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File: 179 KB, 1169x2077, crypto virgins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54742085 No.54742085 [Reply] [Original]

i make good money trading crypto but every woman is instantly repulsed when i tell them that i trade crypto for a living

i swear crypto instantly makes their pussy dry

what's the point of being rich if my job repulses women?

>> No.54742099

Let them die poor.

>> No.54742102

you can always KYS

>> No.54742120

Said the same thing about video games, now men are sexist for not including women. The same narrative will happen with crypto.

>> No.54742122
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, NailChink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone knows you're gambling
yes, even women
everyone knows except you

>> No.54742137

Wealth is only useful as an indicator of fitness. Any wealth acquired through dumb luck has no value.

>> No.54742143

just say you're a stockbroker

>> No.54742203

This is it
Crypto is complete vaporwave, and Bitcoin is attempting to be understood as digital gold, which makes no fucking sense anyways so the moment people actually need gold they'll realize this is insane.
If you believe any of what Jordan Peterson has said on the topic, women are gatekeepers for the human race, and they're supposed to sniff out aberrations that don't conform to the evolutionary goal.

>> No.54742212
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then i'm a professional gambler because i'm making a living from it
i've already made 7 figures trading crypto

>> No.54742221


Dating apps suck ass.

>> No.54742244

Disregard females. Acquire currency.

If you really need to nut in a bitch, just rent an escort for the night.

>> No.54742266

Those are low value whores that you wouldn't want to be in a relationship with. If you only want to fuck them however, just don't tell them or lie that you're a drug dealer. Low class hoes love that shit

>> No.54742273

Most women don't care about the money itself, they can barely grasp the concept of it, if at all. They rather care about the social status that comes with it.
"My husband is a stockbroker, he's rich" sounds good to other women, so they want that.
"My husband gambles on the internet with other nerds, he's rich" would raise some questions. It's all about you competing with other high value males and winning against them, which is the opposite of what making money with crypto is. Doesn't help that most people who buy crypto are brokies trying to "make it" so that's being a loser by association.

>> No.54742281

Put it in your profile DUMBASS

>> No.54742291

say its finance, not crypto, because your not a dev

>> No.54742292

also OP, women have enough sense to know that somebody with a lot of fish who has no idea how to catch them is a bad bet. We aren't exactly on solid ground in this society/economy, you've got 20 year olds acknowledging they present no value to society but hope that they can compensate by pretending their capacity to acquire dollars in the short term will mean anything.
I want to remind you guys that crypto and Bitcoin are doing what they are doing specifically because the dollar is about to lose tremendous value, and the argument that you can be rich off that is insane. Learn a valuable skill or become militarily useful, because what we are about to experience will throw the rule book away like it has every single time in history.
TLDR; Women want somebody that can thrive in any environment, not just an aberration in late stage socialism that will get crushed when the government can't keep all this bullshit running the same way.

>> No.54742313

> Trade crypto < Trade financial instruments
Or better yet just say you work in finance and stop being a crypto fag.

>> No.54742695

When they ask what you do, just say "it's classified." If you're handsome enough it'll intrigue them but if you're gross looking they'll think you're weird.

>> No.54742743

lmao nice "useful guy" fantasy.. jews and richfags will keep making the most money with 0 effort while you hustle to impress stacy as its been since always

>> No.54742808

She looks not a day older than 40, what a beauty.

>> No.54742863

What if she likes virgins?

>> No.54742903

Just say that. A gambler is attractive if he's winning

>> No.54742943

If youve actually made 7 figures trading crypto (you havent), then its time to throw that in index funds and live off dividends while you find a real purpose in life

>> No.54743002

they do that everytime there is a good bull run, spike, or ath.

its a top signal.

>> No.54743044

Ask her how much for a bj and if she refuses report her to the police for prostitution.

>> No.54743060

Girls wanna da peepee in a butt butt?

