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File: 371 KB, 576x1024, not yet old.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54790682 No.54790682 [Reply] [Original]

What age do you have to make it by before its truly over? (Make it as in be a multi millionaire and retired)

>> No.54790712
File: 191 KB, 768x768, Rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh i dont care about being a millionaire as long as i can live where i want, eat what i want and dont have to work for it. In my heart i know i already made it)

>> No.54790718

If you aren't born into wealth you already lost

>> No.54790728

Finally someone on this godforsaken board gets it

>> No.54790740

>you're not old
Ahahahahahahahaha she probably has a dating bio with "Want someday".
Fucking women lol

>> No.54790757

Here in Romania all you need is 200k USD/EUR to buy 3 nice apartments that you rent out. You could retire from that income and have enough to basically not lack anything.

>> No.54790772



>> No.54790894

>not old

I wish I could go through life being this ignorant and delusional.

>> No.54790910

i already have more in bulgaria and what you say is bullshit

200k buys you two 2bedrooms in Sofia and that's it (not even good ones)

you live in one and rent out the other, wow you are now surviving with 400€ per month

>> No.54790917

i still would berry

>> No.54790918

If you don't own majority stake of at least 120 of the Fortune 500 companies by age 20 you are never going to make it.

>> No.54790920

For women it's 40
For men it's when you run out of cash

>> No.54790929

...until housing prices crash

>> No.54790936

Fair assessment

>> No.54790944

this stings

>> No.54790965

> make it

>> No.54791323

>living in the capital
>buying in the capital
Retarded Bulgarian. I too am from Romania and he's right $150k is enough to retire. You don't even need 200k lower your expenses idiot.

>> No.54791326

It's called being middle-aged, you dumb bitch. No one knows how to live anymore because everyone is poor and afraid of the future.

>> No.54791333

good luck renting your cucksheds in the countryside

not surprising you are still a villager in 2023

>> No.54791341

Seeing women cope over growing old is so sad. They simply cannot come to terms with it. They should've gotten married and shat out mutts when they still had the chance.

>> No.54791364

You're getting scammed by your fellow Bulgayrians. With two $50k apartments in smaller towns you can make min wage without working by renting them out.
With 3 you can make even more, with 4 you can make double the min wage.
Assuming you have where to live already you can retire with $200k, again stop being low IQ and stop spending like a nigger.

>> No.54791367
File: 124 KB, 1024x647, game of thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For women it's 40
It's 30 was always 30 but now it's 25.

>> No.54791369

the minimum wage is 400 euros here
i don't want to live with 800 euros
this is poverty tier even in bulgaria

>> No.54791378

So be a wageslave till 65 fuck do I care. Keep slaving wagie. Tick tock monday is coming faggot Mr. Shekelstein will get mad if you underperform do your best!

>> No.54791384

Women would rather get a million plastic surgeries and bog themselves rather than have a healthy lifestyle and age normally

>> No.54791385
File: 2.81 MB, 600x600, after.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to video?

I feel her.
t. 36.

Growing up is a myth. The only thing that changes is having more responsibility for family.
Being to tired to bother with things isn't a sign of earned maturity either.

>> No.54791419

To be fair, they have less time compared to men. Once they are 40 it's over. So it makes sense that they cope harder.

>> No.54791440

even a call center drone earns 1300 euros per month

you guys are pathetic villagers thinking you can make it earning 800 euros per month

kill yourself peasant

>> No.54791455

was fine until jewlywood got their claws into her. what a disaster

>> No.54791467

Lel enjoy taking calls from angry clients all day stupid wageslave rat. Only 40 years left lmao.
Meanwhile I'll be sitting at home, waking up whenever the fuck I want doing whatever the fuck I want.
Tick tock wagerat Monday is coming try not to kill yourself on the way to your job.

