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54724182 No.54724182 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a long time since I've seen a useful thread!
But I cant blame you degens for it, after all I have spoiled you!

>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
>>How are your investments performing?

>> No.54724197


Ihr schlaffen Pimmel habt den alten Thread einfach sterben lassen!
Kann doch nicht sein das Ihr Neger noch nicht wach seid! Habt Ihr euch etwa dem Schlarhytmus der Araber angepasst, oder wie?

Najut, dann fange ich mal an!

>>How is your life doing?
Bescheiden, mein Stammdealer ist nicht mehr zu erreichen und ich brauch Nachschub, sowas von kein Bock wieder wie ein Stricher in der Szene rumzuhängen.

>>How much do you earn?
70K Brutto, hätte ich ein wenig mehr Motivation würde ich Job-hopping betreiben um 6stellig zu werden, aber das ist mir zu anstrengend

>>How are your investments performing?
Beschissen, der letzte Crypto-Bullrun war eine einzige Enttäuschung, dafür steigen aber die Mieteinnahmen

Wife akquiriert! Ist jetzt keine 10/10 aber ne solide 6-7 und wichtiger -bevor Ihr Kleinkinder wieder rumpimmelt - ist ne langjährige Freundin gewesen und aufjedenfall keine rumhurende Schlampe die mich wegen irgendnem Gigolo betrügen wird.

>> No.54724330

>>How is your life doing?
Fine Right nie as i‘m on holiday fit the week. Shitty if I was working lol

>>How much do you earn?
1800€ after tax. No Urlaubsgeld, Weihnachtsgeld etc. and I even have a bachelors degree, I fucked up by falling for the “do what you love and you never have to work again” meme

>>How are your investments performing?
Bad since early 2022. Pretty depressing but I never fell out of six figure hell since 2020 so I feel like I COULD make it next run? We’ll see.

Gf of 9 years earns more than me and we go to the gym together. Shit is pretty cash if you ask me, I was/am ber only boyfriend and I groomed her into frugality and investing. She was my best investment (after ethereum). Hope we can retire in our 30s on a nice island like Madeira or Cyprus or something like that.
Don’t feel like marrying since I’m libertarian and not religious.

>> No.54724390

Yes, BNDbro, see my answers below.
>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
Not enough, looking for a new job
>>How are your investments performing?
Could be worse. Thank God I play in the comfy American markets
Yes, absolutely begging for a child now. Time to make Abe-sama proud.

>> No.54724537

Geht dich nichts an du Demmlack!

>> No.54724574

Make baby?

>> No.54724663

Moin alle zusammen,

Leben ist gerad zu scheisse. Eltern haben gesundheitliche Probleme. Habe einen 60k Job nach meinem Studium und versuche jetzt zu akkumulieren.

Da sonst zu viel Curry in den ganzen Fäden ist - hat jemand gute Empfehlung für Münzen? Ich hab leider, das Gefühl dass mein Geld nicht ausreicht um mit BTC und ETH auf mehrere hunderttausend zu kommen. Ist eisige Pisse und Rosen sehen für mich gut aus, aber ich hab keine Ahnung.

>> No.54724738
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> doing ok but boring as hell
> 0, doing masters fulltime now
> another bullrun and am set
> never had a gf

Will move out of the EU after my masters

Better pay for my Uni, taxcucks :)

If i get old and sick ofc i will go back to germany and get social securitirs :)

>> No.54724786

Living in Berlin, hate it, want to move to South of Spain.
Trying to get a fully remote job since the company got me back into office
55k/year before tax as a PO. Rents are through the roof.
Going to ask my gf to marry me but I need more money.
Mother is sick and I am paying for her living expenses, so need money.
Thinking of starting ecom business and learning CRO as a gateway to get a job in an agency (work remotely) and to start with ecom.

