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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54773654 No.54773654 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy at:

>Bitcoin Magazine (one of the largest crypto twitters in the world) announced DevFest to be official BTC2023 afterparty

>Developer of BTC and DBI:


>Kraken & Jesse Powell

>Tyler Winklevoss

But there are other powerful crypto influencers/personalities behind The Dev & DBI

>Dan Held
659k twitter followers, including: CZ, Winklevoss twins, Jesse, Boxmining, Michael Saylor and multiple more.


> Altcoin Daily
1.3M twitter followers, 1.29 youtube followers

ft @IncomeSharks (382k followers) https://twitter.com/IncomeSharks/status/1617889078309183489

1M twitter followers

ALL of the above follow The Dev

>Jerry Brito
60k twitter followers, Executive director of @coincenter. Followed by Brian Amstrong, Jesse Powell, Tyler Winklevoss, Roger Ver, Michael Saylor, and most recently Bitcoin Magazine.

It will be announced officially on their twitter that Devfest is the official afterparty of Bitcoin Conference 2023



>> No.54773659

The Dev is building a strong foundation. There is a reason he has put zero effort or funding into marketing. He's building a huge ecosystem of multiple games, the treasure hunt, NFT's, annual Devfest, etc. etc. Then once this whole thing is built out the turbo button will be pressed on marketing. The Dev doesn't ever mention DBI, because he wants to make sure the entire honor system is built out and in place. Then once it finally starts to actively get pushed, normies will come in and see an entire fucking world of entertainment vaklue built on PoM (proof of memes). This is not a fucking joke when the dev says "we need to build the honor system first" and "doing this for the little guys". THIS is your opportunity as a little guy to accumulate before he actually kicks in the marketing FULL blast, activating ALL his connections simultaneously. When that happens, this fucking thing is going to make every other meme token before it look like a shitty scam, including the ones that aren't even active scams. Theres a chance the turbo button could be pushed during Devfest. I've been in DBI VERY early, and I have been made aware of the full big picture.

fud all you want. isnt gonna stop us from getting filthy rich off of this token. you'll be left behind, just like everything else. 1 in 10 bizraelis will actually see this project for what it is and buy as much as possibe. then only 1 in 10 of those will actually be patient enough to hold on til the top and sell for max profit without busting your nut early in the bull market.

Which one will you be?

>> No.54773681

bless the baker

>> No.54773716

Fake general
>Fake general

>> No.54773744

do not give this bitter wild forest doomer schizo any attention. He will talk to himself for awhile. It's just a pitiful trick he plays on himself to feel superior. It's how he sustains his confidence

>> No.54773840

uh, >>54773659

>> No.54773972

>/biz/ is going to miss the axie of this cycle
You love to see it. I can't wait till the low iq schizo kills himself.

>> No.54774066

>>/biz/ is going to miss the axie of this cycle
I hope so.. i need at least 9 more months before i can YOLO with my life and debtmaxxing all my cards.. i need more time to acoomoolate

>> No.54774148

I fell again for a scam pajeet nigger coin. Lost all my money on this bullshit

>> No.54774183

jew sunk the titanic to consolidate power in banking and you stupid crypto niggers still think it is a smart idea to congregate physically in one location, under the same roof. i wonder if all those crypto convention niggers got ISIS'd in one fell swoop how much btc usable supply would be permanently reduced

>> No.54774263

>devfest is going to be blown up in a terrorist attack
Now THIS is fud.

>> No.54774373

Who the fuck is this shitposter?
Why he claims he made btc? Did he prove it in any way?

>> No.54774496

Im not buying your shitcoin. But somewhere in my mind i know this will moon if it manage to hit the general public

>> No.54774913 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1080x667, 2 more weeks DEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming for you Dev, in real life. Not minecraft

>> No.54775280

I know little fags like you that like to wear camo and traipse around in the woods like little fairies. You've never served, you don't own a gun, you've probably never even shot a gun or been in a fight. You don't know shit about combat. Please do come on down and visit (or up since you're probably in Jamaica since you're Craig's bottom bitch). This is Florida you little bitch and we're all packing.

>> No.54775683


but in all seriousness...
i've been rugged so many times..

I'm not saying DBI is going to rug..but will this shit reach beyond $1 or $2 sometime?

i don't want to put a quarter of my life savings on this and losing it all..

>> No.54775731

make money elsewhere while you hold your life savings. We are going to die anyway so take the risk

>> No.54776001

>state with 95% boomers
OK boomer

>> No.54776043

kys nigger

>> No.54776577
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>Basically buy and gamble take the risk, no different than buying shitcoins

life is hard bros...

