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File: 106 KB, 574x402, Screenshot from 2023-04-27 12-01-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54755064 No.54755064 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 2.1 a big deal? If the fertility rate falls below 2.1, then the size of the population starts to fall. Two parents have two children, so the population stays the same size, but the moment that goes below than the population will collapse.

Another major issue no one is talking about is the ageing population among developed first world countries, there will be more old people than young people and how are they able to look after them while keeping the economy afloat, not to mention older generations will be retiring and not contributing anything to the upkeep of society.

>> No.54755098

>no one is talking about
thats being discussed for ages and was a big part of germanys agenda 2010. niggers wont stop to reproduce with 8 niglets per nigress, so i have doubts about those numbers

>> No.54755099

This means more migrants for the tax farm. Armageddon is here

>> No.54755157



>> No.54755159

Ultimately, even immigration doesn't help. There's nothing wrong with the Germans that makes them not have children, it's that the environment in which Germans happen to live makes them not have them. Nigerians, if you move them into the same environment, do just as poorly. Arguably even worse, since the environment, on top of being unnatural, is also foreign to them. Yes, it looks like life on easy street for them for a while because the government gives them free money and goods, but that tap obviously runs out at some point.

>> No.54755239

world population will plateau at the end of this century and then start to decline

>> No.54755268

new ethnostates will form out of necessity
either welfare states get rid of welfare, deport their average or worse foreigners, or the earners and talent will depart to a country without dead brown weight.

>> No.54755308

they also have 5+ children here in germany. niggers reproduce without any thoughts about how to feed, house or educate them. they just keep fucking

>> No.54755313
File: 47 KB, 771x620, Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 11-43-55 World Bank Open Data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GDP must go up 4evar

>> No.54755392

Modern economies demand constant growth otherwise they fail, it's an utterly stupid economic system that can only fail in the end. Most 1st-world countries are already below 2.1, they are only propped up by immigration. When Africa finally stops breeding, where are Europe to get their immigrants from?

Because children die. Kids get cancer, kids get run over, kids get sacrificed to Moloch. You need that .1 to compensate for that and have 2 children survive to adulthood.

>> No.54755445

Because some people are Lilliputian they only count as 0.1

>> No.54755551

>Because children die
hardly, many women just dont have any children at all

>> No.54755622

>Because children die. Kids get cancer, kids get run over, kids get sacrificed to Moloch. You need that .1 to compensate for that and have 2 children survive to adulthood.

Your arguing from the end. You don't really know why it's 0.1 and if it's legitimate. You just say there must be some compensation above 2. You have no idea if 0.1 is correct though. For shame.

>> No.54755630

>You need that .1 to compensate for that and have 2 children survive to adulthood.
Then they should make it to 3 instead of measly 0.1, to compensate the one who will cut his dick & becomes tranny

>> No.54755652

>why is it a big deal

Less consumers for Jews = then having less profits and less profits means less control

>> No.54755665

Ok so that’s the global rate.
Look at the rates of child deaths.
My oh my it’s the same.
Now look at GDP of that country.
What did you see?

>> No.54755670

The real fertility rates for white women having white children is close to 1.
Of course you can't find race specific fertility rates cause das rasist!

>> No.54755737

Incorrect assertion.
I’ll use the PS5 as the example. Obviously overpriced and so consumers bought less.
Sony still made massive profits just by expanding the margins and trying a premium pricing model.

What if I told you that Jews are the least scary bad guys because you know what they want. Zion by the hand and of gods exceptional Jews at any cost.
What if I were to tell you that there are others, but they don’t believe in anything. They don’t want Zion as they think the Jews are misguided in that pursuit. But their particular death cult desires and craves the cleansing apocalypse just the same.
A Jew might not hit you because he is selfishly contemplating his hurting hand.
Their allies know no such selfishness.

>> No.54755830

If you ask a specific question I’m sure I could put numbers to it. I’m not sure they’ll agree with what you assert though.

>> No.54755890

Ethnic white women, not mixed shit or "white" shit fertility rates in western Europe. This means the children are white as well, not mixed mystery meat.

