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File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1282, brics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54715317 No.54715317 [Reply] [Original]

not like this...

>> No.54715338
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, g7 vs brics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.54715365
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, 2947768854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C > R > I > B > S

>> No.54715384


Somebody should make a G7 version now.

>> No.54715389
File: 50 KB, 680x321, 935CA756-F708-4D33-9A86-27CB208FB9EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I mean I guess if you want to compare west vs thirdies and shitskins you could at least include the full EU, Japan and the states.

>> No.54715400

6 countries vs 5 is not enough, firstie?

Cope all you want. Your time is over.

>> No.54715428
File: 58 KB, 458x452, D4B232EA-AF13-443C-91D4-B4DACF16E641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American sisters we’re going to lose even though we’re going to win the AGI race
Favela monkeys, chinks and co desperately cling to the thought they can be relevant
>you just need more countries even though Italy is a net loser in the EU and banned chatgpt already kek
Have fun making up narratives that are objectively wrong. You’ll always be a shitskin

>> No.54715458


>> No.54715496

>european features with arbitrary skin tones

>> No.54715536

Little Red State is bringing a basket of currencies to her grandma's house for some oil. The big bad Amero-Israeli wolf already ate the grandma and is sitting in the bed.

My my, what big Five Eyes you have, grandma.

>> No.54715539

Legitimately, what is the point of BRICS? Russia is a declining super power, South Africa is completely irrelevant, and Brazil is the poster child of latam shitholes. India and China are the only economies worth a shit.

>> No.54715587
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>> No.54715637

Shitskins clinging desperately to the fantasy they will ever be relevant.

>> No.54715759

it's a meme, china is really all that matters. russia is a resource rich exporter and that's it. nobody cares about the b, the i, and definitely not the s.

>> No.54715808

I think Russia is going to win the war for some reason

>> No.54715832

Based and agreed

>> No.54716987

>Shitskins clinging desperately to the fantasy they will ever be relevant.

negros are the second-most relevant demographic in the usa though

>> No.54717221
File: 217 KB, 1080x1044, 1681154014637623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If American Blacks were smarter or slightly less aggressive/more cooperative they'd probably be the Jews of the U.S., desu.

>> No.54717277
File: 850 KB, 1024x599, 1669145170265643_c7ghgq3hyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.54717290

What country are you from?

>> No.54717329

Chinese psyops to push the America bad narrative.
Ask anybody the pushes the BRICS meme what country they're from and watch them kvetch.

>> No.54717345

Laughs in river crossing

>> No.54717627

I'm from Germany

>> No.54717684


>> No.54717763

I love my brics brothers! we are all happy and build on each other strengths!
depressed introvert first worlders can stay inside their mold filled houses while we have fun!

>> No.54717981

For my high testosterone brethren.

>> No.54718003

fucking kek. a bunch of losers wont do shit against Gigachad. Funny thing is, all those countries' citizens dress and mimic the american/western lifestyle, buy western products, dress westernlike, mimic western instagram aesthetics etc....
they are all desperate incels, trying to be Chad. they will all bend down quickly once Chad has had enough

>> No.54718013

S is last place period

>> No.54718026
File: 1.39 MB, 1252x915, IMG_4995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from 2008. Since then, India has only become closer to the US and all besides China have started to decline

>> No.54718039

Hell no. Bony bitch comes last, always.

>> No.54718811

Hello I want to have sex with the 3rd world now

>> No.54719297

impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, impregnate

>> No.54719696

You're not op.

>> No.54719750

westies gonna get absolutely BRICCED

>> No.54719915
File: 80 KB, 700x509, 1681937514385193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Africa isn't niggers. Niggers do not have an economy, or an economic force.

>> No.54720299

Just needs Morocco, Turkey and Venezuela.

>> No.54720314

>Trusting gdp numbers from shit ass countries that lie about everything

>> No.54720355

It’s amazing how anyone would be proud of living in a slum, slave country waging 50 hours per week so some corrupt politician can brag about his country’s gdp

>> No.54720362

Is that a criticism of the BRICS nations or America?

>> No.54720375

China is pretty fucked actually. Their property crisis is still fucking up their credit worthiness which is messing up their manufacturing sector.

>> No.54720391

Wait, wouldn't the south african one be white?

>> No.54720395

Currently both but mostly cribs

>> No.54720454


>> No.54720488

Hmmm lets see biggest trading partners..

Brazil : USA
China : USA
India : USA
South Africa : (niggers who cares)
Russia : (ziggers who cares)

>> No.54720510

>casually not including Japan

>> No.54720568

All of their largest trading partners are China. It's just a disingenuous representation as it's from multinational conglomerates not Chinese engineered or owned businesses. Profits don't reach China and local governments go into retarded debt to develop industrial facilities/bribes to foreign companies so they manufacture in China.

>> No.54720767
File: 144 KB, 1080x758, Bricd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54720866

degenerates like you need a containment board.

>> No.54720903

Compare the population of not the number of individual nations

>> No.54720921
File: 673 KB, 1122x900, 1611426302763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's settle this once and for all.
C > I > S > B > R

>> No.54721183
File: 61 KB, 679x271, 20230420_014145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry meant to post this

>> No.54721967

Questioning Chinese GDP is a big no no for these retards that really think there were only 80k COVID cases in China.

>> No.54721983

Is this cope? South Africa was already minority white during apartheid and now that they're actively killing whites that number is way down. Anyone in power in south Africa is black. End of discussion.

>> No.54722302

Faggot janny word filters are not letting me respond.
Just let me call you a nigger and be done with it.

>> No.54722325

You really think niggers will have anything of any value when all the white is gone? Whites created South Africa, niggers literal thought no one lived that south.

>> No.54722329

How is recognizing China as the ponzi shithole it is make me a nigger?

>> No.54723459

What the fuck is India trying to pull? On one side they are getting all chummy with the US and australia and putting on a show of being antagonists to china meanwhile they're doing business with US enemies and also aligning their economic interests with china.

>> No.54723498

lmao much better than the one in OP

>> No.54723541

They’re just acting how most rational nations should when they aren’t at risk of direct conflict.
The US did this a lot in its early days playing off European powers who were at each other’s throats and making deals with whoever wanted to talk.

>> No.54724348

SEX RANKING (not attractiveness)
B > S > I > C > R
Our snow bunnies really are lacking flavour when it comes to this...

>> No.54725307

Lmao imagine needing so many people to do about the same as the West.

>> No.54725426

South Africa is run by black African. End of discussion