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54777795 No.54777795 [Reply] [Original]

*improves decision making*

>> No.54777815

is the reason your not a millionaire


>> No.54777824

Weed is okay once a month. Consume a large amount, lay down in a dark room and use the high to take an introspective journey into your subconscious. Anything else is degenerate.

>> No.54777873

>improves decision making
>Dude....I should spend more money on weed

>> No.54777889

why don't you use a bong with cold or hot water depending on the weather? you will improve the flavor

>> No.54777901

jealous because you dont know how to get weed/are in a high paying job in which weed would get you fired

>> No.54777917

nigger i have been smoking weed every single day all day multiple times a day high 24/7/365 since i was 17. i wouldnt change a thing. its the only thing that allows me to suffer through everyone else's inability to process basic normal daily things without completely going limp and closing their eyes and giving up

>> No.54777925

Stop replying to these threads unless the nigger posts a peer reviewed paper (with no jewish/chink/indian authors) as proof.

>> No.54778008

It made me very confused and avoidant regarding my emotions, it got in my way too much for doing things outside of my comfort zone. But for some people it's the reverse. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.54778086


>> No.54778114


>> No.54778377

Why not just kill yourself?

>> No.54778411

I smoked way too much weed in my life. I smoked all throughout the 2021 bullrun and 2022 bear market both of which I totally fucked up. I basically quit since January and made my absolute best plays since then. That being said I miss the sense of optimism and effortless sleep it gave me. I got some of my wildest bouts of inspiration from it. Maybe I'll go back some day but for now I'm much happier sober than I ever was high all the time

>> No.54778426

what else am I gonna do while I wait for my bags to moon

>> No.54778440

Depends on several factors. Type of cannabinoid, are we talking CBD/CBG or THC? Flower or distillate vape? What type of THC? Delta 9, Delta 10, HHC/HXC? Natural terpine combination or a completely made up one (with natural hemp derived terpines 100% of the time of course). It depends on all that and the person utilizing it for whatever their purpose. I vape on Fridays after work most weeks but that's about it.

>> No.54778517

this desu, your existence sounds painful

>> No.54778529
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>Depends on several factors. Type of cannabinoid, are we talking CBD/CBG or THC? Flower or distillate vape? What type of THC? Delta 9, Delta 10, HHC/HXC? Natural terpine combination or a completely made up one (with natural hemp derived terpines 100% of the time of course). It depends on all that and the person utilizing it for whatever their purpose. I vape on Fridays after work most weeks but that's about it.

>> No.54778624
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weed is fucking gay

>> No.54778651
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>> No.54778662

I am literally one of the best marijuana growers on the planet, ask me anything.

>> No.54778687

I just had a moment with christ because of weed.

>> No.54778694

can I just bury a couple seeds in my backyard? will they grow?

>> No.54778713

I'm agnostic but one time with THC-O I was 100% believing in Jesus. After it wore off my beliefs are unchanged. I'd recommend THC-O if your religious. 3x as potent as delta 9.

>> No.54778784 [DELETED] 


>> No.54778794

>I was 100% believing in Jesus. After it wore off my beliefs are unchanged
Your reefer mania ended you mean.

>> No.54778822

>reefer mania
What is this the 1950's? Kek

>> No.54778834

A temporary psychosis, don't read into it.

>> No.54778864

>temporary psychosis
is how god speaks to us

>> No.54778877

That's a delusion. I would know, I've both had and seen others have them. If you speak to god you're fine, if god speaks to you you're not.

>> No.54778904

>If you speak to god you're fine, if god speaks to you you're not
That goes without saying with all drugs, and being sober, and just life in general. It's called existing. Are you sure you're not high right now?

>> No.54778907

Nonsense reply that added nothing.

>> No.54778920

You're a giant fucking loser
I bet you don't even have 6figs

>> No.54778931

If god doesn't speak to you, you have no reason to speak to him.

>> No.54778933

whatever delusional

>> No.54778937

You're the one speaking to a nonexistent entity.

