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54753134 No.54753134 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54753136

Afraid so

>> No.54753146

>but you don't hate it either

>> No.54753147

im older than him and feel even younger

>> No.54753156

Remember the 90s when we didn't have shoe- and belt-inspections at airports and no government surveillance of every private communication and you weren't reachable 24/7 via bzzzbzzz-ing phone and there wasn't a financial crisis every day, and instead, people wore jeans jackets and listened to Spice Girls haha.

>> No.54753160

I had this realization at 19 why are 'men' such faglords now? If you are a man your life must be filled with suffering. You must feel pain, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, monetarily. You must be destroyed to be brought back up in whatever form the government needs you in. Or you do it to yourself to sculpt your own life. You're choice. But pain is the only option afforded to men. Embrace it of die a weakling, less than a man. A man is supposed to be alone, supposed to find personal pursuits.

>> No.54753161

Don't care didn't ask.

>> No.54753163

Why are modern men so cringe? Just marry, save money and raise kids

>> No.54753177

That's the problem. There is no good women. Only males with vaginas.

>> No.54753192

I'm married for 11 years now, didn't have you problem

>> No.54753254

If you are not married, and have atleast 2 kids at 28 you fucked up.

>> No.54753266

I know you're talking to yourself, but you cannot possibly imagine that your words will convince anyone. What does it mean to be "less than a man"? It means nothing. One more empty insult is not going to do anything.

>> No.54753267

Just barely yeah, might explain why I'm so mad all the time...

>> No.54753268

Dude looks 35+

>> No.54753279

what's her body count

>> No.54753290

Not to be "negative", but the worst is probably yet to come. You can already see the outlines of it: supply chain collapse (no need to go into details here), starvation, CDBCs that allow the idiots running the show to enact an endless stream of "creative" monetary policies, i.e. a reflection of their own internal lunacy, at the press of a button, upon millions who have to work hard for that "money".
Luckily for us, they are idiots, thus everything they do is bound to fail.

>> No.54753307

same. dude just doesn't know how to life

>> No.54753316

Only men will understand what I have to say, and what I said. This life is a crucible one way or another

>> No.54753353

Look, I get that you want strength, and I get that you suffer. You say this, in a way, to reassure yourself, but it's never-ever going to work. The world is, yes, bad, but you can't suffer your way out of this situation. What you need is precisely despair. I don't mean that you have to feel bad, but that you need to give up on this pointless exercise of being strong. Despair is the voice telling you "this is not working", but you refuse to listen to it.
Is it good to persist despite adversity? Sure. Is it good to persist despite insurmountable adversity? No, that's just banging your head against a concrete wall. The system is constructed in such a way as to make "powering through it" literally impossible. What despair is telling you is THAT it's literally impossible. It's not that there's no way to make it, it's that there's no way to make it in the current system.

>> No.54753362

how do you deal with people dying?

>> No.54753374

Imagine being married and having a superiority complex on an anonymous forum. You're likely useless on your own so you need to project this complex on a site that is notoriously made up of single, social outcasts. Married men have the biggest egos despite being the biggest cucks.

>> No.54753376

One must always picture Sisyphus smiling.
Life is effort and I’ll stop when I’m dead.

>> No.54753387

He may smile, but he is Sisyphus.

>> No.54753391

Have you ever died?

>> No.54753449

Fucking this. Married men flexing on here is extremely feminine behavior. It's like how women made fun of nerds for a decade, then weaseled their way into every writing staff for fantasy Netflix adaptations

>> No.54753453

Hardly a matter of choice.
You can choose to curse the gods and spend your existence unhappy and then die.

Or you can choose to smile at the moments that bring happiness and choose to smile at the face of fear and death knowing its inevitable grasp can take everything but your essence due to your will alone.

Impart what you will.

>> No.54753463
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Try 36

>> No.54753468

it's not for me in this moment, I guess I'll worry about my mortality later, how do you deal with losing people to death?

