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File: 147 KB, 369x315, Screenshot_20230426_073025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54740077 No.54740077 [Reply] [Original]

What was that about mass adoption?

>> No.54740085

Bitcoin is the only thing that matters, NFT and crypto can both go to 0 for all I care

>> No.54740099

Does he usually do the one eye masonic hand gesture in his video thumbnails?

>> No.54740108

NFTs are inherently toxic because they are like private clubs and as they get more popular the barrier to entry gets higher and higher, then the members get smug and annoying, but what they don't realize is that this behavior directly harms their brand. imagine big company CEOs rubbing their success into other people's faces, well that's what NFTs are except worse because it's not even deserved success, and because this success is literally just based on public opinion, they destroy themselves. then people lose money and even the participants get turned off from NFTs. but it's worked once so it will work again, milady seems to be going down the same path right now

>> No.54740111

I think its time to start to buy NFT
Any suggestions?

>> No.54740124

Remember, when people start saying it's over, it's time to buy. And when they start saying it's the future, it's time to sell.

>> No.54740137

why did they make the monkeys so ugly

>> No.54740139
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Original video as well

>> No.54740204

NFTs have no inherent value, and don't solve anything that can't just be done with a database.

>> No.54740223

nfts are just meme coins where some coins are more expensive than others
like all meme coins they eventually get forgotten until years later someone tries to pump it again

the old batch of nfts are forgotten

>> No.54740227

endless headlines how NFTs are dead, meanwhile even the cheapest ugly ape jpeg still goes for six figures lmao

>> No.54740231

because americans love ugly niggers

>> No.54740241

Good to know, your health records, asset and licenses and shit will be NFTs in the future.

>> No.54740312

People dont understand what NFTs are.

>> No.54740317

>People hate NFTs and Crypto

"I am a real leftist because I spout Central Bank and Well Street talking points all day long. I am a rebel fighting the system!"

>> No.54740703

i just remembered that there are "people" who paid thousands/millions for ugly monkey jpgs, jej

>> No.54740833

Oh no they do. They just don't like them.

>> No.54741058
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Bored Apes XRP Club

>> No.54741082

all according to keikaku. first the public must be programmed to associate nft with ape jpegs before they will want to throw money at tokenized assets

>> No.54741724

kill asmonturd, NOW

>> No.54741737

kys right now

>> No.54741833

>charge 100k for an image of an ugly cartoon monkey
>people actually line up to buy it
genius scam really, mire
techzois aren't as smart as they think they are

>> No.54742023

NFT's will have value like any other collectables, they could also be used as a key to access or redeem for other products / services.

However the prices some of these sold for...


>> No.54742156

>asmongoloid reacting to someone else's video thread
Why he's so profitable, bros? Every time he shares his takes it's something obvious that majority agrees on, but he acts like he's sharing his hippie NEET wisdom and his audience adores it.
I don't get it.

>> No.54742198


If NFT's are just like any other collectibles, then NFTs don't add any value.

>> No.54742215


>> No.54742235

that nft bubble was more of a beta phase. the market knows gen alpha adapted to it

>> No.54742238

It's the sense of a community, same as to why let's plays became a thing for games.

>> No.54742453

>NFTs are dead
>meanwhile those ugly monkeys still have a floor price of 50 ETH
When mainstream media starts shitting on something, that means it has bottomed. I remember everyone collectively shitting on $META last year. Scooped up some shares below $100 and sold them at $180.

>> No.54742459

>make people hate nfts because they're retarded
>have actual practical use for them
>no normalfag wants them

It's the perfect plan to keep dumb money out.

>> No.54742527

>items controlled by Valve/Blizzard
>items controlled by nobody

Gamers are the perfect goyim cattle. No wonder, look at what they consume

>> No.54742557

The most popular games of 2023 are all remakes of games from the 2000s. Gamers are goycattle

>> No.54742569

What was ever the point of NFTs? From day one it sounded like the most retarded idea ever, and only absolute idiots hyped it up.

>> No.54742612
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Ask Donald Trump, I think he made some money with NFTs

>> No.54742703

yes they do, before nfts you couldnt have digital collectibles without a walled garden marketplace run by the issuer. the added value compared to something like steam items is open secondary markets

>> No.54742711

Until the next ATH and they all jump back in again.

>> No.54742737

as well as more durable provenance for digital collectibles/art because the history from the point of origin is stored on ethereum rather than some private server of a company.