>> No.54778960

I don't. I'm not religious, but I acknowledge there is nothing wrong with praying to yourself to cope with stress and anxieties.

>> No.54778997

You're an atheist, and that's fine. Those who experience higher levels of consciousness through meditation and other means purport to enjoy a higher, more spiritual dimension of reality.

>> No.54779034

I'm agnostic and you're delusional if you think god is speaking to you. I am well aware meditation can achieve great mental states, but god does not and never will speak to you. you are not jesus either.

>> No.54779063

>god does not and never will speak to you
You're not an agnostic, you're a dogmatic and extreme atheist. Most reasonable atheists acknowledge that they can only account for the world of experience that they have access to, and that the world they know lacks evidence for any phenomena that cannot be explained more simply through empirical science. They don't outright reject the very possibility of the divine like you do.

>> No.54779070

nowadays whenever i get high i just end up meditating and praying
i don't like to smoke all the time anymore, maybe 2-3x a week in the evenings while watching a movie

>never met anyone impacted by weed in a positive way
thats a lie

>> No.54779078

THC-O is really uncomfortable for me, felt like a low dose anxious psilocybin come-up both times i tried it (once edible, once from a cart)

D8 is alright but it feels synthetic and seems to come on quick and finish quick

>> No.54779082

>They don't outright reject the very possibility of the divine like you do.
I don't. I've just worked in a loony bin and watched too many retards think god is speaking to them.

>> No.54779099

I've tried every drug weed, acid, lsd, ecstasy, coke, meth, opium, ghb, cbd, vspes, caffeine, alcohol, peyote, shrooms, dxm

I'm 29 I tried most of it in my late teens early 20s before my brain completely formed (25) and let me tell you something there is nothing more KINO and awesome than being sober, it's complete clarity and being grounded in reality, sometimes I see friends still doing them and it's insane what fucked up things drugs make u do. I'm glad I'm over that phase, I'll probably try it again in my late 40s or 50s when I get bored of being a normie but it's a slippery slope unless you're rich or financially set

>> No.54779110

>I don't.
Yes, you do. You directly denied that god spoke to Jesus, or to anyone ever. All religions throughout human history involve communication with the divine. The "great mental states" you mention as achievable through meditation are precisely those states of divine communion.

>> No.54779117

ok whatever schizo

>> No.54779127

Again, it's fine to be an atheist. I just wouldn't be so sure you have it all figured out when there are experiences you refuse to introduce yourself to.

>> No.54779172


>> No.54779204

delta 9 just makes me nauseous

>> No.54779246

faggot delta8 shill
delta 9 is natural and doesn't cause nausea

>> No.54779267

I smoke it specifically to avoid making decisions.

>> No.54779277

i bet you can't even get through a high school algebra course

>> No.54779325
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>watched too many retards think god is speaking to them.
I'm going to give you an anecdote as a counterpoint. I do not condone the use of psychedelics in general. They are very powerful, potentially dangerous, and must be used with great care.

I was le edgy militant atheist in my teenage years, also depressive/suicidal and knew I had some issues to sort out. I took LSD after reading about many religious experiences described in vivid detail by very intelligent "former atheists". Maybe, I thought, there was something there for me to find. I did plenty of research on the proper way to take it in order to illicit the particular experience. With a little luck, I entered a meditative trance, my consciousness left my body, and I "talked to God". Whatever that means, right? Perhaps it all was just a pretty hallucination, I'll give you that. But never have I felt such an overwhelming sense of love, power, order... the voice had a sense of being not only my own but that of all being itself. The subject-object dichotomy completely broke down, as did space and time, and for all of what was perhaps a minute of time in the "real world", I felt the essence of eternity.

To shorten the rest, it basically told me what I already knew I needed to do to overcome my mental illness, but in a way where it sank into the depth of my soul. I came out of that experience wondering what the fuck just happened, but sure enough within a few months of concerted effort I had pretty well overcome a decade of depression and suicidal ideation, something that therapy and antidepressants couldn't do. If it were all just a psychotic illusion, well... so be it. I'm still not religious, but ever since I could no longer call myself an atheist.

