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File: 1.87 MB, 1244x1248, Screenshot 2023-04-26 155348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54749680 No.54749680 [Reply] [Original]

>American Bank Crisis
>Shits hitting the fan
> Text from sister
> "Hey Brother Anon, you're finance savvy right? My Husband has some btcs and I'm telling him to sell them!!"
> Doesnt know
> "You need to convince him not to hold this magic funny money!!" (She legit said "magic money")
> "At least USD is backed by something!!"
> "I don't trust this magic currency that's not stable!"

>Texted her husband, "Don't listen to my sister. Don't sell the btcs"

>She is not happy that I did not blindly agree with her

Is this unironically the start of the bull run?

>> No.54749694

or the start of the pre cycle consolidation crab

>> No.54749695

She looks like an alien

>> No.54749698
File: 3 KB, 249x238, 1659346880824982s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucking race or breed is that man?

>> No.54749716

maybe your sister is smarter than the average bull fag (you)

>> No.54749722

It's called a chink

>> No.54749727

it's time to ghost your family op

>> No.54749733

it's the start of the bull running everything's over mega collapse. hope you have the next year of expenses covered along with your food and toilet paper

>> No.54749745
File: 1.56 MB, 2048x1408, 1675187105396518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Mongol-Han rape baby phenotype that was supposed to be wiped out by Mao

>> No.54749758

At best he only needed to show and/or tell his wife and your sister about his exchange wallet. His mistake was talking about his hardware wallet with her.

>> No.54749784

imgnai made that picture, it's getting really good

>> No.54749857

maybe youre right i should just hold the almighty usd currency


I do . 500k in crypto and 160k in cash sidelined. no debt. 20k credit

Just quit my job to chill

my biggest regret is trying to convince my sister to buy bitcoin years ago when it was below 9000

Since then she keeps asking me about it and rubbing it in when its down (but suddenly super friendly when its up)

>> No.54749865

what model?

>> No.54750021

Bullrun started when bitcoin went above $20k and never came back down
Dumb women telling husbands to sell is the ultimate buy signal

>> No.54750210

Is your sister black haired with black eyes and has a screechy nasal voice? she sounds like an absolute gypsy thot. Tell her to make an OnlyFans if she wants money or learn to generate porn with SD.

>> No.54750237

You should've told him to buy more via DCA

>> No.54750249

she's not that evil, just not that smart. She has some minor brain damage (no cap)

Her husband is extremely friendly , open minded guy tho. also not the smartest but he tries. they are both computer / gaming addicts.

She's just a generic woman who /wants/ things and gets upset when they don't go her way, and not willing to put much work in to research invest, just asks me "what do i buy?" and reads news articles

>> No.54750256

My wife was nagging me about this too. I told him to pipe down because BTC is going to $100k.

>> No.54750269

Ya I should.

I think she's a bit of an idiot sometimes, and he's a bit of a cuck. But they are nice and good people. But kind of generic normies, dca'ing would be great for them long term especially starting around now. They have like 600k saved up in cash just sitting in a bank... and she wants him to sell his few btcs....

>> No.54750277

What the fuck is up with women and selling their btc at the bottom bro

>> No.54750311

BTC stops bank bail outs because of decentralization anon.

You see when people pay their bills in many places around the world legislation changes prevent governments from bailing banks out.

In over ten years since BTC was created not a single bank has been bailed out.

Do you know why?

It's because Satoshi designed BTC to be PoW. Real money. The energy requirements for PoW are so powerful they can strongly influence government policy much more than astrology. The stars said yes to bank bail outs but miners all working together around the world cryptographically secure legal ordinance and protect the average everyday cattle from having their money used for bank bail outs.

A business a big business like a BTC mining firm pays zero tax because the police turn a blind eye to people engaged in anti government activities. A rainbow flag on your mining operation is all you need to avoid any trouble while you calmly and quietly end the banking establishment.



>> No.54750416

600k in savings is a pretty good amount. At least they make a good emergency fund where they are...

>> No.54750451

that's the pearl right here

>> No.54750489

yeah they are 42 though consider that

600k usd at 42 for a couple living in a big coast city

>> No.54750494

theyre saving that 600k for the downpayment of a house btw. they rent.

I told them they need to at least put some of that in an indexfund or bitcoin. they own basically only usd as their entire portfolio

>> No.54750495
File: 59 KB, 600x827, 0013c83f27ccb71c17bfad86d077d0db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not scamming your normalfags brother-in-law for cheap or even FREE BTC

>> No.54750521

This is pretty Based NGL

>> No.54750556

You guys tell your girlfriends/wives you have Bitcoin?

>> No.54750793

Did the Han Chinese come from space, then were raped for a thousand years by dark Mongolian cock which made them look how they are like today?

