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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 362x465, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54712560 No.54712560 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing like beer on a Monday. How are you WFHchads holding up?

>> No.54712592

Ure an alcoholic. I dont start drinking till 7pm when the sun goes down

>> No.54712636
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Based OP. What do you drink

>> No.54712696

What percentage of WFH employees have a piss jar besides them at all times? I need a study.

>> No.54712704

Drinking hoegaarden rn

>> No.54712712

is everyone who wfh an alcoholic?

>> No.54712922

Ill only drink poison if its German
Love a good hefeweizen

>> No.54712969
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Sleeping, farting, reading, painting, gaming.
Quick meeting soon then I'll return to my activities.

>> No.54713523

During the pandemic I had a beer and a hotdog off the grill several times at noon and it wrecked my day. I was fighting to stay awake till 5. There's a reason you shouldnt drink beer at work and it's not just impairment. Lol maybe you can get away with a jack and coke though because coke has caffeine but never again will I drink beer for lunch. For some reason I can get drink a few beers and drive after dinner though, but in the future that won't be possible I'm sure.

>> No.54713637
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Work from home has been great but uh, I think a "casual porn interest" has evolved into more like a "manic addiction for oversized butts." Please help me.

>> No.54713651

Good, though I don't drink at home anymore. I'm in my 30s now and it just makes me fat lmao.

>> No.54713713

way to ruin your Monday, drinking this early. Cope all you want you know its a disgusting habit, a disgusting drink and its effects are even more disgusting. Yeah i got drunk last night, fuck alcohol

>> No.54713771

I have a piss jar at my cubicle in the office that I visit once a week

>> No.54713807
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>tfw daily standup is over

>> No.54713832

Same. Love me tinnies but day drinking just sucks balls.

It's not helped by me having rather strong insomnia so if I sleep at all during the afternoon or early evening, the chances of me going to sleep that night are about precisely zero.

>> No.54713837

stoner here, drinking is gross and fills my belly up with bubbles and carbs so I can't eat normally

>> No.54713850

>is everyone who wfh an alcoholic?
I know someone who works vetting bank accounts for crypto transactions etc. They've been on the beers before lunchtime before.

>> No.54713877

I need to go to the store should I just go get some McDonald's?

>> No.54713896

I don't ever drink during work because
1. I need to be leastways competent and getting shitfaced before 5pm won't help
2. I associate alcohol with recreational activity or nightlife and it would be harder for me to enjoy drinking while working

>> No.54713910

Meh. I actually like getting shit done not because it helps my current company but that I have more case studies to leverage into more cash at my next job/client. Adhd meds, coffee and red bull for me.

The more you are trusted you are left alone to design and build good shit. Or at least better then 99% of the crap on the market. You also get former or current co workers trying to lure you to their startups.

>> No.54713923

Can confirm in a sense. I do my work and a bit extra and just mask it as I'm SO busy and people leave me alone. New boss though and the bosses boss is now being a bit of a cunt so my days may be numbered but they aren't paying me enough to work out of an office so

>> No.54713985
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Good morning Chads.

Personally I just finished breakfast (pic rel)

Time to drink my coffee and get ready for my workout. First meeting is at 12:30 :)

>> No.54714007

if you go to the store, you can buy enough shit so you don't have to go anywhere for multiple days

you can even cook once, and eat it for three days if you cook enough

>> No.54714125

Assuming @ me I can go to the store later

>> No.54714463

I was but I've been dry for 3 months now

>> No.54714489

>tfw start drinking at 8am just to get through work

>> No.54714518

that looks good. what is the filling besides the egg?

>> No.54714881
File: 88 KB, 850x602, __souryuu_and_hiryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_chaa_korone_ze__sample-038635b369a352fb457bfe48cff93f7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grilled onions, green pepper, and bacon.

WFH Chads, I'm not even tired of winning yet

>> No.54714983

Got fired from my wfh gig on Friday kek

I’m in sales and not a pussy so I’ll admit it was my fault. Skipped a level while taking it and lasted a year so I’m pretty happy with the whole experience. Company was a bit of a mess and the level of stress I was under the last 2 months was higher than anything I’ve experienced before, and ultimately unnecessary imo.

