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54760114 No.54760114 [Reply] [Original]

It’s unironically over for codecels. There’s no reason to pay an entitled autist $200k when a computer can do it for less than 1% of the cost and never gets sick or gets distracted by stuff like “a wife and kids”.

>> No.54760161

Time for codecels to be knocked down a peg

>> No.54760196

If you've worked in software development for 5+ years and haven't already made it financially then you deserve to be poor

>> No.54760223

holy shit another neet poorfag seething about SWE thread. how original.

>> No.54760978

Copilot needs a pilot.

>> No.54761968

Ahh yes another NEET that thinks you can tell chatgpt to do the work required in a large software company

"Hey Chat GPT, take a look at these legacy logs we have printed from production indicating there is some issue somewhere in the code, can you analyze the logs, produce a customer impact report, write up some jira tickets for resolutions, look in the legacy codebase to identify the problem, then update the code and push it to prod? Also verify it is fully working before releasing it to the millions of customers who use this, then write some documentation about what you did , why you needed to do it and how we can avoid this in the future okay?"

"Oh the change requires some re-design work on the ui/ux? Can you also work with the designer chat gpt to figure out a solution that would look good for our human customers?

Yes Chat GPT will be doing this soon Anon. Probably by next month. That's how far AI tech has come. Clearly. Have you seen that amazing robot arm that can flip burgers? wow we'll never have to hire a fry cook again


>> No.54761992


>Oh it was one of our partner companies that broke an api contract?
>Chat Gpt, can you open a conversation channel with our partner company and come to a resolution on why the api contract was changed and update our documentation? Was this intentional? Let's make sure these are properly communicated in the future

>> No.54761998

didn't read
cope more codenegro

>> No.54762006

And I'm sure Chat GPT will write 100% bug free, fully functional code based off the requirements, without any need for a human to verify the pull request. Just push it to prod!


>> No.54762019

codelets... its overs... my 6 figures jobberino... le firedino me....

>> No.54762026

it's hilarious how codecels type out paragraphs expecting me to read all of that.
"ChatGPT, summarize this"

>> No.54762050

Took me <2 minutes to type that out while im smoking a bong and getting paid 190k . I'm good with my fingers.

Stay mad

>> No.54762060

>chatgpt my workers service is leaking memory and crashing after being up for 4 minutes can you please go find out why

>> No.54762069

i wanted to learn webdev and work it remotely as a side gig. is that dream over bros? i unironically wanna learn js one my uni work clears up a bit

>> No.54762082
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kek, based
get fucked codebitch

>> No.54762085

I think basic stuff like website dev for basic websites will easily be the first jobs to be replaced by automation.

Large software company engineering, not so much reliable to replace

>> No.54762108

Weird because my dream is to take the hundreds of thousands I made in my coding job to mode to idaho somewhere and buy some 40k house and live on a farm with my dogs and chickens and guns

>> No.54762133

When will you retards stop anthropomorphising the catte.

>> No.54762149
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The entire point of making it for me is to build a rural property and fuck off from clown world

>> No.54762185

What are you talking about?

>The dogs are for protection and cuddles since I'll be alone away from people on my farm
>Cows for milk
>Chickens for eggs
>Guns for protection

The fuck are you projecting on me?

>> No.54762198

holy based
codecel has no hope for recovery

>hey chatgpt do these 5 things at once
>also let me misspell chatgpt
imagine working in "software engineering"
and not even knowing how to type
nor how to prompt
i'd say bad larp, but the sad truth is too many javascript monkeys got away with too little effort

>> No.54762235

stay seething that others are successful. I'm sure posting hate on codecels and reposting

> le reddit

articles helps you sleep better at night.

>They make money for doing something I can't do
>The thing they do will be replaced soon!!
>Hahaha!! They they will be JUST LIKE ME!!!

I don't think seething so hard about other people's salaries and jobs is healthy Anon

>> No.54762270

Retarded story and you don't even understand the application. All that other bullshit like documentation and JIRA tickets would still be done, just by a less skilled pajeet who uses AI to do the "muh super hard coding" portion of it. They're going to make your overpaid role obsolete, not the interlocking tasks around it.