>> No.54743073

You don't know where you are in history lmfao

>> No.54743183

Painfully true

>> No.54743243
File: 76 KB, 960x815, F6E1C6F6-C81F-49E3-BC24-21632551C0D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lie, retard.

>> No.54743257

>women have enough sense
let me stop you there faggot, if women had enough sense about anything there wouldn't be heaps of single mothers and domestic violence victims. Most of them are non-sentient NPCs whose thoughts go silent the moment they are the only person left in a room

>> No.54743340

You're wrong and don't understand women, they don't care about any of this. If you're good an competing now but not later, they just dump you, you assume women have loyalty, which is a uniquely male aspect of morality.
As long as they can impress other women with what you do, they're happy. If they can't, they're either unhappy and stay because they have no alternatives, or they leave as fast as they can. Stop deluding yourself into these fantasies of "being useful", that's what betas are told so they stop moping about their lot in life and instead do something for society. The only people you are useful to are other men, so if that's what you want, then your advice is good.

>> No.54743447

>single mothers and non-sentient NPC's
I apologize, we clearly aren't talking about the same thing when we say 'women'. Good luck with your future endeavours.
You will marry a non-biological female.

>> No.54743541

I know this is b8, but anyone in this situation is retarded. You don't even have to lie. Just say you're a day trader.

>> No.54743647

>My argument was disproved so I'll arbitrarily change the definition of the words I said until I'm right

Are you a democrat?

>> No.54743665
File: 92 KB, 1461x178, Ban This Paid Spammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make good money trading crypto but every woman is instantly repulsed when i tell them that i trade crypto for a living
>i swear crypto instantly makes their pussy dry
>what's the point of being rich if my job repulses women?

Nice try trannyfed. Go back to begging for scraps from the government.

>> No.54743676

just be gay dude or buy hookers or go to the philippines or something or wait for a bull run when NPCs will think its cool again

>> No.54743706

if thats true women do a terrible job

>> No.54743741

Good luck to you too maybe one day you'll realize you won't get laid for welding pieces of metal together and you won't live out your daydream fantasy of protecting your tradwife with your walmart rifle after society collapses

>> No.54743747

>variation of "you're an incel" when he has no more arguments
I'm already married to a functioning-womb-and-ovaries-owning person. Keep being a good beta provider, maybe you'll get your turn on an old roastie with 2 black kids after working for 10 years and buying a house with a 30 year mortgage. You're just cattle to me.

>> No.54743765

lol that's a man

>> No.54743830
File: 160 KB, 544x479, 395760294378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>index funds
>he doesn't know

>> No.54743890

Woman are useless, the moment you understand that, you are free.

>> No.54743957

Retards like you don't truly understand the value proposition of bitcoin and why it's going to continue skyrocketing. Read Giants: The Global Power Elite.

When alpha becomes scarce, the wealthiest groups in the world start investing in fringe assets, start wars, etc, anything to continue accumulating profit. Bitcoin is a fringe asset. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.54743962

what a body i want to absolutely wreck his bussy

>> No.54744009

rofl imagine not lying to women.

>> No.54744063

women are stupid and everything they know comes from twitter and the kardashians.
Cryptokeks are made fun of, even if successful.
Just say you're a "day trader" or something and name off random phrases. Allude to stocks. All they know about stocks is it's how wallstreetfags make their money. You're making the common mistake of expecting femoids to be actual people.

>> No.54744322

5mil in index is 100,000 per year in dividends and an average return of 10% on principle. Comfy

>> No.54744454

I'll narrow down that for you faggot
> women
> sentient

>> No.54744484

Just lie retard. With wfh you can literally say anything and they have no way to verify what you do

>> No.54744490

>average return
Ah yes the AVERAGE pre-covid years are going to come back any second now

>> No.54744498

>suck ass in your local area now

>> No.54744510

You're supposed to just tell them that you work in finance, dummy. Don't elaborate.

