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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54755020 No.54755020 [Reply] [Original]

He was buying it for his son, the house needs so much renovation its almost worthless and the idiot paid full price for it. Hope it doesn't collapse when his son is inside it kek

>> No.54755035
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'ello rabbi

>> No.54755187

Can't wait for the next chapter

>> No.54755427

nice blog post now go back to your synagogue filthy parasitic kike

>> No.54755552

I thought I did this in 2021. Now exact same condos are selling for 50k more than I sold for. Turns out I was the dumb money for selling.

>> No.54755600

Where at?

>> No.54755608

You are an evil fucking jew virus and I hope you get what's coming to you in the afterlife.
An eternity of pain and anguish await you in the fiery pits of limbo

>> No.54755623

Jokes on you anon, he actually sold you overpriced USD for real estate.

>> No.54755632
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fuck off back to your sewer chuds

>> No.54755648

sorry >>54755632 wasnt directed at you i meant to include >>54755427 but I misclicked

>> No.54756379

tongue my anus moshe

>> No.54756957

Lmao you retards. Are you actually feeling bad for some boomer retard with too much money, who bought a house for his son in this economy? (so that the son, unlike you, doesn't have to work for it) If he agreed to it, he can't complain, so why do you? Tell me how a voluntary exchange is actually coercive, you r/antiwork nigger cattle

>> No.54757005

>outjewing the jew
Brings tears of joy to my eyes