>> No.54753476

Hardly a matter choice, yes. But he is Sisyphus. Why is he rolling the boulder?
I'm genuinely asking the question: have you ever personally died?

>> No.54753482

I concede that point to you however even under the best of circumstances men are made to suffer. Stress is stress after all. Even during the height of the renaissance men still competed to learn art, language, history and musical conquest. It produces but it is still suffering to attain.

>> No.54753510

>even under the best of circumstances men are made to suffer. Stress is stress after all.
Yes, that's true. But stress is not the same as inevitable failure.
Making it is stressful. But making it under the current system is impossible. As long as the current system is in place, the cost of making it is infinite, you cannot achieve it using finite effort, it's impossible. Not "IMPOSSIBLE", but as close to it as is practical.

>> No.54753543
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You type like a 17 year old having his first big realization after watching a handful of Andrew tate and Jordan Peterson videos. At no point in life have men suffered and "endured" just to suffer with nothing at the other end. They all had hopes or a probable chance to achieve fulfillment. Whether that be through material success, marriage and family, or a career path they enjoyed.

Today in the modern world you'll slave 10 hours a day just to come back home to your 2 floor copy pasted house in the middle of suburbia to your whore wife thats taken a dozen cocks before she married you and gave you only one kid. Then the next day you'll wake up again at 7 AM and drive back to Goldstein corp where you'll fill excel sheets again so that Israel Yitzbaum can make another 100k this month talking to investors and fucking hookers. Then you'll go back home, repeat the process, and do it all over again until you die. Tell me about how "all men had to suffer" and "You have to endure this suffering because greek philosopher did"

>> No.54753574

>Yet another demoralization thread on /biz/
Yep, sorry. Not falling for it. Not giving up hope. I WILL make it and my current job is to just give me capital to invest until the next bullrun

>> No.54753579

Charge your phone nigger

>> No.54753586

>You type like a 17 year old having his first big realization after watching a handful of Andrew tate and Jordan Peterson videos.
Everyone has to have a realization in his own way, you can't just know nothing and then instantaneously come to the perfect conclusion, it's a process. Didn't you go through a process too? I did as well. One can always be wrong, sure, but what are you upset about? That someone's in a particular point in time?

>> No.54753662

Because he is Sisyphus
Its allegorical to the unchosen contract of life.

>> No.54753669

What are you investing in?

>> No.54753674

it wasn't always like this

before ww2 and to greater extent before french revolution and industrialization, you would live close to your family and childhood friends all your life

your job would be closer to a trade which you could take some pride in, even if it was harder work

your wife would be subservient to you and proud about it

yep, fuck the enlightenment and everything talmudic that came from it.

>> No.54753678

True enough, but that contains no information.
>he rolls the boulder because he is Sisyphus
>he is Sisyphus because he rolls the boulder
Well, it does contain information, but it's not a proof because it's a cycle.

>> No.54753713

You’re saying that why doesn’t he chose more.
He has, he chose to smile.
His lot in life is the curse of the gods.

You can suffer and die, or you can suffer, find some enjoyment and die. Pick one.

>> No.54753732

Fair enough. But isn't the rolling of the boulder his suffering? If he smiles, is he still suffering?

>> No.54753745

Haha imagine being this loser.

>> No.54753755

>You must be destroyed to be brought back up in whatever form the government needs you in
Kill yourself

>> No.54753794

>B-but this greek philosopher from my spotify podcast and youtube shorts said you need to suffer to improve!

>> No.54753816

I don't know if I've died I guess.

>> No.54753907

I'm just saying that you've certainly seen other people die, so death does seem to be real. But you don't have direct personal experience with having died so that you could say "this is certainly bad" in the way in which you could e.g. say "having a gangrenous limb is very bad". Death is the absence of experience (otherwise, it'd just be consciousness transfer), so does it make sense to say that one can experience an absence of experience? "Bad" is a category of experience (we don't say "it's a bad experience", though, we just say "it's bad").

