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54747006 No.54747006 [Reply] [Original]

>Launching with 14+ initial partners for their cross chain transfer protocol.
>beats Sergey to market
> hosting talk hour before >Sergey speach

Fatman took too long

>> No.54747108

>Fatman took too long
it's over. USDC is the only coin that matters.

>> No.54747132

it's quite literally just a USDC swap where USDC is burned on one end and new USDC minted on another lol

>> No.54747136


>> No.54747142

token not needed

>> No.54747193

>actual product
welp whales won't like this
dump it

>> No.54747204


>> No.54747228

>just a USDC swap where USDC is burned on one end and new USDC minted on another
wtf yout think CCIP is you brainded linknigger

>> No.54747292

welp pissed fudfag coning through step back everyone

>> No.54747334

Yeah these linktards are hyping up vapor lol, this is basically the same thing as ccip except it's only a usdc mint / burn instead of being a generic solution for any token over any blockchain / L2 while also enabling seamless cross chain smart contract interactions but desu who cares about that nonsense because token not needed

>> No.54747384

welp a slightly more ration pissed fudfag coming through step back everyone

>> No.54747538

CCIP has a lot more functionality than that you fat faggot. I agree Sergey is a piece of shit for taking forever to release anything though.

>> No.54747568

Sad day for Chainlink but Sergej just needed too long

>> No.54747572

CCIP also lets you send messages and communicate between generic smart contracts.

>> No.54747651

you made it this far
today marks a new beginning
if you know you will make it

>> No.54747948

watch this utilize ccip...

>> No.54747970

holy fuck it's over

>> No.54747980

Very interesting admission by Circle here

>> No.54748239

This is genuinely very very bad. You're aware how Chainlink has bad optics among normies already right? Sergey was planning for CCIP to be their big new thing that would capture the attention of everyone in the crypto space. So now just hours before CCIP gets fully announced, Circle beats him to the punch and announces an already fully functional competitor with a similar name. So normies will hear about CCTP first and anytime they hear about CCIP they'll be like "wait you mean Chainlink ripped off Circle's idea?"

>> No.54748288

yeah bro all normalfags are going crazy about CCTP right now, it's so over

>> No.54748289

I will never forgive or forget the constant betrayal

>> No.54748314

messaging... you don't get it eh?

>> No.54748319

meh, I don't think it's that bad
chainlink has never needed normie perception to succeed
assuming they still have their elite partners I think things are fine

>> No.54748502

I do not know, can you help us (my village)?

>> No.54749023

kek this

>> No.54749468

>Circle beats him to the punch and announces an already fully functional competitor with a similar name.
welp looks like the crypto world still revolves around copying chainlink ideas how will I ever COPE?

>> No.54749482

Chainlink and it’s staff are such failures

>> No.54749551

What’s the difference with Rubic tho?

>> No.54749860

I still hold that shit why did you remind me?

>> No.54749941

Because I want to understand the difference between Rubic, CCIP, and CCTP techs.

>> No.54750080

Rubic is an old scam.
CCTP is just for transferring USDC a centralized digital version of an old world hyperinflationary fiat unit. USD used to be the world's foremost "money" like the British Pound was before it.
CCIP transfers value and data. It can pay and transmit instructions. That's real important for automated smart contracts especially when they start interacting with various protocols and such will likely replace many people from their comfy do nothing jobs.

You're welcome bro glad I could clear that up

>> No.54750100


>> No.54750139

I could tell you were crying as you wrote this. Bahahahahaha what a bitch. Also:

>circle price last two years: unchanged
>link: -90%


>> No.54750161

>facebook “lost” because they took myspace idea

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. A cultie brain folks

>> No.54750194

The dollars value has crashed by half, which means link is down %95

>> No.54750211

Getting real quiet around the water cooler in here rn no cap
I am lead to believe that the digital version of a hyperinflationary asset that most emerging and developing economies are pivoting away from will be the future because get this you can send it to different chains then wait who the fuck knows for how long for some employees to tear themselves away from whatever normie shit they are discussing to process the request meanwhile CCIP from chainlink automatically processes value and data meaning instructions can be sent along with some type of value in other words it lets you do something with your tokens without waiting for some normies to stop talking about marvel and notice what's going on 24/7 365 days a year. Reliability you dont get from some centralized institution selling you digital versions of old world hyperinflating currency that steals the wealth right from underneath you

