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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54775982 No.54775982 [Reply] [Original]

The interest rate Sergey wants to pay out for holding his funding token is laughable, less than bank interest basically which is not remotely acceptable for holding a highly risky, mostly illegal asset with no legal protections.

Why can't Sergey sell some of the 65% of the premined tokens he holds to fund a better interest rate (staking in NEET terms) for those incels running

I don't get it... If I wanted to collect bank interest on my money, I'd stick inside of a bank. One that has FDIC insurance and a physical address and cash flows and real employees etc.

>> No.54777028

I posted this months ago but the fucking RETARDS that post here didnt even realize you can get close to 5% on a money market account, TODAY. Fucking idiots here are so wrapped up in their echo chamber. Biz is awful now

>> No.54777050

I have money in a money market account as well
this complaint is valid but fails to consider the potential for the token value itself to rise or the build incentives

>> No.54777088

>*Their investment earns yield*
>OMG these retards!! REEEEEE!
Does your bank have a BUILD program to get airdrops?

>> No.54777098

Is it fair to say you're the same retard who posted the "Google partnership" thread and got hilariously ripped to pieces?
Is your "strategy" really just recycling old parts of the Zeus Capital report that got the NEXO dipshits arrested?

>> No.54777104

Because the BTC whales are trying to force him to dump more of his tokens at a low price.
The dollar is a depreciating shitcoin which lost 99% of its value and doesn't even pay for the real inflation through the current negative real interest rates.
Chainlink is a deflationary token with a limited predefined max supply with a network effect to come with mass adoption and possbility of a price increase.

>> No.54777171

lmao these fudcucks are so buckbroken they are now reposting literal 3 year old FUD straight from the Zeus Capital Chainlink PDF

your bulgo daddies got raided by the FBI, move on. meanwhile I collect GMX fees, get 30+ build airdrops and staking rewards for doing nothing at all, thanks for playing

>> No.54777366 [DELETED] 
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>the potential for the token value itself to rise

>> No.54777396
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>the potential for the token value itself to rise

>> No.54777453
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your shitcoin is trading at $7 and is down -92% from it's ATH

Seems like the Bulgarians fucked your ass lmao

>> No.54777519
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I owned Chains.tink back in 2018-2019 (60,000 Stink) and have been trashing this shitcoin ever since I dumped it in 2020 when it became obvious this was nothing but a game of smoke and mirrors and speculative musical chairs with no underlying business potential.
It boggles the mind what kind of mental gymnastics the tormented incel losers have to devise to keep themselves going with this clearly expired, failing shitcoin.

Next stop:

>> No.54777535

Checked and they'll never reply. Their only response to the fact that we will make 6 figures+ purely from airdrops is "BUT YOU DON'T HAVE THEM YET DO YOU KEK".

>> No.54777578
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Linktards are exactly the same as VeChain and XRP baggies.

They think their premined shitcoin printed out of thin air has "le super tech" which will revolutionize the world. Everything about Link is shady as fuck and that includes the whole partnerships and integrations that are simply a carrot dandling in front of the bagholders.

The fact that it was shilled non-stop for 6 years reinforced the delusions of bagholders (OGs included) so they now believe the shitty price action is not due to the fact that it's a useless token but because there is a nefarious conspiracy involving NEXO, FTX and apparently JUMP to suppress their rank 23 meme crypto.

Long story short, Link is a cult.

>> No.54777610

linkniggers are pathetic incels

>> No.54777642
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>the potential for the token value itself to rise
The token is not needed

>> No.54777651

>because there is a nefarious conspiracy involving NEXO, FTX and apparently JUMP to suppress their rank 23 meme
Every week I browse this board and these inbred linktards are always making up a new boogieman. The mental gymnastics pouring out of their cuckold heads never ceases to amaze.

