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54772074 No.54772074 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else’s considering moving to Mexico? It’s bad stateside feels like I can barely save anything with rent and grocery inflation. Any Mexibros want chime in

>> No.54772126

Stupid Mexicans lol
White bros can’t stop winning. You can have our shithole 1950’s apartments with 30 year old moldy carpet. I’ll take your beachside villa and prime teen pussy

>> No.54772143

You live in the Mexican Caribbean?

>> No.54772150

Watch some cartel gore videos and tell me if you still want to go to Mexico.

>> No.54772174

You’re fudding yourself out would you live in somewhere live Detroit or a Chicago hood? The same principle applies to Mexico

>> No.54772175
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Are you telling me we can go see these shows live?

>> No.54772193

How the fuck did I end up in fucking Thailand. I'm not sure if it was a brilliant move or retarded.

>> No.54772197

Most of those cartel gore videos are actually from Central America.
Most people crossing the US Mexican border nowadays aren't Mexicans but central americans and people from south american countries like venezuela.
Mexican immigration to US has steadily declined starting from 2007-08 GFC

>> No.54772210

The future of civilisation lies in south east asia.

>> No.54772209

How is it? I’m considering all options to leave Weimerica

>> No.54772222

Mexico is an absolute shithole and I have permanent hearing damage from going there

>> No.54772236
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>> No.54772237

Checked. Were the mexicans really that loud?

>> No.54772240

It's good but I still don't know how to speak Thai and they're picky with the visa. A lot of boomers have left. Now it's full of Russians though.

>> No.54772245

I am thinking of moving to Japan. Land and housing is cheap.

>> No.54772266

mexican here
I mean just don't fuck with them and you'll be fine

The guys that get beheaded are usually snitches or traitors to the cartel of some kind

>> No.54772274

So is Thailand just a pump n dump for rich people of the earth ?

>> No.54772290

I've considered it but Mexico doesn't offer a good visa I could use to stay and retire there or work on my own remote business, even though I could technically afford it their retirement visa entry requirements are way higher than necessary.
This is what I'm thinking, I plan to visit it this year to see what living there would be like. Chiang Mai seems ideal. I don't like crowds, altho I'd probably just sit at home all day anyway, and just enjoy the low cost of living and not working. Although I don't like the heat/humidity and it seems like it'd be pretty bad for 8 months of the years.
Japan seems cool but everyone still wears a mask there, and immigration requirements are much stricter. And I'd rather not dilute their culture by being a white man in their home land.

>> No.54772297

im moving to mexico! moves to san pedro like a boss

>> No.54772299

Yes and at bars and clubs they play their music at about the volume of a jet engine. I have had tinnitus ever since

>> No.54772304

That’s what you get for being a degenerate club goer

>> No.54772313

Also Hokkaido is a beautiful place
Mask is a no issue for me, I have no interest in exposing my face to CCTV cameras all the time.

>> No.54772330

Move to Argentina and buy a big plot of land and build a big house, it's a beautiful place. Obviously you will have to earn a lot of money first, all of these plans aren't for wagies.

>> No.54772335

If you don't have remote work that pays well then it seems you'll be fucked. Mexicans average salary is like $19 usd a day.

I've heard Americans go into debt trying to hang out on an American budget when in reality pesos ain't enough.

>> No.54772346

My mom says there's a lot of Mexican people in Mexico.

>> No.54772361

There are more business opportunities for Americans in Mexico because the cost of labor is cheaper. You try to get a job at a plant and you’re losing. You open a plant and you’re winning.

>> No.54772390

kek enjoy getting wiped out by a hurricane and never have your body recovered

>> No.54772445

>You’re fudding yourself out would you live in somewhere live Detroit or a Chicago hood?
They don't often find decapitated and mutilated bodies hanging from overpasses in Detroit and Chicago. Or massive shootouts between the military and criminals.