Plan now is to pick up some wagie gig at a brewery or some other low stress bullshit for the summer and then land a corpo gig again in the fall.

I cheers to you wfh kings

>> No.54715131

I am having some black coffee to start this month's fast (late). It has been a week and I still don't know what I do.
Yeah this is maybe worse for you than the drinking. Gotta stop touching the pp anon.
This is the attitude to have. 1 part this attitude and 2 parts "Fuck you I'll do it better" should be the /biz/ standard.

>> No.54715249

Based faster Im on day 3 and breaking it tonight.

You’re right, I know I’ll get paid more at my next real job just like every time before. I have enough cash to float quite awhile. Still want to work for fun money and in a social setting to pick up women. Really just be out of the house more as I was wfh since before Covid even started

Tech sales for those wondering, and I already hit around 40k pretax this year so we’re looking good

>> No.54715944

I hate it. Stuck in my basement. Fucking boring ass faggot job. Fuck you all

>> No.54716025
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King, you put your desk by big windows so you can watch nature, that's what I do
>but I live in the cucked city
I cannot help those that chose to embrace the liberal mind virus
>but mug doggo park, muh bracade

>> No.54717228
File: 19 KB, 1104x1112, 1601700156302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work 2 hours max a day
>Flip nfts on the side and sometimes game/watch movies
Living the life. Buy Nilo nfts btw they do be bussin.

>> No.54717250

You'd be miserable at a cubicle surrounded by people you have no interest in, in a sterile setting. You either change the way you look at things or you will stay miserable.

>> No.54717253

What's a good easy wfh job where I don't even have to go into the office once a week?

>> No.54717289
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>> No.54717296

post price.

>> No.54717302
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i see you flipping nfts anon, da boot gut lief

>> No.54717310

Good and easy = there's already 9 trillion pajeets/chinks willing to do it for like 8 dollars an hour or less.

>> No.54717318

the fuck is that?

>> No.54717325

WFH bros, how do you prevent yourself from becoming absolute coomers. It’s way too easy when you’re home alone all day

>> No.54717327

This looks like the scam cofffeezilla deliberately created to trick that one influencer for his video

>> No.54717331

Try 4 dollars/H, or maybe an IA willing to do it for 15$ Month

>> No.54717344

Got fired from my wfh gig on Friday kek

I’m in sales and not a pussy so I’ll admit it was my fault. Skipped a level while taking it and lasted a year so I’m pretty happy with the whole experience. Company was a bit of a mess and the level of stress I was under the last 2 months was higher than anything I’ve experienced before, and ultimately unnecessary imo.

Plan now is to pick up some wagie gig at a brewery or some other low stress bullshit for the summer and then land a corpo gig again in the fall.

I cheers to you wfh kings

>> No.54717374

That's stupid. Drinking at night disrupts sleep and you feel shitty the next day. Drinking in the morning leaves you clear headed by evening, you have a good sleep and feel great the next day.

>> No.54717389
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Big4 accountant here, just finished busy season and I'm not booked on anything till next week. Watching anime and shitposting while I get paid.

>> No.54717403

I always have a couple of beers late night before sleep and I actually feel wonderful next morning, so im not with you

>> No.54717610

It has been hell lately because of some structural changes but I’m actually excited to start work tomorrow so that I can finish it. I stayed up all night. Something about not sleeping softens the blow.

>> No.54717621

fuck you give me your job

>> No.54717695

Weird. If I drink before bed I will wake up at like 3-4am feeling shitty and cant get back to sleep. I try to stop drinking by 5pm.

Cannabis on the other hand makes me sleep great, but it fucks up my disgestion and makes me feel constipated so overall not worth it.

>> No.54717732
File: 65 KB, 190x196, 1663301204113799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer tastes like piss you should stop pretending its good

>> No.54718400

I drink beer every day.
i love drinking cold beer and cooking

>> No.54719095

What jobs are currently work from home?

what do you guys work as?