>> No.54753909

>marry, get divorced, lose assets and kids.

Nobody in the right mind would marry in this day and age with how fucked divorced court is. Best you could possibly do feasibly is save enough to not live the cucked consoomer lifestyle. That is the goal in my book.

>> No.54753929

Yes. But suffering while choosing to smile only elevates and alleviates.

You could always choose to be more miserable later. Life will make you miserable, do you choose to make it better or worse?

>> No.54753944

You have the brain of as slave

>> No.54753958

>You could always choose to be more miserable later. Life will make you miserable, do you choose to make it better or worse?
Yes. But as you said: the story is an allegory. There's no real guy pushing a real boulder. The boulder signifies his suffering in the story.

>> No.54754028

How does it being an allegorical metaphor prevent its relevance to stoic worldview relating to happiness in the human condition?
>it’s not literally literal
Neither is your suffering..

>> No.54754059

I'm not disagreeing with you, what I'm saying is that it's not a story about some real man who was given a real boulder to roll up a real hill, and then he maybe he feels good about it and maybe not. In an allegory, psychological concepts are made into in-story objects. Suffering, in the story, is the boulder. It is logically impossible for Sisyphus to smile while rolling the boulder; the absence of him smiling IS the boulder (well, not the smile specifically, but the smile signifying being glad). You think there's two sufferings in the story, but there's only one.

>> No.54754072

>t. hasn't read Camus

>> No.54754074

Well, it IS a story about a real man with a real boulder, but it's a story. He's real from the perspective of the story, but from our perspective, he is an in-story character. The story exists to teach us about ourselves.

>> No.54754078

Do you recommend anything specific that Camus wrote?

>> No.54754092

>just get divorce raped if you're unlucky
Nah thanks. Power dynamics aren't in my favor not going to play that rigged game

>> No.54754098

Maybe the Myth of Sisyphus you stupid fuck.

>> No.54754103

Thanks, I'll read it.

>> No.54754235
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>If you are a man your life must be filled with suffering. You must feel pain, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, monetarily.

>> No.54754282

I mean it's true, it's just that the suffering can't exist for its own sake.

>> No.54754299
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>> No.54754318

I chuckled. Thanks fren

>> No.54754323

It's funny because when I say things were better before my parents mention the Vietnam war and commie nuke drills in schools as if they didn't have unprecedented prosperity and peace for 35 years after that apart from some pointless foreign wars we had minimal skin in

It's been down only since 9/11, really

>> No.54754341

>Your friends are moving on

This one hurts me the most. I'm 31 and have 2 friends left that I barely even talk to. One may have just ghosted me since he got married recently. The kicker is I need references in my job field and foolishly I quit at my last place. 7 fucking personal references are required and I don't even know 7 people. I'm about to just pay people to say they know me. Anybody want $100?

>> No.54754355

At least Nukes kill indiscriminately.

Children drill nowadays for being targeted by shooters hunting specifically them while unarmed on what’s basically a prison lockdown map.

One of those is terrifying. The other still applies anyways.

At least they protested war around Vietnam.

>> No.54754415

Project zoomer, only read half your post. I am gen x and am well off. Not that it matters, life is still hard. Like the other anon said being 100% taken care of in this false society is impossible. Success is a muddy hill of which you climb consistently. But that hill has been extra slippery and basically impossible to stay on top. Even as I have four steady and active sources of income I struggle. I don't even want to know what your pissant generation will go through on top of the objectives I had

>> No.54754419

>The story exists to teach us about ourselves.

>> No.54754428

>28 years old
>doesn't understand what a pov is
And that boys and girls is why you end up in a dead end job

>> No.54754447

All jobs are dead end. You literally just die in the end. Your continuity matters more than what menial bullshit you do now.

>> No.54754474

You die at the end of a fulfilling life as well.