>> No.54772470

>Mexicans average salary is like $19 usd a day
Is it possible to live a life in Mexico that's similar western lifestyle with only $1k usd/month? That was my plan for thailand but might reconsider if that's the case.

Right now I have enough invested to hit about $700/month passively and was going to work a bit more to get it up before pulling the trigger and moving.

>> No.54772490

yeah, you can even be a participant.

a foreigner can easily get caught up in their bullshit or kidnapped. Even more likely than a native considering you don't know where to stay away from. Just a few months ago some Americans got caught in crossfire and kidnapped literally as soon as they cross the border, kek.

>> No.54772503

If you don't have remote work that pays well then it seems you'll be fucked. Mexicans average salary is like $19 usd a day.

I've heard Americans go into debt trying to hang out on an American budget when in reality pesos ain't enough.

>> No.54772542

I was in mexico for a month last month. The only things that are cheaper in mexico is the rent/housing and eating out. Groceries cost just as much. The worst part is that manufactured goods cost more. I guess everything is imported from the US and china over there. The infrastructure is sucks. You can forget about buying cheap stuff online because the mail system doesn't work there at all. I'm not even kidding. The mail system is so ineffective that the utility companies employ drivers to deliver your bills to your property. Oddly, they don't put your bill in an envelope; it's just a sheet of half sized paper. So you're stuck at retail with retail prices.

>> No.54772573

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.54772595


So you're bad at math.

>> No.54772617

lol kantbots friend cant wait to move from nyc to mexico and get enslaved by the cartels. you aren't zach de la rocha bud

>> No.54775271
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May as well, California is mexico lite at this point

>> No.54775465
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Similar to an American lifestyle? Closest would be getting a brick house in bumfucking nowhere San Pedro del Santo Corazón Picador Mutilador, going to Walmart in the city every week and pray the cops/gangs don't smell a fancy "bribe" on you.

Doesn't matter if you're melanin or mayonnaise enriched, we all get cucked by the long dick of impunity.

>> No.54776480
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I stayed for years on just a tourist visa, going for visa runs every 6 months (or paying a lawyer like $100 to just bribe some customs officer to give you a new stamp). Temporary residence visa is pretty easy though.....only requires like $2k/month of income. If you can't afford that, you probably shouldn't move anyways.

This. Earning a local wage is complete shit unless you work for yourself (where it's still pretty shit). By far it's most comfy to get a remote USA job.

I've been through 3 cat 5 hurricanes. All construction is done with solid concrete and not a single building has fallen.

Definitely possible if you budget and stay out of "tourist trap" areas. Will be way more comfy than living in USA on $1k/month (although peso is getting stronger than USD recently....so this might change soon).

Healthcare is cheaper, as well as anything involving labor (mechanics, nannys, trainers, etc). Everything else you say is true, although I order stuff on amazon all the time and it's delivered via DHL.

Generally speaking, mexican women are sexy and cool, mexican guys are very funny and chill, and life is much more comfy than USA (with a few exceptions). I moved here for the FEIC, where I legally don't pay any taxes on my $100k+/yr income (these savings alone pays for my entire life here in Mexico). But it's a pretty chill place with lots to offer if you stay out of the dangerous areas and don't act like an idiot.

>> No.54776500

op you're retarded you would have a shitty time unless you speak spanish well and also depending on what part of mexico you move to it could be dangerous

>> No.54776544

I speak Spanish retard I’m not some brown that would go to a country without knowing the language

>> No.54776572

caliniggers are already doing it, personally i hope we start seeing stories about them being skinned alive by cartels soon.

>> No.54776589

No I don’t like Mexicans
I would rather move to some Eastern Europe shithole like Poland or Slovenia. Not that I particularly like Slavs either.

>> No.54776610


Dude, Mexico is literally a warzone. So are Detroit and Chicago but it's limited to those areas in the US

>> No.54776626

>Japan seems cool but everyone still wears a mask there
lol imagine actually thinking this when evaluating quality of living

>> No.54777351

It always has been, heck before California became a state due to mass migration, the white and Hispanic living there both hated the immigrants

>> No.54777381

There are already stories about not being inclusive to lgbtq

>> No.54777509

If you still need to have a few 100k to survive in Mexico

>> No.54777559
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This. Fuck Mexicans. I hate them. They still are babarians.