>> No.54742767

NFT was pandemic's current thing in crypto, now it's AI. Remember metaverse? You probably wouldn't if i didn't write it. NFT's same. It's decaying.

>> No.54742776

>Jack Dorsey sells first tweet as NFT in 2.9 million
>NFT is now worth 139 usd

Yet you guys believe NFTs are going to make a comwback

>> No.54742966

In your dreams baggie

>> No.54743011

No, but he is represented by same Jews that work with mr BEAST 666, so who really knows.

>> No.54743040
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Reason why I don't listen to the Jews, the innovative approach to metaverse experiences to backseat passengers during road trips is a top notch, thanks to RIDE

>> No.54743162

Nah they don't.

>> No.54743204

>by nobody
Valve jpegs are literally better. They are transparent enough to tell you who is the sole real owner of the stupid shit you're renting from them. Your monkey NFT can be turned into a poop emoji or a picture of a rug at any moment, and you'll be asking reddit how could this have happened to an asset you "own" and how to get a refund from Ethereum customer support.

>> No.54743461

I sure as hell don't. I only recently got one from DBI because it was a prelisting, so it was cheap. Other than that, I'm just waiting to sell this shit once they start finally shilling their token to the masses

>> No.54743509

how much NFT money is going to flow into urbit, the only NFT that actually matters?

>> No.54743533

Imagine watching that milquetoast hapa faggot

>> No.54743574

>without a walled garden marketplace run by the issuer

You still need that though, so what's the point?

If it's an NFT for a game item for example, the game servers still need to be up and running. If you're talking about a link to a JPEG on the internet, then lol.

>> No.54743586

Righto cock. Keep your head in the sand.

>> No.54743598

Kek, baggie.

>> No.54743620

Basically an NFT is a unique token that is validated by the blockchain. In turn NFT's are a method for creating digital scarcity, like how there's physical scarcity, and that's it.
What you/companies do with said method is up to you/them.

So if take digital gaming/Steam for example. When you want a digital game, you can get a 1 time code to redeem/download said game, and once that code is used it's now useless and usually deleted. Using an NFT method, you would instead get a token for the game, and as long as you have that token you have access to download and play the game. Now the interesting thing is, is that because access to the game is tied to a token, you can trade that token to someone else. So you would lose access to the game, but they will now gain access to it. Essentially emulating you trading a physical copy of the game. So by using NFT's you could create a second hand market in a digital space, where people can trade/sell games they don't want anymore by trading/selling the associated NFT.

Now obviously this probably would never happen because gaming publishers are turbo Jews that hate pre-owned games and 2nd hand markets in real life. But this is an example. You could NFT's for concert tickets, coupons etc. pretty much anything that you could give to your friend in real life that would redeem something.

>> No.54743651

If I was gonna buy collectible images, I'd buy Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. NFTs are gay.

>> No.54743661

>Using an NFT method, you would instead get a token for the game, and as long as you have that token you have access to download and play the game. Now the interesting thing is, is that because access to the game is tied to a token, you can trade that token to someone else.

And why the fuck would you need an NFT for that? If STEAM wanted to enable people to re-sell games on their marketplace, they could easily do so without an NFT.

>> No.54743670

>inherent value
No such thing.

>> No.54743672

I'm curious about what you think I'm holding.

>> No.54743701

Kek, are you gonna snooze on RIDE? It has commenced implementing its first NFT marketplace fee burn

>> No.54743731

The most odorous pile of excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism.

>> No.54743743

>And why the fuck would you need an NFT for that? If STEAM wanted to enable people to re-sell games on their marketplace, they could easily do so without an NFT.
Lol no they couldn't. There's way too many ways to fake steam verification. If steam enabled you to trade games each game would be essentially worth $0.01. NFT's also would enable you to download the game from any vendor that recognizes that NFT. So in theory of Steam died, you could redeem the game from other places, basically freeing people from being tied to one platform.

>> No.54743780

NFT's tried to mess with vidya. Simple as. You don't mess with vidya or you get the sweltering rage of millions of incels and basedboys on your back.

>> No.54743802

>There's way too many ways to fake steam verification. If steam enabled you to trade games each game would be essentially worth $0.01
The fuck are you talking about nigger?

>NFT's also would enable you to download the game from any vendor that recognizes that NFT.
That would require a trusted third party to issue / keep track of the NFTs.

>So in theory of Steam died, you could redeem the game from other places, basically freeing people from being tied to one platform.
Why the fuck would they allocate bandwidth / costs to that when they didn't see a penny from it?

