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File: 50 KB, 458x733, 1659282475528921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54725355 No.54725355 [Reply] [Original]

hey mev trannies, pay up

>> No.54725394

Uhh where did you get this from?

>> No.54725403

based, inspect element or actual testnet?

>> No.54725443

Is defi about to get a whole lot easier?

>> No.54725459
File: 283 KB, 1000x2040, 1653687298107570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mev trannies really thought this was "grassroot and punk"

>> No.54725460

plz dont be photoshop

>> No.54725481
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>> No.54725498
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>Vitalik's office chair clattering noises

>> No.54725510

still expecting to get rich from chainlink is definitely "bluepilled and cringe" though

>> No.54725525

go to bed, Vitalik

>> No.54725533

ummm its debased and uncringed now get with the times boomer

>> No.54725605

Based. Chainlink is the future of finance. It solves the lambo problem. I'm gonna buy an entire harem of pajeetas and have them lick my taint every night. Sergey is a LEGEND.

>> No.54726002

>It solves the lambo problem
2 more weeks my cuckold marines!

>> No.54726053
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nastyslob is a top notch knob polisher
I fucked his throat last night and nastyslob asked for 10 more loads as a snack
he's insatiable when it comes to calories down his throat

>> No.54726061
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Link cuckolds will touch their chastity cages and precum thinking about this

>> No.54726083

the thought of their nastyslob dom getting throat fucked is too much for a link cuckold to handle

>> No.54726086
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>C-cuck, you're a cuck!

>> No.54726095
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>> No.54726112

Remember when Phil Daian asked Hasu and Vitalik whether they would prefer to do a transaction on a Flashbots exchange or an FSS one?
Dead silence. gakonst cracking up. Mahimna saying that he was the only one in the chat that didn’t have a vested interest in the shittier option.
It’s finally happening. Fuck the MEV cartel.

>> No.54726122

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags get outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for sub par bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey Nastyslob who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you.

Thus the cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54726141

>Mahimna saying that he was the only one in the chat that didn’t have a vested interest in the shittier option
didnt this happen years ago?

>> No.54726212

There was a very similar situation in a debate between Phil and Mahimna, but the time I’m referring to was in 2021 in a zoom that had Vitalik as well. I’ll share the link in a couple of hours when I get home.

>> No.54726314

Checked but either fake + gay or who the fuck is so incompetent over there. Fuck me do they have openings for spell checkers?

>> No.54726335

chainlink shills are nothing but ESL cuckolds

>> No.54726377

please do share the source

>> No.54726381

There really is no debate that's why they were silent. Appreciate a link if you can post anon thanks

>> No.54726401

I'm going to need sauce friend. If this is indeed real I'm going to tug myself off until I collapse.

>> No.54726445

found it

>> No.54726633

Oh yeah I remember listening to this. Bunch of scammers shat in the commons and expect everyone to eat there because they can't distinguish between users market and the money VC capital and pass blame on to this distortion as if that solves the problem.
Are people stupid? Yea.
Is it moral to design systems to take advantage of their stupidity? No.
These fags are no better than the current kikes I swear to god.
And why the fuck doesnt Mahimna have bags?

>> No.54726645
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got a link? I need to see this. Also, is there any source for OP's image or are we just ignoring it...?

>> No.54726660
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>> No.54727011


>> No.54727106

kek, is it actually happening? Sergey just floods the market with an explosion of product launches? What is the source for OP pic

>> No.54727114

>is it actually happening
yes, marine. Link will pump...in just 2 more decades

>> No.54727168

less then one percent of network fee goes to fss of which what a third being optimistic could flow to value capture of the actual mc
thats pretty low, they really could get away with more considering how much money they will be saving users with this
i am willing to believe a testnet by and for techies has spelling errors

>> No.54727195

>of which a third could flow to value capture of the actual mc
Literally what?
Explain the mechanics of this.

>> No.54727238

well nobody has any idea really, but in the graphs that have leaked there are 3 parties to receive the funds so i said optimistically a third to stakers

>> No.54727246

>less then one percent of network fee goes to fss
proofs? Where did you find this info?

>> No.54727255

> And why the fuck doesnt Mahimna have bags?
That’s the most baffling part for me. Dude, you work with Ari all day. How the fuck do you not have any link or arb.

>> No.54727264

I suppose you are basing that off OP's image, which we still have no source for lol

>> No.54727278

He does, it just in a seperate trust or some other legal entity.