>> No.54779546

Based. Physiologically it could be about reconciling the left brain with the right brain, putting them into better balance. But I wouldn't be so concerned to draw a distinction between a "mere hallucination" that inspires you to transform your life and an "objectively real" spiritual experience (whatever that is). Subjectively and pragmatically they are indistinguishable, yielding the same salutary spiritual benefits. I prefer to think of all such experiences as divine and holy due to their unmistakable transformative power.

>> No.54779589

6 figs is still loser status unless it's close to 7.

>> No.54779590


Breh. I bet you contemplate your livelihood every single one of those days. Have you ever considered taking a break for the sake of taking a break (on every sense of going against conformity).

Like experiencing so sobriety on a heightened level that makes it even more thrilling and being aloof beyond all recognition.

Give it a try pleb.

>> No.54779620

>Weed is okay once a month. Consume a large amount, lay down in a dark room and use the high to take an introspective journey into your subconscious
This. When I smoke, I become aware of the mistakes I'm making, the people I was rude to, the projects I stopped working on.. I have new business, fresh direction etc. Genuinely healthy. I also workout like a beast (with the right weed) for up to 5 hours. Love the feeling of working out on weed.
>anything else is degenerate
I smoke 3 times a week and use it for perspective and hard workouts, so that's healthy but we all react differently ig

>> No.54779636

Pic must be unrelated because that doesn’t look anything like psilocybin mushrooms

>> No.54779645

>He isn't doing dabs of high quality lab tested live resins and diamonds
>He's a sober little faggot
Dabbin all day ereday. And I too have a six fig poorfolio... doesn't everybody here? You're either faggot tourists from wsb or native neets who can't afford to blaze. Or maybe you live in middle America with that leddit soi mentality hardwired to think pot is le bad.

>> No.54779904


>> No.54779910

>Not using a convection vape

Ya ngmi

>> No.54779973

Weed makes biz seethe hard

>> No.54780011

spend a hundred bucks on weed, smoke weed erryday. Also my girlfriend gives me free weed. Some of the best relationships of my life were started by smoking weed with some girl I just met and then fucking her brains out.

>> No.54780014

hundred bucks a month on weed I meant.

>> No.54780329

that sounds like an addict though

>> No.54780350

Congrats on semi-permanently reducing your functional IQ by 10 points. Oh you fell for the “weed is harmless” meme?

>> No.54780360

When did drugs become cringe? Feels like they're following the same trajectory as tattoos.

>> No.54780488

i smoked for 9 years and then i just started to get panic attacks and my pulse is like 200. i even went to the hospital thinking that i have a heart condition but everything's ok and my heart is normal and healthy.

i want to relax sometimes with smoking weed but i am afraid when i smoke, even small amounts like one or two puffs triggers the panic. like what the fuck. now i have to drink fucking poison solvents called ethanol a.k.a vodka to relax.

what to do?

>> No.54780511


>> No.54780537

And you shouldn’t be sure you have anything figured out when your worthless pathetic mind lacks the capacity to discern reality.

>> No.54780651

When I'm high I usually have like 5 business ideas per hour, I write them all down, then when I read them sober it's the most retarded shit you can imagine
Drugs help me manage the eternal pain of existence, but I wish they didn't exist, it's such a waste of time

>> No.54781229

>i smoked for 9 years and then i just started to get panic attacks and my pulse is like 200. i even went to the hospital thinking that i have a heart condition but everything's ok and my heart is normal and healthy.
been there. microdose using dry herb vape.

>> No.54781264

Stereotypes don't appear from nowhere.
The lazy, careless, smelly weed smoker is a straight up loser.
There's no way of twisting it or coping that will change that.

>> No.54781427

keep working hard like a slave faggot

>> No.54781800

Your profound misery seeps from your every word. I hope you find happiness some day.

>> No.54781844

same, weed helped me get through stanford after a lacking undergrad education (because I couldn't get into anything but a shitty state school because im white)
also weed helped me with a broken home and alcoholic mother who drank herself to death
I may use it as a crutch too much now adays but its better than alcohol. I never drink anymore

>> No.54781881

Dope cope

>> No.54781912

i earned a first-class bachelors of engineering degree and i smoke weed every day

>> No.54782112

you sound like a total retard.

