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54779402 No.54779402 [Reply] [Original]

Attention, everybody. I have an announcement to make. Today is one year until the bitcoin halving. It is also a Friday night, the comfiest night on biz, in the peak of the bear market. Congratulations anon, if you are in this thread, you ARE going to make it. In this thread post alpha, advice, coins you are balls deep in, or your favorite pepe or apu. Do NOT post coins from the last bull market. And ABSOLUTELY NO tipping of our janitorial staff. Thank you for listening to my announcement, and remember anon. If you are in this thread you ARE going to make it

>> No.54779423
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>> No.54779436
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don't mind me chap, I've slipped into an evening suit to be a bit more comfortable

>> No.54779441
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>> No.54779450
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Being early I'll throw myself under the bus first
>Balls deep
I am almost 100% in on kleros, just shy of about 6k savings, which is not much in the general scheme of things but yeah. I have extremely firm belief that their project has meritorious grounds and a wellspring of value that's waiting to be capitalised on, through growing desire of AI resistant identification whether that's a social media account or new article or whatever, along with that, the ability for individuals to have a matter resolved by intermediary parties at a speed drastically quicker and price cheaper than that of legal courts

>> No.54779455
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thank you for the good cigar anon. Cheers!
unfortunately anon, this is a last cycle coin. if you wait for the market sentiment to catch up to your genius idea of a coin, you might wait a long time or never at all. cheers to you too!

>> No.54779490
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>> No.54779492
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Gentlemen, pardon the interruption, but I also have a short but very important announcement to make. Here it goes...

and most importantly

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your evening.

>> No.54779518
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My dear sir! Thank you for your kind words for our janitorial staff. Please help yourself to the refreshments in the back.
Enjoy your cigar anon, and remember, please DO NOT tip our janitorial staff

>> No.54780410
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Can anyone explain why it's so tempting to fall into the trap of holding on to last cycle shitcoins like >>54779450?
I have the exact same thing with shicoins like Link, LTO and NKN. For some reason I can't relabel them from 'le coins with actual functions' to 'last bullruns cumstains'. I'm probably not selling them though. I'm still holding plenty of Lition kek. Too me the money wasn't real for some reason. Can anyone share as to how they timed their withdrawal last bullrun so I don't make the same mistake next bullrun?

>> No.54780418

What in the fuck is Lition? Also Chainlink is not even last bullrun, it peaked in 2018.

>> No.54780443

Market cap of btc arb link are all dogshit now even though they're sitting at around the same price. Can I please just have 2021 again so I can make better use of it

>> No.54780506
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{Spits out canapé}
There's a brown person in the foyer... what the bally hell is the concierge playing at!?

>> No.54780527
File: 119 KB, 630x1200, MV5BZDUwZmY0YjgtOTk3Mi00N2JmLTg0YzUtMTEyOWZjMWQxMGZmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>timed withdrawal

>> No.54780530
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Nice to see you again, gentlemen. Hope I am just in time.

>> No.54780748
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The coin doesn't matter. It was just some shitcoin from last cycle

>> No.54780757

Where do I buy sir?

>> No.54780809

I’m all in on VRA 4.6 million tokens and counting. I’m pulling out after 20c and never looking back

>> No.54781101

Evening Gentlemen, just stopping by for a quick chat. The old “bitcoin halving” eh? That’s a phrase I haven’t heard in quite a while. Time really does get away from us. Here’s to a great fortune for all of us! Cheers!

>> No.54782689
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My friend, welcome to the party! Last cycle coins are still good coins, but they don't offer the same pump potential in the next bullrun as a new coin. Most fail to realize this opportunity cost
Good sir, the next bullrun will surely impress you with the market caps that many coins reach. Be patient my friend!
My terrible apologies. They have been escorted out by our janitorial staff. Please help yourself to more hors d'oeuvre!
Welcome anon! Such a beautiful lady you've brought with you. Enjoy the party!
You are just in time my friend. Please help yourself to the cocktails and food! And do not tip the janitorial wait staff!
Please my good men, no discussion of last cycle coins!
Ah good to see you again, anon! Time really does fly. Cheers anon!

>> No.54782786



Those are my bullrun picks.

>> No.54782817
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I'm sorry my friend, but brown people are not allowed into this event. Mr. Janitor, please escort this lost fellow out!

>> No.54782836
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> calls me brown for picking the oldest and most hardened coins that have been through multiple cycles

> Doesn't call the kleros anon brown

>> No.54782848

Doesn’t it take a year and a half after the halving to peak? We got plenty of time fren

>> No.54782873
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only up from here!
chin chin

>> No.54782889
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hi all.. except those niggas that walk around

>> No.54782900

May our pockets keep getting filled on a daily, my stakings especially on upcoming tokens like ROOT, other alts say ICP, Sylo, and LDO keep making us richer.

>> No.54783001
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My friend, he seemed lost but you must have known the rules. Nonetheless you are welcome to stay if you wish. Cheers to you!
Indeed, anon! We have plenty of time for our portfolios to peak in fall 2025
Chin chin my friend!
My good sir, you will encounter no negroes in this building. If you do, please inform our janitorial staff immediately!
May our pockets continue to be filled!

>> No.54783071
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>> No.54783112
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I hold PepePal. I think it has some of the best potential out of all the memecoins.