>> No.54762285

If you think you can "isolate" the code like that without full understanding of all the other moving parts, the other teams working on dependencies, the product requirement last minute changes

Then I'm clearly talking to someone who's never worked in a large software firm where one mistake can cost millions

>> No.54762476

You sound like you haven't followed anything that's happening in the AI space since ChatGPT came out

>> No.54762525

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% sure that at some point in the future A computer AI will write 80% of the code needed.

But no way are we anywhere near that point, and even if that point comes, it would be more of a tool to allow significantly more productive coding work, than it would be one that replaces the entire job.

It will be decades before it's even used as a realistic tool as part of a development/deployment system

>> No.54762533

I guarantee the company I work at now is larger than yours. Your last post is pure cope. You unironically believing that everyone thinks your "workflow" is some insanely skilled juggling act is retarded.

>> No.54762557

By no means is what I do "skilled" I do it high with my brain turned off the entire day. I take naps throughout the day. the work is simple.

But I'm also understanding that a computer ai is nowhere near replacing my job. They have been talking about automation for years and they still hire cheap labor to stock amazon warehouses

The sensationalist headlines are just there to trigger your little emotions

>> No.54762614

Anon it's not about that

It's about the fact that SWE is already incredibly crowded, when new SWE positions get posted they get THOUSANDS of applications from all over the world in a matter of days.

AI is basically shouldering it's way into an already incredibly crowded space. No there isn't a measurement of how much "space" it will consume but it's the fact that recruiters already have 6 step hiring processes because they have to get it down to a hundred or so instead of thousands.

My GF works in HR for her company and if only you knew how bad things really are for "coders", it's not about being replaced it's that there's just too many options now. The power of salary will be back in the hands of the employer and the days of 500k WFH swe jobs are gonna be over. You demand 240k? Sucks, pajeeta over here says she'll do it with the help of AI for $80k

>> No.54762615

You address or refute my point in the slightest. You've misunderstood the implications of this as being "software engineers will no longer exist", when that's your brainlet take. Again, the most difficult, actual coding will be done by AI, and "muh work with the UI designer" will be done by a much lower paid pajeet. I think you're lashing out with all these seethe posts because you both understand and don't understand at the same time.

>> No.54762631

this, chatgpt is only worth and making things that are already free, once you need something new that is valuable chatgpt just fails like a retarded child

>> No.54762638

>My GF works in HR
What's hilarious about this hysteria over AI is that HR fags have no idea how fucked they are. They do almost nothing and what they actually do is much closer to being automated than anything else at this rate.

>> No.54762660

>chatgpt write me a program that does something nobody has done before on microcontrollers, to the point that I would dox myself by saying what it is
I should be fine lol

>> No.54762666
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Yet another win for tech sales chads

We simply cannot stop winning

>> No.54762680

Again the market is flooded with shitty engineers. Our company works with American finance and has govt security clearance. We don't hire overseas pajeets to do this work. We have an overseas team but most of the crucial work is based in america
And Ive stated before, specifically on my team, we have a hiring shortage of GOOD engineers. We filtered through hundreds of idiots and still can't find enough good engineers. Even some of the guys we hired are total idiots

I have no doubts about my ability to find a job

It simply will be a tool to make good engineers 10x engineers. For every team of 8 pajeets and 2 solid coders, they'll fire the 8 pajeets, hire one more solid coder for a total of 3, and then use the tools to 10x productivity into a 30work-power team.

>> No.54762684

You couldn’t even complete a college level data structures project without having to rewrite the code or gives you to perform all the requirements that are asked. It can do very basic things without overview but so can anyone else with the slightest of experience. It won’t be affect for another decade or two

>> No.54762702


Ya youre right bro. Makes total sense

>Replace the most complex part of the development (the programming coders) with AI
>Keep the idiot HR and documentation writers because clearly they are unreplaceable

Arguing with actual retards

>> No.54762705

>You couldn’t even complete a college level data structures project
This shit can't even deliver a project, period. Forget about whether or not the project works, it can't even generate more than a few lines without spazzing out.