>> No.54777574

mexico would be paradise if it werent for the narco state where you get kidnapped and skinned alive to santa muerte

>> No.54777654

Mexicans do these killings to those idiots who want to stop the flow of cocaine to american consumers.
The drug business is an export based business and brings dollars to Mexico.

>> No.54777702

Not even close to accurate. Mexicans kill and kidnap other Mexicans and then extort the families for what ever little pesos they have. They whole entire culture is beyond fucked and there is no plebbit explanation you can give me that will change my mind.

>> No.54778136

Cartel generally doesn't fuck with whites, especially US citizens. They know the US military/law enforcement will absolutely assrape them if they cause too much trouble for Americans. See https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64910394

>> No.54779899

Why don't you just move to southeast asia? Low crime, cheap modern housing even in cities, and fantastic pussy
Get yourself a sweet wife that takes care of you and looks the same 20 years later. You won't regret it

>> No.54780128

Fuck off we full

>> No.54780134

It's pretty based I retired at 38 years old, bought 7 apartments, doing an urban garden

>> No.54780145

You can convert temporary residence into permanent residence if you actually live in mexico for 4 years

>> No.54781027

Lol. No. There are none left in Mexico. They are all in the US.

>> No.54781203

not a bad death desu

>> No.54781218

>mhhhh no sweetie im just right, facts are reddit ok? they just are
Lmfao, mentally ill nigger
t. German living in Germany with no dog in the game, just astounded by your retardation

>> No.54781405

This nigger is thinking biz way
Having contacts for consumers in US while moving to Mexico to hire locals might be the play

>> No.54781682
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Why would I want to live in Mexico? Most of it is third-world, it's more or less controlled criminal cartels, and worst of all it's filled with gibberish speaking brown people who are literally descended from Aztecs. I'm going to stay in the US, and consequently my heart will stay inside my chest cavity.

>> No.54781758

In mexico people play their corridos at jet airplane volume in their cars and their houses as well

>> No.54781785

Mexico would be good if it wasnt filled with mexicans

>> No.54782008

>Cartel generally doesn't fuck with whites, especially US citizens. They know the US military/law enforcement will absolutely assrape them if they cause too much trouble for Americans.


>> No.54782045

Those people have deep cartel ties don’t fuck with the Mexican Mormons I met one which is why I’m considering moving to mexico

>> No.54782980

you stupid faggot.
if youre a white guy you will literally disappear in beaner land.

>> No.54783057

I was doing 1.5 link a day two summers ago with Nexo. I was making so much fucking money relative to where I lived (SEA). I was living like a king. I had it all. Then the market crashed and I lost everything, money and relationship. I had to move back home with my parents after 5 years of making it on my own.

The second I start making $1000/month again passively I'm fucking OUT of the US. I went from a high status male to a low status male working a 17/hr job. No one can understand the pain of making it and then unmaking it. Going from highly desirable to invisible. From looking at houses and cars knowing you could buy both in cash, to toiling away for 2k a month. No one knows the pain. But I grit my teeth, hold my head down, and pray for the future.

To all my fellow bros out there, it's over in the US. You will not find a good wife, and you will pay every penny you make to get by. There are so many good women left in this world, but 0 of them are in the west. You HAVE to leave if you want a good wife who hasn't destroyed her ability to pair bond. It's the sad hard truth of being a man in 2023.

In Asia there are quality virgin women who literally can't find a man and are depressed about it. It's literally the opposite of here.

>> No.54783068

>I'm going to stay in the US, and consequently my heart will stay inside my chest cavity.

>> No.54783087

According to the neckbeards in this thread, cartels are actually based and will be your friend if you want.