>> No.54743831

what the FUCK even are those NFTs? I've been here since 2017 and I still don't get it

we talked about toknized real estate or arts way before the nft shit came up so how is it any different? some monkey jpeg nfts how does it make any sense how does it have any value, at least with pokemon cards you have the physical card that has some sentimental value to some people, I can understand that, but explain to me nfts
I refuse to believe that someone would actually pay thousands or even millions of dollars for some goofy monkey jpeg when you can just copy paste it
to me the whole NFT shit is clearly a non-sophisticated way of money laundering and that's it

also this

>> No.54743843

>NFT retards want CD-Keys back... But on LE BLOCKCHAIN
Oh boy that's awesome. Can't wait to have my games phoning home to le epic defi service to make sure I'm a good goycattle and bought the game. Do you think this will happen before or after I can upload my Fortnite flossing dance to the 'chain so that I can use it to epically dab on people in some CS:GO defi knockoff game?
I'm actually serious about that. I'm 100% sure there is a company actively working on both of these projects at the moment.

>> No.54743853

Crypto isn't ready for mass adoption. With radix it will be possible.

Just buy XRD. This is financial advice.

>> No.54744001

Okay you're an idiot. Cream API exists which allows you to download DLC from steam for free, and steam has no idea that you're using it. There are ways to do this for actual games albiet more tricky. But I'm sure your stupid ass can realise that when people can download/pirate something for free it makes the thing worthless monetarily.

>That would require a trusted third party to issue / keep track of the NFTs.
The blockchain does it you retard. It literally does it right now.

>Why the fuck would they allocate bandwidth / costs to that when they didn't see a penny from it?
Deals with publishers essentially, so the publishers don't have to create and run the infrastructure. But yes, Steam and other retailers would have to pivot in how it handles its service. Some autists would probably set up game libraries for shits and gigs also. And before
>But now gaming publishers have more power
Only for the initial release/brand new NFT Tokens. A second hand market would quickly appear.

You are an idiot that doesn't even know how CD Keys work, never mind anything else.

>> No.54744039

>Can't refute point
>Doesn't know that bandwidth costs money
>Doesn't understand he's just describing a CD-key
Yeah, I'm thinking we've got a midwit defi retard here.

>> No.54744079

Imagine the online code for digital Pokémon cards in every pack were for NFTrading cards that you could sell individually

>> No.54744098

I didn't refute your point because your point is so retarded that you don't even know how CD Keys even worked. And yes bandwidth does cost money hence why it's easy to see why publishers would outsource that cost, an vendors would have to offer other services to cover the cost. But again there are giant game libraries today where you can download games from for free you retard.

>> No.54744130

Oh wise one, how did CD keys work and how are they any different than what you described?

>> No.54744143

>monkes are over
>floor price: one hundred thousand united states dollars

>> No.54744184

They think that NFTs confer ownership, when it does no such thing.

In reality, they have a numbered token which contains an embedded link to a JPEG on the internet which can be deleted at any time.

>The blockchain does it you retard. It literally does it right now.
Right - how does steam know which NFTs relate to which game, which ones are the "real" ones, and which are the ones some pajeet has created? That's right, they need a centralised list.

>Deals with publishers essentially, so the publishers don't have to create and run the infrastructure.
>Steam allows someone to redeem NFT for used game
>Makes no money
>Publisher pays Steam for bandwidth costs of people downloading used games
>Makes no money
Lol, lmao.

It's literally a solution in search of a problem.

>> No.54744200

Taking entertainment to a new level by introducing NFTs, games, into moving cars using VR. RIDE leaves rent free.

>> No.54744354

Because that's how steam works right now you dumbass. Steam validates your game to make sure you actually bought/own the game, and will 100% stop you from playing the game if it can't successfully validate the game. Why do you think there's a 30 day time limit for offline mode to be able to access your games? That's if the publishers aren't already forcing online only play? CD Keys never went away, they just got streamlined so you didn't see it. The NFT method just decentralizes the process so steam/vendors shutting down doesn't fuck your game library.

>That's right, they need a centralised list.
You don't know how the blockchain works. I'm correct in calling you a retard.

>It's literally a solution in search of a problem.
The problem is when Gabe dies what then you faggot? Or when companies go bust? Steam has already censored/removed games to the point Gabe himself had to step in at times. You are arguing for account lead gaming which has so many goddamn issues, but you don't want it to change because you're used to it.

>> No.54744605

>he still thinks NFTs are on the blockchain.