Modern weed is completely genetically modified and averages around 15-20% in THC whilst the one in actually find in nature is around 3-4%. It's fucking harmful on your psyche. You're a gullible pothead who fell for "le plants are good" meme.

>> No.54782131

i wish i could still smoke but my lungs cant take it no more. pains when i do and a buzzing in my ears. its over for me.

>> No.54782159

Personally when I smoked weed and had a rule that I will only smoke when I've done everything for the day, it worked pretty well, but I don't want to be involved with dealers/dark web any more so no more weed unless they legalise it.

>> No.54782190

But I workout for 4 hours hard when stoned snd get ideas and energy which I apply the following day. Explain.

>> No.54782204

you must have a shitty reality in the nigga hood

>> No.54782227

Weed is evil. I asked God to show me if weed is good or bad. Every time I got stoned I would get super horny and jack off. That was a sign that weed is evil. I’ve been free of this herbal Jew for 2 months now and it’s even clearer to me that weed is bad and smoking it when you are otherwise healthy is the work of the devil.

>t. 20 years a pot head
Thanks be to God

>> No.54782237

Kys drug addict

>> No.54782251

broccoli and bananas are also genetically modified. Nothing like they were thousands of years ago.

>> No.54782255
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Weed smokers are absolute degenerate mongs. They've killed all their braincells and can only think about more weed. I hate em, they stink and they're all brainlets.

>> No.54782410
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>comparing cannabis to broccoli and bananas
This just proves you're an idiot and you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.54782414

In a sense, God might very well be speaking to them, at least as far as they're able to know God. It's just that we think we are what we see, and since we don't see any "God-object" out there to which we can attribute this speech, we think it must be us. In reality, God is reality itself, not a thing in reality.
The mind can fall apart under psychosis, I'd think, but psychosis is heightened information processing (the kind that can well burn out the mind too, like a lightbulb that receives too much energy, but still). Since the production of speech is part of the human mind, the attempt to "get to the truth" under conditions of increased stress makes the psychotic, insofar as he's able to keep his mind together under the strain, even talk like God would talk, but that's because God is the truth, so seeing the truth (mentally) makes you speak the truth. Neurologically, we reproduce our internal thought processes in a fairly straightforward manner in words, it's probably little more than thought process X occurring in your brain, and when you start speaking, you just add in the motor neurons.
This is, I admit, unbelievably hard to disentangle, so it's no surprise that people think they're Jesus (or whatever else, depending on cultural conditioning).

>> No.54782431

>Consume a large amount
>Anything else is degenerate

>> No.54782435

That's not the point I was making. The point I was making is that he's no where even near 6 figs in the first place. Doesn't matter where it's located. He's just a loser pot head faggot retard

>> No.54782451

still loser status. everyone has 7 figures from self endeavors or generational wealth. mid to high 7 figures, 8 figures is where you start to impress people.

>> No.54782453

>immediately resorts to ad hominem
Too easy.

>> No.54782469

Good afternoon sirs. I have you have been doing the needful and buying more PMs and ignoring the kikebot known as IQDELETE

>> No.54782491

You must be a mongoloid to compare a psychoactive plant (yeah it's light whatever) to a fucking vegetable.

I used to be a "dudeee weed is le heckin' miracle plant" in highschool. At a certain point you grow up from it.

>> No.54782504

I know better than you do. My intellect is simply much higher, sorry.

>> No.54782920

right, after having that experience one of the first impulses I had was to tell everyone about it and encourage them through "what I was told" - that there existed this infinite love underlying the fabric of reality, that we can overcome suffering through it etc etc. Which sounds a lot like me posing as a prophet of God, and just a little self reflection made me realize I would simply piss people off or appear insane. I wanted to share that feeling with the world. But I didn't, because it was painfully obvious that language was wholly insufficient to the task. It can only be understood through direct experience. I know before I had that experience, I considered anyone who described some sort of contact with the divine as no better than a child talking to imaginary friends in their head. It's easily the most meaningful but also the most frustrating experience of my life - to have had the experience at all, but not to be able to share it with others.