>> No.54750943

>no metals

>> No.54750953

Yep and your sister is a giga omega ultra retard

>> No.54750965

metals are for retards

>> No.54751044

Fort Knox, the Queen and central banks all hold it. 3rd world poor niggers see it's value and yet you don't lmao

>> No.54751914

You doomers are NEVER right.

>> No.54751996

it's incorrect use of makeup

>> No.54752003

>At least USD is backed by something!!
USD is backed by threats of violence

>> No.54752005


>> No.54752014

literally what banking crisis? i only see literal who tweets showing nothing. nobody in the real world is talking about it.

>> No.54752028

Holy based, gonna buy BTC right now with TF2 unusuals.

>> No.54752217


>> No.54752546

this is so fucking cringe because it didn't happen

>> No.54752599

it actually makes me smile that there are retards out there who think a simple scenario like this is made up.

Maybe if you stepped outside your basement, you could tell me which part of this story seems so unbelievable?

>> No.54752859

on what planet is that girl Chinese. she's obviously some kind of slav or -stani central asian

>> No.54752888

When women are screaming at you to sell and telling you that you have more money than they do so you gotta spend it, you know its about to take off.

>> No.54752898

Shes mixed race with an Asian of some kind, the eyes are not White but obviously its not a real Asian ethnicity either.

>> No.54752926

you will destroy her marriage

>> No.54752955

Her marriage would be destroyed if he sold, when she inevitably realizes she ruined both their lives and leaves him to save her own.

>> No.54752979

Tell your sister we said that shes dumb and she should shut up and listen to her husband.

>> No.54753275

na her husband is pretty onions and shes like a tomboy so she dominates him

Funny thing is Im the one who convinced her husband to buy bitcoin many many years ago

>> No.54753707

That's right Chad, the smart move on BTC currently would be to DCA or if you're patient enough, wait for the right entry for a long position. I'm doing both but for the trading aspect I'm waiting for a strong TM trader grade from an AI analysis tool to make my call.

>> No.54753768

Because the bottom is the minimum of the average sentiment usually
And because women align extremely rigidly with the average sentiment, it is when basically all of them would sell

>> No.54753775
File: 3.91 MB, 2048x1408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let the guard rail pass, it could be a weird design for people to climb over or that steps down gradually.

>> No.54753779

> "At least USD is backed by something!!"
Why does it keep disappearing, then?

>> No.54753801

You should also text him that he should give her a bit of a slap next time.

>> No.54754187

>buying a non-interest bearing asset in a recession

i sure hope you guy dont do this

>> No.54754207

how about the water? could be weird planet where physics don't work same

>> No.54754218

How the fuck did I not notice that, I did look everywhere.

>> No.54754317

People still trade TF2 items in the current year? I basically cashed out for 3k EUR and never came back when keys reached 4 refined because it was obviously a death spiral.

>> No.54754403

He probably has less than $2k in BTC and she's trying to get him to sell it to buy plane tickets and go on vacation like women do. The rest of the expenses will be put on credit. Never listen to women.

>> No.54754498

can smell the reddit from all the way over here

>> No.54754587

Normies are dumping? I thought we didn't reach the low yet, but I guess it's time to buy back in.

>> No.54754777

Your sister is a stupid cum dumpster

>> No.54755126

>At least USD is backed by something

>> No.54755182

>> "At least USD is backed by something!!"
>Laughing in silver
God, I hate women and love being a man.

>> No.54755271

The queen is dead.

>> No.54755284

>tfw no tomboy soft femdom wife with half a million dollars
It has never been more over than it is in this very moment.

>> No.54755306

>my wife
>BTC going to 100k

>> No.54755339

They're called waves you land locked retard

>> No.54755450

Things that’s didn’t happen the thread…

>> No.54755451

You know what's fucking funny is he probably only has a few grand in btc, but in FACT they ARE going on vacation next month.

I told her it's backed by our military.

I wanted to believe differently but she's just a typical normie woman who reads sensationalist headlines and loves talking about politics but actually has 0 clue wtf she is repeating from the news. Just telling me btc is "magic money" and "currency unstable" basically screams to me that she probably read some "Why Bitcoin is not a good Currency and is dead" Article somewhere

You would NOT want to be married to my sister. trust me. she's a miserable fuck who found a soiboy that is willing to take all her abuse. She won't even have his children lmao

>> No.54755485

Ah another retard that thinks this is made up for some reason.

Care to explain to me which part of this is so wildy fiction? other guy couldn't


>> No.54755638

Yikes. Sounds like my sister desu.

>> No.54755681

Ya she is abusive, self centered, and always has to be right.

Her husband is a really friend soiboy tho I like talking to him. That's why I convinced him to buy btc to begin with. But He's pretty whipped. I hope he doesn't sell. Not that he has much anyways but on the principle