>> No.54754491

I'm doomerpilled, I left my ex at 30 and started making six figures and feeling like 23 again - smashing tons of puss and just being at peace - but then my little sister got killed by her nigger boyfriend in a drunk driving accident and I got back together with my ex that I left. now i'm right back where i was at 30

felt so out of control emotionally the past year and a half.

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.54754526

>my parents mention the Vietnam war
Why would they do that? How did it impact boomers in any way that farmers were getting napalmed 6000km away?
They didn't see a single vietcong.

Meanwhile, due to boomers betrayal and their talmudic simping, WE have to deal with niggers 24/7/365 in a constant state of fear and civil warfare in a nation full of psychos with zero racial or cultural homogeneity.
I'd rather have nuked raining down on me every day over kikes and niggers.

>> No.54754554
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How did your sister end up being a niggers' whore in the first place? That's fucked up. But at least she already paid the toll, hopefully before spawning yet another El Mutta Abominacion.

>> No.54754595


very weak boomer father figure who was trying to retroactively make up for it by being an alex jones conspiracy nutjob

and yeah they didnt have kids (thankfully)

>> No.54754615

what happened to the negroid?

>> No.54754624


getting tried for vehicular manslaughter by the state

>> No.54754655

Instant suspension and community service.

Thankfully your family sacrifice got half a graffiti mural scrubbed and two bags of litter redistributed around the environ.

Alex was right far more often than his detractors.

He unironically got a better stoke rate than any other outlet for journalistic opinion

>> No.54754658

nice. it's a nog-eat-nog world out there. sooner you get back on your feet the better (not easier) it'll be.

>> No.54754748
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Is that not what an allegory is? I'm not saying that it's only that, but is that not its purpose? Like Aesop's fables. There wasn't an actual fox that had an actual quarrel with an actual bird over actual grapes. If there was (minus the talking), such an event would be so unremarkable that nobody would make as much as a facebook comment about it.

>> No.54754844


>> No.54754853

It’s a relatable situation that’s been fictionalised so that when you’re not being intentionally obtuse you could find a parallel with your lived experience. Your actions demonstrate that you’re just playing devils advocate.
Obviously you take thanks for that which you are grateful.

>> No.54754860

I’m saying that you’re right that it’s a lesson based around fiction. I can teach you cpr without actually having my breath stop

>> No.54754894

I do agree, but which actions do you mean?

>> No.54754910

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54755036

Your arguments here.
I’m not sure that there’s any real and true pessimists or nihilists. They’d be dead of a broken heart if they truely believed in nothing.

>> No.54755047

I felt this way until I had two children and a stay at home wife. Having people literally depend on you for everything 24/7 matures you.

>> No.54755053

>you don't hate it either
lol lmao even

>> No.54755113


>> No.54755125

What kind of fucking job needs 7 references? That shit is insane. Most people struggle with 3. Don’t feel too bad brother I have no friends at all.

>> No.54755130

I might have phrased it wrong or said it somewhere without knowing, but that's not what I meant to say. Nihilism/pessimists believe, in practice, that "everything is shit". What I'm trying to say is that suffering is not the be-all end-all, but people seem to cling to it like some good in and of itself.

>> No.54755173

>we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

>> No.54755213

Suffering might be necessary, but it says that it's necessary to produce endurance, not because to suffer is just good in and of itself.

>> No.54755343

I remember before American "culture" spread

>> No.54755352

>friends are moving on
This one causes me such an indescribable level of sadness and resentment towards adulthood.

>> No.54755394

That was American culture you faggot cuck

>> No.54755413

You stupid piece of shit

>> No.54755431

It’s not that it’s essential. It’s that it’s inescapable.
My only point is you can choose to suffer and die.
Or you can choose to enjoy some, suffer some and die some. You have some control over these things.

Those thing you can control for the better you should. That’s all I mean.

It’s way to be addicted to suffering and depression because you have control. But there is no outcome where feeding depression is good for your mind, body or soul. The only good are the lessons learned from exposure.

But yes, you have to choose to be happy. That’s the biggest part, your biochemistry isn’t there to make a happy body. It’s to minimise the suffering that existence with inevitably being to you.