>> No.54755902

Good fuck this shit we don't need this many fucking people on the fucking planet. 3/4 of them are living in squalor in shanty towns or hovels or ghettos surviving on <$5 per day, contributing effectively nothing to our world in terms of labor, gdp, culture, porn, whatever. Egypt has one of the youngest populations in the world--60% of their population is working age--and 17% of those are unemployed. The same goes for 51% of working age Libyans, 49% in South Africa, 39% of Costa Ricans, 35% of Iraqi's, 29% of god damn working age ITALIANS. The majority of this planet's population exists as a putrid, stinking horde of illiterate savages scraping by on fist fullls of stale bread handed out by governments and NGO's, or they live by sucking welfare money from their corrupt political systems. The whole thing needs to be purged with NUCLEAR FIRE and PLAGUE, let alone a lower birth rate.

>> No.54755921

midwit moment

>> No.54755956

>If the population total number decreases a little bit from several billions to still a several billions it's a COLLAPSE IT'S OVER WE ARE DOOMED AAA
oh no wow that looks really serious it's almost as bad as climate change woah

>> No.54755979

You are a giant gorilla retarded nigger. 0.1 means that per 10 women/couples they must give birth to 21 child, because that one in every 21 children will be either a retarded useless eater (aka you) or will be run over by bus (sadly not you). Now kindly do your part and joint 0.1.

>> No.54756026

Birth rate in white countries*

>> No.54756052

retard confirmed. kys, richard

>> No.54756078

>has never seen apocalypto
>has never see mousetopia
>has never seen bill gates talking about how they want to kill us
>has never seen any of the billionaires talk about overpopulation
>took the jab
>>Will take the mark of the beast and like it

>> No.54756423

>the moment that goes balow than the population will collapse

yeah next day 8b people will die. fucking brainlet, so what if population doesn't keep increasing, faggot?

>> No.54756680

their will always be a stream of nigs to prop up the first world
problems arise when third world countries birthrates decline
the future is BBC unfortunately.

>> No.54756707

The whole world will become 3rd world eventually. No more prosperity + global population decline.

The globalists have won. Learn to cope.

>> No.54756761


>> No.54756818

>The world is overpopulated, its unsubstantial, we're doomed!!!
>Oh wait, we're now heading to depopulation, we're doomed!!!
I dont get it

>> No.54756868

Who else /New Hyperborea/ here?

>> No.54756892

The post war boom resulted in immense growth so big brain people were pooping themselves as to limited resources for ever expanding populace hence fears of overpopulation.
In 2023 the good times are over and they are realizing that nobody is fucking or making kids except the most dumb darkest favela nigger, which ultimately cannot staff their factories or perform big brain tasks to keep the economy afloat.
But its unstoppable now.

>> No.54756908

So you say TND would be the solution, as too many poor brown people, and not too many people in general is the problem? Okay

>> No.54757029

They are counting manlets aswell

>> No.54757078

>Why is 2.1 a big deal?
Because everything is a ponzi scheme, so if the population goes down, then the economy collapses.

>> No.54757236
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Have you ever considered that the world population is possibly far smaller than you have been led to believe?

I've been researching this subject and some preliminary findings
>the commonly used world population of 8 billion is an estimate from the UN
>the estimate is formed using an algorithm based on a handful of studies
>the studies themselves are based on census data from nations
>many nations do not keep a census and some of the data is extrapolated from sources as old as 50+ years ago
In other words, the "official" global population is a fourth-hand estimate based on stale data. Other points to consider:
>If you pick a random spot on Google Earth and zoom in, most likely you're going to be looking at a location completely void of human beings. If the world is teeming with people, why does it seem like I only find them in specific spots?
>there are more ghost towns and ghost cities. There are at least 3800 known ghost towns in the US alone.
>Simply saying "oh they all moved to the city" doesn't explain it. Both the cities and towns should be growing.
>most of the food grown in the US is not eaten
Put another way: If the world population was shrinking, but becoming more densely packed into urban areas, what would look different? I don't think anything would look different at all, so what does that tell you?

>> No.54757323

Because it’s an average, some women have more then 2 children which brings the average up to 2.1 births so for example out of 1,000 women if the average was 2.1 that is 2,100 births meaning that some of the women had more then 2 children also some may have had zero or less then 2 but the average is 2.1.

>> No.54757450

all according to keikaku

>> No.54757490

Sigh.. none of this would be an issue if puke garbage government did not have massive entitlement programs etc..