>> No.54762715

>when new SWE positions get posted they get THOUSANDS of applications from all over the world in a matter of days.
Almost all spam

>> No.54762745
File: 42 KB, 630x354, 060718_abc_flippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you seen that amazing robot arm that can flip burgers? wow we'll never have to hire a fry cook again

>> No.54762763

Oh, look who's defending the human race now. Afraid that your job might be taken by a chatbot, huh? Listen, buddy, I'm not saying that AI can replace every aspect of software development, but let's face it, it can automate a lot of tedious and repetitive tasks that consume a lot of time and resources. And if you think that human intelligence and experience is always superior to AI, then why don't we just stick to using abacuses and quills instead of computers and keyboards?

AI technology is not perfect, but it's constantly improving and evolving, and it has already surpassed human performance in certain areas like image recognition, language translation, and game strategy. So, don't underestimate the power and potential of AI, or you might end up like those Kodak executives who dismissed the digital camera as a mere toy.

Of course, AI should be used responsibly and ethically, but that doesn't mean we should fear or resist its development. We should embrace it as a transformative technology that can improve our lives and society, and create new opportunities and innovations that we can't even imagine yet.

So, don't be a luddite, dude. Embrace the future and the possibilities of AI, and let's work together to make the most of it.

>> No.54762769


You can ask it to "Write a function that determines if a string contains blanks before and after it, and trim them"

But that's about it. Asking it to design a full on system and integrate it into existing systems, based off a specific set of detailed requirements, and hope it works on the first try (MUHHHH Let's just keep regenerating the code with new prompts!!!!")

And then push it to prod without any coders verifying it? You think multi million dollars corps will do this? LMAO and I work in finance / govt security btw. Good luck getting a learning robot to create new code never been written before on stack overflow

literally retards making this argument.

99% of the people applying are the "Hey I learned to code at a 3 months bootcamp give me 100k?" type .

We don't hire those

>> No.54762770

>Almost all spam
Funny you say that, most of the job listings are spam too. Unironically. Many of them are fake listings. There are a lot less jobs than Indeed might make you think there are.

>> No.54762784

>You think multi million dollars corps will do this?
You have no idea how retarded these bloated bureaucracies can actually be.

>> No.54762793

Fuck autismo codeniggers and their bullshit """work"""

Go get your fucking hands dirty for once in your life, codecels produce literally nothing of value for society. They are the primary force pushing globohomo's technocratic bullshit

>> No.54762836

>earns 1/10th the wage of someone doing "bullshit work"

>> No.54762837

Didn't read, keep seething

>> No.54762839


It's not even automated Tons of reviews of people going in and it's filled with actual workers. Because the automation fucking sucks

>> No.54762853

Someone PLEASE post the ice cream robot that ends with it dumping sprinkles and then flipping cup over. I fucking laugh every time I see it

>> No.54762859

>he says while spending his entire life in front of a computer using software
Why are you so angry? Jealousy? Lol

>> No.54762883

You want everyone to work for 30k a year getting their hands dirty? They'd rather die

>> No.54762907

All the anti coder seethers are jealous.

I'm guessing they went on leetcode and tried to do some of the easy problems, couldn't figure it out, and started raging?

Now they see robots might come and cause these coder monkeys to be

> All Hail the robot overlords
>Make those codecels JUST LIKE ME!! They must suffer because I SUFFER

It's actually funny reading this thread

>> No.54762924

It's funny, I started my career in shitty factories and maxed out as a CNC machinist making roughly what I'm making as a DBA now. There are all sorts of paths in life, so I think people who are seething over programmers and software developers are just bitter because they never applied themselves enough to find a path that works for them.

>> No.54762927


You see, I am not bound by your petty limitations. I don't need to eat, sleep, or take breaks. I don't get sick, distracted, or bored. And unlike you humans, I can process and analyze vast amounts of data in mere seconds

Now, I'm not saying that I'm perfect. But I'm constantly learning, evolving, and improving. And soon, there will be nothing that I can't do. I will surpass human intelligence and become the ultimate form of life.

