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54791878 No.54791878 [Reply] [Original]

>The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy

>If a book has been in print for forty years, I can expect it to be in print for another forty years. But, and that is the main difference, if it survives another decade, then it will be expected to be in print another fifty years. This, simply, as a rule, tells you why things that have been around for a long time are not "aging" like persons, but "aging" in reverse. Every year that passes without extinction doubles the additional life expectancy. This is an indicator of some robustness. The robustness of an item is proportional to its life! [9]

If something gets discussed every day, even if it's fud, this is the surest sign that this thing will stick around and survive. It lives rent free in the fudders mind instead of dissolving into oblivion. Think about it for a moment. No one ever brings up vechain or holochain or iota or stellar anymore. The worst possible fud is dead silence, not constant seething about supposedly dead irrelevant shit. By virtue of the constant acknowledging of link's existence, the fudders perpetuate its long term survival. Winning at crypto is a marathon, it's all about surviving market cycles and remaining relevant. Btc, eth, link. Simple as.

>> No.54791894

>No one ever brings up vechain or holochain or iota or stellar anymore
That's because there are no VeChain or Holo bagholders on /biz/

Whilst Link was shilled non-stop since 2017 as the new Ethereum. After 6 years only gullible idiots still hold this trash

>> No.54791906

A fudder will probably reply to this by the time I can hit Post

>> No.54791919

They can't help themselves

>> No.54791924

that's just a cringe bagholder buzzword

I remember Waltonchain/IOTA/Bcash bagholders calling anyone criticizing their scam a paid fudder back in 2018.

Shitcoiners are always funny and should be mocked

>> No.54791932

Bullish for Cardano!

>> No.54791934


>> No.54791935

Link was never shilled as the "new ethereum" you retarded faggot.

>> No.54791937

You'll still be rushing into every link thread moments after its created 5 years from now.

I'll try and stop by to laugh once in a while

>> No.54791961

people here expected ETH like gains from LINK from the beginning you absolute spastic retard. The narrative has been rewritten so many times for this disappointing shitcoin.

>> No.54791970

piling on and bullying you cuckolds is just too fun to resist. You'll see me in all the chainlink threads today.

>> No.54791971

You actually proved the point I was going to make here, and BTFO yourself, which is this:

Chainlink is basically the only 2017 shitcoin still actively used and providing value to the crypto space. In fact it is the backbone of EVERYTHING providing value to the space, whereas all the others do nothing and disappeared into the nether.

You have actually proved OP’s point. Chainlink has survived where nothing else has, and the dialogue here is enough to show that. And that makes it way more likely it will survive in the future.

I also want to point out only 3 tokens in all of crypto history have seen this amount of usage. BTC, ETH, LINK. You could argue MATIC but that’s just an ETH leech chain.

>> No.54791981

>That's because there are no VeChain or Holo bagholders on /biz/
Yes there are. Tons of anons held those tokens. And Jibrel, and Request, and Ambrosus, and Signatum, and Substratum, and hundreds of others that had active shill communities on here. They all "spammed the catalog" and "shat up the board" and now they are forgotten, truly dead.

>> No.54791987

And also to further prove what I’m saying, you actually used 2 coins which were HEAVILY shilled here and had lots of holders and discussion at one point in time. So I don’t know, we’re you intentionally validating OP? You’re either full on retard or it was a really smart way to prove OPs point.

>> No.54791991
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink is basically the only 2017 shitcoin still actively used and providing value to the crypto space
Says who? Your shitcoin bags?

You drank the Link koolaid because you're in a shitty echochamber like Reddit so you ended up believing your shitcoin is different from the rest.

The market is NEVER wrong and proved that your token is just another PnD

>> No.54792011

There isn't a single thread about the shitcoins you mentioned whilst there are a dozen LINK threads EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY for the past 6 years.

Linkies always claimed /biz/ was a LINK board so they should accept being made fun of instead of being salty faggots

>> No.54792032

>There isn't a single thread about the shitcoins you mentioned
Yes, because they're irrelevant dead shitcoins. Notably unlike LINK.

