No.54794933
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>I love rice but recognize that it is not the most efficient food (spikes your blood sugar).
stop being so afraid of blood sugar spikes you pussy. It's not sugar spikes that cause obesity. It's insulin resistance that causes sustained high blood sugar and insulin. What causes insulin resistance? Yeah, saturated fat.
if you need energy, your body needs energy. eat sugar. eat white carbs. like 70% of the world's lean population does. go to a fucking remote Thai village and show me how obese they are. They're like 2% body fat man. Healthy as oxen.

>causing global obesity rates to increase tenfold
ok so why does kempner rice diet reverse obesity and type 2 diabetes
Why does global obesity rate seem to increase linearly with fat intake since the 1980s

hmm it's almost like...

>> No.54794940

Basically this. Kinda nice & easy to do for me since my wife is full blown vegetarian. I basically have meat when eating at restaurants and occasionally make chicken for myself during the week.

Otherwise it's a pretty vegetable forward diet for me.

Red meat and preserved meats (bacon & sausage) are literally also known to be low grade carcinogens so yeah probably worth it to keep those in check as much as you can

>> No.54794941
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Let me guess you are only here sunday

>> No.54794949
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>What causes insulin resistance? Yeah, saturated fat.

>> No.54794966

>They're like 2% body fat man. Healthy as oxen.
2% is shortly before death anything under 12% is unhealthy
>increase linearly with fat intake
Not true, if anything plant oils increased
White rice is better then fiber rich crabs tho

>> No.54794976
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>Red meat and preserved meats (bacon & sausage) are literally also known to be low grade carcinogens so yeah probably worth it to keep those in check as much as you can
Maybe you all are just reddit?
Something nis wrong

>> No.54794986

>that it is not the most efficient food (spikes your blood sugar).
it's not really a problem when you mix it with other food (fat, veggies and some protein). When you eat carbs, always start with the veggies or the protein to lower the spike.
>Alcohol is poison, and it is incredible that society still embraces it.
no society really functions without drugs. it's just a matter of moderation, having a drink with your peers is good for the soul.

>> No.54795008
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ever heard of an exaggeration dude
the point is asians are slim and it isn't because they're 'naturally slim'. They get fat as fuck in the cities and in america. Why? because their diet used to be rice and vegetables with very small amounts of meat

Do you think plant oil isn't fat

Pic related.
>what could be causing the obesity crisis ?? ?must be the sugar lol

>> No.54795011

Lol did you not know this? Please observe how delf-described "human carnivores" age, versus vegetarians.

>> No.54795027

>must be the sugar lol
it is the sugar, retard. your graph is retarded. correlations != causation

>> No.54795033

>>what could be causing the obesity crisis ?? ?must be the sugar lol
Nah i dont think its sugar
I think its mostly plant oils, as your graph shows, modern processed foods and meat without much gelatin, which modern people consume almost exclusiv

>> No.54795049

not bad

>> No.54795057

>I think its mostly plant oils
we already have evidence it's the overconsumption of added sugar that you find in 80% of items in supermarkets

>> No.54795060

You want another correlation u nit ?
Why do you think sugar causes obesity? because the OBESE robert lustig said so? if he's right why isn't he skinny?

>> No.54795082

I wouldn't go on vegan diet long-term personally. There are certain nutrients that you can only get from animal foods, such as Vitamin B12 and Vitamin A (not beta-carotene, actual Vitamin A). You could supplement but I would rather get my nutrients from real food and not a pill.

>> No.54795117

u know whats interesting about that meme though? meat eaters have b12 deficiencies too

food for thought

>> No.54795118

>Why do you think sugar causes obesity?
because it's a fact

>> No.54795146

robert lustig is fat as fuck bro

look at vegans man. Have you ever met a fat vegan? They're all skinny as fuck or getting there and they're not afraid of sugar either

>> No.54795150

Somebody watched too many Vegetable Police videos on YT...
I hope you didn't fall for his grifts

>> No.54795155

you're going to kys with that kind of diet.