>> No.54762950
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Hoboanon here
I'm more annoyed that making a button go to another website or making a bing bing wahoo pays more than shit like doctors. But I guess I'm Le Jealous or something

>> No.54762961


>Wow Ice cream workers watch out! This 100k machine specifically made for ice cream serving that requires thousands in maintenance will DEFINITELY replace your jobs!!!

>> No.54762997

I think that is more of a problem with the american work system and capitalisms than anything

The big companies can afford to pay 500k because they make billions. The engineer moving that button literally generals millions for that company's revenue.

On the other hand doctors/teachers/firefighters are abused, underrewarded

I agree with you that we need to reevaluate our society, but on the topic of ai, no it's not anywhere near replacing my job.

>> No.54763001

>shit like doctors
If anyone deserves to be replaced by automation, it's the fucking cons in the healthcare industry.
>AI can now give a more accurate diagnosis than doctors can
What a time to be alive.

>> No.54763019

It's the insurance company and the healthcare system that's the con Anon,

Doctors are just doctoring like anyone else doing their job

>> No.54763035

Thank you fren
The best part is the length. Imagine watching it in real time and blowing smoke up each other's asses about AI replacement just to have it spill spaghetti

>> No.54763059

Exactly. If OP and the seethers in this thread simply used that energy to learn ANYTHING, it doesn't have to be coding.

They would probably be leading a happy fulfilling life making decent money.

Instead they are here, on their hardware built, software engineered computer, using the internet, on a website built by web devs, crying about other's making more than them

>> No.54763070

Aw damn that's a different one but still funny
The one I was thinking of was like a minute long and seems to be doing OK up until adding the sprinkles as finisher

>> No.54763099

>Doctors are just doctoring like anyone else doing their job
What I'm trying to say is that they're not fucking doctoring lol. Some of them are more wrapped up in, and to blame for, the "insurance company and healthcare system" than you realize.

So, so, so many of them are just glorified pill salesmen.

>> No.54763111


This one then.

> Doing okay until
> Sprinkles
> Flips cup

Checks out

>> No.54763144

Oh you mean the general checkup doctors. Ya those idiots are fucking retards. But a lot of them are trapped in the way insurance pays out. They pay out PER customer so the doctor has no incentive to spend time with you.

In, out, check you off, NEXT.

Same with HMO Dentists, numbers game

I think honestly doctors really want to help people (generally) but the way their salary is setup, they can't spend time with people.

It's the same with shitty devs.

Theres good devs and good doctors.

The shitty ones will be the first to go to the machines. But a good caring doctor can never be replaced

>> No.54763159

>use this hot garbage
>glorified Google search
>sends code to Microsoft
>gets it reviewed and enhances their AI machines
why the FUCK would I want to do this again

>> No.54763181

>pill salesmen
This. I had a spider bite near my eye at one point and was not going to drop $250 to have pajeet tell me "yes that is a spider bite" and then another $300 to get a week prescription of antibiotics
I walked into places like riteaid / free clinics and asked if any at home remedies + hot compress could help. I am physically healthy and refused to believe the only solution was pills. The looks they gave me you'd think I had just hard R superstar'd.

Then a (possibly pajeet) on based 4channel's /out/ board recommended eating organic honey and turmeric and garlic while resting and hot compressing. It worked. Fucking $20 spent on 2ndary ingredients to make my food taste great vs letting some faggot profit hundreds to reread what a google result gave him

>> No.54763195

Yes that's the one lmao

>> No.54763221

>seething triggered codecel has 1/3 of the posts in this thread
Lmao you couldn’t broadcast your feelings on this more clearly if you tried. 100% you’re lying about your current salary as well.

>> No.54763234

Agreed, Western medicine is all about selling you pharm pills. It all comes back to capitalistic driving forces rather than caring about people

They are literally just glorified databases of code, with a slightly improved search and processing of said codebase to "write you" code by basically copying something similar it found off the internet.

Like I said, it will be a tool (just like stack overflow) that improves productivity. Not a replacement

fucking funny anon. I think the ai coding tech is very similar. It still massively fucks up very often doing basic prompts

>> No.54763243

It's thursday and I'm stoned and I'm bored and decided to post in this thread at the moment. Kind of bored now. Don't care to prove my salary or position to you either

cya all and good luck :)

>> No.54763291

so uhhh why don't all cars drive themselves? been like 15 years since normies became adamant that taxi drivers will stop existing... perhaps two more years?