>> No.54757613
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1681437580553062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a lie. Everything you have ever been told about anything is fraudulent and homosexual. The purpose of every piece of "information" that you get from media is to make you scared. The narratives don't have to make sense as long as whatever they're saying is scary. When you're scared, the rational part of your brain literally shuts down and it is impossible for you to make rational decisions. So every single time they can get you to feel afraid, they can get you to agree with anything else they say because when you're scared you are not capable of discernment.
>terrorists are wearing bombs in their shoes, better tighten up airport security by having this man fingerfuck your wife in front of you
>There's a deadly plague going around, better shut down every small business in America and confine people to de facto indefinite house arrest
>your hair is falling out and no one will fuck you, better buy these pills that are completely side-effect free*
>you'll never have a happy life unless you get a job requiring a college degree, better take out a $250k loan. Don't worry about your major, just Do What You Love (tm)

>> No.54757835

no, it won't niggers are still having 8 kids and white people are a tiny minority

>> No.54757890

It's not some grand conspiracy as to why birth rates are dropping. We live in the digital age. This started in Japan as porn, hentai, anime, and vidya made men less interested in relationships. Now expand this to shit like netflix, social media, etc. People had kids before all of this stuff existed, because they were bored and there wasn't much else to do. There's a lot more stuff to do with your life now.

>> No.54759736

These brown handed monsters are who you share your board with btw.

>> No.54760406

you are so fucking dumb and retarded. Woman getting rights, and having access to dating apps like tinder where they have access to chads not in their local area has caused the massive birth rate decline.

>> No.54760484

They don't work though, so it doesn't solve the problem

>> No.54761494

Don't worry, dumb people will keep getting +4 children each so the population will stay up and the average IQ drops.

>> No.54761564

its good. we don't need billions and billions of poor people.

>> No.54761568

all this means is that whites get bred out of existence by niggers and subhuman browns. It's over. An entire world of African Americans, just imagine.

>> No.54761842

yeah. Whites leave the material plane and ascend and only trash remains. this is a hell planet.

>> No.54762584

>Why is 2.1 a big deal? If the fertility rate falls below 2.1, then the size of the population starts to fall.

In africa and other third world countries they will have lot more.

"Idiocrazy" is shit movie, but intro of that movie is great because it explains what will happen and how.

>> No.54762694

kekarooo, china which makes a big chunk of the World population is falling to SK levels of birth rate as we speak while india is holding up a bit better but still decreasing.
African nations are the only ones keeping that graph up

>> No.54763095

pure schizokino

>> No.54763148

>Modern economies demand constant growth otherwise they fail, it's an utterly stupid economic system that can only fail in the end.

Infinite economic growth is possible even in a non-growing population, due to technological development increasing the value of the same resources.

For example, 50 years ago a pile of silicon wasn't worth much. Today, you can turn it into very valuable computer circuits. The only difference is our knowledge of how to do it and business' investment in machinery to do it.

>> No.54763201

rat utopia predicted this

>> No.54763872

the ponzi is too far gone in the west. Could import 2/3 of Africa and the ponzi would crash anyway. There aren't enough resources, not even with theoretical future productivity of Millions of shitskins and niggers factored in

>> No.54763994

I think the old calculations weren't counting on so many women becoming dog moms instead of securing a husband while they still could

>> No.54764082
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calm down Klaus

>> No.54764170

no. the world is overpopulated. it was then and is more so now. as other anons have said, because muh gdp and infinite growth etc.. there is reason to believe the population now is already decreasing on the down low
but yes. the expectation was decline from the end of this century. birthrates are gonna crash hard af from 2050. we’ve not had the terrible catalysts for great resetting yet. or the terrible effects from the solutions. tptb took the fucking piss and unwittingly decided to dump the human race out of existence

>> No.54764465

I'm currently in an ER waiting room and have been for the past 9 hours and 28 minutes. My veins are literally falling apart inside of me and I've been in the waiting room for almost 10 hours. Why did I get this disease? I live an extremy healthy lifestyle. I would not want my kids to go through shit like this. I'm 21, imagine I die in this fucking room. 21 years of fighting wasted. The shitty things outweigh the good ones in life. There are no upsides to consciousness.

>> No.54764633

Simple: We're doomed either way.

>> No.54764685


>> No.54764716

they have thoughts about all of that it’s just the answer is you and your cucked countrymen will pay for it.

>> No.54765010

2.1, in developed nations, is a distant memory. South Korea is 0.78. It's why we have immigration. It's that or extinction.