It how rich people say they’re poor.

>> No.54727314

Why do you lads insist on typing out your weird sexual fantasies in threads about oracle technologies?

>> No.54727329
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anon where did you get this image?
It implies that uniswap is working with chainlink to include the MEV option in their UI, or else chainlink created their own swap UI

>> No.54727334

>so i said optimistically a third to stakers
But how does this relate to any "value capture"?

The reason this is bullish is because it makes people want to buy tokens, supply and demand.

>> No.54727349

I’ve been a professional psychiatrist for the past decade, let me please enlighten you on the delusions of so called Link Marines.

These group of bagholders exhibit clear signs of paranoia and schizophrenia towards the outside world. The so called “FUDDERS” are just a figment of their imagination, there is no global Bulgarian conspiracy to suppress their token but they have decided to double down on their delusions rather than admit they were wrong after 6 years. This is obviously a clear sign of stark cognitive dissonance.

Moreover the constant white knighting towards Sergey clearly symbolizes some sort of financial submissiveness fetish they have. I personally call it the bagholder Stockholm Syndrome. Instead of blaming the dev Link Marines would rather idolize him and elevate him as the cult leader while attacking anyone else that questions his “authority”.

There is no doubt that Link Marines have also a quite peculiar sexual fetish towards cuckoldry. The amount of rage and anger this word triggers is a clear indicating factor that the cuckold nature of the Link Marine is a true reality. As Freud said, the sexual fetishes a person exhibits are a clear reminder of a person’s true desire. After years of studying these so called bagholders…I have concluded with absolute certainty that Link Marines are cuckolds.

>> No.54727415

ops imagine anon its not that hard to figure out and yes we have no way of knowing its authenticity so its all just speculation

>But how does this relate to any "value capture"?
if stakers get real yield from income rather than token inflation thats a legitimate value proposition, now we can value the token like it was a stock with pe or eps
the mc should then be a multiple of the income expected, which gives its valuation a fundamental reasoning and not a purely speculative one, this is a huge deal for crypto

>> No.54727453

>if stakers get real yield from income rather than token inflation thats a legitimate value proposition
That's in no way a systemic thing, especially with Chainlink whose tokenomics are at their core inherently non-inflationary.

For some reason people have the idea that Chainlink requires a "value capture" element, even though virtually zero cryptos out there have ever had such a thing.
And not only that, but those same people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a "value capture" element even looks like.

>> No.54727546

very low fees is how they could convince uniswap and users to switch to a chainlink powered front-end
the goal should be to keep adoption growing
they could end up dominating the dex layers, alongside every other vertical they service, which is crazy to think about
if all dexes and dex relays end up relaying through fss this will also be a direct pipeline to further integration like ccip
the mev mafia, wont easily go along with a chainlink takeover, unless it's still win-win for them
meanwhile fss fees would just be subset of their total collected fees via other service offerings, like price feeds, vrf, and of course deco and ccip, build and scale, etc
just like price feeds were initially free to use and now they're making deals to receive 1% of fees generated by all protocols, once fss is proven they can bump up the price a bit so it's fair reward instead of subsidies at a loss, but the cll model is to start with subsidies while they prove resilience and then the market can decide if they wanna pay up to continue playing or going back to absurd sandwiching
i think the biggest deal will be how they decide to price in ccip, i think 0.1% or up to 1% would still be extremely cheap for what it will allow, instead of a flat fee per call or subscription model

>> No.54727600

Is there any proof they're actually exploiting it? I've used flashbots rpc endpoint and it seems to have a fair ordering sequence most of the time.
I do suspect some preferential treatment for the top MEV bots that you can see on etherscan, but is there proof these guys are behind it? Also fb isn't the only provider, you also have fags like EDEN, manifold and I think bloxroute and some others. Is vitalik also profiting directly from them? If so, how?