>> No.54783200

Actually the opposite, cartels don't want to mess with US citizens

>> No.54783279

Nah. They don’t fuck with Americans. Brings too much heat. Unless of course you act out against them in a very, VERY stupid way while you’re there. Worst case scenario is they try to scare you and take your cash if you fuck around.

>> No.54783383
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If you're seriously considering LatAm I think the southern cone would be your best bet in reference to crime or cartel troubles. If you choose Argentina though, you better make sure you have a secure influx of American dollars because they're currency is inflated to hell. Even despite all the memes I think Brazil can be a good place to live barring you avoid favelas and shanty towns. But I'm more partial to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay because I'm already half way through learning Spanish. Plus Patagonia seems KINO

I'm just not attracted all that much to SEA monkeys. I may go there to coom some, but I couldn't set up a life there. Find a local 80-90 IQ wife who just likes you because you're white and have western money? No thanks.

>> No.54783405

Is there a single Latin American or Spanish speaking expat destination that isn't a shithole?

>> No.54783409

fuck off we are full, plus, you will get stabbed or robbed the moment you step on the wrong neighbordhood, fuck gringos, only russians welcome here.

>> No.54783473
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I'm from the black infested south east dude. I think I know how to avoid a 'shady neighborhood'. I've been doing it since birth.


>> No.54783485

good luck with that, you won't be welcome here.

>> No.54783816

Make sure you stake again midwit. You need to fail a 2nd time before you learn.

>> No.54784777

Canary Islands?

>> No.54784812

Is 1k link unironically enough to make it off of staking?

>> No.54785323

If you do go live in Mexico, do not put any significant sum through a Mexican bank or any of their institutions. Otherwise the cartel will know.

>> No.54785700

neither poland or slovenia is eastern europe you fucking faggot

>> No.54785716

disgusting linky, you will never make it

>> No.54785777

I really need to look into decent long-term work remote jobs. Don't want to live in Mexico but could definitely do Colombia or Argentina.

>> No.54785784


Enjoy 200% inflation

>> No.54785816
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>Enjoy 200% inflation

Yeah I absolutely would enjoy 200% inflation of the Argentinian peso, that's the whole point

>> No.54786147

Try and stop me you squatty puta

>> No.54786391


>bug wife
Yeah no thanks. Miscegenation is not fun.

>> No.54786410

I believe El Salvador is going to be far superior than any other spic country.

>> No.54786431

what is it like tho to live there? good food and facilities? are there giant bugs?

>> No.54786440
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this shit terrifies me, that you can make so much and feel so close to making it and then lose it all in one fell swoop

>> No.54786442

Yeah I'm planning to get a remote job and move down there. After decades of being treated like absolute garbage, I really need a few years of living like a king and screwing cute girls to stop me from going schizo.

>> No.54786648

As long as you don't love near niggers sure (half the country is infested with them btw)

>> No.54786709

Nigga c’mon now, thats just being paranoid

>> No.54786737

I wont, locals however,will do

>> No.54787708

This has been such an interesting wave of reverse migration, and its such opposite groups.
It's white artists/hipsters or Instagram wine girls (CDMX is the new "it" city), or right wing men who are somehow rationalizing this urge with their anti-immigration stance. Only a matter of time before FOMO normies (the same ones who bought houses in 2021-present) are going to flood in with their pickleball, IPAs, and babies on e-bikes and launch the cost of living in certain parts of Mexico to the moon

>> No.54789123
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I almost jumped off a bridge with a desert eagle in my mouth last year.

I went from broke to $600k within the year. I was looking at the new Audi's and got approve for the new corvette, but I listened to some of you frog faggots and got a Honda civic.

Sold that shit and left the country up till new years.

Being back in the states is crazy, I don't really like anywhere in the country but there's a certain vibe when your fucking village sluts as a foreigner.

Losing everything humbles you in many ways, and you learn what's really important.

>> No.54789137

Odelay essay, vatos locos forever homes.