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54718528 No.54718528 [Reply] [Original]

In 2015 I had 17 Bitcoin and 500,000 doge

>> No.54718534

where did it go

>> No.54718570

Virtually all the bitcoins were lost by trying to sell high/buy low.
Dogecoins were sold on purpose in 2017, if I recall correctly, to buy other stuff.

>> No.54718629
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Many people fucked up like us, anon. Back in 2016 I had 2000 ETH. Right now, my portfolio could only buy around 600 ETH. Feels bad

>> No.54718737

Literally the only thing that keeps me alive is having a $40k-$50k portfolio that I expect to x20 someday.

>> No.54718765
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You're still early for the future of DeFi anon, you'd realize this if you stopped whining like a faggot.

>> No.54718799
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>defi is the future
>trust me bro
>internet money will go up in value forever
you’ve never produced anything of value in your entire life.

>> No.54718806

I fumbled 20k link on aave on the way to 50
it still hurts but I'll just make it back in one trade

>> No.54718808

It will happen eventually - just don't fall for the hodl meme during the next bull.

>> No.54718864
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I take care of my loved ones and have the comfiest life I could've ever imagined thanks to crypto. Which is far more value than you'll ever get to produce in your miserable cucked life.
Go back.

>> No.54719038


What are you holding anon? I’m in the same place

>> No.54719118

If you have 50k now you will make it in the next bull run peak, unless you're holding literal scams like statera.

>> No.54719170

Hope you are holding ETH and AVAX now or you wont reach that level of wealth ever again

>> No.54719345

Checked. This is only the beginning of DeFi on AVAX. You are still early OP

>> No.54719357

If you sold, which you prob did, that's a shame. However, those losses would have to remain behind you, can't be burdened your entire life. Better times are coming. I just made 5x after Altcoinist tweet about KAS a month and a half ago, and opportunities like this one are everywhere now

>> No.54719386

I held like $300 worth of FTM up to being worth 10k and all the way back down to being worth less than my initial price. Not nearly as painful, but you are right.

>> No.54719387

don't feel too bad. my buddy had 140 btc back then and sold it to buy a new car lmao

>> No.54719388

I never understood this picture. You can have way less piss bottles if you fill them up before making a other piss bottle. 0/10

>> No.54719500
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Great OP, very fucking good. You had the makers of the future and you literally threw them away which is why im assuming you're doing this thread. Let me make it simple for you, what is stopping you, really, from acquiring the next maker of the future and finally getting to 8 figs? Let me explain

Soon, so fucking soon I will be rich off of this coin. The day has come bros. This is it. Pepe was just the beggining and PLEB is going to moon. I'd say a safe bet would be $100 per coin in the beggining but it would eventually reach 1k and ventually 10k. There's literally nothing short of the apocalypse happening that can stop PLEB from reaching $500 per coin by the end of this year.

I wonder just how, how can people live without holding it right now? Are you guys stupid?

>> No.54719618
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yea yea, we saw you anon, leave the adults talk now

>> No.54720656
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I'm betting a lot of money on PLEB, the last time I trusted memecoins it worked out perfectly well, especially when Elon Musk was involved, it's just fast money

>> No.54721071
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It is what it is. What I recommend from now on is that you don't sleep on AVAX and buy while you can.

>> No.54721204


>> No.54721262

Bro at the start of 2020 I had:
10,000 ETH
70 BTC
1,000,000 Matic

Today I am not a millionaire. I know your pain.

>> No.54722088

go be a machine somewhere else zogy

>> No.54722157

you're lucky to end up having that in the current moment, you're ahead of many

>> No.54722603

I sold 1.6 trillion SHIB for what amounted to around $8 grand USD, but would have been worth around $43 million USD if I just waited.

>> No.54722876

How did you fumble this bad and not kys

>> No.54723323

kek that hurts
I had 70k doge I had mined in 2014, but they just kept dropping in value so I sold in 2017 for like $20 just before it started moving up. I couldn't imagine how bad it'd feel if it was 500k doge.

I remember when dogecoin first came out in 2013, a few friends mined super early on and had a few million which they sold for a few thousand dollars in its very first big pump, which being 17-20 year olds we thought was amazing at the time.
After it fell I brought up the idea of buying a million just incase it ever hits $1, which would have only been $100 at the time - but we were all students that had no money, and we all just laughed it off.
It's times like that when I wish I was born ~5 years later, since then I would have had disposable income to throw on random shitcoins. Even dumping most of my disposable income into eth in 2017 as it ran up, and flipping icos, I only hit around 800k, but still not enough to make it.
Then I missed a bunch of other coins and bagheld ICX too long, so I'm still in 6 figure hell at 200k with mostly btc/eth and some alts.
idk how people even knew shit like SOL or DOT or MATIC would take off like it did, I completely missed the boat on them.

>> No.54723436

Having a balanced portfolio of blue chips like BTC, ETH and low cap tokens like ORE, SHIB, and ALGO could be life changing at times.

>> No.54723473

What are you holding now? You wagmi anon

>> No.54723671
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3 years ago, I had 10k $XOR valued in $800 bucks each, bought at $45 in 2020
most bullish moment of my life and now I can even ask for a card for my fortune (obviously sold out tho), thanks Makoto

>> No.54724262

I had $2000 gifted to me by my parents to invest and learn the stockmarket (economics student). Saw Eth getting shilled on /biz as "programmable money" at $0.75 almost went all in but got scared when I tried to create a wallet and there was no GUI just a command line interface like Windows cmd. Bought bb and NBG moonshots shilled on on /wsb and lost everything when they didn't bail out nation bank of Greece.