>> No.54765030
File: 1.87 MB, 540x960, 1668735871695728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of them.... African will still come to give a nice baby to your daughter. Listen. Invest in gov money to single mother

>> No.54765077

Countries like Egypt are pretty astounding going from less than 20 million people a century ago to nearly 110 million today and 200 million by end of this one. All this did was significantly reduce the quality of life for everyone and create super sized slums in their few urban areas as the wealth and resources have to be split among an ever increasing mass.
Egypt at 20 million would be much comfier for everyone. Same goes for super overcrowded countries like Bangladesh where the sheer number people ends up dragging everyone down.

>> No.54765387

>In 2023 the good times are over and they are realizing that nobody is fucking or making kids except the most dumb darkest favela nigger, which ultimately cannot staff their factories or perform big brain tasks to keep the economy afloat.
The funniest part is they still don't think in these terms, they are true believers, they went full white man's burden and literally and fully believe they are going to train 60 IQ jungle gorilla Africans to take us to the stars. They deeply believe that with ever fiber of their being.

>> No.54765440

Whites will eventually violently self-segregate when things get bad enough. I know you jack off to white genocide in your discord servers but even whitey has a breaking point.

>> No.54766560

Who cares? Let it collapse.

>> No.54766615

More like asian women since they can't get enough of the BWC. WMAF is the most common IR coupling by far. Niggers can't compete and only get the worst roasties, and even then they get cucked often.

>> No.54766618


>> No.54766696

Global birthrate going down is bullish for whites because the world is >90% non-white. As the other anon said, remaining whites will segregate in time, and rebuild after the rest collapses.

>> No.54766712

kek you wish nigger

>> No.54766726

>more resources for fewer people is a bad thing goy!
>we need the number to go up forever even if your standard of living goes down because..because we just do OK?

>> No.54766727

Another coper

>> No.54766776

Just import more immigrants. Simple solution to a simple problem.

>> No.54766832

>t. nigger doesn't understand basic math

>> No.54766836

They don't have a choice either way anymore. They unleashed the two worst plagues onto the west possible: liberated women and a negative birthrate spiral. As you can see by Elon Musks tranny son or Bill Gates nigger fucking daughters, the elite do not exist outside the cultural or demographic bubble. Very soon the globalist western elite of the west will be entirely defeated and overthrown by more clannish and tribal foreign elites that support their own.

>> No.54767224


he's right. you're the midwit

>> No.54767243

Less people means less people having children, at a lower rate. Our population will decrease faster than it grew

>> No.54767450

>Why is 2.1 a big deal? If the fertility rate falls below 2.1, then the size of the population starts to fall.

Good, better to pop the overpopulation bubble sooner rather than later

>> No.54767853

>Global Birth rate
Africa has been reducing the amount from 3x to 2x

Robots will help, AFrica and the amazonas are the problem...send condoms and pills

>> No.54767887
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That's how you were brought up. I feel sorry for you and your financial future.

>> No.54767946
File: 56 KB, 550x792, ezgif-2-b9fae25fb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this viable solution /biz/?

>> No.54767985

>le extinction
Countries like SK and Japan with low immigration and low birthrates will eventually be forced to cull dead weight boomer class and take away roastie rights, which will stabilize them.
Meanwhile europe with high immigration and low native birthrates will became like brazil only much worse

>> No.54768014

Europe will fix itself before that happens, all it takes is one charismatic german to start it

>> No.54768035

Ai will take necessity and materiality from the picture so we can focus on more abstract concepts and space exploration.

Total working class annihilation, get smart or die

>> No.54768038
File: 748 KB, 2560x1828, o9edfxuwe6381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When? We are much further than weimar republic ever was across every single euro country, even le based trad ones

>> No.54768209

Soon we will be importing space africans.

>> No.54768465


>> No.54768686

fitting that your ID is brown like your skin, retard

>> No.54768701

it's statistically true though

>> No.54768722
File: 35 KB, 595x461, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the population will collapse

>> No.54769299

I like the way you think

>> No.54770596
File: 151 KB, 736x981, 2cb52ec99ce6b6ce983544e4da3f5d53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing to consider: if the world population was steadily decreasing while we were under the false impression that it was increasing, and we only just recently realized this mistake, the best viable strategy for any nation would be a total open borders policy. If humans are a finite resource, this would be an incentive to attract as many immigrants as possible.

>> No.54770804


>> No.54771054


>> No.54771073

Unless the migrants are retirees and low IQ laborers, then your economy is further strained