>> No.54724911

Unidex mein Freund.
Bestes Potential

>> No.54725167

>>How is your life doing?
alright. need more money though
>>How much do you earn?
i freelance so some months I earn 6k, some months I earn zero
>>How are your investments performing?
shit. i went all in on crypto and lost most of everything
have gf but im bored of fucking her and want other girls. i feel bad cause shes a great girl

>> No.54725173

Berlin truly is hell on earth now. I loved it 5 years ago now I just hate this place and everyone in it

>> No.54725327

watch out for gypsies and morrocans.

t. im Spanish

>> No.54725339
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>>How is your life doing?
Very good, buying everything from ALDI discount counter
>>How much do you earn?
77k as devops engineer
>>How are your investments performing?
quite OK, and I am enjoying the 1 year rule

gf since 4 years from bavaria but I live in Berlin

I honestly don't know why so many on 4chan hate on Germany, it's super comfy and cheap here

>> No.54725353

>retarded landlord doubles your gas bill because he cant be bothered switching companies / contracts
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so deutsch it hurts

>> No.54725402

>How is your life doing?
Pretty good but really fucking boring.
>How much do you earn?
55k€/y before taxes as an accountant and I don't even have a bachelor in anything. It really pays off working for a Berlin company but living in Brandenburg while I can work from home.
>How are your investments performing?
Not good but I still wait for that spark that lights my fire.
I hate woman

>> No.54725430

philosophy major, finishing MA degree
>how much earn
long term gf of six years

>> No.54725472

Why are you berlin, gtfo there and move to bavaria if you want to live comfy

>> No.54725486

Why all the Berlin hate, are you all shut-in anti-social losers? lol

>> No.54725488

>>How is your life doing?
Gut, bullrun 2021 hat mich fast zum millionär gemacht. Fehlt noch ein wenig was
>>How much do you earn?
60k brutto, 4std Arbeit pro tag
>>How are your investments performing?
Gut, habe am boden im November gekauft und bin schon 2x
Gut, 8/10 Jungfrau

>> No.54725515

>shit hole
>cant ride any public transport without being confronted with mentally ill psychopaths
>terrible weather
>terrible food
>miserable insuffereable cunts who cant mind their own busniness everywhere you go
>prices rising 20% every year at least
>city is ugly as fuck
yeah cant figure it out

>> No.54725600

Yeah so sounds like you're slightly mentally ill with some underlying anxiety issues, you should work on yourself rather than lamenting how Germany's most popular city (worldwide) is a shithole
Granted of course it's gross in many ways, I wouldn't even know where to start with the benefits though

>> No.54725697

lurk moar

>> No.54725895

tell me whats I wrote thats wrong faggot
it's popular because you can party for three days straight and have regular chemsex.
the fact this city is the top germany has to offer doesnt make it good, it just means that germany is shit

>> No.54725912

>its germany's most popular city! its better than frankfurt and bremen and wilhelmshaven and duisburg!!

>> No.54726120

>Bescheiden, mein Stammdealer ist nicht mehr zu erreichen und ich brauch Nachschub, sowas von kein Bock wieder wie ein Stricher in der Szene rumzuhängen.
Was suchst denn so? Gras (unter 15g) kann man ja einfach straflos aus Holland herbestellen, sonst würd ich sagen Darkweb und gut is.

>> No.54726150

There's a 1 in 100 chance you'll encounter a "psychopath schizo" that is more than merely annoying, ie threatening, you described that person as threatening because again, you are a paranoid shut-in with anxiety issues
I granted that the city is ugly and nasty and that a lot of people are gay as fuck, it's just irrelevant for most people, for the thousands of people that move to Berlin and not out of it every year

Lol yeah, 100% better than Frankfurt, can't assess the rest, I also didn't say Berlin was the best, I said it's the most popular, I've met hundreds of 20 year old chicks that moved to Berlin to study and 0 of them are terrified by the local schizos, fucking women aren't scared of the Berlin homeless but the incel shutins on 4hcannel are ofc lmfao

>> No.54726488
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>Fine Right

>> No.54726505

So, when do we free you deutsch anons?
I've talked to many germans in my life, they are 90% unable to think, especially about history and politics. It's critical. It's 1984 out there.

How do we free you guys?
> t. frenchbro

>> No.54726549

>>terrible weather
The uk is worse. Norway, Sweden and Finland are on perma sui watch.

>> No.54726761


Why are all western governments suiciding themselves ethnically, French anon? Including my shithole, the US. Why can’t Europe and US and Canada and Aussies just be left alone :’(

>> No.54726880

>>How is your life doing?
Doing OK. Financially secure but health is somewhat flaky.

>>How much do you earn?
120.000 EUR

>>How are your investments performing?
Was up to nearly 4m and now down to 950k. Still a hell of a lot of money.

Married, two kids. A bit too comfy.