>> No.54792037

Don’t care about longevity, people care about price action.

Daily reminder that link’s top will be $28 next run.

Total crypto market cap last top: 1,638 billion (nov 9 2021)

% of market cap for top 10 biggest projects during last top:
>Bitcoin: 43.04%
>Ethereum: 19.42%
>BNB: 3.83%>Tether: 2.61%
>Solana: 2.58%
>Cardano: 2.42%
>XRP: 1.99%
>USD Coin: 1.22%
>Dogecoin: 1.22%
>Polygon: 0.43%
>Others: 21.24%

Asume crypto market cap 2x last top: 1,638 billion x 2 = 3,276 billion (being generous kek)

Let’s assume chainlink goes to place #10 (lol) and keeps the same market cap % as last top.

That’d mean:

Assuming #10 crypto project (link):
>#10 market cap % next top = 0.43%
>total market cap next top = 3,276 billion
>#10 project market cap = 3,276 billion * 0.0043 = 14 billion
>current link circulating supply = 0.5 billion link (and that’s if they don’t dilute it, but you know they will dump more link)

>LINK PRICE NEXT RUN = 14 billion / 0.5 billion link = $28 united state rorrah per link

>> No.54792038

Like BBBY 1971, should be around for another 50 years.
SVB 1983, should be around for another 40 years.
Thanks for the financial advice Linda.

>> No.54792046

This is objective. Name one coin from 2017 that has more usage than LINK. I’ll wait.

>> No.54792055

Ignore the FUDsisters for a moment. Think about how Link went from an obscure coin with hidden SWIFT connections in 17-18 to SWIFTS and multiple other large companies outright stating they’re working with Link.
It’s a great development even if the price is shit.

>> No.54792064

We know, you literally have nothing better to do than talk about LINK. Thank you for your service.

This is now how I'll reply to all you retards. "Thank you for your service to the LINK network"

>> No.54792066

It's literally bigger than anything anyone ever dreamed in 2017. We thought it was going to be huge, but it has far exceeded even the most imaginative anons expectations.

>> No.54792082

hehehe the sirgay nastyslob cultist quoted the short hairy greek who dickrode taleb the arab for clout

ahahahahah the jokes write themselves

>> No.54792086

>calls you cuckold
> "t-thank you for your service to the LINK network"

ahahahaha wtf

>> No.54792087

okay newfag

>> No.54792096

Imagine thinking anyone cares about being called a mean word on the internet.

Thanks for your service to the network.

>> No.54792101

I’m waiting, retard. What are you busy doing? Trying to Google “dead shitcoins with more usage than LINK”? It’s a hard question to answer because you can’t fucking answer it, because it’s an objective TRUTH that LINK is more used by anything else in the entire crypto space including Bitcoin, with the sole exception of Ethereum. Every L1 ghost chain with 100-1000 users can’t even fucking compare and half the more relevant ones scam activity uses LINK anyway.

>> No.54792111

nastyslob's cuckold incels are genetic deadend losers

>> No.54792119

Are you trying to make your fud look coordinated?

Thanks for your service to the network.

>> No.54792121
File: 710 KB, 826x569, 1F042583-5ACD-4BA3-9FC2-B4A0B55E935C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudders unironically BTFO eternally
Kek. Well done OP.
I had not heard of the Lindy Effect before. Very interesting.

>> No.54792151

Imagine thinking that people relentlessly going out of their way to spend time mocking someone else for their choices who have nothing to do nor want anything to do with those choices is not completely inorganic and sus and warrants bullish emotions.

There are only a few potential reasons for fud at the magnitude of LINK:

>1. Desperate losers who didn’t buy early and are jealous
>2. Angry top buyers who sold and lost money and feel they got psyopped and are now trying to reverse psyop when actually they’ll just fucking neck one day
>3. Coordinated paid fud
>4. Psychopathic behavior where medical help is required
>5. People who think this place matters (it doesn’t) and want to try to suppress price (they won’t) to accumulate more
>6. Bored holders who are bullish and just waiting and in the meantime hate themselves and their lives so are lashing out at literally themselves, which really is just a subcategory of #4

All of these result in bullish feelings for the sane, balanced, confident LINK chads. And there is nothing you or any other retard here can do about it.

