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54738230 No.54738230 [Reply] [Original]

Other guy on my team at work just quit and there's no way we could hire someone and train them up in less than 6 months to a year. I think this is the perfect time to ask my boss for a title change and a raise, but I have no idea how to do it. Any advice?

>> No.54738275

I’ve never worked a day in my life for any white collar institution, but go up to boss man, show him the 2-10 spread, and demand his respect

>> No.54738287
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Ask for a raise and bring arguments with you.
If they refuse threaten to quit.
If they refuse again quit and find another job that will pay you more (you can start looking before step one to be more confident).

>> No.54738348
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Based, thanks

Would there be any benefit to milking this over time like asking for the title change first and then a raise later, or should I just be upfront about what I want?

>> No.54738359

1) title or money? Which is more important to you. Figure that out first.
2) Ask for a time on his calendar, for something important.
3) Stress you're happy with the job, compliment a bit, but don't go overboard. Just ask outright.
4) Don't burn bridges. If you get, 'ah.. maybe' just say once 'I feel strongly that I contribute a lot here, and would like <money or title>.

If you don't get what you want, start looking elsewhere. Good luck.

>> No.54738426

Should I only ask for one?

>> No.54738549

Yeah retard, get a title change and no raise. Your boss would happily give you more job requirements for the same pay. You stupid fucking nigger

>> No.54738581

holy shit dude, you’re fucking green

>> No.54739183
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ya I've never done this before, that's why I'm asking.

The title I have at the moment is actually pretty bad, and in a job interview I had recently they asked why I was in that role with my background. I think a title change could have a bigger affect on my career long term than a pay bump.

>> No.54739222

To get a decent raise, you need decent leverage. The best leverage you can get is an offer from a competitor. If you're not happy with a counter-offer, you can always take the other role.

>> No.54739232

ya maybe I should do that first

>> No.54739250

you’re getting no raise and you’ll be lucky if they even replace the team member who left on any timescale. concentrate on lining up another job

>> No.54739268

Also doing that on the side. Seems crazy to let this opportunity go by without trying to get something out of it though. I think my boss wants to keep me, even if we weren't in this position, and the way things are he's fucked if I leave. Why would I not be able to get a raise?

>> No.54739275

Just remember anon, if you don't do what you proposed and soon, you will quickly find yourself training said new person and showing them all your tricks. Expect everyone above you to be super nice to you during this time when someone is let go and they realize that they REALLY dont want you to go. They are hoping their extra niceness will distract you while they hire someone who you will train and who will be able to replace you soon enough.

>> No.54739281

ya that's what I'm worried about

>> No.54739301

other guy just left
economic climate
challenging time for the company rn
everyone in your team will think the same
might set a precedent
managerial flex
you’re young and will get your time
if it were down to me i would but
it’s part of your manager’s objectives
because lol

>> No.54739326

None of that means shit to me though, I'd happily just walk if they don't give me a raise. I'll take the summer off to look for a job, fuck it.

>> No.54739352

remember to take into account how the real inflation figure is over 20% and anything less would be an effective pay cut

>> No.54739390

Ask him what you need to do to get a raise, then do that

>> No.54739396
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I should add that another manager told me I could potentially join his team, in a much more interesting role and much better title. He reached out to me because he was worried about me leaving after the other guy left. He said politically it would be a disaster, but he would rather I stay at the company than leave. So that could be another option.

>> No.54739594
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>He said politically it would be a disaster
Nothing to worry about, let the gossip queens get their pussy hurt. It's your life and your career. If people try to treat you like shit because you changed positions and that's not where you "belong" in their headspace then fuck em. You didn't sign an allegiance clause for a paycheck.

>> No.54740112

that's the attitude, kek

>> No.54740851

Make it about your bosses needs. If you're truly necessary, make it clear that you're more than happy to walk if you don't get what you want. Then it's in his best interest to give you a raise. Do not give your two weeks notice unless you're actually going to go through with it. Make absolutely certain that you're truly necessary or else he'll drop you like a hot potato once you're no longer needed. Don't say shit like "If I'm going to be doing more work then I want more pay." Nobody cares what you want. You have to reason from the other person's perspective.