The sun wants you dead and kills everything on earth. But I like to smile at a sunrise when I’m not too lazy to sleep through it.

>> No.54755448

Look at this zombie retard being a slave. I'm 38 and I feel 25

>> No.54755498

Easy* to be

>> No.54755671
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>> No.54756662

the level of literacy required to type the way you do is sufficient to find a faithful wife, reproduce, and live a happy life
but it does take effort and it's easier to whine than work for it, so here you are

>> No.54756731

Guy looks like he's around 40. it's over for him.

>> No.54756862
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I'm 28, I don't give a fuck about my job, all my childhood/high school friends HAVE moved on and started their families in the suburbs, or alternatively, some of them never moved at all and are still underemployed and uneducated in their parents' house in my hometown. But I've spent basically this entire year absolutely blitzed on booze any time I'm not on the clock, and dogging out 19-21 year olds raw. I also have a high-level 25 year old girlfriend who makes respectable company for social occasions, but requires basically nothing from me because all her emotional and economic needs are met by her long-term (5+ years) live-in troon GF who pays her rent and living expenses, so I literally just have fun with her and stuff her as-full-as-she-can-take full of BWC.

Monetarily, I'm not really able to enter the next phase of my life (couldn't afford a family, and fairly slim pickings for options to enter the property ladder at the moment, albeit not hopeless) but so long as I'm where I'm at, with a cheap apartment in a nice area, hooptie with no car note, I'm basically able to live as if money is free. Pure hedonistic "I want that, gimme gimme" "fuck the parking signs I'll pay the ticket, I'm too busy getting pussy" living like a degenerated king so long as I don't make any big-big moves quite yet. Yet even still I'm saving quite a lot and in the market for a rental property. I just know if I did close on one, at least for a while I'd have to tighten my belt.

Time flies when you're having fun.

>> No.54756889

Demoralization level: 10

>> No.54757076

I moved across the country away from my friends I've known since high school and college, I thought I would feel fomo but they stopped hanging out for the most part.

>> No.54757136

post physique now.

>> No.54757195

>doesn't understand what pov means

>> No.54757237
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Yes I did spend my teens and 20s playing video games and yes I'm 300lbs and poor with no career or friends and no future

But I like my silly little life and I started going to the gym so I can scam old men for money

>> No.54757923

>You must feel pain, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, monetarily.
Becasue we all know the pain is for pointless reasons. Wagie pain isn't about anything meaningful. Who cares about next quarters results? Not the same as suffering pain to defend your city in an attack.

>> No.54758045
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Fucking demoralized zoomers. There is not a man in history who wouldn't love to live in the conditions we have now. All these man-children state "wouldn't it be based if we were Romans again lol?? No cell phones, no debt amiright?

Nigger the odds of you dying from a tooth infection then are 100X greater than you striking it rich on a meme shit coin?

Commuting to work sucks. What you think a fucking child laborer chimney sweep in 1800's London didn't have to commute? He was all shacked up in Picaddilly circus?

Look at the East India Trading company who ran the entire country of Bangladesh like a fucking Nazi era consentration camp for 100+ years?

You live in the richest, most prosperous society on planet earth and you can't find happiness? Fuck off and die. There are literally infinite options available to you.

My wife's best friend's husband OD'd on fentanyl and left her without a penny and three young children. This high school educated bitch to save money switched to cloth diapers. She started posting youtube videos on how to efficiently handle the bullshit of cloth diapers (cleaning, tie-ing, ec.). All these crunchy hippy rich moms on the West Coast loved this shit and paid her to help them with this shit. All these cloth diaper companies then offered her sponsorship deals, and she travels all to these baby festivals selling this shit. I know for a fact she made over 1.6M dollars last year after 3 years since first video all starting from having 3 kids and left destitute by a douchebag drug addict, alone and ashamed.

Fuck you nigger. Kill yourself and make room for real human beings. Get the fuck off my board you reddit loser.