>> No.54727152

>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
68k per year. I save 2.2k eur every month.
>>How are your investments performing?
101 invested, now at 95.5k. Intel and 3M fucked me. So I'm fairly bad at it too.
Nothing. I get mired all the time, because I'm muscular and masculine but ZERO on the badoo and tinder (short which is very bad when on the apps, foreigner, not paying for boosts, can't speak German, Corona killed any chance of integration as I came right in the beginning of it and now I stopped caring)

I'm just here to earn some cash for an apartment back home (actually already have the money) , where people put the plates, in the gym, back where they did them. Or Switzerland to get even more money.

>> No.54727414

I can only warn you, you will not make any friends in Switzerland, they keep to themselves very much.

>> No.54727462

I know. I stopped caring anymore. I will suffer trough some time (if I manage to get to CH) till they allow me to work from my mismanaged Croatian shithole
When they closed down the gyms I did not speak with any living person for 3 months straight and I am usually the extrovert loudmouth that always jokes around
Wish I moved to Prague.

>> No.54727491

>>How is your life doing?
>>How much do you earn?
>>How are your investments performing?
i live off crypto, i cant believe these cucks have not added a long term crypto tax like austria did

>> No.54727512

do you know how expensive it is there?

also no 25 yo asian qts

>> No.54728257

>How much do you earn?

Ich habe überlegt Bürgergeld zu holen und die Zeit zu nutzen ein Business aufzubauen. Bin ich verrückt?

>> No.54728354

Germanoiden! Wo finde ich jemanden der mir GHB oder GBL besorgt!?

>> No.54728429

ich sag dir, wenn ich nicht so viel in crypto rumliegen hätte würde ich mich lieber alle paar wochen dem arbeitsamt etwas vorlügen, als arbeiten zu gehen. Bürgergeld ist demnach mit etwas arbeit verbunden, aber hol es dir trozdem.
Ich kann es mir leider nicht beantragen, weil ich dem finanzamt immer crypto deklariere.
Ich hoffe wir bekommen universelles grundeinkommen, die 1% der reichen bekommen das auch, aber es würde dem rest der brvölkerung mehr freiheit geben und mehr leute zum arbeiten anregen, da man nun einen tausender + was man erarbeitet bekommt. Und man kann dem arbeitgeber imemr sagen die sollen sich ficken gehen.

>> No.54728435

Berlin is a degenerate shithole, dirty and full of sandniggers and "politicians"

>> No.54728457

And berlin isnt expensive? I wasnt talking about münchen so doubt any more rural bavaria is more expensive than berlin

>> No.54728484
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Alle drecks alman ITT sollen sich alle selber in das arschloch ficken. Alhamdulillah ich schwör almans sind größten opfer auf dieser erde. Immer schön klatschen wären sie vom dem staat in den arsch gefickt werden. Aber hey soll mir recht sein kartoffeln, solange ich schön harz4 kassiere und schwarz was dazu verdienen kann für schischa bar. Also immer schön alle steuern zahlen besonders crypto steuern damit ich den amg auftanken kann. Ich schwör alamans sind so kleine drecks opfer immer wenn ich auf der straße laufe schauen alle almans auf den boden wenn ich die anschauen, echt kleine drecks cucks.

>> No.54728543

>1800€ after tax. No Urlaubsgeld, Weihnachtsgeld etc. and I even have a bachelors degree
Alter was? Ich bin nur ein dummer Mechaniker und hab 2000 netto im Osten bei nicht großer Firma ohne Schichten und Montage. Und das ist schon ein ziemlicher kack Lohn.

>> No.54728565
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guter Haftbait

>> No.54728896


>> No.54729755
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Who hurt you?

>> No.54730011

>>How is your life doing?
Shitty as always
>>How much do you earn?
3-3,5k a month after taxes, I'm a shiftslave
>>How are your investments performing?
I hold ROSE and STINK ...
Forever alone

>> No.54730037

Klingt nach einem Staatsjob, die Affen verdienen nicht viel.

>> No.54731427

>>How is your life doing?
okay, was depressed for the last years but now better
>>How much do you earn?
nothing, student leeching of parents
>>How are your investments performing?
just decided to quit crypto, made decent gains on pms though
none since 4 years...

