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File: 14 KB, 800x400, Flag-Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54727866 No.54727866 [Reply] [Original]

>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
>>How are your investments performing?

>> No.54727874

I'm black

>> No.54727922
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>>>How is your life doing?
Not good, not horrible. Could be a lot better but also could be a lot worse. In my thirties and living with my parents.
>>>How much do you earn?
Nothing, I am unemployed.
>>>How are your investments performing?

>> No.54728609

>Alright. Could be better, could be worse.
>Slightly under 70K
>I’m out of the markets, saving up and building some investment money
>Single. Seeing a girl I quite like, but it seems like she just wants causal relations.

>> No.54728664

>>Never worked in my life
>>Pretty good shorting everything atm
>>She's gorgeous
All that considered i'm getting the fuck out first opportunity and my gf is on board

>> No.54728680

Pretty good. I work at Tim Hortons and have a 19yr old white gf. I'm Indian btw.

>> No.54728706

is welfare really that good in canada?

>> No.54728717
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>> No.54728746

>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
Nothing but will be earning $15 soon just got hired
>>How are your investments performing?
Mediocre, Mina on Kraken.

>> No.54728785

No, also it's very expensive to live in Canada.
Not to mention, a lot of people typical go out of their way to live in high COL areas like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Making it that much harder for people to get by, when they're on social assistance (welfare).

>> No.54728793

Not on welfare kek but i should probably look into it. I have a good stack from selling shit and buying crypto

>> No.54728830

Depends on the province, we're getting $3k/month here in BC but that's for a family of three.

>> No.54728835

is it actually considered up there with Toronto and Vancouver now?!

>> No.54728839

>>How is your life doing?


>>How much do you earn?


>>How are your investments performing?



Cheating on 4 women

>> No.54728866

>>>How is your life doing?
doing ok financially, doing bad physically, need to lose weight and eat better and exercise. i sit in front of a computer screen for 18 hours a day.
still renting, paying about $1600/month for a 2bedroom and i live alone. neighbours are loud as fuck and i get a lot of street noise from a nearby busy intersection.
would like a house but at these prices it's just too absurd, they'd have to keep going up 4% a year to be worth throwing all my money into a down payment.
thinking about visiting thailand this year to see if i could retire there or just live cheaply and try to do indie gamedev, i probably need to wait for next crypto bull market before making that move since i'm pretty close to the edge of what would be viable but can't withdraw from rrsp without taking a tax hit and I'd be kinda fucked if everything crashes.
>>>How much do you earn?
up to 94k/year for a software dev job that goes between cozy do nothing and busy as fuck every other month, starts at 70k 8 years ago, feels like i could do better if i seriously tried to job hunt but i'm shit at interviewing and phoning it into my job is the path of least resistance.
they're trying to get everyone back in the office now 5 days a week but i only do 1 day, and remote the rest of the week, feel like my ceo and manager are going to get pissy about it soon but so far they're chill.
>>>How are your investments performing?
up to about 100k rrsp, 100k tfsa, 200k crypto
could be better, could be worse.
single for the past decade and haven't spoken to a single woman for the past 5 years

>> No.54728889

>>How is your life doing?
Kinda shit.

>>How much do you earn?

>>How are your investments performing?
I have a GIC and a TFSA which in total is worth 100k (inherited money) that will make me about $4500 a year currently.

lol lmao. Haven't even flirted with a woman in over a decade.

>> No.54728962

It's definitely up there with higher COL areas. However, the main reason I mentioned it, is because the anon (not Canadian) likely only knows our large Canadian cities. So saying Markham or Etobicoke seems nonsensical, even if those places have a higher COL than Montreal.
I live in Sask so those are all ridiculously expensive to live in, in comparison.

>> No.54729354

>>How is your life doing?
Bad, I live in a basement and move into a trailer in the summer

>>How much do you earn?

>>How are your investments performing?
Basically flat

None, although I'm not a virgin I have given up on relationships

>> No.54729511

over 300k
so much goes in taxes
amount i save is less than housing goes up
concerned for my kids' future

>> No.54729513

27M Life’s good, stuck in an apartment for 4 years.

94k salary, 50 % bonus with some good hire on options vesting this spring.

Quarter of a million dollars capital losses declared for 2022. 900k NW. Chainlink maxi for this year.

Serial monagamist in relationship for 3 years. Girls hit on me lots which builds confidence. I feel bad for incels and want to help men find their way in a world that is cruel to them.

Fuck NuCanada fuck Trudeau.

>> No.54729559

You on disability welfare?