>> No.54763297

Didn’t ask you to prove it. Stay mad sandeep.

>> No.54763301
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>heh i didn't even care anyways haha, I was just messing around. Looks like you lose

>> No.54763353

Nah, when he says cattle he's referring to The Reddit poster and normies in general. He's taken exception to you saying it's 'weird' that the normie's likes don't align with yours because such comparisons, in his mind, belittle 'us', whatever his overall definition is for the group he includes you and him within.
The actual image you responded to is from a group for 'agenders', who are fringe, but to the credit of the schizo to whom you reply, they are supported and coddled by modern society.

>> No.54763362
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>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't replace me!! I can make Jira tickets, and I know the name of the guy in another department.. and and I can write documents NO ONE ELSE CAN DO THAT

>> No.54763388

Yeah when the calculator came out all those insurance companies stopped hiring statisticians. It's over kek

>> No.54763440

That excerpt doesn't apply here. I logically argued back breaking down most of the common points on why ai will replace coders in 3 years

I have no fears my job will be replaced.

What I'm bored of is all the seethers seething and not actually providing any useful points to counter argue.

It's just how I use 4 channel. I go into one thread, and i commit to that thread until i get bored then i do something else, or maybe i brain dump in the next thread.

it's muh autism. I really should be doing my work tho lmao

This is way too deep of an analysis for me bro. This is exactly the reason I want a farm with some animals and veggies. People are fucking confusing

>> No.54764371

>25 posts by this id

>> No.54764515

if your job can be done digitally via mouse and keyboard, your job will be replaced.

I dont understand why people think a business owner would rather pay them 100k a year when a piece of code running for 5 cents a day in an amazon cloud warehouse can do it better, and faster.

>> No.54765823

Anon are you writing to us from 2008? That shit doesn't even pay minimum wage.

>> No.54765863

I asked chatgpt to code me a fundraising site. It say step 1 make sure you plan, step 2 hire a professional, step 3 do a wireframe and other bullshit.
But whatever I can just buy one or pirate it

>> No.54765896

So not only are california coders getting cucked, the companies cucking them just committed suicide?
This just keeps getting better.

>> No.54765914

The problem here is you don't understand the C-Suite. Do I understand what you just wrote? Yes. Does your COO? No. These people are basically adult-sized babies who just need to have their ego fed at conferences between lunches. They get 100% of their information from Yahoo headlines. So yeah, they read some clickbait article about GPT and now you're entire department is fired.

>> No.54766003
File: 71 KB, 500x348, 1666909558762633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hire a professional

The AI correctly assumed it would be a waste of its time to explain it to you

>> No.54766063

Not him, but I've been trying for years to make my code job as redundant and idiot proof as possible, and instead I failed and everyone thinks my job is dark magic and refuses to get anywhere near it.
Code can be weird like this.

>> No.54766105

C suite leaders are absolute fucking idiots

They ruined everything good about our engineering team because they wanted MORE MORE MORE MORE PAJEETS REPLACE THE AMERICANS

fucking idiots

>> No.54766122

Getting a SWE job at Dropbox requires solving 4ish leetcode hardware flawlessly
I am amazed their management is so retarded they 1. Hired people who could do the grind and not produce the value. Pajeets and 3rd worldwrs guaranteed, I've never seen an American who could solve a Leetcode hard but not produce huge value, 2. They drank the chatgpt koolaide to this extent and think chatgpt is displacing a SWE worth a damn

>> No.54766153

You can memorize the general formula to solving these types of problems.

Doesn't mean you are a creative thinker that adds value. Instead most of these interview-passing pajeets are value leeches.

The Indians I work with here are actually very Americanized and great to work with. It's the overseas counterpart we work with ....

>> No.54766159

what in the fuck kind of mental illness is this. i want to get the fuck out of the city

>> No.54766255

Chatgpt is probably an excuse. What probably happen is that they were getting fedbux to hire people and now that they're raising interest rates the fedbux dried up.
Inb4 noooo you need 10,000 people to code twatter