>> No.54791481

you are a low iq peasant and you will never leave your village

have fun impregnating your gypsy cousin

>> No.54791488

Making it is not about how much money you earn every month but about how much you are forced to work.
Everything else is completely dependent on the desired lifestyle.

>> No.54791490

>village village village
OBSESSED, cleaning toilets in Sofia must be the biggest achievement of your life lmao

>> No.54791501

I'm not overweight but one of my make it goals is actually looking to the future and how people end up going into care homes after falling down the stairs etc.

I want to take it to the full. I want to exist like jabba the hut all on one plane. I'll move round via a kind of hand shaped moving electrified trolley system.

>> No.54791504

don't fall for the age meme, it's a woman thing. women have to make it by 30 basically. Men can have fun and perform the same well into their 60s if you take care of yourself. Theo Vons dad was 70 when he had theo

>> No.54791510

>still would berry
Good call. And it'll probably be some of that really angry kind.

>> No.54791519

earning 800 euros and living like the average peasant is not making it

i could already stop working is 800 euros net per month is the goal

i would need 2000 euros net per month passive income to stop working because life is fucking expensive nowadays

>> No.54791525

Very clever.... lol

>> No.54791536

>life is fucking expensive nowadays
Cause you're overpaying like a retard while living in a junkie and hobo infested capital lmao. It does not cost $2000 per month to live in Romania and your economy is worse, stop spending like a nigger.

>> No.54791570

it doesn't surprise me that this board is comprised mainly of third world street shitters
one day I decided to do a google street view around these capitals and other towns

there is no amount of money that you can have and """make it""" in these places

>> No.54791583

Fucking hell you are retarded dude.
800€ is the same as 2000€.
Both poorfag lifestyles.

>> No.54791589

Yet they are safer than every city in America lol.

>> No.54791602

>there is no amount of money that you can have and """make it""" in these places
Met an absolute smoking hotty from Romania at uni on the UK.

>> No.54791685

t. zoomer thinking only with his dick
old is actually 80+ years old.

>> No.54792126

Not even with his dick. It's the sports culture that changes the perception of the average mind. 35 plus it's considered old for an athlete so the Young sports fan thinks everyone is old at that age

>> No.54792165
File: 130 KB, 635x665, 1614030503126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started from 0$ & a few days ago just reached 7 figures (in USD but im a Bong).

I don't feel like I've made it at all, & that cus I haven't. 1 million is nothing, poor fags won't understand, rich fags here will.

>> No.54792336

If your rental goes down so would your living expenses. Housing prices always index cost of living.

>> No.54792356

1 million would solve all mi current problems, yes would bring new ones, but surely I'd have the ability to relax, organise, analyse and take new, lower risks.

When did you start btw?

>> No.54792373

im old!

>> No.54792387

kys faggot.
Australians are unionrically vapid and unfunny husks of human shit, you guys used to be great.

>> No.54792391


37 year old here

Yeah, the foid is right you know.. bit for men. You are way past you prime bitch. You should have done the video for women with the 32 to 35 age bracket.

I feel young but with a kid i dont feel free anymore like before and im so far away from the boomers financially and physically speaking. Its really strange.

>> No.54792477

Lmao at the bulgarian and romanian going at it. Brehs, you both live in shitholes.

>> No.54792508

Checked. Let them have their fun.

>> No.54792537


>> No.54792561
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, 0_JS214612768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brehs, you both live in shitholes.
I'd consider moving there from bong land. There was a bulgarian guy at uni. Ultra polite. It was funny when his mates came round because they'd get absolutely wiped out on vodka.

It has a pros. Way more cost effective. Nice and sunny.

I've been to Poland, Croatia and Slovenia before. All nice places.