>> No.54795176

You can get by alright on plants and supplements but you should make sure to get some animal fats and proteins whenever there's a discount so you don't suffer malnutrition as the months and years go by.

>> No.54795193

>Have you ever met a fat vegan?
i actually met an obese vegan yes. there is a ton of vegan junk food.

>> No.54795253
File: 47 KB, 634x425, 70169133-12007237-A_new_study_has_found_that_the_men_who_love_meat_the_most_also_v-a-65_1682344523585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga there's 1.5 billion vegetarians in the world and every fucking study shows that it's the healthier way to live. It doesn't make you a real manly man to eat chunks of a cow's ass. Why the fuck would you think it's masculine at all? It's literally a decades long reddit epic bacon tier meat industry marketing psyop.

>> No.54795397

who is ((we)) tho
i dont think sugar is the only reason people always did eat sweet dishes

>> No.54795398

What about those organic chicken sausages from Costco or similar, are those carcinogenic too

>> No.54795425

Watch epidomy of malnourishment
Vegan are sick as fuck

>> No.54795433

Yeah because they dont eat erough meat
Also stop ignoring me >>54795033

>> No.54795493

kek youre taking advice from the guy that fucking stabbed random people in public? nice

>> No.54795498

Did you watch it?
No you must refer to personal attacks.
Him stabbing schoolmates makes this video not untrue

>> No.54795506

i'm pretty certain the meat industry started to pay those carnivore shills when they began to fear that a societal shift in mentalities would harm their profits
it's of course not the only reason but added sugars are in every ready-made meals and snacks. the average retards have no idea how much sugar they consume because they can't read the ingredients.
those are usually anorexics who use veganism (with a very low calorie diet) to hide their mental illness. there are vegan athletes like novak djokovic

>> No.54795515

Vegetable inflation is crazy where I live

Unless you buy frozen veggies it can be more expensive to make a vegetable dish than meat

>> No.54795573

>i'm pretty certain the meat industry started to pay those carnivore shills when they began to fear that a societal shift in mentalities would harm their profits
>muh meat industry
And what is with the plant industry you sorry schizo
>it's of course not the only reason but added sugars are in every ready-made meals and snacks. the average retards have no idea how much sugar they consume because they can't read the ingredients.
Kind of
>novak djokovic
Did he live vegan since birth?
Not even close
Also there are not 1.5 billion vegetarians thats bullshit and they are the most sick and short living groups

>> No.54795681

i believe veganism is a bs diet btw, so is carnivore. but at least vegans have some kind of empathy towards animals and the planet. carnivores who dont have underlying health issues preventing them to eat veggies are retarded.

>> No.54795739

Most vegetables are literally toxic tho
Im omnivore myself, i eat potatoes, rice, bread, tomatoes etc
But meat should be the main thing.
Planet wise its mostly a hoax
Emphaty towards animals, well ok but in the end we follow nature

>> No.54795757

u dont need vegetables, just eat starches and fruit
maybe some cooked leafy greens once in a while

>it's of course not the only reason but added sugars are in every ready-made meals and snacks. the average retards have no idea how much sugar they consume because they can't read the ingredients.

u know what else is in all the goyslop right?
why do they add the sugar? to make the goyslop taste good
Why does the sugar taste good? because your body needs it
why does oil not taste good? because it's alien shit that we're not meant to eat
why does fat in general not taste good? because unlike cats and other carnivores you don't have taste receptors for protein and fat (because you don't need them)

>> No.54795772

>Most vegetables are literally toxic tho
ok and? so is water at high doses, it's a silly argument. we already have plenty of real scientific evidence (aka: not muh feelings) that the edible common veggies are good for our health.

>> No.54795773
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If you want a massive stroke? Go vegan.

>> No.54795783

so why dont muh oils increase inflammation?