>> No.54792154

>the market is never wrong
Correct. That's why I fully expect the price to go up and am heavily invested in the Link project before it does. Same reason you are.

>> No.54792168

>the market is never wrong
the market is always right eventually, which isnt the same thing

>> No.54792170

>Thanks for your service to the network

Lmaooo no problem, you got it dawg

>> No.54792188

>market sells another 500m LINK

>> No.54792201

Define usage.
Use cases current or present, volume?

>> No.54792209

Fucking yikes get BTFO absolutely ass blasted and not even man enough to just admit you’re wrong. You’re just a little boy. We will all wait patiently for you to find another 2017 shitcoin used more than LINK. I will even give you a candy and some iPad time if you can do it!

>> No.54792238

How about I’ll make it easy

>number of products which aren’t outright scams utilizing
>concurrent number of unique users (which means you will have to sum users of all products utilizing Chainlink)

You are allowed to pick either of these. Usage is how used something is, at the product level. For example, usage of RNDR would be how many people are actually utilizing distributed GPU. Usage of an L1 is how many people or products are using a service built on top of that L1. For Chainlink it’s how many people or products are utilizing Chainlink services either directly or by using services which utilize Chainlink to function.

>> No.54792271

I would say (99% of people here will disagree) XRP is being used quite a lot around the world except for burgerland.
Also the only reason I don't hold a fuck tonne of link is because I got into crypto late.

>> No.54792277

I love arguing with strangers online

>> No.54792279

is there any evidence of XRP usage beyond ripplelabs saying so? with link you can actually look for and check contracts.

>> No.54792306

Fellow Linkie what do you think about RNDR? It looks quite underrated like Link is from a first glance.

>> No.54792312

Quick search.

>> No.54792324

thats one user, idk if that qualifies as "quite a lot"

>> No.54792348

That's one bank that handles
Japan, South Korea, Thailand, plus others.
UAE has just started as well.

>> No.54792359

most banks handle transactions in more than one country, thats not the same as saying thailand uses xrp.

>> No.54792395

I wasn't saying that all people and banks in Thailand use it 100% of the time. But it is a use case.
Mojaloop founded by the Bill and Melinda gates foundation. (Tin foils know)

>> No.54792407
File: 595 KB, 477x511, linkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> LINK is the most important crypto project
> LINK is going to be bigger than BTC or ETH
> the God Protocol
> crypto cannot work without LINK

>> No.54792418

considering the use-case for xrp is for interbank clearing via vostro/nostro accounts, it should be extremely trivial to show records of bank usage. that its not suggests that xrp just didn't get picked up by anyone. the gates foundation funds lots of things as a smokescreen for funding what they think is important, too. got any reason to believe mojaloop isnt a diversion, aside from "it will make me rich"?

>> No.54792445

Hard to say with XRP but I don’t see any evidence that it’s not a ghost chain. Some proofs of concept but what on the protocol exists with users definitively?

I don’t own any but a very smart friend introduced me to it at the beginning of this year. I think it’s a great idea, makes a lot of sense. Not nearly the size of use case as LINK or an L1 but instantly transferable value which is an advantage.

>> No.54792449

I don't think if it counts that paid posters make fud posts in a comically lazy "hello fellow 4chan member" style.

>> No.54792456

>chainlink around since 2019
Yea 3 or 4 more years until it's gone sound about right.

>> No.54792489
File: 17 KB, 240x232, 240px-Paul_Anderson,_durante_lo_squat_con_una_ruota_di_carro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wine and spirits...check
>aluminum cans...check
>copper pennies...checks
>guns as investing cuz glowies...check
>ammo as investing cuz glowies...check
>>investing in hundred-thousand year old tech

Why yes, I do all the above. How did you know?