If the vendor that sold you the NFT goes down, your NFT is useless.

>> No.54744756

As much as there are haters is as much as there are advocates and people who see it as the future of finance.

>> No.54744814

With my crypto bag, I have purchased both goods and services from different merchants using CryptMi why the fuck do I need to care if anyone wants it or not.

>> No.54744994

>You are buying a piece of data
Wow, it's like that's the fucking point. Please which 10 seconds further in the video Jesus Christ. Just because the data is a hyperlink in the retarded monkey JPEGS does not mean that's the only data it can be. Holy shit. You are a retard who thinks the image is the NFT, not the data itself. NFT, Non-Fungable TOKEN. TOKEN, not IMAGE. It's not called NFI for fucks sake.

Also there can be multiple vendors you dumbass, and that can all be used to redeem the same token. So if a vendor goes down, nothing happens to you. UNLIKE TODAY. If steam died tomorrow say goodbye to your games.

>> No.54745233

Silks is massive, cloudbreaker is another utility nft collections that resides in the motorverse.

>> No.54745281

What has radix got to do with nft?

>> No.54745371

After all it's about your investment

>> No.54745426

I noticed, with more intriguing features

>> No.54745474

>Just because the data is a hyperlink in the retarded monkey JPEGS does not mean that's the only data it can be
That basically is the case. Please "which" 10 seconds even further into the video, Jesus Christ. Blockchains are so inefficient to store data on that doing it with a hyperlink is pretty much the only thing you can do. 1GB = $70k, for one copy. Now imagine fitting the latest Call of Duty on there.
>You are a retard who thinks the image is the NFT, not the data itself.
No, because I am explaining to you the exact opposite. I know the monkey jpeg NFTs don't have the monkey jpeg in the NFT, and instead have a hyperlink. That's what the video I included explains.
>NFT, Non-Fungable TOKEN. TOKEN, not IMAGE. It's not called NFI for fucks sake.
seethe harder.
>Also there can be multiple vendors you dumbass, and that can all be used to redeem the same token
Why and how? Really think about this. Why would this other imaginary vendor do anything with your token from some other failed business, and how would they redeem it? We've already established that the image/game/whatever cannot be stored directly on-chain, which means the actual data associated with the NFTs would have to be stored on a central server. If the company is gone, so is that central server and therefore the games, unless this other vendor somehow magically has a duplicate of this other business's storage setup that they can sub in with at a moment's notice.
Also, if steam died, it likely would get bought out by some then-bigger company anyway, which would take over those operations. Literally none of this requires a blockchain.
oh, and Steam said that one time that if they went out of business, they'd provide DRM unlock so people could back up their collection.
>b-but that's not guaranteed! The NFT guarantees that!
NFTs don't guarantee shit.

>> No.54745479

More on this please

>> No.54745515

the development of NFTs is a fascinating innovation in the crypto space that has the potential to transform the way we think about and value digital assets.

>> No.54745604

You don't make the game into an NFT, or store the game itself on the blockchain. The NFT is the key, like a digital game key that you keep in your wallet, and is validated via the blockchain. You have grossly misunderstood the point to the level of incompetence I didn't even see from the other two retards from earlier. NFT's are going to be used, and you will be too stupid to realise you're using them. I guess the issue is with me trying to waste my time educating retards.

>> No.54745690
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>You don't make the game into an NFT, or store the game itself on the blockchain
Correct, because it's impossible.
>The NFT is the key, like a digital game key that you keep in your wallet, and is validated via the blockchain
By whomst? There is no point or benefit to this model over just using a regular-ass SQL database.
>NFT's are going to be used
>And I'm free, free fallin'
>Yeah I'm free, free fallin'

>> No.54745720

The fact you brought up a price graph as a "win", further shows you are mentally deficient and don't understand NFT's. NFT's are a tool not a commodity dipshit.

>> No.54745820
File: 99 KB, 837x814, Screenshot_20230426_145749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a sales volume graph. What's the opposite of adoption?

>> No.54745861

Yes, give me the sales volume graph of code please.

>> No.54746451

>Any suggestions?
the seekers is nice
i love it's uniqueness, and can be use to run nodes on the sylo network
also Akasha which is mainly use tostorecontents

>> No.54746626

seriously, does anyone actually posess an nft here? Meanwhile raking in that sweet DEFI apy and those 6000 token masternodes by Neo?