>> No.54795790

this image doesn't make you look schizophrenic at all
you might want to be careful doing cardio because it'll probably dislodge a piece of cholesterol from your hardened arteries and give you a heart attack

>> No.54795803

when did i say oil increases inflammation?
i said eating excessive fat (from increased dietary meat and oil) is what's making people fat and sugar/carb intake is a confounding factor which people mistake for the real cause

>> No.54795824

just decrease your meat, and increase your grain. make potatoes, rice, and beans a staple of your diet. also buy bulk, my family makes fun of me for buying 20lbs bags of rice, but it just works.

>> No.54795829
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>Red meat and preserved meats (bacon & sausage) are literally also known to be low grade carcinogens so yeah probably worth it to keep those in check as much as you can

Yeah that's exactly what professional vegan susan levin always said in her lectures. She died at 51.

>> No.54795855

>muh 1 retarded anecdotal evidence

>> No.54795882
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>be vegan
>type out superb retort

>> No.54795904
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>be fit and carnivore, almost die of a heart attack at a young age

>> No.54795940
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Looks like he's still alive, unlike professional vegan susan levin...

>spend decades, entire career 'teaching' how healthy veganism is
>drop dead at 51

>> No.54795999

>What causes insulin resistance? Yeah, saturated fat.
This can not be true.
How can someone be saying this in this century?

>> No.54796011

cheap meat is universally bad for you, worse than almost anything vegan
expensive meat is better than anything vegan

>> No.54796016
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Why do chuds defend eating seed oils so much?

>> No.54796027

you can be prone to blocked arteries simply because of genetics

>> No.54796048

>scientific evidence (aka: not muh feelings
((scientific evidence))
Lol vegetables have zero nutrients besides some vit c, they have fiber and antinutrients.
And yes you should limit water intake aswell since it flushes out the minerals
Most of these so called studies lie about antinutrients
And again what vitamins, vegetables are man made not found in nature

>> No.54796062
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>scientific evidence (aka: not muh feelings)

>> No.54796072

Exercise is unnaturtal, stresses the body, ages you, makes you look old, destroys your hearth, kills you sex drive, etc etc etc not even carnivore saved him.

>> No.54796075

being anti science is basically admitting being low IQ

>> No.54796089
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>he took the science juice

>> No.54796101
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>muh feelings and anecdotal evidence > science

>> No.54796117

Dude go back to plebbit if you want to trust modern jewish science but dont shit up this board
Science is beeing manipulated like crazy

>> No.54796124

>kills your sex drive
it literally makes me horny
wtf you on about

>> No.54796133

Also its called common sense.
And you still did not name the supposed nutrients vegetables have

>> No.54796137

yes because the WEF is actively putting fucked up hormones in all of our domesticated animals to purge blue collar workers from existence. their most loyal followers are already vegan basedboys anyway

see bill gates buying up all the farmland, etc.

>> No.54796140

yeah dude the jews want you to eat more vegetables because they secretely want to kill you

>> No.54796144

If you're trying to save money sure I guess
If you're trying to get into shape, no. Vegetables are terrible sources of protein and lack BCAAs that help with muscle growth and recovery

>> No.54796147

In the mid to long term i mean
Obviously in the short term it pumps test especially if you roid

>> No.54796156
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Correct. Straight to the point post.

>> No.54796157
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>> No.54796160

They lie about everything except muh heckin science.
Kys low IQ rat.

>> No.54796274

Manipulated science is not science, kys

>> No.54796285

>what is patterns manipulation

>> No.54796297

>Thalidomide is safe trust le heckin sciencerino
>DDT is safe chud!!!No flies on me

>> No.54796309

>let's just call some retarded garbage science so that way polcels think all science is retarded garbage
Kill yourself or don't reproduce

>> No.54796345
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Yeah bro it is cheaper. I was eating vegan for 7 years as an experiment. My recommendation is just eating what you normally eat but add for vegetables. I would usually bake up root vegetables and have it with wraps and whatever for dinner. Use lots of smoked paprika, it will fill the house with a delicious umami comfy smell and tastes incredible. Makes you realise that the thing that makes meat taste good is the salt and/or spices and the fat content. You can replace it with using herbs and spices and beans/avocado/nuts/chickpeas(hommus) etc. People ITT will try to make it all complicated and say avoid this, avoid that. Your body is unique, just get in tune with it and enjoy.