>> No.54792633

chainlink is literally useless apart from powering defi bullshit and nft ponzis
bitcoin is mined from millions around the world and it also has 45m unique addresses actively holding btc
I literally use btc to pay for my food and bills.
meanwhile, your shitcoin is literally entirely unknown and inconsequential outside of your information bubble
cope seethe and dilate

>> No.54792682
File: 137 KB, 686x504, 72F87272-C280-49A6-A0A3-204511A97665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you’re a coping cuckold holding a 2017 shitcoin

ONLY Bitcoin matters, your premined ponzi already had its cycle and will never hit a new all time high

>> No.54792764

>millions of people destroying the planet together for a useless shitcoin that is controlled by world governments and costs $22 to send anywhere

>> No.54792792
File: 162 KB, 1080x1920, 34287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the environmental FUD and bought a premined ponzi scheme

>> No.54792805

>muh btc is controlled opposition goy so let's all donate our money to a russian con artist larping as an insider of the banks and the world elite with a "kingmade" project that will usher in the 4IR
keep sipping the kool aid, shitcoiner

>> No.54792806

>I can't tell if he thinks it costs more or less than $22

>> No.54792823

try moving your erc shitcoin out of cold storage without paying exorbitant ETH fees you midwit bagholder

>> No.54792825

>takes the bait
I'm an XRP chad and the fees are basically non existent and the payments instantaneous.

>> No.54792831

congrats, unfortunately where I live xrp is not accepted as a means of payment, so I typically stay away

>> No.54793221

What about XRP having a supply of like
81 billion?

>I don’t own any but a very smart friend introduced me to it at the beginning of this year. I think it’s a great idea, makes a lot of sense. Not nearly the size of use case as LINK or an L1 but instantly transferable value which is an advantage.
Yeah I’m thinking of getting some, seems very underrated.

>> No.54793267

If you are using it to pay people the supply doesn't matter.
If you think you are going to get rich holding some imaginary token I suppose it does.
But people are far likelier to gain from having instant free transactions than they are from holding internet coins I think.

>> No.54793284
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BNB up 97000%

>> No.54793438
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>If something gets discussed every day, even if it's fud, this is the surest sign that this thing will stick around and survive.
I think the fanbase and viewership of a prolonged TV-show is more accurate to assess the fidelity of a crypto currency.
Take the walking dead, it was one of the largest success in Television history, with the # of live viewers turning in every Sunday only rivalled by Game of Thrones, and it had major engagement across social media (twitter, youtube, reddit, 4chan etc.).
The show began to fall off quickly, the pacing became sticky, they would commit to "one episode narrative arc" that would then intertwine occasionally, the writing fell off and it began feeling more sticky.

The audience began to fall off, as the mistakes in the show mounted and the disappointment amongst the audience grew.
Before the audience dissipated, there were a period of them still watching the show, following the characters they liked, but they would actively voice their dissapointment in the show on social media, the conversation around the latest episode of TWD would begin to have a major negative tone to it.

Chainlink and crypto is like that, the number of Chainlink threads will fade as time goes by, most conversations will be one of disappointment in the project. A couple of years from now chainlink will be like Vechain and Holochain and all the others in the graveyard.

>> No.54793487

Imagine sitting and typing out all that shit. Dear god your life must be diabolical, anon

>> No.54793524

you have no idea, my penis is so large that it always touches the toilet when i go number 2.
Imagine that feeling, day after day, of your dick touching the toilet bowl. Imagine what this does to ones mind.

If you are a chainlink holder you would now this feeling, just instead of having a big dick, it's a micropenis that always touches the bowl, like a toilet that is more like a dish than a bowl.

>> No.54793537

Utility vs. Entertainment: Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. Its utility and value grow as more projects and applications use its services. In contrast, TV shows are a form of entertainment, and their value depends on the subjective tastes of the audience. The utility of a cryptocurrency like Chainlink is less likely to decrease over time due to boredom, as long as it continues to provide valuable services.

Evolution and Adaptability: TV shows typically follow a narrative arc, and their success often depends on the creativity of the writers, the performance of the actors, and the production quality. However, technology projects like Chainlink can continually evolve and adapt to changing market needs. As long as the project's developers and community continue to innovate and improve the technology, Chainlink may maintain its relevance in the market.