>> No.54792565

This dude is right, people just don't understand that money/lifestyle is an exponential thing. Retards working 30 more hours a week to make the jump from 2k-4k a month to see minimal lifestyle improvements. Why? So you can buy the Organic Bananas or eat at the food bar or drive a retarded car? Or maybe become a "Traveler" and go to different resorts where you can be surrounded by strangers. Big money, ie above doctor salary, is the only true divide

>> No.54792591

it seems like people are ageing at a lower pace now a days - biological they follow the same clock as people did in the 60s or 80s. But their life doesn't progress with age, everyone stays to long in the "teenage stage" in the "young adult", etc.
It's like there is these experiences in life (milestones), once you have them you change. One of them being responsibilities toward yourself and others, if you have car payments, mortgages and children to take care off, you need a job whether you like it or not (not a career but a monthly paycheck), an experience like that change you and you "age" by it, you get to understand something you didn't when you had no obligations.
This milestone have been pushed way up into age for most people, it's pretty normal to see people in their 30s having no responsibilities.

>> No.54792601
File: 1.44 MB, 1365x2048, 43C5AD3A-67E5-4E60-BE83-6502C52FD684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the age where you still have 40 years left to enjoy and start a family, but any later and you’re just playing catch up your whole life.
That said, you don’t want to make it before 30 either. Men need to spend a decade struggling to build character.
If you’re some 23 year old with $10 million, you’ll be broke within a decade unless you have extreme discipline.

>> No.54792610

>as long as i can live where i want, eat what i want and i don't have to work for it.
I think that's called being a parasite

>> No.54792632

This but unironically

>> No.54792661

Yeah what she said only applies to men. Women's youth ends and they enter female middle age around 25ish. These days it's even earlier. By 37, it's way past over.

>> No.54792789

No limit, if I make it at 80 I am going out in a bang, high on coke and Viagra and balls deep creampying inside tight 20 year old pussy

>> No.54792845

she would actually look good if she didn't wear clown makeup, lol that fucking eye shadow pink eye...how does anyone accept that? I can't even look at her eyes mine start watering immediately blehhhh blehhhhhh blehhhhh stop putting makeup directly in your fucking eye

>> No.54792857

That's why I thank god I'm a dude. I made on crypto at 31 yo and I feel like I'm in my 20s. Although to be fair I found /fit/ after college so I'm in much better shape so maybe its that. Plus 20s was emotional hell from waging endlessly and staking sats. But I spent the last few years traveling and fucking around and still feel like I have until late 30s until I really need to settle down if I want.

>> No.54792881

a woman past 30 is old. and past 25 her main asset should no longer be her looks (for many women, it still is)

>> No.54792895

Not attractive at any age

>> No.54792902

so long as you have white skin in America you are plenty safe

You can meet them at any German brothel too

>> No.54792938

Basically this. As society grows more dystopian, the makeit age for women narrows (probably down to 13-24 at this point, and over 20 still locks you out of the peak males), while for men age becomes increasingly irrelevant but the required net worth and income grow larger. Expect this to continue until we have either another great war or some extinction level event.

>> No.54792947

yeah wtf, 20 looks like 30. Are we sure those ages aren't -10? Maybe she lies about her age.

>> No.54792956

Not everything is defined in the context of what pleases men, dumbass

>> No.54792960

you lost your 20's waging
you will never make it
it's too late

>> No.54792996

>you lost your 20's waging
>you will never make it
>it's too late
false. I lose 10 years. But because I'm a man its not the end of the world. I still have 20+ years before I'm dogshit old. I lost maybe 1/4, 1/3 at worse of my adult, non-elderly life. If I was a woman I'd have lost 90% of my life.

>> No.54793021

Anon, if you're happy and content, you've made it.
I know it's an old saw, but it's true.
Fort me, if you have stable housing, utilities, heat/cooling, good food, no bugs, some form of entertainment.. then what else is there?
When I was younger, I wanted to cram it up everybody's ass. "I'll show you!"
Wanted a bigger house, better car.
Now, I could not care less what others have.

