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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 253 KB, 1224x539, 2 homes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54733131 No.54733131 [Reply] [Original]

explain, cityshit?

>> No.54733181
File: 274 KB, 600x572, eyerollpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again

Just waiting on chicago anon now

>> No.54733193

you're never going to move there. and even if you did, you'd still be a miserable autistic retard.

>> No.54733213
File: 304 KB, 1080x1951, 20230322_192410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54733269

everyone on biz is from illinois

why wouldn't I

>> No.54733413
File: 678 KB, 893x757, ajman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain, westoid
>29k usd

>> No.54733452

based, I hate women

>> No.54735366
File: 309 KB, 1221x546, based wv pioneer chad life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54735426

There’s no decent hookers out there. No decent women to at all

>> No.54735454

kidnap women from other states

>> No.54735486

>non-western building codes
enjoy your asbestos

>> No.54735514
File: 288 KB, 680x383, have sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both homes need a lot of work
>under $20k
ok so
>dead animals
>animal shit
>fucked up foundation
>fucked up walls
>fucked up floors
>fucked up ceilings
>fucked up roof

by the time you're done, you'll have spent as much money into the materials, or paid workers & materials, as you would have just buying one in good shape. do you have a very lucrative deal on building materials? Or maybe a contractor? Or both?

>> No.54735522

look at the listings, the homes are perfectly livable

>> No.54735536

the very picture you posted reads
>both homes need a lot of work

>> No.54735620

Ugly and cheap looking wood panelling, proper homes are made of brick

>> No.54735653

need and want means different things to different people

a faggot might want to paint the house pink, an austist might want to redo every part of the house to make it look "good"

but some people just want a place to sleep and don't really give a shit about most of that, so if you're a 18 to 35 year old male which frequents this website, chances are you don't really give a shit about what a normie faggot considers "livable"

>> No.54735661

are you a woman

>> No.54735759

nick is literally live now with a guy that builds homes, why tf are you asking biz?

>> No.54735816

I'm not asking biz anything other than why cityshits keep buying properties that are vastly inflated

me and nick have a polar opposite strategy, he's a cityfag who sells antiques and cares about furniture and rugs, and I'm a rural chad who wants to buy hunting property for less than 100k

>> No.54735967

true, you would be right at home in a place like this!

>> No.54735990

>retired coal miner buys himself a box to live in
>mining dies
>town dies
>full of meth users and people on government assistance
>buy trailer
>live with them
Why though?

>> No.54736010

I'm a white male from a city where almost every house is brick, and shitbox shanties like this eyesore are thankfully not found

>> No.54736018

>needs a lot of work
why do anons always do this
>you can't afford a house? look, this house is only 17k!
>needs ten of thousands of dollars worth of repairs to be habitable

>> No.54736021
File: 373 KB, 1123x479, uae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh shit how is ajman these days? People prefer sharjah or dubai. I am guessing this is in the middle of a desert.

Half way to fujairah
It ain't that bad, buldings are made of cement blocks, are pretty sturdy.
The con is you don't own your build unless you are a UAE national. You can lease for 100 years though and have sand in your asshole.

>> No.54736038

Tear that shit down and rebuild everything from the foundation up.

>> No.54736074

Also extremely cheap labor

>> No.54736084

that costs money and I'm not goyim, I'd rather build it myself
needs work for faggot boomers and genx, who care about looks more than function
ok slave
yes because I'm a man
because you can't afford anything else

>> No.54736192

>posts a house that literally looks a scene from a lightgun game, complete with bullet holes and meth-heads

>> No.54736234
File: 12 KB, 431x352, 1283746384526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defends what looks like cottonpicker shacks
>calls others a slave

>> No.54736270

can retire after working for 5 years, vs can never retire but his house looks "nice"

yea, it's clear you have no balls

>> No.54736307

Do you know what will happen to your mind while living there? Being surrounded by trailer trash meth heads at the absolute bottom of the income bracket will make you go insane. They are LITERALLY insane from their drug addictions and solitary lifestyle. Have you ever lived with people like this? It’s not pleasant because they don’t follow societal norms.

>> No.54736315

jewish fantasy

>> No.54736326

>both homes need a lot of work
so, in other words, both homes need to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch

>> No.54736329

not really, they have a ton of pictures up

>> No.54736375

yeah, those pictures don't show the damage that's been done to the roof, the electrical problems, the plumbing issues, etc. etc. that exists in a home like this
There's a reason these 2 homes are being listed for $17k anon - they're not fucking livable in their current state, and the owners know it, they're just trying to sell it for the bare minimum cost to pay off their outstanding debts and to be rid of their property tax burdens

>> No.54736411

if you make up a bunch of problems it's easier to justify

>> No.54736491

third world country, it looks like a slightly smaller and nicer osama bin laden compound

>> No.54736717

This would be $550k minimum in CA and you would get 1 acre if you're lucky in a 50's neighborhood.

>> No.54738181
File: 578 KB, 1896x760, white flight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specifically don't you like about a 33% white and 82% Democrat city that has lost 900k residents since 1950?

>> No.54738420

The listing pictures were taken in a dry summer day when there is no mold or no water leaking from the roof. The house might be creaky like a medieval ship during strong winds.
If it was made out of bricks I would agree with you and suck it up.

>> No.54738480
File: 829 KB, 963x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price is now $19,900. Too many /biz/ views got them greedy. Aluminum siding is bonus for scrapper.

Move to ohio instead

>> No.54739803

Ohio isn't that cheap so that's 50 percent n words or more

>> No.54739821

Ah over 7.5 percent, that's in the dangerzone

>> No.54739860


>> No.54741442


>> No.54741481

Pretty great city tbqh.
>has lost 900k residents since 1950
Has dramatically turned around, but you have to look at demographic change to see that more clearly. the suburban population is relatively stable, if not up slightly, but the city is flat because black residents are leaving whereas wealthier, white residents are moving in

>> No.54743202
File: 140 KB, 1068x780, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose 444k white people
>38k come back
>dramatic turnaround

Hilarious cope.

>> No.54743228

Someone is holding heavy chitown bags