>> No.54744527

The problem is the evolutionary goal is to produce more 80 IQ brutes since their preferences haven’t evolved in 100,000 years. Evolution is too slow to keep up with human advances so the men who are the most fit based on biology are very ill equipped to thrive in modern civilization. This wasn’t a problem before feminism but since women have reproductive autonomy it will lead to the degradation of society in the long run

>> No.54744599

This is just a retarded bait thread. no woman thinks this.

>> No.54744662

for some reason, in their female brains they can only increase their own value by increasing the number of high value people around them
the value they gain from that person also increases with how "close" they are with such a person (meaning husband / kinds should be as high value as possible)
there are of course, exceptions to this rule
but they are usually high performance business oriented women who chase younger men
>T sugar mommy enjoyer

>> No.54744683
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>> No.54744767
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Dont you already know?

>> No.54744958

you trade *against other people*

if you got rich you defeated A LOT OF PEOPLE

>> No.54745053

>noooo I have to leave it on jeetswap and farm cunnymoon token
>I'm not selling for fiat

>> No.54745662

I convinced / redpilled my wife that working and status is for suckers. she´s fed up with her job and only does the minimum required- is she a tranny?

>> No.54746553

Yeah, a lot of nerds
That's what a woman would think, anyways

>> No.54747171

Just to comment to the original poster, it's not your job that repulses women, it's you. If you are rich and NOT an arrogant, matter-of-fact dipshit, constantly self-validating and interrupting, then women don't care what you do. It's not your job, it's you, always.

I've seen plenty of tradies with fucking mega-hot girlfriends/wives, and I promise you no woman sets out to marry a guy that puts up drywall for a living.

>> No.54747203

they're actually already saying that, that its a boys club

>> No.54747293

Most women don't think.
Why do you think so many got vaxxed?

>> No.54747335

>crypto is for virgins
Yeah, for virgin waifus, not used up cumdumpsters.

>> No.54747357

>giving a woman information that could end up with you having your money taken from you

>> No.54747406

This women are fucking retarded. Attractive Women with good and connected fathers usually match with attractive and successful men their age. Women who come from bad homes or lower middle class are usually the ones who fuck niggers who play sports or turn into gold diggers, or they just end up with average guys with a college degree. Women are incapable of having foresight. They only know about "Feelings," so a woman might fuck a college chad and marry him while she blatantly rejects the average low key guy with the brighter future. The roastie comes to the realization that she made a horrible mistatke when her college chad husband is a complete dead beat and the average guy she rejected made 5 million trading crypto while working a job that pays 6 figures. Men develop socially and financially much later than women, and when men do actually make it most of the women their age are already married or single moms. Honestly though if you are concerned with what women think you are missing the point...it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is your own success and fulfillment. Women are burdensome at best.

>> No.54747471

Most of the comments claiming that women are deep thinkers and "keepers of civilization" are literal incels who lust after beautiful girls they will never touch. They dwell in a fantasy world where their simping one day pays off (it won't), Let me add that the cryto guy with a few million is much better off than the average wagie chud and his girlfriend are

>> No.54747526
File: 434 KB, 828x818, 1676388152187316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, tell me what car you drive, I'm sure it says all about you. Since I bought my Tesla Model s I have fucked more chicks than my mentor fucked before, and yes I bought it with crypto from Nicolas Brussel, they don't care where you get the money

>> No.54747923

Wait till they know how many female anons are getting on ZK-Snark privacy tokens.

>> No.54747945

Plenty of dicks to suck anon, don't even worry about it. Lol

>> No.54747989

Nutting into an escort isn't even close to the same feeling of Nutting inside the woman you love to make her a mother to your children.

>> No.54748001

>what do you do for work anon?
>mostly boring remote tech work but it makes great money and keeps my schedule flexible so I can pursue my real interests.

>> No.54748049

Cars dont mean shit to girls
I own a Tesla Model 3, I picked up & fucked more girls in my old honda civic than my brand new tesla

>> No.54748060

Women do not care how you acquire your money as long as you have a decent amount. Alot don't even care if you survive off welfare and have crippling drug addiction and felonies. It's simply your looks or conversation strategy maybe you're coming off as too desperate? you have to let them come to you instead trust me. even if you have to be an attention whore to attract them. something completely changes the game when they come to you first.