>> No.54730869

I cannot get welfare because I quit my last job, hence the living with parents thing

>> No.54731188

>How is your life doing?
Alright. Going back to uni in my late 20s because I realized blue collar work here will never keep up with our clowned inflation
>How much do you earn?
I get enough NEETbux to study
>How are your investments performing?
I tethered up in early 2022, so better than most I suppose.
Got dumped last November. I'm fairly chad-lite so my options will be unlimited in uni, but I wanna focus on getting some actual skills, as I'm getting old. Hopefully I have the willpower to avoid zoomer thots this fall.

>> No.54731196


>> No.54731258
File: 3.48 MB, 1916x1033, canadian tax collectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am financially destroyed. These harpies just couldnt be happy with what they had and want more more more. Its literally their job to collect taxes and they protest because they cant collect enough taxes. All the system pimps are sticking their hand out for more money from the workers.

>> No.54731360

You live on 8k a year on real welfare.

>> No.54731462

The canucks close their eyes as the earthworm of communism is growing

>> No.54732184
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>>How is your life doing?
Pretty decent considering, putting a small mobile home on my parents'farm
>>How much do you earn?
Around 65k before taxes
>>How are your investments performing?
Very happily married, been with each other for almost 7 years now

>> No.54733790

maybe 100k gross
only down like 25%
cranky, complains/whines about 12 hours a day

>> No.54733872

It's not awful if you can score subsidized housing and work for the top up. I often fantasize about returning to that lifestyle if I found myself on my own.

>> No.54734093
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>>How is your life doing?
It’s ok. Got my first “real” job, I’m in my early 30s. Highest paying (still low) I ever got, and it’s with a company thats perfect for my future as I’m doing an accounting program starting September.
>>How much do you earn?
>>How are your investments performing?
Don’t have any, never had any extra income. Gonna start maxing out a TFSA, maybe put that in a low risk investment.
Non-existent. I haven’t been on a date in years. Women here are so fucking entitled and flakey. I just go to escorts every now and then.

>> No.54734100

cana- what?
all i know is this place is run by China

>> No.54734149

Really good


Very well

I get my dick sucked and dinner made

And I’m not Canadian so it’s even better

>> No.54734261
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Just paid off mortgage on 2 bedroom condo
Have a 1 year old
Fairly shitty job/wage, wife earns good money though kek
In an expensive city in ontario, will probably move elsewhere because houses here are 800k+
50/50 crypto/cash atm. If I do well in the next bullrun I'll get us a house somewhere.

>> No.54734803

>Really good so far, this year has been great in terms of career, health and dating im 25 btw.
>63K before tax, could be better but I’m gunning for a promotion that would push me to 75K but will come with more work….
>Been seeing a girl who is doing a bullshit phd in psychology or something but she is sweet but always busy with school.

>> No.54735201
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>>How is your life doing?
Pretty good, Anon - thanks for asking! I just graduated from my 4 year BA and hired onto a new PM role. Family took me out to a real nice dinner. Moving out with my GF at end of month into a nice townhouse downtown our city. Looking at engagement rings for my GF and I’m starting to get over my crippling health anxiety with the help of meds and meditation. FeelsGoodMan.

>>How much do you earn?
Over 70k and I work from home permanently.

>>How are your investments performing?
I’m deep red in GME, DRS’d and everything. I’m not expecting MOASS, but I do think that it will squeeze again quite soon. I like the stock.

I recently put 4K into Nintendo Stock @ $10.18. Hoping I get some more tendies during their earnings by the time I buy my Gf her ring.
Been with my GF for 7 years. We went back to school to better our education during COVID, and it’s been worth it. I haven’t been able to propose while being a student, so now that I’m done school, moving out, and have a great job, I’m finally going to pop the question.

>> No.54735410

I have a mortgage and I'm set to make $100k this year all together, feels good bending the government over a barrel.

>> No.54735416

correctional officer. 100 + K a year. I work in a women prison and see tits and pussy all night long during tours.

>> No.54735970
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>> No.54735999

imagine the smell

>> No.54736034

Can't trade margin, going to lose futures access soon from most major exchanges. Country forces you to try and love trannies. Constant immigration draining Canadians of their money while they provide nothing in return. No doctors and garbage healthcare. Insanely high taxes. I live in the maritime which used to have low cost of living but now it's rising a shit ton because people out west realized they can work remote and sell their million dollar shacks to live in a 300-500k mansion here. This country is a shit hole and I've been trying to scope out where to go.

I make 80k a year but got a huge windfall of cash from crypto and other investments.

Stocks not great, crypto I sold the top and only recently started buying again.