Make your choice fellow nogs

>> No.54750232

>USD is still king
get a load of this dumb nigger. even satoshi wanted to destroy the banking kikes and that means USD goes anon like all fiat scams

>> No.54750259

What’s funny is AMM and Federated Private Sidechains have also been announced to be running on the XRPLs devnet. Linkniggers have no idea how absolutely fucked SWIFT is and their failed attempt at front running Ripple. The entire world is already connected directly to or indirectly to RippleNet and sidechains makes the need for shit like CCIP redundant. Linkniggers really thought they would all just abandon what they’ve already been working on since before LINK was created kek.

>> No.54750339

>reptilians will settle with XRP now instead of human blood
listen fake schizos like you give real schizos a bad name.

human blood is the only means of settlement elites accept.

>> No.54750368

This. The illuminati lizard jews are going to ban all crypto except for XRP as soon as the SEC case ends and Donald Trump performs a coup (with public support) as the rightful president of the United States. Everything will be on the ripplenet.

>> No.54750531

Listen you seething sexless linkcuck, I know you don’t understand the difference between a settlement and a messaging layer because Sir Gay only talks about updating a messaging layer that the whole world is trying to leave, but it is crucial that you dyor and inform yourself what it is.
This isn’t even half as insane as all the retarded shit 42 said

>> No.54750558
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>> No.54750668
File: 51 KB, 597x532, 1674201368616219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP will replace human blood as a means of settlement and finality for the reptilian elites because Sir Gay only talks about the messaging layer
>This isn’t even half as insane as all the retarded shit 42 said

>>This isn’t even half as insane as all the retarded shit 42 said

>> No.54750871

Literally you swimming in your own schizo shittank that you use to garner the remaining vitamins and minerals from imaginary albino niggers from azartha

>> No.54750952
File: 202 KB, 548x553, 1652583819097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that's why I posted it. I am happy as a pig in shit you fake schizos are being called out after what years of paid marketing threads all fall a part because of a single sentence.

XRP will not replace human blood as a means of settlement schizo

>> No.54751020

Also note that the coindesk periodical "the node" did not report on Sergey or Chainlink but chose to report on Circle's already announced centralized solution.

So Coindesk is definitely complicit in the censorship. There must be some interesting ties that bind these parties together circle coindesk and the pajeet

>> No.54751051

Mr. Shekelberg isn’t kidding when he says you NEED to be on medication.

>> No.54751074

Also nice IP hop you fucking faggot. It’s already known you turboniggers do this on top of discord trooning.
>muh marketing
Kek I remember when chainlinkgod got doxxed and janniggers deleted everything and banned every single user.

>> No.54751236

But why all the censorship? I don't buy that it's about accumulation.

>> No.54751427

It isn't about accumulation anon I don't think so. They are working to preserve the pecking order
who are you replying to nigger we have IDs here

>> No.54751444

Sergey builds forced fairness tools and crypto has been overrun by tradfi grifters whose only goal is to replicate tradfi grifts in a new sandbox.

>> No.54751446

>It’s already known you turboniggers do this on top of discord trooning.
it's all coming from the chainlink unofficial discord, they need shut down again

>> No.54751475

>I agree with that anon for whatever he is saying!
they are not sending their best! >>54751444
trips confirm

>> No.54751485

Same fag. Don’t have money for vpn? PAY UP

>> No.54751759

Nope just me 1 ID entire bread. Seeth harder

>> No.54752053

Yea okay that makes sense.

>> No.54752064

Coindesk is owned by btc whales. Thats rather obvious and known informally.

>> No.54752084

Lol. Ccip is not getting announced.

>> No.54753812