>> No.54783013
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I smoke weed everyday I dont give a fuck

>> No.54783016

Then Who the fuck IS the voice on my head

>> No.54783036

It’s… you.

>> No.54783070


I smoked weed for 25 years. When I quit, I had super vivid dreams in which I created a successful app. Within 3 years I made a million. So glad I stopped. I loved it too much but my code suffered

>> No.54783072

Going through a breakup and I feel nothing but anger. Never tried it before but I'm interested. Don't really wanna smoke it, I'd rather have edibles or gummies. Any anons can give me an appropriate dosage or tips?

>> No.54783097

needs tobacco

>> No.54783102

5mg, no more than 10mg max for your first time

>> No.54783127

>thousands of years ago
Try 50 years ago. Modern weed is fucking insane compared to the harmless shit they were smoking in the hippie era

>> No.54783134

Two words;
Psilocybin mushrooms
That’s all you need to know. You’ll come out with a completely new perspective. Any naysayers haven’t tried them. you’ll feel better, you’ll be better. Helped my anger and anxiety TREMENDOUSLY.

>> No.54783211

>Which sounds a lot like me posing as a prophet of God, and just a little self reflection made me realize I would simply piss people off or appear insane.
The thing is, if God IS talking to you, you can't know it epistemically, as you'd know any empirical fact like "France is a country in Europe". Even if the seemingly impossible starts to happen, you can't know it epistemically, since any given event could just be happening by random chance, including the extremely implausible. All "fact-based" knowledge only determines things in this world, so it's conceptually impossible to "prove that God is talking to me/you", but that's because it is literally beyond the concept of a proof.
Let's say you're driving down the highway and suddenly, the gas tank in your car becomes empty. This could have happened, even if it was highly unlikely to happen, as a result of random quantum events. It would be, yes, a coincidence - but it sure would be a highly unlikely coincidence. The improbability doesn't prove anything, but it might tell you something. Though you could also be mistaken about any given interpretation of events (it also might just be that the gas tank is leaky, or because you misread the fuel gauge) and you could always be deceived or be deceiving yourself, so you can't make the jump from insight to epistemic knowledge because that'd mean you had "private information". You can only have public information, i.e. information in-universe that anyone can know (since how could you know something that you didn't receive via "public channels", i.e. through the laws of physics? Even something only you happen to know is not something that only you can know, that's not how information works). And even if someone else thinks you're telling a convincing story, he could be deceived, so even consensus doesn't let you do the epistemic jump.
An interesting video on consciousness touching on this, though I don't know whether it's factually true: https://youtu.be/XqWbIVlnmNM

>> No.54783321

dont buy product that is missing CBD. Actually just buy CBD and avoid THC-a. You will just relax get giddy and wont trip.

>> No.54783352

>don't want to be involved with dealers/dark web any more
Delta 9 gummies are legally available in every state now. And tinctures, flower, etc. All hemp derived.

>> No.54783413

>mutts still have trouble understanding not everyone is American

>> No.54783423
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>> No.54783446

I smoke weed 24/7 and made millions in crypto.

>> No.54783450

My apologies Pierre. I was being thoughtless.

>> No.54783464

But are you living in Christ with the Holy Spirit?

>> No.54783586

I see spiritual knowledge as a type of subjective knowledge. In the subjective world, the appearances *are* the reality. For example, the question "is this person possessed by a demon, or do they simply have paranoid schizophrenia?" -- assuming it even makes sense conceptually -- does not have an answer that makes any difference subjectively. Likewise for positive spiritual 'encounters'. Subjective knowledge exists apart from, and not fully determined by, objective knowledge. For example, nothing in the laws of physics dictates that 'I' am 'me' rather than JK Simmons. Indeed, the laws of physics don't even determine the exact observed results of a quantum experiment (regardless of one's interpretation of quantum mechanics).