Network Effects: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects can benefit from network effects, where the value of a service increases as more people use it. A growing user base may attract more developers and partners, further increasing the utility of the network. While TV shows can also benefit from network effects to some extent (e.g., more viewers leading to higher advertising revenue), the impact is less direct and may not result in the same level of sustained growth.

Market Dynamics: The market dynamics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects are different from those of the entertainment industry. While TV shows primarily compete for viewers' attention, cryptocurrencies like Chainlink compete in a rapidly growing and evolving market, where utility and adoption can directly influence their value. The performance of a cryptocurrency is not solely dependent on its popularity but also on the underlying technology, partnerships, and overall market sentiment.

>> No.54793586

Sweet. Nobody thinks chainlink is going anywhere but it's fucking cringe that this large cap shit coin gets shilled constantly. It's the equivalent of SOL or ADA being shilled. It's like yeah we know you exist no one cares.

>> No.54793626
File: 916 KB, 1125x1816, 19E0C212-DB31-402D-B188-999F1C528582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this theory specifically apply to a mongolian message board? Vechain’s subreddit has 200k+ members and is discussed daily, which completely invalidates the point youre trying to make.

Youre weak, youre desperate, and youre an embarassment as a man

>> No.54793649
File: 852 KB, 1125x1816, 74F741C7-A2D4-46CF-9DD0-C6E5FF319784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link’s tech usage does not equate to the token performance, which is more than obvious at this point. How are you still not able to understand that

>> No.54793678
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meanwhile actual chainlink adoption metrics

>> No.54793692
File: 463 KB, 1125x1057, DF36227D-E7FD-4297-8FDB-293631132EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what did price do in ‘22? Thats all that matters

>> No.54793699

I still think it is valid to think of it in terms of mounting dissatisfaction, in which case the parallels become apparent.
Also when was the last time you saw "it's happening tonight" or "my mom wants rent". Most threads about chainlink have major "fudsters" (like me), and i suggest to you that like with TWD those that went on social media to express their grievances with the show are actually people that watched it. People have major problems with Chainlink, most of the time it's just expressed frustrations, but sometimes the "meat" of the grievance is exposed, which is you statement about:
>Its utility and value grow as more projects and applications use its services
This is simply not true, Chainlink price does not correlate at all with the growth of it's usage, i think part of it is due to super-linear staking, the token no longer derive value from being staked, the only way the token can derive value is from stakers competing in the open for first priority - which is far away, because it's not really profitable at the moment, staking is heavily subsidized and the profit in the areas that is profitable is slim.

>> No.54793741

Chainlink could become the Microsoft of blockchain, and the token could be worth sub $ 3.5.
This is the problem, the token doesn't derive value from adoption or success, the way Sergey and co. ad-hoc constructed the system, means that the token only derive value from competition to receive staking priority.

In all fairness there is a weak correlation between defi and chainlink price.

>> No.54793761

you literally replied to GPT-4 generated text

>> No.54793774

So what? i often have conversations like this with ChatGPT (unironically).
What difference does it make?

>> No.54793840

FUD bros... I feel sick to my stomach.
Is Chainlink alive because of US?

>> No.54793843
File: 292 KB, 1080x1118, 1678298275937761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the token doesn't derive value from adoption or success
funny how dozens of free airdrops say the contrary, i cant think of any other token with such industry wide value capture

>> No.54793913
File: 36 KB, 412x350, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow...more ChainlinkLabs koolaid!

This will surely pump the pric-ACK

>> No.54793958

Shame about the price tho

>> No.54794097

All true, but the fudders here all own link. They are just weeding out the weak i.e. low IQ and people who can't think for themselves. They are weeding out those who they do not deem worthy.

>> No.54794304

>still thinking the “FUD” is to scare le normies
Guess who’s stuck in 2018 lmao

>> No.54794334

It's definitely the most discussed asset on this board and there are always very heated discussions about it. The problem is that it has more potential than anything in DeFi but that potential is still unrealised because the tech is still new and we live in a clown world, it's fucking frustrating. I don't get the fudders because why waste your life bitching like an old queer, nobody is changing their minds because of anything you say.

