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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54728840 No.54728840 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the us have long lines for everything?

>> No.54728874

Because it's a collapsing turd world morbidly obese brown shithole

>> No.54728900

It's called a queue, not a line.

>> No.54728920

nigger cattle feeding hour. if you're too stupid to recognize this and visit the goyslop feed troughs at off-peak times, you are nigger cattle.

>> No.54728954

Resources are not allocated with regard to need, but according to an arcane calculus that's ultimately a function of our weird demography bullshit.

>> No.54729015

Because there aren’t many people left in America with a sense of pride, duty, honor, and urgency. It’s all just law of the jungle and “I’m gon gets meinzzz” mentalities now.

>> No.54729034

Because you live in a hellhole aka a city.

>> No.54729967

Mfw I get a call from my kid's lardass elementary school teacher this afternoon
>um hello anon, your son has upset one of his class mates when he called his bologna sandwich "goyslop"
>frankly it upsets #metoo
>we're going to have to ask you to come in to discuss your child's behavior

>> No.54730105

I audibly kek’d in the office and now co-worker that works in HR wants to know what has me cracking up, this kek may cost me.

>> No.54730129

Raising my sons to be little Putlers is going to be hilarious

>> No.54730154

Wages haven't even remotely kept up with inflation, so the only people left staffing those places can't be asked to give a shit. Pride and efficiency have gone out the window.

>> No.54730189

Is that you sitting alone at the Carl's Jr everyday kek?
>TH4NKK captchuh

>> No.54730237

How old are you? No troll. I lack that perspective. This has unfortunately been my experience here in this country my entire life

>> No.54731256
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>surely this larp will get epic upboats on a financial forum
Verification not required.

>> No.54732103
File: 790 KB, 2000x1502, plembo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only true PLEBS skip the lines

>> No.54732213

There are hardly any white people of working age left in the US anymore.
Euro-Americans are 40% of the population and their average age is in the 60s.
Most of US service workers are imported. That's how bad their labor problem is. If you walk through an airport you will see an assortment of Somalis, Arabs, and South Americans working at fast food places. It's honestly bizarre. These aren't "highly skilled" workers, the US has to import people just to literally flip burgers. Anyways, that's why there are huge wait times. They're incompetent and retarded.
Oh and we also have an exploding child labor problem since we opened the floodgates. 12 year olds slicing off their fingers in meat packing plants like it's the 1880s. That's progress baby.

>> No.54732281

This stuff always comes down to supply and demand, and Americans are cheapskates who would rather wait on line than fork over more cash

>> No.54732322

labor market a shit

>> No.54732353

100 million old people and 100 million low IQ shitskin migrants to serve them with 150 million 'normal' people/kids running around. There are too many people and too many of them are retarded.

>> No.54732391

Truly, America is becoming a third world country due to non-European immigrants

>> No.54732414 [DELETED] 

>Euro-Americans are 40% of the population and their average age is in the 60s.
There are 190 million out of 353 million, plus off the boats illegals, it will not be 40% until 2080.

>> No.54732423

>Rule #1 for successful business make sure there is always a line

>> No.54732443

>Euro-Americans are 40% of the population and their average age is in the 60s.
Do you just pull stuff out of your ass? 44 yo. I guess you're just a doomer who bought into the "whites are dying!" meme.

>> No.54732459

22, I'm european though

>> No.54732536

That's the median, which is useless.
>Do you just pull stuff out of your ass?
Actually it came from Pew Research

>> No.54732715

You and “your” son sound very intelligent.

>> No.54733494

Capitalism. There's like 4 cities in this country that 340ish million people are trying to live in. The rest of the country is depressed and gutted. Unless you like gas stations and boarded up strip malls you're paying $2,000mo rent in a few coastal meme cities. The only reason we live here is because we're monolingual which means we're ignorant of other societies and can't leave.


>> No.54733587

>paying $2000 a month to live where you can hear poverty language being spoken

>> No.54733932

never mass-reply to me again, loser.

>> No.54733951

but I think he's referring to euros being able to travel from France to Germany etc.

>> No.54734303
File: 412 KB, 1280x1100, jd-KMgN8pk9xjVmejNoeRclf4Jphtyti98Rkd8r8p5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cultural thing, the people in line leave space in between them to respect other peoples personal space. It elongate the line, but makes it more comfortable for the people in the line.

>> No.54734325

frogs can't travel anywhere, they only speak their own african dialect (french), a language no one in europe outside of france understands