>> No.54748061

Your biggest mistake is discussing financials with women, if someone asks you what you do at work, tell them you are an independent commodity broker or some shit

>> No.54748067

Raep this whore

>> No.54748087

cringey early 2000s pick up artist response

>> No.54748103

>op posts 2 dating app screenshots
>50 other posts about crypto bad
Woah I'm fucking demoralized haha

>> No.54748134

you can pay a woman to cum inside of her for 0.0000000000001 BTC retard

>> No.54748150
File: 294 KB, 535x906, oxxo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol who the fuck cares when you have money

>> No.54748155

"I signed a none disclosure agreement"
works good when they ask the 5 year gap in your resume too.

>> No.54748178

Well now you know she isn't a virgin. You don't want them anyways.

>> No.54748223
File: 38 KB, 408x346, nicomoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just show that you're rich then, and tell her the money is from selling Egyptian horse anabolics

>> No.54748292

Just be very discrete with what you do and speak in generalizations. “I do some financial work, I do consultation and strategy”. Don’t give too many details

>> No.54748305

Cars matter I lost my girlfriend to that anon, but yeah she is for the street
Wait for BTC to hit 100K, I will get mine soon, hopefully, pay with BTC too

>> No.54748321

even for a LARP, this is terrible and you should feel terrible

>> No.54748565

I met a girl on tinder who said she would never date a guy who drives a pickup truck. She was a leftist whore with tatoos and liberal arts education working for a think tank. I went out and bought a new V8 pickup truck with 450 horse power because of that stupid cunt.

>> No.54748578

Kill yourself currynigger

>> No.54750299

Fuck off Gainzy

>> No.54750498

>but every woman is instantly repulsed when i tell them that i trade crypto for a living
either you are ugly or are explaining it retarded, just tell them you trade stocks or something.

>> No.54750503
File: 88 KB, 745x1024, 1621630724137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but every woman is instantly repulsed when i tell them that i trade crypto for a living
and that's a good thing.

>> No.54750512

>durrr I trade crypto. wanna see my funko pop collection?!
Wrong. You are a Digital Assets Manager.

>> No.54750524

you mean 1% for 2022, if that

>> No.54750527

Just tell them your a professional asset manager in emerging markets for a major firm, and that you work from home.
They think your a fucking VP at Morgan Stanley or some shit and their legs instantly fly apart and they create a waterfall that would drown a Lilliputian from between them.

>> No.54750543

Just say you have a business

>> No.54750579

>women are gatekeepers for the human race, and they're supposed to sniff out aberrations that don't conform to the evolutionary goal.
So psychopathy is a feature and not a bug?

>> No.54750639

sounds like she struck a nerve lmao

>> No.54750672
File: 595 KB, 1497x1119, IMG_0428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like she struck a nerve lmao

>> No.54750720

You bought a truck, because a girl on tinder said she would never date a guy who drives a pickup truck.
True story or not, why, WHY would you even post this utterly embarrassing shit?

>> No.54750755

irony here is that these girls are admitting they are used up ax wounds that been done ran a train on them more times than they care to admit and the sad part is i learned about the phrase ran a train from an 18 yo goth chick/ future heroin addict burnout near a walmart one day.

>> No.54750803

The whole premise of anything being for virgins is that it takes too much of the attention that women feel entitled to away from them. If youre lost in thought thinking of high risk high reward ways of multiplying your money you dont have time to listen to Becky bitch about her roommates so its dangerous to them. The shirt might as well read "pay attention to me and I'll have sex with you"

>> No.54750809

you fail at the easiest shit test, lmao

>> No.54750854
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Not even once.

>> No.54750866
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>> No.54751383


look deep into your soul, anon

then you will realize it is not just women who are repulsed by you making a living trading crypto, but the entire world.

go do something of value for our species instead of being a speculative parasite

>> No.54751492

you tell them you have crypto?