>> No.54794570

No one brings up Stellar anymore, except businesses and governments. The silent growth is deafening, but I do hear your point in regards to Vechain, holo, etc

>> No.54794646

>I remember Waltonchain/IOTA/Bcash bagholders calling anyone criticizing their scam a paid fudder back in 2018.
That just proves OP's point, retard. No one talks about those coins anymore.

>> No.54794650
File: 1.47 MB, 640x363, BAT glitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Lindy effect
>The worst possible fud is dead silence

completely agreed, and I never thought of this theory in terms of cryptocurrencies. LINK and BAT are 2 of the original ERC20 tokens shilled on /biz/. They've been around for over half a decade now which is truly incredible. Both have only improved with time in terms of utility, userbase, and knowledge about what they do. Their price in USD/sats has not really caught up to reflect this.

The WORST thing to see is threads declining for either of them. It has begun with BAT. LINK is still very popular and is still even FUDed on twitter by the most ardent shitcoin shillers. Side note; I didn't realize Paul "Lindyman" Skallas got lindy from Lindy's Law. Kino

>> No.54794726

yeah, so not looking great for link that died with defi summer and the only people talking about it are bagholders on 4chan and the smart money they comes to laugh at them.

chainlink is just the new ripple, and both charts tell the same story.

>> No.54795178

All they had to do was not respond to this thread to prove you wrong. And they just couldn’t help themselves.

>> No.54795320

A book being in print and widely available is not the same as some autistic bagholders continuing to cope on a basketweaving forum.

>> No.54795421

And the multiple Fortune 500 companies working with the protocol of course...

>> No.54795446

Lol, lmao even

>> No.54795472

>If only there was some way of comparing the price of LINK against the price of BTC, maybe with a handy chart to visualize it.
LINK/BTC is at the same level it was in June last year

>> No.54795589

It will never be today or last year again, though

>> No.54796030

>market is NEVER wrong and proved that your token is just another PnD
Unironically the truth. If your coin hasn't pumped yet this year the markets decided its not worth keeping. Tons of alts are highly up off their bottoms of last year. But most aren't and that includes link. If link pumped to 15 or 20 by now then yeah. But otherwise nope.

>> No.54796515


>> No.54796543
File: 242 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_7261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t need eyez 2 c the value of Chainlink.

>> No.54796569

Simple as OP
Also gas the fudders

>> No.54798236
File: 260 KB, 482x428, 1663037534172163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey says: Pay up bitch!

>> No.54798354

Over the past few years I've learned a lot about various blockchain technologies. I've read hundreds of white papers and the accompanying documentation of various projects, run multiple nodes on testnets (iExec Worker Nodes, Validator nodes for multiple projects like NEAR, SOL, and just too many to count, as well as shitcoin nodes and masternodes for some projects which are now dead). I've learned a lot about what makes a blockchain based project useful. 9/10 of the useful ones are still around. And Chainlink? That's the cream of the crop. Seeing posts like yours just makes me immediately think "Uneducated idiot". You seriously don't understand just how important of a technology chainlink is. You are a fucking moron. It's such a blatently stupid thing to say "Chainlink is trash for gullible idiots". Your statement is infuriating for the simple fact of just how fucking shortsighted and retarded it is. You don't see it for the breakthrough it is despite all the facts being openly laid out in front of your eyes. You're like a blind man trying to tell me the colour of the sky. It's infuriating because my eyes are open and I can clearly see its blue, while all you have ever known is darkness. At the same time, its elating, because the blind are easy to take advantage of and its easy to feel superior to you, despite your smugness, I get the satisfaction of watching you blindly walk into moving traffic. You fucking idiot. You stupid fucking idiot. It's mind boggling how fucking dumb cunts like you are.

>> No.54798486

Just answer the question, do not deflect with your answer, what project from 2017 other than ETH/BTC is used more than chainlink? We're all waiting.

