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54789747 No.54789747 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying a land parcel in the middle of buttfuck nowhere a good financial strategy?

>> No.54789758

as long as it has access to it and you dont have to cross or drive over someone elses land to get to yours it should be ok

>> No.54789761

not at all. inb4 meth head pol niggers who are brainwashed by bots on 4chan into rotting away in the middle of no where seethe about muh city slicker

>> No.54789770

if you think about it, in 200 years the entire US will be residential, meaning developers will want my land for 100x the money. could be an investment for my grandchildren..

>> No.54789774

>seethe about muh city slicker
What is the advantage of living in a large city over a smaller town? There is nothing I need in a large city.

>> No.54789783

access to a bigger pool of women but of course you wouldnt care about that

>> No.54789791

land is useless without water
this is true both for agriculture and for development

>> No.54789797

bigger pool of women who are whores until their 30s, have no family values, hate commitment, have no accountability, and are mentally unstable.

but hey sex

>> No.54789805

It was before 2021. Prices in the country where people can get to the city for their weekly meeting have already mooned. Maybe absolute buttfuck nowhere is OK but those prices have risen as well.

>> No.54789808


>> No.54789819
File: 95 KB, 523x929, Bush 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is buying a land parcel in the middle of buttfuck nowhere a good financial strategy?
It's slightly better than the "how make money to fuck prostitute" strategy

you really should consider the following:

emergency medical attention

so the optimal should be being close to those with privacy

>> No.54789820

>in 200 years
Why would you care about an investment you'll never see

>> No.54789834

lowk facts. my descendants might all be fags

>> No.54789882

The best places in the world are where women are not.

>> No.54789966

>might all be fags
They'll 100% be brown

>> No.54789983

2 of those three assets quite actually fall from the fucking sky. Literally touch grass lmao. Feel the succulent lower parts of the stems and meditate on where they get their water from.

>> No.54789988

Also meditate on the vigor of the grass, ponder the ways it grows and where it sources the energy to do so.

>> No.54789990

Imagine thinking having no water or electricity systems on top of no internet or cellular connection is bullish. There’s reasons those 100 acre lots in Nevada are 20k

>> No.54789994

>They'll 100% be brown
nothing wrong with that

>> No.54790001

Holy shit this nigger does a rain dance to collect water and get fire from thunderstorms

>> No.54790025

>emergency medical attention
for faggots. have fun getting "life saving car" from Dr. Ranjeesh
If anything happens to me I will just get comfortable, prop myself up against a tree, and quietly wait for death like a man.

>> No.54790243

>brainwashed by bots
curious, whose bots? You won't answer.

>> No.54791029

Suddenly 10-20 years later, it is decided to build or invest there. Suddenly water and electricity is coming. Your property is now worth 100k. If you find somewhere that's *just* on the edge of being bumfcuk nowhere and suburb you can get lucky with expansion. Worst case scenario you still have a property to make meth in with no neighbours complaining about smell.