>> No.54727629

>i think 0.1% or up to 1% would still be extremely cheap
thats my point its extremely cheap, its in relation to total costs of transaction from the op if the guy is paying 7.68 usd in total fees, fss could get away with more than 5 cents and still be dirt cheap, but yes volume will definitely make up for it

anyways the source for ops imagine appears to be twitter fags sharing it, so it looks like a uniswap testnet leak and op at least didnt fake the image himself
if it does turn out to be fake assume someone will counter it soon since it is spreading

and almost all crypto is speculative except for eth soon, thats way we always liked chainlink for bringing real yield
and the tokenomics of link right now are still inflationary with about half of the tokens still in cll control to be distributed at will and early staking being mostly funded from here

you know its a sad state of affairs that twitter of all things is better for crypto discussions but at least there the shills cant hide liek they do here you can always go back through post history and see the value of the people commenting unlike the utterly shilled/fuddded to death place this has become

>> No.54727683

>and almost all crypto is speculative

>thats way we always liked chainlink
The problem is people start to lower the standard for Chainlink compared to the rest of the market.
Everyone keeps asking "but how does this capture value for the Link token", but this same level of scrutiny almost never applies to any other crypto; including BTC, ETH, ...
Meaning it takes a hell of a lot more for people to start getting hyped for Chainlink.

>> No.54727695
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>comparing Bitcoin to a premined Russian ponzi scheme printed out of thin air
why are shitcoiners like this lmao

>> No.54727708

>just apply a double standard bro, it's cool haha

And it's not just BTC; nobody ever asks about the "value capture" of any other coin either.

>> No.54727771

do you want this, do you want a short lived hype cycle or sustained growth
just look at quant, yes link is hold to higher standards and thanks to the fud which started here we will not get a hype pump anytime soon, so we will have to go on fundamentals

>> No.54727839

>do you want this, do you want a short lived hype cycle or sustained growth
Shit like QNT and BNB were the same price as Link four years ago (around 20 cents), but they reached mid-triple digits.
And after the crypto crash they are still triple digits.
Link on the other hand never reached triple digits, but still lost 90+% from the top.

Clearly QNT and BNB for instance had more sustainable growth than Chainlink.

>> No.54727897

(how does vitalik profit from arbitrum/sandwich attacks though?)

>> No.54727933

I understand this reference.

>> No.54727983

Truly a beautiful dance.

>> No.54727986

sauce damnit

I got such a high from last year's Smartcon when they demoed FSS. Every DEX has to run it or they'll lose customers to those who don't because it's literally more profitable for users to use an FSS DEX.

The mental gymnastics people would go through to justify MEV will finally come to an end (for sandwiching transactions in DEXes).

>> No.54727999

well then go and buy quant right now anon and save yourself the pain of holding link

>> No.54728045
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checked though

>> No.54728589

FSS will kill Uniswap. MEV is the only way market makers turn a profit

>> No.54728922

why? The AMM would continue to function and LPs would continue to get paid fees. The only difference I can see is that users would experience less slippage and volume would decrease if the sandwich attacks stop.

>> No.54729134
File: 86 KB, 720x814, E4D53BBA-6679-467D-B34B-1495B82B6B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The QNT pump and LINK dump after sibos was one of the more demoralizing incidents we've had to endure, although it was so absurd it was funny in a morbid sort of way.

>> No.54729359
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Oh no not muh beautiful dance! Might be a good time to revisit the Ari article that made all the eth trannies seethe:

>> No.54729375
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>> No.54729418
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Fuck 'em.

>> No.54729440
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FSS coming to snap your necks and sever your spines.

>> No.54729451
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>> No.54729466
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>> No.54729514

noice memory dump anon

>> No.54729712
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dabbing on the MEV trannies

>> No.54730070

Bump for trannie spam rage

>> No.54730186
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Daily reminder that FUD posters not only post 10+ FUD threads, but they also reply to each other and even pretend to be genuine LINK holders. Right now, they're discussing a fake image just to FUD post. Yes, they're this pathetic.

>> No.54730207

Pink Boys are fucking losers lmao. I haven't seen worse brokie bottom feeders ever actually.

>> No.54730548

They are vile, disgusting, perverse, vulgar, and obnoxious. They are certainly not men of God.

>> No.54730803
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>> No.54730829
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>> No.54730891
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I have more money than you or your discord has combined
How does it feel, bottomfeeder? Brokie

>> No.54730945
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>> No.54730973

Hey cuckold, how many Link do you have?

I want to laugh at how badly you're down kek

>> No.54730991

>You're shilling doesn't work

>> No.54731025

nothing that I said was wrong
>they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.54731307

first bought at 91 cents. i had a 10k suistack and like a retard i gave it to that khazarian scaminsky. ill never see those links again

i purely and simply deserved everything that happened to me

>> No.54731357
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>blocks your path
>frontruns your pathetic stinky linky fee
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.54731428

low iq and high iq antisemites stay winning
midwits get the rope
a tale as old as time

>> No.54731663

Sold 1k at 40dollars which made me more money than you have ever seen.
Now I have 3 staking wallets full pumping LINK.
I could buy you and your discord faggot friends since you are worth nothing, less than nothing actually being broke and mentally ill

>> No.54731853

>kms over money
yeah right the suffering has enhanced my vitality
but it has given me pause on the jq.
im not 1488 levels yet,
i am neutro-semitic

>> No.54732479

Call me a schizo but I 100% believe this event was orchestrated to be as demoralizing as possible, it also coincided with QNT shills on twitter fudding LINK.