>> No.54751585

What has the species ever done for me?

>> No.54751622
File: 51 KB, 465x512, 1681940658544134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying luck isn't an indicator for fitness

>> No.54751669

how do I trade crypto for a living?
how is that even possible?

>> No.54751828

>he thinks the fed will never turn on the low interest money faucet again

It will happen sooner than you think. Stocks will moon as soon as the fed announces no more rate increases.

>> No.54751985

This, same way blue collar tradies like plumbers aren't as enticing to wahmen even if they make more than a lot of white collar corporate jobs.

>> No.54752073
File: 534 KB, 1990x1538, Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 1.13.07 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto has a diversity problem, let's talk about it

>> No.54752295

As soon as a woman is in your life, she gets to work on figuring out how she can be more and more intrusive in your life to the point that they eventually become like giant tumors just weighing you down. I'm not certain of a lot in life, but I am certain that you're better off without them. Here's your virtual girlfriend experience: I just met the parents of the girl I've been dating for a month and it was like showing up to the hospital from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. They all seemed totally retarded and at one point the grandmom slapped her granddaughter (my girlfriend's niece) that the grandparents apparently take care of because the girl's parents are deadbeats.

I thought it was a joke or something, but I guess that's just the cool thing to do in front of someone you're meeting for the first time. And it only got more awful from there. That was my Wednesday evening and honestly it's always shit like this with women. If you are well adjusted at all, you are almost always going to be adopting gargantuan baggage of some kind because most women are completely maladjusted and if you reject their baggage, like I'm going to do by unfortunately breaking up with this girl, you get to explain to someone as politely as you can how only a complete idiot would buy the shit they're selling. If you really feel like you're missing out on something, use that "good money" from trading crypto and hire an escort.

>> No.54752342

100% accurate. wish i'd broken up years ago. i'm in too deep now. but 100% accurate, right down to the niece (her younger hotter sister got knocked up, had a kid, doesn't raise it because they neeeeeed tooo parrty and be normal like everyone else).

meanwhile, current gf has lots of mental problems and emotional "baggage". weighs me down with her bullshit. i would be 100% better off if single. but i'm in too deep. can't get out without lots of emotional turmoil.

wish we had broken up after 2 years. it's been six now. there is no escape. link my only hope.


>> No.54752383

Maya doesn't know I fucked her mom and all her mom's female friends before Maya even existed.

>> No.54752443


>> No.54752483

just dont mention crypto until after u give her ur A game in bed. everything before that is just a pre screening and interview, of which dumb incel shit will get your outed for. when u get the "job" (the chance to fuck her), all u gotta do is beat it up (her pussy) like a man and ur in. they dont really care about what you do after uve proven urself as an orgasm factory and will pretend to be into anything really.

>> No.54752533

You’re so retarded it’s not even funny

>> No.54752875

Well I see that changing as the crypto space becomes less complex and easier to navigate anon. With the AI research tool I came across, users can save themselves 80% time and research with just a few clicks and get a quant grade on any token which could aid in trading or investing.

>> No.54753003

Does it really?

>> No.54753025

>i used to invest in coins
>oh anon, crypto?
>n-no, oil
>ooh and what happened
>i made it or something

>> No.54753037

being rich is lonely anon

>> No.54753070

Yes. Please try to keep up.

>> No.54753112

crypto is already a lame thing to base your personality on, basing your personality around hating it just seems pathetic

>> No.54753144
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with egg donors, surrogates, pron, VR, and soon goggles that will turn all human figures into lithe teenage ballerinas with customizable faces, we have the final solution to the roastie question. They can wageslave to pay my NEETbux so I can save my crypto. thanks faminism, couldnt have done it without you

>> No.54753206

imagine living to be judged by vaginas

>> No.54753395

Just lift and be good looking

>> No.54753856

Just say you do investments for a living. If they ask about what kind, just throw some buzzwords at them without directly saying crypto.

