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54751797 No.54751797 [Reply] [Original]

Are actual humans behind bitcoin's price action or is it just purely institutions?

>> No.54751808

Well people "bought" 80,000 BTC through FTX but FTX took their money and didn't buy a single Bitcoin.
Which is why we've been telling people for yearrs not to trust CEXes and instead to actually buy and self custody the asset.
But people are too dumb. Literally too dumb to be saved.

>> No.54751811

The second one

>> No.54751817

its entirely faggots

>> No.54751827

there is so much fucking manipulation going on right now, w'ere literally playing against people who have the ability to lose a million dollars on a bad arbitrage bet with their bot and that wouldn't be 1/10th of a percent of a loss for them.

>> No.54751830

That depends if you consider jews human

>> No.54751835

It's the US government

>> No.54751843

its that simple, buy then put in your own wallet. with eth you can even stake without putting it on an exchange.

>> No.54751850
File: 38 KB, 735x260, worse_than_cobie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay wumao state actor.

>> No.54751854

But how am I supposed to have fun shorting these (by now predictable) bart patterns without leverage on a CEX?

>> No.54751869
File: 144 KB, 840x1120, WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE back forward 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of all volume is fake and gay

>> No.54752072

What's the best way? Is it safe to create a wallet on railway and just use that?

>> No.54752100

>bigger fish move the water move than small fish

>> No.54752101

and the other 10% is gay and fake

It's all institutions moving the price, however we mere humans get to go along for the euphoric dopamine rushes or painful emotional anguish. The bots literally pumping and dumping the neurotransmitters of flesh eating apes all over the planet simultaneously. In the future, an AI will pump the price up to hype people up and get their attention like humans use treats and such to get their pet's attention.

>> No.54752105
File: 390 KB, 2500x1768, rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generate it yourself, dont trust an app, dont even trust your hardware wallet to generate a 100% random seed. Always import, never generate on hardware wallets.
What you should do is, get a new set of casino dices and generate a wallet by throwing those. Search it up to get a more detailed process than pic related. There are a few ways to calculate what throw is what.

>> No.54752134

And then I import that wallet to use with something like railway instead of creating it there?

>> No.54752150

Based schizoposter but in reality Trezor passes the walletscrutiny.com test

>> No.54752178

if you generate a seed offline with dice and then type it into a computer/phone app no one here can save you from your own retardation

>> No.54752264

Celebrating gains and ruing damps is completely normal for some investors.

>> No.54752371

So you're saying a hardware wallet is the only way?

>> No.54752425

>with eth you can even stake without putting it on an exchange.

Can a pajeetard do it or I need lots of coding knowledge?

>> No.54753562
File: 56 KB, 578x715, 11225317_835689953166073_4158539342589771398_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz is literally on fire right now
>everyone is losing their fake money
>bobos are laughing, mumus are seething

Meanwhile me, an intelectual that gains money gambling ducks on PARTY, laughing about this whole madness, being sure that Pool 2 wins this season

>> No.54753645
File: 12 KB, 250x227, dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mental health wont let me

>> No.54754004

institutions shaking out leverage retards
i guess someone needs money fast

>> No.54754067

then your wallet gets drained for some reason
>thanks for playing

>> No.54755008


>> No.54755025

psychopath hedge fund market makers

>> No.54755028

But… I bought? Does that mean IM fake and gay?

>> No.54756170

you would never be able to tell if a hardware seed generation algorithm wouldnt salt randomness in some way. It can be done subtly hardwareside instead or alongside software.

And you would never know if they or an individual ever did it, cause you would chalk it up to be not careful somewhere or when you read it on reddit its some retard (which is the case but still). All they need to do is grab funds from a fraction of a percentile of user and they get away with it.

If they were doing a more direct approach of sending your seed somewhere online, it would have been found ages ago, which is why you should always generate your own key manually using casino dices and import it. You see the randomness play out in real time