>> No.54758048

yes. Now everyone of my neighbors has 10 security cameras on their house and sees everyone going in and out of their driveways whos at your home etc. People you don't even know tracking your movements. We live in a surveillance state now. Going to suck for younger generations. Oh and your reputation can completely be destroyed on social media

>> No.54758243
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Yeah this entire post reads like a s oyjak wrote it holy shit lmfao.

I'm not demoralized, but don't pretend like theres any meaning in working for Globohomo Corporate Enterprises, LLC. for 30 years.

>> No.54758373
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Mmmm.... I'm thinking "based". Delicately touching on cringe. A complex bouquet, to be sure. But predominantly based.

>> No.54758409
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It's completely cringe. Pic rel is another gem of a post from him in the archives.
He's a 40 year old boomer.

>> No.54759646

>It's been down only since 9/11, really
That's over two decades ago, bro. RIP.

>> No.54759688

>poster aggressively feels sorry for self and claims others feel sorry for themselves if they don't agree.

>> No.54759776
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Damn kid you got me figured out.
I'm 32 so that must make me a boomer. Don't like Nazi's or BMW's. I just don't see the world like you socialists do; i,.e., world doesn't owe me anything.
You have the internet at your fingertips, and the world is a potential market for something you can deliver. Not sure what you expect out of life, but I can't imagine any time in history where being born immediately guaranteed you a house, wife, family, kids, safety and security. Nobody is promised a happy ending, and nobody ever was. I don't pretend that it isn't hard being a zoomer today, but you make the mistake of all zoomers by equating pleasure with happiness. Even if you had everything you think you are entitled to, as I mentioned above, I don't think you would be happy. You are just yet another second generation spoiled child of privilege who wants to watch the world burn out of resentment for your parents. I can't help you, and neither can scouring the archives of 4chan for proof that your entitled view of the world is right. Hunter Biden picture you posted is the perfect example of the second generation curse; the son of a man who has everything who wants to burn it all down out of resentment for his dad. You are not alone anon. Furthest thing from it.

>> No.54759874

>making reasonable criticisms is demoralization
you have a mental disorder

>> No.54759926
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Just stop dude you're embarrassing yourself. It's clear you just don't get it.

>> No.54760030
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>but I can't imagine any time in history where being born immediately guaranteed you a house, wife, family, kids, safety and security.
literally most of recorded human history you uneducated clown
yeah sure, less safe and secure than now
but vastly more worth it on the real estate and family side of things

>> No.54760071
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Reasonable criticisms:
>"Today in the modern world you'll slave 10 hours a day just to come back home to your 2 floor copy pasted house in the middle of suburbia to your whore wife thats taken a dozen cocks before she married you and gave you only one kid. Then the next day you'll wake up again at 7 AM and drive back to Goldstein corp where you'll fill excel sheets again so that Israel Yitzbaum can make another 100k this month talking to investors and fucking hookers. Then you'll go back home, repeat the process, and do it all over again until you die. Tell me about how "all men had to suffer" and "You have to endure this suffering because greek philosopher did"

Yes that is ALL reasonable critcisms buddy. That you are GUARANTEED to work for a jew, marry a whore, buy a shit house and be miserable. Fuck you man.

Why not build your own fucking house of granite? Why not marry a virgin? Why not you man? The problem with conspiracy theorists is that life just isn't that interesting. Your wife wasn't a virgin before she met you because she was a slut, she just met better men than you before she met you. Same with your Jew boss. He didn't get that job because he was a jew, he probably went to school and worked harder than you. The smartest motherfucker I met in life was a Mormon who studied like 2+ hours every day in college. He got a great job. I'm sure some tech loser wfh bro like you is saying "jesus boy got the job because he's mormon or some shit".

Fucking loser mindsets.