>> No.54793071

Look at Arnold in Total Recall. 43, still looking good. Even in True Lies with 47 still good. +50 becomes critical, but highly dependant on the person. If you look at Arnold, he honestly looked pretty "old"-developed with 14-18 already. WIth T3 he started lookng older (dry skin and so forth). But even in Terminator Genesys he still looked as if he could do 30-40 year women, which would still be Ok with 68.

Just don't let yourself go like our boy Brendan.

>> No.54793151

You could also try to HarryBelafonteMax. Died at 96, looked like most men in their 60-70

>> No.54793259

>just try to be black, bro.

>> No.54793269

>Just pretend being a nigger means you have traits that make you appear younger than you are

Stupid mother fucker.

>> No.54793315

You have redeemed.

>> No.54793442


>> No.54793485

Turned 32 today and I'm doing just fine for myself. Not worried about money, have a good job, plenty of friends, not in terrible shape. Just wish women and the world in general hadn't become so awful especially in the last ten years. Such is life.

>> No.54793543

The only thing that really makes life shitty is disease and bad women.

>> No.54793878

the "wall" is just an incel cope
a 50 y/o landwhale will have more matches than you on tinder

>> No.54793985
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1024, 1682779564363154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born to an unemployed single mother, who earned <$20,000 a year and had to raise me and my brother with a severe disability. Your odds of being a mega-millionaire/billionaire are certainly drastically lower if you're born into poverty, but if you live in a first world country, be it America, the U.K, or a major EU country, you absolutely have the ability to make it, don't let these kike glowy-agents spook you lads.

>> No.54794066

Holy fuck, what a waste of 17 seconds of my life.

>> No.54794113

What you're describing is approx 2mil net worth

>> No.54794271

>Make it as in be a multi millionaire and retired.

Depends. If you really want to impress people and show your superiority, then I would say 35-40. If you don't care about flexing on people, then age 50. If you haven't at least somewhat made it by then, it's over.

>> No.54795283

massive cope
you make more than your mother because of inflation

>> No.54795648

You are old if you can't fulfill your main biological function anymore: creating offpsring
For woman that's like 40.
For men it's later but they still need to be able to provide for a child until it's an adult.

>> No.54795949

Who is this roastie? I unironically want to marry her

>> No.54795997

cope and denial

>> No.54796150
File: 1.12 MB, 2839x4096, 1682252759385110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taylor is 33 and she's looking the best she's ever looked

>> No.54796177

The fuck, did you rob a bank?

>> No.54796206
File: 517 KB, 576x512, 1682538897381175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish demoralizers, leave this place, /biz/ is only for real human beings who aim to make money and succeed in life, not for paid shills spending their free time trying to convince total strangers they won't be able to succeed in life. (Because you couldn't?)

>> No.54796268

he didn't even said "look i made it"
probably just a closet homo following andrew tate on instagram thinking he will make it with dropshipping or chainlink

>> No.54796279


>> No.54796594

How tf are you not old at 37 lmao wtf??? You’re old the second the clock strikes three and 0. At 44 you should be getting ready for the nursing home.!

>> No.54796608

A lot of /biz/ has this weird notion that you have to be a millionaire at 25 or you may as well kys. You absolutely do not need to be a millionaire. Just having a $50-100k income will let you live a fairly luxurious life as a man without a family. It's honestly kind of sad to see people depressed because they think happiness is out of reach.

>> No.54796632

She is dressed up by the best make up artists in the world for her shows. What does a picture of her look like without make up. No make up pics should be how we judge somebodies beauty

>> No.54796814

I'm in that age range and I feel old af.

>> No.54796831

Yeah a lot of people buy houses that are out of their means when they could get by with a humble, small house. Alcohol, weed, and Funko Pops are a huge waste of time and money, too.

>> No.54796873
File: 899 KB, 577x433, rose ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of Rose. Guess she would be around that age now.

>> No.54796879

Yes it is

>> No.54796976

Did Taylor swift not have children? What a fucking tragedy.