>> No.54753974

true. the power a woman has is her pussy. her old wet slimy hole is what gives her the ability to survive. if you're not interested in it - as an autistic incel - they will hate you because they can't manipulate you.

>> No.54754672

You have to be a pro level trader or something to make this work Chad. I'm still learning the ropes so I just stake for passive income with alts like CRT and RIDE on the Maiar dex.

>> No.54755127
File: 117 KB, 750x838, fuckhead..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are gatekeepers for the human race, and they're supposed to sniff out aberrations that don't conform to the evolutionary goal.
then you have missed the point of why she is wearing the t shirt in the first place. obviously she is trying to elicit a response in people that she matches with and is probably hoping that some rich crypto guy is agitated enough to swipe on her and engage in a conversation with her. the tshirt is a clever ploy so she can SEEK OUT the crypto millionaires either as romantic partners or judging by her age for simply financial gain, a tale as old as time. ironically you have gotten the entire premise of her proposition correct except managed to miss the point entirely. congratulations, you successfully will not make it.

>> No.54755566

just let the NPC whores self-select themselves out of your life, they're doing u a service

real thinking person would not be offended by someone trading crypto. if you just want puss then pay for a luxury escort or some shit. or become a passport bro, those foreign girls wont give a shit how u earn ur money

>> No.54755624

Incels go home. Women are not some horrible other that are out to get you. They are people. If you want to be swimming in women, and have one be loyal to you, you need to be good with people.

But holy shit I realize that’s an impossible order for you - so best to just pretend they are an evil alien race that must be studied and strategized against huh? Fucking incels.

>> No.54755727
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You're doing it wrong. Buy some MNI and mint some NFEs. Since mnicorp invests in real world assets like mining and infrastructure, tell them you're an investor and you invest in mining and infrastructure

>> No.54757149

Kek... I would rather buy an iPhone with crypto and gift it to her. I use a simple payment gateway which is cheap and give me cash backs on all transactions.

>> No.54757402

Telling women about your crypto or other hidden assets is retarded.
Have fun when she breaks up with you and pulls the
>we lived together and were therefore in a common law marriage, gib crypto monies

>> No.54757512

Herpes 100% guaranteed.

>> No.54757680

1% of $5,000,000 is still $50,000, that should be enough to not only cover one year but even throw in a little vacation somewhere. You'll probably not save any of that $50K, but you already have $5MM in the bank so savings are basically covered for you. And if $50K isn't enough for you, you're probably a debtmaxxing retard that needs to fix their life.

>> No.54757693

>every woman is instantly repulsed when i tell them that i trade crypto for a living
Then don't tell them that, easy

>> No.54757726
File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to biz where people complain about everything even worse than Pol.

>> No.54757738

The last time I went on /pol/ they were discussing food, so I'm not even sure the /pol/ boogeyman is a thing anymore

>> No.54757924

With crypto we have our financial freedom and as you said anon just don't share your investments. Simple as that. We can now pay and accept crypto as payments. This is convenient and I am using a crypto payment processor that's simple and cheap which has more than 20k merchant's too.

>> No.54757969
File: 159 KB, 1152x768, Brett-Cole-India-03052_xgaplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, bro

>> No.54758025

DCA is a better strategy. I'm doing same for QANX, ORE and PEPE.

>> No.54758054

What story? I didn't understand. The anon said we can pay with crypto and it's our freedom to our funds. I agree to that, it's more convenient especially while traveling. No worries about exchange rates or no cross border fees.
Do you disagree?

>> No.54758320

Investing in ZKS is worth it, DiD and AI are making the trends too.

>> No.54758568

Many will fall off, shitcoins will ded but for sure, some will fucking endure, like programming-based cryptos and cryptos with decentralized IDs and Assets.

>> No.54758583

>You will marry a non-biological female.
God, I can only hope so.

>> No.54758602

I don't give a fuck

>> No.54758626

As well as decentralized cryptos with assets and rights.