>> No.54760142
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I guess they were all just the most qualified guys for the job (of brainwashing the goyim)

>> No.54760159

actual slavecuck mentality

>> No.54760172
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I wonder what the qualifications are to open up the largest hedgefund in the world and receive freshly printed money from the federal reserve to buy whatever you want (and push Tikkun Olam)

>> No.54760225

Do you have any idea how fucking hard life was in in 1862? You would get the land sure, but YOU had to build the house, etc etc. And most of the land was probably not arable or liveable without a lifetime of hard work. No antibiotics, no real doctors, no refigeration, high child mortality. And you think all the pretty ladies of 1862 America, if given a choice between marrying some 1862 homestead act land winner or a rich guy in New York would choose the former and not the latter 100% of the time? People don't change and never will.

I feel terrible for you zoomers because you do have diminished opportunities relative to boomers, but the OP >>54759926 faggot is just straight dooming and demoralizing you and probably is a fucking rich kid with everything handed to him. I work with zoomer mexicans from 1st gen immigrants who grew up in shithole cartel country mexico and the fucking love america and the opportunities they have. Fuck this fag >>54759926. Get off /biz/

>> No.54760241
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It just keeps getting better tell me more
32 yo boomer

>> No.54760295

>but YOU had to build the house
yes, and it didnt cost 10 times the average salary to do so
there werent regulations straight out the ass
it was a log cabin, any half competent man can make one, maybe even you

>if given a choice
that choice didnt exist back then you bumbling retard

>I work with zoomer mexicans from 1st gen immigrants who grew up in shithole cartel country mexico and the fucking love america and the opportunities they have.
what, so because mexico is worse than the US, the modern US is the best thing ever?
1 < 2, so 2 is the biggest number ever
do you even know what a logical argument is?

>> No.54760297
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Here we go with the /pol/ fuck conspiracies. Jews help other Jews, get over it. Look at all the Pajeets running IT companies and only hiring fellow Pajeets. Its not just a Jew thing, they're just better at it.

Also, Jews got to be service industry specialists by design. For virtually all of European history they were accused of poisoning the food if they were farmers, and were forbidden from soldiery. Thats why most Jew's are really good at being lawyers, doctors, bankers, etc. and their IQ's reflect that.

I'm not here to defend Jews because fuck Jews. I just hate demoralizing losers on /biz/ trying to spread their loser mindset like there was some fucking golden age that we should return to. There never fucking was man, and never will be.

>> No.54760308

gonna tell this to the people stocking shelves at my local grocery store and pat them on the back

>> No.54760325

>spread their loser mindset like there was some fucking golden age that we should return to.
>things havent gotten worse
disconnected from reality

>everyone i dont like is a loser

>> No.54760328

we are just tiny little fellas on his desk

>> No.54760362

You cannot think your way out of loneliness bro.

>> No.54760366

Regulations for building a house are there for a reason: people are not qualified to understand everything that goes into building a house properly and the monies involved are so high for the average person that you can't rely on buyer beware.

I know a lot about this shit, because I work in the industry. If you can: (a) properly wire electricity, (b) properly install plumbing, (c) properly place concrete, (d) properly frame with wood and (e) properly install a roof then you can build your own house. Just need to pass an inspection which is actually not that hard.

I'm done arguing with you losers actually.

"if given a choice:
Oh so the plan here from this loser is that women should not have any choice in the men they marry. Yeah, thats gonna happen real soon asshole. Keep dreaming man.

>> No.54760395

If they're better at it why did they have to make white people doing it illegal lol?
The high iq thing is based on a sample size of 1800 cherry picked from private schools and compared to randomly selected students of other ethnicities.
If you cherry pick the same way dor any other group they have magically high average iqs too, it's funny that a group known for conning people hangs their hat on blatant sampling bias.
21% of the US distrusts jewish people now, that number was 16% 5 years ago, you are all going to get shoah again and you have no one to blame for yourselves.
And now for the big reveal: I am jewish and I hate jews like you for putting us in this position, at some point I'm going to have to flee with my family because of your schizophrenic behavior.