>> No.54731701

Die kriegen aber alle Urlaubs und Weihnachtsgeld

>> No.54731982

>How is your life doing?
I still live in my parents basement at 26.
I have no girlfriend.
>How much do you earn?
58k before taxes, which is ok for having no bachelors degree but shit for what I actually do (Project Management in ECom)
However I've just started spinning up a side hussle to do some IT-Consulting on the side. I already got first 3 customers, who pay me 95€ an hour. I'm expecting to get paid an additional 2k before taxes this month.
>How are your investments performing?
My ETFs have hovered around the +- 0 mark ever since I've started investing back in may of last year. No Crypto holdings to speak off.
My CS GO skins are up like 50% over the last couple months.
About half my monies is lying liquid on my bank account losing value to inflation. I'm planning to buy an appartment next year.
>GF/Wife status
As I've said, nothing like that.
If I really want to get a gf I figure I should put in more effort into my looks.
I still have acne, I'm slightly overweight and am a manlet to boot (1.72m)
So in theory I should hit the gym and improve skincare.

>> No.54732023

Why do i have a winfo bachelor and soon master, but dont get a job?

Will apply for remote and get thai elite visa anyway, fucking boomer scammers

>> No.54732299

> no asian qts
Miscegeny is only for play, not for procreation.

>> No.54732335

>but dont get a job
Most likely because you're autistic.
You just have to be a smooth talker man.
The degree is just to get your foot in the door, the rest you do with experience

>> No.54732634

Idk, could be
But i will try to make it next bull and leave, nothing to lose

>> No.54732794

Warum könnten sie Krauts nicht ein based Libertariste oder solche Leute der ihre Steuern viel niedriger senken würden? Ich mag die Sprache und die Geschichte und Landschaft des Deutschlands aber mit 40-50% Steuern für Leute die gut Einkommen haben werde ich nie dort umziehen aus Finnland. (Trotzdem wir haben sogar hoher Steuren)

Das ist sehr Schade, weil ich würde gern meine Sprachkenntnisse ausnutzen und da wohnen wenn es besser wäre¨

Trotzdem werde ich wahrscheinlich einen Austausch in Deutschland machen vor ich mein Masters Studium anfangen an Uni.

>> No.54733590

>How is your life doing?
Meh, but could be worse.
>How much do you earn?
>How are your investments performing?
Looking comfy.

>> No.54733608

Bruh, how can you still not now about the onion?

>> No.54733846
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>>>How is your life doing?
Ist cool, aber die Arbeitsamtstante nervt.

>>>How much do you earn?
3200€ Arbeitslosengeld. Bin seit 01.2022 mit dicker Abfindung arbeitslos, habe dann 3 Monate Geld von denen bekommen und bin dann ein Jahr verreist. Jetzt ab 1.4. wieder arbeitslos für maximal weitere 9 Monate, dann wieder arbeiten, oder früher, mal sehen.

>>>How are your investments performing?
Geht so, ich habe vorige Woche mal wieder einen (für mich) großen Deal eingefädelt, 300k auf VIX Futures weil grade so gar nichts passiert und damit der Kurs am Boden ist. Die nächste Krise kommt bestimmt, Krieg, Erdbeben, Streik, Panik, irgendwas kommt immer.

Ich zahle für so etwas zwei mal im Monat, ist am Ende billiger ;-).

>> No.54734001

>die Arbeitsamtstante nervt
lmao I remember when they replaced my roastie for a fresh wagie and he called me to get to know me or some shit. When he asked me what's up and I told him I'm not gonna go work because of reasons he just couldn't cope. He tried to trick me and said it's good for me and other bullshit but I didn't take the bait. He was noticeably gasping the whole time, looking for the right words to say but ultimately unable to compute. It was actually hilarious.

>> No.54734151

>>How is your life doing?
Living in front of my computer screen...

>>How much do you earn?
0 and no more slave status after getting a burnout working for a soulless corporation
Renting a property which barely covers my living costs as a NEET.

>>How are your investments performing?

Wizard status achieved!

>> No.54734193
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Fick dich, Steuern zahlen ist so Deutsch wie Sauerkraut. Ich bin stolz ein Steuerzahler zu sein!

>> No.54734297

Dass sagt man auch über Finnen, aber es gibt viele Finnen die lieber eine Einheitssteuer wie in Estland ist (20% für alles) hätten.

Gibt es deutsche Parteien die eine Einheitssteuer oder dramatisch niedriger Steuer unterstützen? Afd? FDP?