Partner for 12 years - won't ever get married as it's a scam even if she's a good lil autistic gf.

>> No.54736353

So so, alright, okay

>> No.54736499

>How is your life doing?
okay I guess, switched degrees so I'm going into engineering but I'll gradue at age 27 and inherit 400k of debt from my parents who took a mortgage at age 55 lmao. also trying to leave this wasteland of a country but not much better places to go desu
>How much do you earn?
student right now so I'm living off the student grants and loans but I want to start a little business this summer and get into crypto too. was thinking about opening a clothing ecommerce store, no idea if that's even a thing that can work out lol
>How are your investments performing?
tried fucking around stocks and lost some money, hopefully crypto is less cringe
muslim, i'll kms if I don't find a wife before I'm 25

>> No.54736523

fucking checked
>>How is your life doing?
Wasting my 20s slaving not enjoying any momet

>>How much do you earn?
330-340k roughly

>>How are your investments performing?
Not bad but would like to put more towards it.
wtf is that

>> No.54736628

>>How is your life doing?
Pretty good year, moved in our first house 2 months ago in the middle of nowhere, like the rural lifestyle vs appartment living.
>>How much do you earn?
83k last year, 130k household if I include my fiancee.
>>How are your investments performing?
+6% YTD, just whatever mutual funds are offered in my work DCPP.
Fiancee since 2016. CBF marrying her yet, would rather put the money paying off our cars and renovating the house a little. Will marry her eventually when we can actually afford the ceremony she deserves. She's pregnant with our second, due late October early November.

>> No.54736728

>>How is your life doing?
Okay. Accepted a job in Halifax and will be moving in a few months. Not looking forward to the high taxes in NS tho
>>How much do you earn?
Will be making 85k/yr but probably net 55k cause of the shit provincial taxes.
>>How are your investments performing?
Liquidated my portfolio mainly because the world is about to plunge into a deep recession given the yield curve and mass amounts of layoffs happening. Might buy a house in Quebec in a few years if real estate is still cheap there
Single but it gives me opportunity to do what I want. Planning on cycling through Switzerland in a few months

>> No.54736799

>>How is your life doing?
Pretty good I go swimming after work
>>How much do you earn?
around 80k
>>How are your investments performing?
Down 90%
Gf left me last month now living alone

>> No.54736901


Our welfare system is so bad we have disabled people being talked into "medically assisted death" aka the state killing them for being poor and a burden.

The myth of Canada being this decent or even good place is dead. It stopped being even slightly true probably 20-25 plus years ago. It still persists across the world - the same way people think we're all friendly - but the reality is that here in Canada we're all suffering, people are broke, everyone is miserable, our political parties are all useless, there is no infrastructure development or economic growth opportunities. We are one of the richest countries on the planet from natural resources, but our retarded left wing woke politicians refuse to allow this to be exploited to better our nation (it could be exploited in environmentally safe ways for the most part too) because it would hurt them in the polls. Meanwhile the right decided to try US style populism and jumped on the culture war bandwagon, so they're useless too.

This place is fucked.

>> No.54736940

>people are broke, everyone is miserable, our political parties are all useless, there is no infrastructure development or economic growth opportunitie

The sad thing is that basically goes for almost all Western countries. Once the recession/possible depression hits that will only get far worse

>> No.54737044

>Cheating on 4 women

>> No.54737070

>wtf is that
are married or not?
do you have gf?

>> No.54737094

inb4 they're a woman

>> No.54737110

105k in finance (toronto)
dating a really rich girl (daddy has 50 million+), oi think i mad it

>> No.54737119


>How is your life doing?
pretty good cant complain

>How much do you earn?
2022 t4 was about 160k gross

>How are your investments performing?
im like 75% broad equities via index funds, which are obviously down from late '21 peak but I also slurped a decent chunk at the COVID lows so overall lifetime gains still up decently 20% or so

the remainder is cash and crypto. Been DCAing into BTC over the past 8 months or so and up decently on that. Over longer 5 year period up massively on crypto and have pulled a decent chunk of profits out to redeploy into equities/home purchase


>> No.54737130

What's this about no longer being able to trade on margin?

>> No.54737180
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>>How is your life doing?
so far okayish.
>>How much do you earn?
$60k. Want to do another job + a side business.
>>How are your investments performing?
Got in BTC at 19k, but my goal is to pool in upto $50k by 2024. At any BTC price. Stocks are moderatl
My mom-dad will get me a good moderately attractive tradwife from India next year. I don't have to chase girls.

>> No.54737239

>tradwife from India

>> No.54737282

Hope it works out for you bro