>> No.54776593
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>> No.54776614

I posted that my state is legal to fist fight as long as both parties agree, you know what happened after that? Fats cried for jannies protection

>> No.54776940

>95% boomers
Maybe 40 years ago but not today. It's become a cesspool filled with islanders and northerners. Recently south americans have been flooding in and selling roses on the side of the road. The oldfags that are still alive have stuck to their own little commnities while the rest of FL continues burning down. I need to fucking make it sooner than later. I can't stand this shithole

>> No.54776953

All the hard-core jujitsu front flip necksnap ninjas should just kill them. Was other anon full of shit?

>> No.54777019
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>> No.54777120

I don't know about all that kungfu panda stuff, but yea, lots of retards here are trigger happy

>> No.54777796
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New OC
>New OC
New OC
>New OC
sell your bags and become free like me

>> No.54778204

>all this poorfag can afford is surplus olive drab and woodland camo
>which isn't even effective in the season or woods where he's posting his schizo selfies from
ngmi, you literally cannot do anything right

>> No.54779494

>bdu woodland Vietnam era
>isnt effective
Nigger you retarded

>> No.54779523
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also them multicam era selfies were all taken in a day. Multicam is a meme. Has no weather resistance and the pattern is only useful if you're in a desert with trees. Which doesn't exist

I got them because my girl wanted me to match her. Cringe I know

>> No.54779842

bro literally no one gives a shit. you have some serious mental illness or something lol

>> No.54779881

Aren't you glad some psycho loser piece of shit spends his time fixated on the mundane interactions of this coin? This is a byproduct of being alive.

>> No.54779911

this website should truly be a case study on human psychology.

>> No.54779950

I'm serious guys, we have to stop giving him attention. I know it's fun to laugh at him but all it does is reinforce his behavior. He comes in here and takes a dump, and shits up thread entirely. His aims are working. To derail threads about DBI. Stop giving the lunatic what he wants.

>> No.54780118

I don't mind about forest tranny. I don't hate him either. His fud serves to pump the threads..
also i don't want DBI to pump until end of year.. i want to acoomolate

all i want to know is if this project is legit..

>> No.54780137

I know you're not white so your reading comprehension is shit, but camouflage is about blending in with your surroundings. It's not a comment on woodland camouflage's effectiveness, but rather your inept poorfag attempt at using it. I'll spell it out for you pedro. You're not using the right patterns in the right environment / season, and even if you were, your faded second hand poorly maintained / old kit makes you look like the larping dumbass that you are. Can't help you if you need it spelled out even more for you than that, if you still have trouble, try asking your special education teacher / troon "wife" to translate.

>> No.54780197

having our own dedicated schizo is bullish af

>> No.54780216

Will get even more funny when the schizo is priced out overnight and then pretends he had a big bag all along but really he's going to stay poor

>> No.54780251

Price predictions leading up to and following devfest?

>> No.54780264

Next leg up will top out at .048 cents and retrace between .015-.025 cents.

>> No.54780340
File: 380 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20230409_123145_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't blend
Fucking COPE. Won't even bother responding to the rest of your garbage

>> No.54780353
File: 1.44 MB, 498x280, jim-carrey-dumb-and-dumber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if we ignore this one guy on this board with at best 50 active posters our shitcoin that is almost a year old will pump up back to a penny

>> No.54780364
File: 64 KB, 500x478, It Doesn't Have To Be This Way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to anyone almost tricked into buying this trash, these faggots have NO ARGUMENT against me selling the top besides calling me a tranny/schizo

>> No.54780439

>doesn't even realize his own jacket is flecktarn
>wants to blend in with the berries not the foliage like a dumb fuck
>woodland pants that stick out because they're faded as fuck, as pointed out earlier
>black shirt
>no face paint, guess he wants to get shot in the face
>conveniently doesn't post the pic of him wearing woodland in the desert
congrats you will be the first one picked off, i bet you don't even own a pair of gloves, you larp at everything don't you? except being a full blown schizo.

>> No.54780442

>he thinks .02 is the top top
makes sense that you're a bottom
where's the lie that you're a tranny and a schizo tho?

>> No.54780450

It’s six months old… and if it survives whole year with dev always devving it’s going to be super bullish.

>> No.54780452

And yet if I posted a pic in face paint with mechanix on you'd still post LE SCHIZO

>> No.54780454

I don't hold any dbi, just find your ramblings pathetically hilarious. I bet you get laughed off of /k/

>> No.54780459

Fucking do it. Prove yourself.