>> No.54796857

All the vegans I know look like they could model for Auschwitz Magazine. They also seem to all have bad joint problems.

>> No.54796876
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Do all you anons really think Meat is the only source of protein? I'm not vegan or vegetarian but I feel like everyone here doesn't understand basic nutrition

>> No.54796892

>Is it cheaper than eating meat?
vegans, democrats, greta, and jews want you to believe that but it isnt.
and even worse, you cannot freeze many vegan ingredients for long term storage or even at all.

>> No.54797058

Completely avoiding animal products is a big change. How about just eating less of them and seeing how you like it?

>> No.54798487

You need meat for way more things then protein

>> No.54798583
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I like your insta OP

>> No.54799202
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>meat is a fucking meme
>just eat lots of sweet tropical fruit , sugar, rice, potatoes
>sugar isn't bad for you. it's actually catabolic.
>meatfags are honestly the lowest IQ people on the planet

>> No.54799212

>look up durianrider
T B H I'd rather fucking kill myself than look like this. I could fucking kill this guy by using you as a stick to beat him to death

>> No.54799284

Eat regular, whole foods. Not keto. Not low carb. Not carnivore, paleo or whatever. Just regular, humble shit made from ingredients that contain zero confusion. Water, tea, coffee, electrolytes. No diet coke. Maybe add a multi - you would have anyway had you gone vegan.

Try to emulate periods of hunting/gathering by not eating through the entire day. Try to include whole day fasts monthly. Try to include exercise (yes cardio too, walks count).

These are all the memes you need.

>> No.54799330

Not only is it unhealthy, it's not even cheaper.
You can literally live off of pork alone. It's a super food and it has every essential vitamin and nutrient the body needs to not only live, but thrive.

And it's not just about protein, but fat also. What is never discussed enough is how the brain needs animal fat to sustain itself, especially at a young age. There is no real substitute for animal protein and fat.

>> No.54799360

sure if you want to have that uncanny valley personally you get from not eating what you evolved to eat

>> No.54800835

>1.5 billion vegetarians in the world
Isn't that mostly Indians? The literal worst race of people on the planet?

>> No.54800865
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Nothing motivates me more to become vegan than niggers on this board. Sneedoil fags, animal fat fags, muh veganism causes deficiency fags, antinutrient fags, salt doesn't cause hypertension fags and don't forget about sciencie isn't real because some people lie sometimes therefore every study is bad fags. You're all mentally ill but no wonder since your artieries in your brain are fully clogged and you already had a few TIAs because of the sodium in your blood. Kill yourselves.

>> No.54800902

>scientists discover fossil fuels
>scientists invent cars
>years pass
>scientists: nooooo fossil fuels and cars are destroying the earth!!!!
>we need more science to save us!
science niggers are a cancer on humanity

>> No.54800923

No, you should eat smaller portions of humane/healthy meat.

>> No.54801090

someone i know who is vegan for years just had to have their appendix removed emergency style. it literally got infected and burst. theyre also vaxd maxd so yeah.

(science) says you dont even need ur appendix. recent studies show it holds a backup of gut bacteria incase ur body has to flush itself of toxins and reboot. the key element that nobody understands is the gut biome. look at native civilizations and how they all have fermented foods as staples. p much all food isnt very bioavailable unless fermented first.

real beer+bread+cheese is literally all u need with occasional cider or nuts, nut oil, vinegar, herbs. curiously enough, all of these food items have been commandeered into fakes of the real thing, in fact poisonous imposters. bread has 3 ingredients (flour water salt), more than that and its not bread. beer has 3 basic ingredients (malted grain, water, herbs), funny how they dont even have to list beer ingredients huh.

luckily you can make both of these unpozzed in ur own house, with your own cultures to ferment them. sadly cheese is a dying art, as basically all of it is made with (enzymes) and not actual cheese cultures. as ive read in cheese books from the 90's, "the milk aint what it used to be" (and that was the 90's, imagine now)