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File: 504 KB, 519x635, Screenshot 2022-10-23 18.15.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54713190 No.54713190 [Reply] [Original]

Money isn't real

Kiss ur loved ones today before u cannot

eat meat


>> No.54713211
File: 87 KB, 800x800, egfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These plant eaters are freeeeeking slaves

>> No.54713231

imagine the toxins

>> No.54713308

is that kids ranqe

>> No.54713314



destroy your gut

natural diet

>> No.54713329
File: 453 KB, 467x527, Screenshot 2022-10-23 18.11.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes in all his glory. hehe

hehe 13 micronutrients hehe

>> No.54713391
File: 672 KB, 1286x1362, hzuf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if you seriously trash him but i like this guy and watch all videos
His takes about things are always refreshing and i dont agree with all but its stuff to think

>> No.54713402

Who's trashing him u stupid beta nigga

u fucking slave

>> No.54713415

dark eye circles

>> No.54713445

i like his anti british takes. he is virulently anti-british. as such he is my ally.

>> No.54713480

Pajeet here, good morning everyone

>> No.54714060
File: 419 KB, 646x562, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this latvian weirdo posting naked videos of his wife on telegram? Anyone else watching that?

>> No.54714483

If money isn't real why do you beg for it literally everyday on your channel you gigantic faggot? Also since when doing hair transplant is natural? You are the most retarded subhuman i have ever seen on the internet for the last 22 years.

>> No.54714498

What's the channel? He created one and then deleted it.

>> No.54714515




>> No.54714534

Massive beg.
He is right when it comes to eating though.
Retarded about other things like staring at the sun (I know he don't do it anymore).

>> No.54714577
File: 23 KB, 500x360, a9739ec995eddf1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We scammed that dude back when i was like 13. Good times! Runescape got me nice headstart in business and trading

>> No.54714596

I fucking missed it and they are gone now. Share

>> No.54714610

You had to switch

>> No.54714621

Switch what? Whats the ID of the new channel?

>> No.54714640

did u lure him into varrock wildy or trim his rune armor by any chance?

>> No.54714667

>Talks about how people who get tattoos are mentally ill (correct, desu)
>Tattoos his own hair back

>> No.54714933

his pk vids were kino

>> No.54715549
File: 14 KB, 229x233, 1624401570601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda respect what he's doing. He's teaching people to maybe dial it back on some shitty ass extremist views (im looking at you globohomo agenda) and maybe reconsider values that are so common now that most people don't even think twice about them.
He talked briefly about security and that sent me way into a rabbit hole on how to protect one's security in the digital era that's coming and thanks to that i discovered what DIDs are, CHEQD and their Verifiable IDs, and now im proudly using their beta to see if maybe i won't have to give my data to more companies when i want to do shit on the internet.
Thing is, he's not all that bad. He's still a conman, but he does have some valid points

>> No.54715829

No we added him in messenger and got account details. We took shifts to keep the stolen accout logged in (:

>> No.54716279

the files are still there. There's this short one called bathroom.mp4 and another bigger .rar file that i downloaded but then my antivirus pinged it so I deleted it without opening. I assume they broke up and now he is autismo revenge leaking or something. IDK it's weird as fuck and not a good look. I thought sv3rige was based but this sure isn't.
t dot me slash carolinethegreat

>> No.54716486

I don't follow his drama, who is Caroline? He had someone called Belle last time I saw?

>> No.54716916

this mf got a hair transplant btw

>> No.54718126

Some brave anon download the pics and vids and upload them somewhere?
Idgaf about the doxx stuff just want the nudes

>> No.54718749

All his gf's either ran away with his kids, or call him abusive and leave him lol

still gets puss tho so king

>> No.54718845

Hes based but weird and a psychopath. I will still watch his shit.
Why do so many people here know him anyway, only a few 10k people watch him, are we all consuming the same niches topkek? Are we just 100 people who consume the same things?

>> No.54718861

He's been around for 11 years hehe with multiple channels hehe

RIP original sv3rige channel i will miss u

>> No.54718922

I watch him for like half this time. Diet wise the changes i made because of him were great. I only occasionally eat raw meat, but i needed someone to say my suspicion out load, that vegetables are mostly unhealthy. Almost everyone says green leaves are super healthy but they are just trash

>> No.54718936

I haven't eaten vegetables in 11 years. Antinutrients.

>> No.54718952

Tomatoes and carrots are fine tho

>> No.54718962

Most of his earlier videos are serious conspiracy (yet true) stuff. Pedos, sociopaths, natural law etc (way more intense than now)., so obviouslt eventually it would have got banned btw

Cant even find them anymore

>> No.54718977
File: 32 KB, 414x508, nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat vegetables if my mum cooks a meal for me when i visit :) meals made out of love are always healthy
:) heh

>> No.54718981


>> No.54719021

Uhm, money is pretty real kek, I tried to buy stuff with leaves once and couldn't, so yeah, pretty much still needed, but if you're like me and don't like to work just get into stuff like Nilo, you can literally earn by just brushing your teeth and holding an NFT

>> No.54719040
File: 186 KB, 512x512, 1526078138547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can literally earn by just brushing your teeth and holding an NFT

>> No.54719051

Money is just paper. Paper is made from trees

u stupid fucking slave

>> No.54719060

God Bless, why was I a stupid nigger didnt evne check there

>> No.54719087

Anon, I don't think that kind of things pay off

>> No.54719097

You should eat them also if she doesn't make the meals, it's important

>> No.54719127

Important for what? They have anti nutrients

U fucking slave

>> No.54719142


>> No.54719519

I got the same antivirus thing but I'm pretty sure it's a false positive.

The bathroom vid was the best of the bunch, not missing anything. He has some rant about feeling unsafe in a text file I didn't really read.

It's not a good look for gatis.

>are we all consuming the same niches topkek?
seems like it, I can't believe this thread is on this board lol

>> No.54720008

he banned me when I mentioned it
I was the only one that was “wtffff??”

did he really expect to just reappear with hair and his old fans not noticing?

>> No.54720025

what happened with Belle?

>> No.54722162


>> No.54722287

>are we all consuming the same niches topkek? Are we just 100 people who consume the same things?
The question could be rephrased to distinguish between the NPC population and the non. Few NPCs are watching content that deals with reality. So then his audience comes out of whatever % of the population are capable of balancing critical thinking against their own biases...some of them are on the internet and watching his stuff. I guess that's a few 10ks worldwide.

Fun fact: when I first saw his raw meat videos I was disgusted. I now purchase 1/2lb. of grassfed liver from a local butcher once a month and eat it for 15 days. It's interesting to go on journeys into reality and to experience preconceptions wither away under the glare of reality.

>> No.54722638

why the fuck do you want the nudes of a 2/10 woman you fucking idiot?

>> No.54722662

lol this retard fell for a meme

>> No.54724228

>money isn't real
>please send donations
>i only care about what's natural so I record myself talking to a camera to buy meat because I can't hunt

>> No.54725041

I watched one video from the rumble link about 99% of people being retards (fair enough). He criticizes fake tits and now I read he got a hair transplant.