>> No.54780468

Welp, looks like this thread is done. I'd say thanks schizo, but it's you fucking cartoon ass goofball anons giving him attention. GREAT WORK FAGGOTS

>> No.54780473

schizos like this actually make a shitcoin legendary on /biz/, oldfags know how bullish this is

>> No.54780499

I don't post on 4chan's /k/ ever. I used to post on infinity's /k/

>> No.54780602
File: 68 KB, 1125x1120, 1681915063946646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where ordinals

>> No.54780607

If you’re not the one doing the study you’re an npc

>> No.54780613

>/biz/ is going to miss out on buying into the dev ecosystem at under a penny
Wew, the amount of seethe this coin is going to generate is high
>I was filtered by the name!
>I was filtered by the boomers!
>I was filtered by the gen x gas station attendant!

>> No.54780620


>> No.54780625

Where bing bing wahoo?

>> No.54780632

it run away lmao

>> No.54780644

The dev has not tweeted or posted in the telegram for over 24 hours now.

The rug has commenced. Exit all positions now.

>> No.54780657

I warned him

>> No.54780665

Listen, you may be non white but you're better than these fucking jeets. At least you have a grasp of English, which is more than I can say for this curry board. I'm curious why you don't like the Dev and DBI, it's the anti SBF anti gensler play, are you into those guys running crypto or something? I'd think you wouldn't be. Plus the dev is obviously an old white guy, you jealous or something? You should rebuy and go to dev fest and party in your ridiculous mismatched camo, and when you make millions you could buy some decent gear. You'd probably end up a character on in that shit.

>> No.54780692

Bro he's 50 years old and works at a gas station and says he day trades at the library. This bozo has not made a single good decision in his life, and he's not going to start now.

>> No.54780714
File: 3.95 MB, 640x640, laugh-homelander.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54780756

Lmao jannies deleted my based meme

>> No.54781385

He/she/it is single-handedly keeping the DBI threads alive. You should be thanking it

>> No.54783259

It's that time of the MORNING
Oh wow 6600, you guys making massive gains swinging DBI from 6600-6900 range all day every day for the last 3 weeks?

>> No.54783905


The founder of bitcoin is unironically on the dbi team my dude. It's not the dev, but he is in the shadowy cohort almost for sure. I did not believe this at first, but I do now. You should join the telegram and see the devs interactions, sentiments, announcements. You should be accumulating at this entry instead of criticizing; there is a lot planned for the next 1 - 2 years. We know about the game, treasure hunt, and devfest. Dev announced he would like some automated games that burn dbi like STD. There is huge talent in the space, quality of releases are extremely high. Twinkle of partnerships from *every single billion dollar CEX owner*. Partnerships are EASILY bought in - most recently with btc magazine. This is not nothing. They would not do this for a shit coin scam without connections. My theory is that they suppressed the price to encourage accumulation is my theory (for the little guys), and once the ecosystem is built up and all projects are launched this thing is going to go absolutely shit-bonkers, when they reveal their proof of bitcoin dev on the team.

This is the best investment if you can buy and hold for a year or two. Trust the process.

>> No.54784020

Can someone give me a quick rundown on who “the dev” is? This is all just marketing with a paid actor correct?

>> No.54784163


>> No.54784180


Nobody knows, but the proofs that satoshi is on the team are stacking up. Dev is most likely a paid actor to conceal satoshis identity.

They are focusing on the honor system and dbi ecosystem and constantly teasing throughout that they're going to definitively prove that they made bitcoin.

Interesting enough one of satoshis wallets just awakened. We just have to wait and see.

>> No.54784891

Alternatively imagine if I wasn't posting. The thread would be posting week old information without even mentioning how the release dates passed with no information given
Like this guy. Uses treasure hunt and Le BING BING WAHOO as talking point. Where's the game? It's end of April. Nobody even cares about the treasure hunt anymore. Any update on ordinal? No of course not!

>> No.54784905

The cope is that "think bigger, this is all to keep price low for the little guys, Dev is planning stuff behind the scenes"
Fucking 2 months of this shit. Pathetic

>> No.54785478

btw is craig the jamaican scammer out of DBI?
did he sold everything?

>> No.54785525

Yes. But coin is still at garbage volume. So apparently no he isn't. Think bigger

>> No.54786332

ngl I feel like the bbby and gme baggies at this point. we've reached the stage where schizo theories with no evidence are all we have left for hopium.

>> No.54787795

Quick someone post some half assed cope to bring this off page 10