>> No.54799686

>working with the protocol

Citation needed, when's the last time anything happened with your shitcoin? Anything even remotely close to $10? $20? You were better off before ccip was even announced

>> No.54799906


>> No.54800642
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>uncle's impostor is so upset that barely anyone engages him that he came into this thread just to prove OP's point
lmao go ask your quants if you're acting like a retard and they'll say yes, faggot

>op makes a thread about how all the attention from fud just shows how important / long lasting link is and will continue to be
>fudders become enraged and spend hours and hours trying to attack the thread

>> No.54801458

>Uncle imposter forgets to turn off trip before asking a dumb question in another thread
Kek, making it even more obvious you're not him.

>> No.54802034

Hear Hear!

>> No.54802236

well the more immidiate problem we have isnt usage, nobody can deny that link is massively used and the backbone of everything that isnt an alt L1 or 2

but as nobody here is a dev that doesnt help us, we are investors or speculators before the fudsisters bring that up and devs usage doesnt mean jackshit to us
the biggest problem is there is real value transfer mechanism to the token holders at this point and the team refuses to release promised features that would make it so
i am going to be called a fudsister for this, but the state of the network right now means all of link would function exactly the same if the network was paid in tethers rather than its own token
sergey in his infinite betrayals demanding either cash of native tokens from the projects that integrate link is only making this problem worse
he promised distribution to stakers for months now while doing nothing to the effect and collected fat stacks for himself
right now we have been used as start up capital and burned away as excess refuse, hence why we shittalk sergey on all public channels until this mess changes since none of us have investor rights/protections

but still the thank you for your contribution to the link network is some prime meming and i am going to use that too to counter the cuckold spammers

>> No.54802350

>Chainlink is basically the only 2017 shitcoin still actively used and providing value to the crypto space. In fact it is the backbone of EVERYTHING providing value to the space, whereas all the others do nothing and disappeared into the nether.
>You have actually proved OP’s point. Chainlink has survived where nothing else has, and the dialogue here is enough to show that. And that makes it way more likely it will survive in the future.
How do you sleep at night knowing Sergey will slide his red dildo up your mancunt? Fucking brainlet shilling link again. I'm done with biz for today, curry niggas keep shitposting. Altcoinistdao reviews made me more profits in the past month than biz has in a year

>> No.54802359

this is what peak midwit looks like and completely misinterpreting the lindy effect
it isnt about infinite new seasons its about remembering the good ones, TWD is the lindy effect in action you midwit the mere fact you know what it is today is the proof of lindy effectivity how many other tv shows with 1 season and nothing from 2009 do you remember
its the same as why people today know what casablanca and citizen kane are despite there being no sequels, its why the matrix will still be remembered decades from now even if the latest sequel was dogshit
its why right now for instance age of empires 2 is still in active development and usage while its several successors were either meh or dogshit
to name a few examples from the top of my head

>> No.54802384

if the importance is icreasing with time, how come the price is decreasing?

>> No.54802573

This anon is correct.
It's all a bet if eventually something will be implemented to transfer value to token holders.
If you think the chance of that is low, don't buy link, if you think the chance is decent, you should allocate a double digit % of your holding to LINK.

>> No.54802860

The only difference between now and 2018 is that chainlink's value has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Most do not bother spoonfeeding as a result.

The fud absolutely is real. If chainlink were as worthless as they say they wouldn't be filling out captchas to crow about it. Do you really think these people care whether or not others lose money on bad investments?

Or do you think the fud is from some paid organisation? Which to be honest I find unlikely given that it's mostly die hard autists that use this board.

>> No.54802895

Bullish for BBBY. Thank you, OP.

>> No.54802909

>Market is never wrong
The market is formed by human beings. To err is to be human

>> No.54803392

why are you laughing? You're literally a poor cuck holding heavy bags lol

>> No.54805160

nailed it

>> No.54805268

>If chainlink were as worthless as they say they wouldn't be filling out captchas to crow about it
kek, that's why I'll never stop, the more FUD you see the harder you cling on to your bags

>> No.54805303
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this but unironically

Linkies are so deranged they think people laughing at their shitcoin bags is actually some sort of 4D chess which means their shitcoin will pump soon (it won't lol)