>> No.54740923

I would like to point out that this does NOT work.
managers/bosses hate it when you try that, it's a mix of different annoyances.

>you shouldn't need to ask what you need to do
>you're trying to force their hand
>you are demanding an answer

As a WAGIE you have 1 objective: to make your bosses life EASIER, not harder.

Make it easy for him, go interview somewhere else, get an offer, then bring that to him and show him. The EASY thing for him to do is give you a raise.

>> No.54741460

>lie about your job title in an interview
if it comes back to you at all say that HR has their own internal titles but the title you gave was correct
99% of large companies will only verify employment and the time of employment
small companies will confirm titles

>> No.54741883

not him but i tried this route (title first) and my manager plus his superior both got really weird, and haven't talked to me as much since kek fuck em
>t.ask for raise first but idk im a brainlet

>> No.54743985
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>small companies will confirm titles
it's a fairly small company

kk I'll try to get an offer

I think I'm necessary. I had people come over to my desk to congratulate me when the other guy left because they could tell how good of a position I was in lol. Like 3 separate people. So I think I'm safe but you never know.

>> No.54744262
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I think he meant politically it would be a disaster for him, so he was just going to do it if I was planning to leave right away.

>> No.54744337

>bro like if I do the new task for the same pay I'm bound to get a raise, because my title says I'm valuable
I refuse to believe this isn't a kike posting. If you do the job at x pay they have no incentive to pay you more

>> No.54744360

rehearse these words

“I met a guy, he gave me a job offer, it’s for (1.5x your pay) and less hours and a better title. I told him I wanted to give you guys a chance because I like working here and want to be loyal, so I can go as low as (1.25x your pay). If you can’t do that, no problem, but I have do do what’s right for me and my family.”

>> No.54744400

I meant the next time I apply for a job, my resume doesn't go straight into the trash because my title doesn't say "junior retard" it says "senior smartguy"

>> No.54744431

don't get lowballed

>> No.54744986

You are not safe in any position less than a supervisor.
I know a supervisor that is hated by the managers but they can't do shit to him for some reason, his position is just too high I assume.

>> No.54745272

I just mean safe as in if I quit, they will need 6 months to a year get get a new person trained up, which will delay our roadmap by that long, which will mean the company goes under.

>> No.54745439

This never works because modern companies have policies against giving merit raises now. This is by design, to destabilize the economy. The only way you can get a raise that outpaces inflation is to get a different job.

The only thing you can really do is get another job with a better offer, then ask your boss for a raise, and if he says he can’t (which he will), just submit your resignation since you already have a better offer.

>> No.54745441

Actually realistically, they would just get one of the more senior, highly paid people to cover my role, which is also not ideal for them.

>> No.54745457

It's not a merit raise, it's a "you're fucked without me" raise. I'll try to get another offer quickly though.

>> No.54745529

Ideally you would bring some proof of whatever you did that showcases a better performance. If you can't they're very unlikely to even consider a raise. It's hard enough getting ine even with hard numbers.

The 'you need me and else I'll quit' approach can work but that's typically not great if you want to work there long term.

>> No.54745547

Whatever you want to call it, that’s what they call it internally.

Alternatively, if you want to stay with your company, ask your boss if he can help you get promoted. This is the only way to get a significant way in your company without pissing off your boss. Gauge his reaction to see if he’s interested in promoting you or not. If he is, stick it out and do what he tells you. If you think he’s screwing you, look for another job quietly. Just remember that job hopping looks bad on your resume, and progressive responsibility and promotion at the same company looks good, so only take this route when you’re truly stuck in a hopeless situation. Always be looking to leverage your experience for a better position either within or outside your company, but keep the whole picture in mind.

>> No.54745741

what about having to cover some of the responsibilities of the guy who left? Is that a good enough justification?

>> No.54745793

I've been here for a couple years, so I don't think it would look bad to leave at this point, although a promotion obviously looks better.

At the moment I'm leaning towards phrasing it like "X just left, and he had a much better title than me, even though our roles were largely the same. Now that he's gone and I'm covering his responsibilities, I would like to be promoted to his role, including a title change and a pay bump."