>> No.54733453

No because they never release anything just talk about it.

>> No.54734494
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Adelyn did it again!

>> No.54734520

>Mahinma: follow the money.

>> No.54735906

Great thread. First in a long time.

>> No.54735944
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Mev rapists deserve to rot

>> No.54737247

>reminder that if you have enough LINK you can Indecent Proposal any couple you want and not worry about the negative side effects
Cucking my jewish friend wound up with him trying to consent to PvP flagging in chicago via SMS, but I'm not stupid enough to return any semblance of aggression as it would make murder fair game per this city's stupid politics

>> No.54737479


>“[are] either of you working with exclusive orderflow that you purchase & interact with in some way?”
>“I think you’d be hard pressed to find any searcher that would admit they pay for OF”
>“Ok, that’s also an interesting answer”

Hasu is the absolute definition of an extractive financebro intermediary that crypto was (ostensibly) invented to completely undermine and circumvent. No surprise given his general "retail should not be allowed to invest in anything profitable" mentality but holy shit, as long as these fuckheads are making money, crypto is failing.

>> No.54737500

Is this about Vitalik proposing that UNI become an oracle token? I'm still surprised no one ever really brought that up, it was so random and so clearly a targeted attack on Chainlink but no one cared.

>> No.54737528

It was a small insight into the seething animosity towards LINK felt by the ETH higher ups. An animosity that is generally kept very, very quiet. Read that how you like.

>> No.54737546
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>> No.54737587
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>> No.54737761

Biz thought we were fighting the nexo bulgarians, because they were so indiscrete about it
But in the end we were fighting all of the eth maffia, explains a lot really
Thats were the infinite funding comes from, also means the fight is gonna be way longer and harder

>> No.54737800

The price model is a bit naive, but based on the expectation that this would be the final price of the service with a more mature service and lower gas costs.
There is no reason a smart contract has to be executed on ETH and pay high gas costs if it goes through the Chainlink Functions DON system and select for a lower cost layer or chain with a unified ecosystem through CCIP.

Nobody will want to pay those insane ETH gas fees when they can get all the liquidity and quality of service on a layer 2, 3 or alt-chain for a few cents.
Once the gas fees will have been optimized and reduced to the minimum those Chainlink fees will look a lot higher in comparison and be a lot more stable than deflationary gas costs.

The 5 cents displayed in this service is based on an estimation of the future gas costs customers will pay for a similar service without the limitation of being forced to use ETH L1.

>> No.54737838

Nexo, Celsius, SBF, the CIA, JP Morgan, the MEV mafia, the BTC whales, CZ.
Did I forget someone?

>> No.54737873

If Chainlink Functions works as expected to make Chainlink into the interaction hub for smart contract development and a semi layer 0 abstraction layer it can take away a big chunk of the money flowing into ETH for the wrong reasons once developers won't need to care about ETH gas fees and buy them manually and can automate the process through DONs.

After CCIP will be released Chainlink Functions will have the power to select the lowest cost chain to execute transactions with the highest level of security, and can effectively strangle ETH to death and decrease the value of its security, which will then lower its gas costs.

After the MEV mafia displayed their corruption that would be a fitting end.
That 5 cent fee is the reminder of the real value of the service ETH is providing.

>> No.54737876

I thought FSS was only possible on Arbitrum, what happened?

>> No.54737906

I didn't look into it, but FSS may only need a DON oracle network.
Chainlink never developed their features to be limited to one platform only and is trying to remain open to every opportunity.

The misunderstanding with Arbitrum may have been that the nodes doing the ordering would be Chainlink nodes which would implement FSS directly into the protocol.
Having been Jewed again on this, they would have learned and made something which works as a standalone that Dapps can use directly to bypass the MEV mafia.

>> No.54739339
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>> No.54739765

This man has a crippling pornography addiction.

>> No.54739785

I hate that nigger so much it's unreal. His dumb fucking picture just annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.54741285

Nobody took Ari seriously until he put on the mask.