>> No.54777667

look at him literally talk to himself ITT. lol, lmao even. what an existence

>> No.54777703
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Their reasoning goes like:

>I hold the best crypto because I'm le smart
>my crypto is performing like shit
>I'm being mocked on a daily basis on /biz/
>therefore there must be a malicious conspiracy against Link

It's called cognitive dissonance and Linkies are a cautionary tale as to why you should never marry your shitcoin bags

>> No.54777759

>buy high, sell low tier post

>> No.54777767

>implying LINK will ever make a new ATH
kek lmao lol jej I bet you're a newfag

>> No.54777793

>just sell low dude!

>> No.54778233
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Based take.

>> No.54778245

The only options for LINKcels are sell low, lower or keep waiting until it's delisted in 4 years.

>> No.54779565

Jump trading is manipulating the market and pays pajeets to fud 24/7

>> No.54779606

It's been what four months since initiation of staking and there are 25+ build projects? By one year there will be nearly 100 projects, equity in which we will be given for free.

>> No.54779615

How much have you made off these “build” pajeet airdrops? Oh whats that, not a fucking cent??? Cool man. Hope your underlying doesnt drop another 30%. That doesnt happen to my money market acct you arrogant cunt

>> No.54779637
File: 1.17 MB, 1125x1875, 4BF59204-0B27-492F-92F7-B884169C985C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so youre claiming you “won” the argument because at some point in the future (of course not defined when), a russian guy is going to send you some free altcoins?


holy shit man Im envious of your optimism. It may end up in a suicide but damn man you live it up for now

>> No.54779821

Linkcels utterly BTFO.

>> No.54779855

I went through the same thing. I could not believe how anons would try to use it as a flex, like the anon who'd post his weekly staking rewards (locked, mind you) as if it's impressive to anyone with a fucking bank account, nevermind value erosion from price performance.
I just don't get it anymore. It's so obvious they're just blind coping.

>> No.54779955
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Oh look the Pink Boys are back after the consensus emergency meetings

>> No.54780138

This thread sponsored by JUMP

>> No.54780185

5% Yield in Cash
You should learn the difference between treasury/bank yields, dividend yields, and staking yields. You sound retarded.
>Buys 100k of Treasuries
>Gets 5%
>$5000 per year
>Inflation is 5%+
>Loses purchasing power

>Buys $100k of Chainlink
>Pays 4% out in LINK, not 4% of your initial dollar amount but 4% in LINK
>Receive $4k worth of LINK each year
>LINK eventually goes up 100x
>That $4k per year is now worth $400k per year since youre paid out 4% of your LINK amount not dollar amount

>> No.54780195

FDIC insurance is a meme

They are literally just hoping not everyone cashes out at the same time

>> No.54780334

one day you will face HIM and have to answer for your misdeeds
look at yourself in the mirror and remember to TAKE PROFIT in the next bull run
imagine what you could have had if you weren't so greedy?
now you sit here posting fud all day.... a sad, sad life
really is pathetic

>> No.54780389

>the build incentives
show me where they explicitly state rewarding community stakers with those build rewards, how much and with what schedule

right, you cant since it's another lie, just like FSS, CCIP, DECO, etc

>> No.54780394


>> No.54780416

>*looks at self in mirror*
>"I will NEVER take profit cuck"
>turns 360 degrees crashes into self
I am my own worst enemy anon

>> No.54780820

those mmf will not be at 5% for very long anon

>> No.54780831

Yes I too am a demoralised link holder qho cares not for the current developments, but only the price TODAY.


>> No.54780845
File: 69 KB, 534x659, 25680ECB-A2C6-4B76-9DFA-3B3C5E7CCDA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that JUMP TRADING is behind both the blatantly scammy btc dumps to suppress price and the 24/7 FUD campaign on both biz and twitter. this is how they choose to spend their vast resources. these are the parasitic organizations that we will inevitably be purging from the world.

also congrats to SNX for having abysmal foresight and getting suckered into a wolf in sheep's clothing attack. extremely bearish.

picrelated is the head of crypto at JUMP TRADING who is dumping on you kek

>> No.54781577
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your cuck token will never make you rich
your bags will never pump
you will never have sex

>> No.54782969
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>>LINK eventually goes up 100x

>> No.54782987


As I type this LINK is going on a pump.

You know what that means...

>> No.54783009

open a BTC short?