>> No.54758629


>> No.54758645

ORE and NEO will be fine additions too.

>> No.54758659

Thanks anon for the book recommendation.

>> No.54758946
File: 51 KB, 606x418, IMG_20230427_131809_756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comfy holding AVAX

>> No.54759185

why do women think social shaming will work? and why do they even hate crypto? because it's trendy?

>> No.54759190

Kill yourself

>> No.54759212

>oh nice shirt
>so you own crypto
She laughs and says no
Cut her off mid sentence
>no hymen no diamond
Walk away and hit on her friend.

>> No.54759248
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Start holding AVAX, you tell them and the pussy gets wet again.

>> No.54759268

>women care about
>actually caring about what women want
>surprised you are getting beaten by a nation of insects and your government is a pearl clutching yearbook committee that secretly sleeps with the school drug dealer
The experiment is over.

>> No.54759346

>why do women think social shaming will work?
Because it works against other women, so they assume it works against men too. It's how they're programmed. They simply go along with whatever the perceived authority is, regardless of whether that authority has their best interests in mind or not. It's why giving them voting rights was the single greatest mistake Western society has ever made, because they are so easily swayed by pure, spur-of-the-moment emotion and flattery.

>> No.54759425

>indicator of fitness
You know how I know a company is about to get fucked: they start acting like everyone, including their customers, work for them.
Like just leave the country. American women are fat and have so much competition it's ridiculous. If you are a white man you have so much sexual capital it's stupid, you don't have to shop at boomer bob's used car emporium where the cars are rust buckets price at new msrp + 50% dealer markup, go to the foreign dealership across the street.
If you are nervous about traveling alone go join a church mission to do volunteer work overseas, every girl you see will want you to be their big strong white dreamboat while they pop your babies out like a pitching machine.

>> No.54759764

>church mission
lmfao what a chud

>> No.54759807

You can totally go shopping for a foreign girl and the whores here can't screech or obstruct you because it's charity work. Plus it makes you a good person, any whore that attacks you can't pretend to be trad to get at beta bucks anymore, the other hens will gossip them to death.

>> No.54759910
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Women know a faggot when they see one!

>> No.54761306
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Women feels disgust by any kind of tech except for instagram filters. Just don't tell them, or tell them you're dealing or something.

>> No.54761422
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Woman threads should be an instant permaban

>> No.54761581

poor guy, stuck with a yte girl...

>> No.54762226
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If you wanna some wet pussy you should hold avax

>> No.54762780

>won't throw pussy my way without crypto
>won't throw pussy my way with crypto
hmmm decisions, decisions.

>> No.54762866

I don't care to explain what I do to them, because eventually when I pay for their bills with my CryptMi crypto card, they know I trade crypto and I'm rich doing it

>> No.54763084

No but she’s probably gonna be getting railed by her boss soon if she isn’t already.

>> No.54763101

That’s because you don’t have a model x. Girls flirt with me all the time driving mine and I’m homeless looking.

>> No.54763107

everyone knows you're coping
everyone knows except you

>> No.54763163

Zeta male.

>> No.54763398

Who knows man. Women are weird.
I'm given up. They are a waste of time.

>> No.54763404

I bet you are simping over ladies for you to be paying their bills.
Get a life and use your crypto card for only yourself.

>> No.54763519

I'm a protocol dev and I say just say I work in fintech, bitches like it

>> No.54763610
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x3079, __sami_advance_wars_drawn_by_twobey__c53db5e68a367a98ec7136425abdb230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never believe any of these stories about guys being millionaires but repulsing women because they did it with crypto. You must be fucking hideous and radiate intense incel vibes for women to be repulsed.

Any normal looking and acting man who's a millionaire will drown in pussy, no matter how he got his money. You actually are so repugnant women would rather fuck broke niggas than you lmfao.

>> No.54763871

Damn she got fucking pistol whipped. I gotta hand it to her, even if she was probably protecting another thug. At least she risked death for her man.