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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54742979 No.54742979 [Reply] [Original]

The rich baby eating Boomers actually did it and tamed Bitcoin. The question is how exactly did they do it?

>> No.54743465


>> No.54743520

It is actually that dog eating chink scammer CZ; he looks at leveraged positions and moves the price in the direction to liquidate his own customers.

And so you don't accuse me of being a Jewish shill, fuck that kike SBF and fuck niggers.

>> No.54743540

Good, pigs get slaughtered.

>> No.54743550

It wasn't CZ, it was SBF

>> No.54743610

Are you fuckers serious? Are you really asking how these rich assholes controlled a bullshit asset class with a market cap smaller than Apple? You thought they'd let you usurp the financial system?

>> No.54743727

Oh neat, I didn't know you could use leverage on FTX, retard.

>> No.54743736

>> have infinity money printer
>> print money
>> short bitcoin
>> print more money
>> short more bitcoin

BUT! we have the tether printer to combat their dollar printer. who knows who will win.

>> No.54743928

CZ had did absolutely NOTHING to warn it's users about Terra collapsing and only delisted it once smart anons and VC's were buying the absolute bottom.

tl;Dr imagine trusting chinks

>> No.54745411
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Easy, you first make it easy for people to get into crypto by creating actually good coins with low price to get in (like PLEBS) and then slowly ease them into the ecosystem
That's how i got in

>> No.54745501


>> No.54745751

people realized bitcoin was created by the feds and bought monero instead

>> No.54745995

Futures contracts, centralized exchanges. Not hard

>> No.54746047
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crypto is a psyop created to keep the incel community preoccupied. They don't care who gets rich.

>> No.54746267

blows my mind how financially illiterate you cryptofags are.