>> No.54760412

>I'm done arguing with you losers actually.
>im done losing arguments against the supposed losers

>> No.54760413

There are people who understand what is going on, and people that do not.
The irony of your scenario is that both those men understood what was going on and now neither is a slave.
That most people would choose to live in the New Yorker's circumstance speaks to what people find valuable (proving your point about which man the woman picks), but it also shows just how many slaves there are today trying to be the New Yorker. People have made small fortunes selling a dream to people, and now we are back to normal. We can now resume the game, with the small minority in control once again, everybody has sold their stake of the nation in order to live uncomfortable, unsustainable lives, and they know it. If you live in Manhattan today, what is your situation going to look like without the US Dollar?
Was it worth selling the farm that grandpa started to move there?

>> No.54760455

A person has the right to build themselves a home, and a person has the right to buy whatever they want.
If you want to argue that a large apartment building is too high risk to go without permitting, inspections etc I tend to agree because that doesn't affect the ability of the individual to construct himself something. It will however make the cost of housing go up, and make it more difficult for people to compete in the industry, you create monopoly.

>> No.54760456

i hope you realize we were literally talking about how it was better in the past
and now youre replying with bad shit that we have to deal with now

>need to get electricity wiring inspected
didnt need to that when you were in the 1800s
>women have the internet now
social media wasnt a thing back then

you literally just conceded dude

>> No.54760462

Take your meds faggot

>> No.54760520
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Ok man, there's a lot to unpack there and you are reading a lot into what I wrote. There has always been a small minority on top who control things, but in the West that group is always changing. If you look at the Fortune top 10 in 1980 vs today its an entirely new group of people. Yes a lot of them are Jews for the reasons I mentioned. A lot of Jews are smart. For example, this guy is probably the worlds most Jewish man. I challenge you to listen this guy talk about US law for 30 minutes and not come away with the fact this guy is fucking smart. If I needed a lawyer and could afford him I would. I would rather hire a good /pol/ approved lawyer, but if given a choice I'm going to award based on merit.


My point is the fucking dooming is fucking exaggerated. I'm not saying New York is great (I hate it and worked here for years) but the point was that highly attractive, sexually pure women have ALWAYS had the power to choose their own husbands and will almost always choose high value men over low value men. This fucking loser keeps posting that this ONLY started happening since Obama was elected and because of muh Jews.

Fuck him.

>> No.54760553

What the fuck are you talking about? Dude is saying its impossible to build your own house in 2023 and I am telling him its not impossible. Lots of people can and do. Was it easier in 1800 of course it fucking was but the house was a piece of shit by comparison. I know a LOT about construction man, and I would take EMT over knob and tube ALWAYS. Regulations reflect that progress. You can't use lead pipes for water nowadays. Anon thinks that because "muh Jews" but its for good reasons.

He's a fatalistic doomer and a fucking loser. I have not conceded at any time that life was better in 1862 versus 2023. fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.54760570

That never happened, things were always this way

>> No.54760579

coping as well

>> No.54760638
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This thread is a prime demonstration of the nhilist mindset that is ruining our society, full of weak minded individuals following slave morality.Complaining is your only way to feel power, even if just for a brief moment. Pathetic.

>> No.54760692

>post quote
>im so based

>> No.54760696

do yts really? OP nig is 28 be looking like 38. it's over. man yts age like milk.

>> No.54760710

I laugh at losers like you. Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.54760736

What did Nietzsche do with his life exactly except whine about women and die of illness?
>Haha God is dead you need to make your own morality
>Wtf my life is shit why is God smiting me

>> No.54760740

todays vocab words

>> No.54760790

>build your own house out of granite
just... kys

>> No.54760838
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damn... glorious fight between two retards

>> No.54760845
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>> No.54762637

I prefer this instead of going back to my parents' house, anything is better than listening to 2 idiots arguing about everything, I can even hold HAMI and see how they are doing in my break time, or play all the time on my pc, I have what I want, a peaceful life