>> No.54747058
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NFT matters just because you are too retarded to understand it doesn't change a thing, I earn 10 GOB daily for Holding goon NFT

>> No.54747185
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the reality is that NFT's real objective was just that first sale from the person who made them. after that they don't care as long as they had their value and hype pumped up in order to get some retard to buy it

>> No.54747309

Mass adoption already happened and passed
My dad even knows about NFTS
Not a lot of people buy and sell art so its not like mass adoption means hundreds of millions of people buying nfts

>> No.54747344

NFTs would make sense if the currency they're traded in was actually widely used like the USD. In their current state you're just buying a speculative "investment" vehicle on top of another speculative "investment" vehicle. The underlying currencies are way too volition to have NFTs that fulfill an actual useful economic function, so we have monkey JPGs.

>> No.54747506

>injecting politics into everything
Rent free

>> No.54747532
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NFTs were a dope way for artists to use blockchain to both generate revenue and curate communities that incorporated unique parameters smart contracts offer.

but then the monkey thing happened and every retard from shitcoin world caught wind of it and ran it into the ground with scam after scam and pump and dump after pump and dump.

the sentiment surrounding NFTs is in the trash and will never recover because of it.

however NFT tech is amazing and will change the world, but the monkey jpg thing is never coming back.

t. i own multiple large NFT projects and know what I'm talking about

>> No.54747589

NFTs = money laundering vehicle

>> No.54747595

this guy was at some point watchable but he became truly insufferable with the way he just rides on whatever new outrage these days.

>> No.54747630

after watching his video I finally get it. NFTs compete with Kindle. JUST USE KINDLE LOL LMAO EVEN

>> No.54747707

Well, there's mass adoption of privacy ZK tokens though.

>> No.54747739

NFTs are useful roasty. You can use it for identity verification or as collateral to borrow billions from banks. Or better still use them for shopping via CryptMi platform and get lifetime bonus for holy wedlock.

>> No.54747745

Another BTC maximalist, but watch out for privacy crypto ecosystems.

>> No.54747787

>Identity verification
For what? Getting into a discord server? Lmao! Imagine paying to talk with other retards that fall for scams.

>> No.54747802

Good on you, did get some funds myself, but moved them to XMR and RAIL.

>> No.54747822

More utilities are coming into NFTs and their growth will be massive this year. I just bought some through CrytpMi.

>> No.54747855

Gaming NFTs, nice tho. Been doing some ZK privacy lately, but will DYOR.

>> No.54747928

You are not worthy of access to the "War room", peasant.

>> No.54748066
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Once normies find out we're basically farming money on platforms like 0X0 then the real mass adoption will begin

>> No.54748119

Not bad, you hardly see an NFT offering a passive income

>> No.54748519

Its literally always left-wingers hating on crypto, like Elizabeth Warren and redditors.

>> No.54748853

You are obviously a clueless retard who still lives in his mom's basement.

>> No.54748872
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Anon hope you are participating in its airdrop too

>> No.54749073
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Another dumb moonboy has been triggered, where is the lie though?

Where does NFT utilities lie?

>> No.54749191
File: 124 KB, 862x645, TrumpHatesCrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54749228

Ain't doing any shit without using the powerful tool that combines multiple technical analysis indicators to provide Long/Short signals for all crypto assets in the market.

>> No.54749230
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Smoking ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does NFT utilities lie?

Identity Verification
Paying for goods and services via CryptMi and many more.

>> No.54749266

>muh jew loving president
you guys are beyond pathetic, cant wait to see this walking orange do presidential pardons to more niggers and jews

>> No.54749333

Pajeets thread... Fuck cryptos. Got all my predictions wrong.

>> No.54749494

AI and Machine Learning from Token Metrics is giving retards advanced technology for a better investment opportunities and predict trends before they happen. Get your ass in there channer.

>> No.54749553
File: 2 KB, 77x125, 1681118826213654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay away from BTC, invest in any alt with solid fundamentals like MATIC, ADA or AVAX and wait there for a year at least, thats the way you trade

>> No.54749601

Take advantage of the Technology Grade to get a measure of an asset's security, feasibility, and code quality. Token Matrics is a top notch.

>> No.54749603

What is inherent value?

>> No.54749657

don't solve anything that can't just be done with a database.
say whatever about value but you're a brainlet when it comes to this part

>> No.54750069

It trending on Twitter, I heard 5% of the total supply will be airdropped

>> No.54750450

Aren't bitcoin ordinal better than nfts?

>> No.54750552

no. same shit on a inert network that is too slow and expensive

>> No.54750608

That second part sounds good, I just need to get funding and hire people to make it