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54714897 No.54714897 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any projects that currently pay for Chainlink’s services in the form of Link tokens right now? I mean like how I need to pay ETH to do anything on Ethereum.

In testing smart contracts on testnet, the services I’ve messed around with (mostly price feeds) just work regardless of if I have any Link tokens. I’m thinking of messing around with Keepers. If I did, would it be that my smart contract has to hold Chainlink tokens to call keepers functions?

>> No.54714960

somebody tell him

>> No.54714968
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>> No.54714976
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>> No.54715140

sergey unlocks link tokens to dump to pay for node services :}

>> No.54715293

Pay. Up.

>> No.54715446

Too predatory too soon. A nascent industry will always gravitate toward least resistance, and this simply begs the industry to innovate lest the be held hostage to “gatekeepers”

>> No.54715519

Asks if any projects use chainlink

Wierd janny tier fudders who do it for free comes in and then changes topic to now that chainlink charges people for using their services its going to run chainlink out of business.

>> No.54715776

Just do a chainlink VRF v2 tutorial on youtube real quick and youll understand
>create subscription with chainlinks subscription manager contract
>get a subscription ID
>fund the contract with LINK that is tied to your subscription ID
>whitelist your consumer contract (contract that will be requesting chainlink data)
>add all that boilerplate chainlink stuff to your contract with your subscription ID and coordinator contract address and youre good to go
havent played around with keepers but i assume the subscription stuff is the same as vrf

>> No.54716517

Pay up faggot

>> No.54716659

By innovate you mean reinvent. The thing you're trying to reinvent is itself a reinvention of trusted third parties vouching for information. You could always just stick with trusted third parties and compete with automated solutions. Or move on to the lesser of two evils. Clock's ticking. Time is money.

>> No.54716686

So is GMX the only one? If not, what other projects buy Link?

>> No.54717856
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Chainlink is a token for raging cuckolds

Linkies will never accept reality they will just blame a nefarious conspiracy involving Bitcoin whales suppressing their rank 23 shitcoin kek

>> No.54717988

>(mostly price feeds) just work regardless of if I have any Link tokens
wtf linkbros?
i thought the token was needed

>> No.54718083

No. They really do just work. The thing is that the services that need them most do pay for them to operate. Also they will likely start locking feeds down that are abused and feeds that don't get sponsorship will get shut down. Then the users will just switch to another provider service. Then it will get hacked and they will get fkd. Then they will be back to chain link and happy to pay the sponsrship for the feeds they need.

>> No.54718603

Price feeds are free for now. Vrf and automation must be prefunded with link

>> No.54718744

Gains network pays it's oracles with Linkies yes.

>> No.54720122

so for 6 years, they have been exclusively leeching off investor money and still don't have a viable business model? the true innovation here is fleecing retail without liability

>> No.54720161

>Chainlink is a token for raging cuckolds
It certainly is the one they've chosen to hate. A bunch of coomers actually get together and talk in a private chat about how much they hate Chainlink in between watching men fuck women while they touch themselves (daily!). It's amazing what a community Chainlink has bought together.

>> No.54720191

Token not needed, they are literally just forcing people to use link when they can very easily just use Eth or other crypto for payments

>> No.54720216

They can use ETH. ETH will then be swapped for LINK. LINK is the currency of the network. But your ETH is fine. This has been outlined. You can pay for Chainlink services in almost any manner. BTC. US dollars. You choose.

>> No.54721082

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags get outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for sub par bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey Nastyslob who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you.

Thus the cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54721392
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So gmx and gains network are the only 2? Have we confirmed theyre actually paying? I could see CL sending them free Link first and having them “pay” it back so they technically arent lying about getting paid.

>> No.54723131
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You have no power here.

>> No.54723156
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>Are there any projects that currently pay for Chainlink’s services in the form of Link tokens right now?

Delusional Stinktards are too obtuse to see the reality in which LINK is literally a Vechain type partnership stick and carrot show, wherein they dangle some partnership "carrot" or some miraculous use case, and then deliver nothing while dumping millions of premined, centrally owned tokens.
The truth is, the only revenue that Chainlink sees is from dumping tokens on the spot market.
They do not have a SINGLE business customer that has earned them a single dollar in sales for their alleged software services.

>> No.54723181

No one pays for their "protocol" in any hard currency.
In fact, Sergey has been caught several times BUYING himself a use case or commercial endoresement by gifitng his premined shit tokens to some other business or phantom website, and then claiming "HERE LOOK AT THIS USE CASE!".

No one uses the LINK token besides Sergey himself for dumping straight to retail and then withdrawing fiat into his offshore bank accounts.

>> No.54723194

>So is GMX the only one? If not, what other projects buy Link?

Where did you get the idea that GMX actually pays anything to Chainlink?
Because someone posted a screenshot?

>> No.54723200

>The thing is that the services that need them most do pay for them to operate

There's no evidence for Chainlink earning a single dollar in revenue from sales of software solutions.
It doesn't exist.

>> No.54723226
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It's the Vechain business model:
>run a scammy ICO in 2017
>raise hundreds of millions from shitcoiner retards in a bullmarket where every shitcoin appreciated 100x.
>Withhold over 60% of the premine
>Start shopping around for a use case in what can only be described as a soft exit scam (after several years, bagholdrers will forget and lose interest in trying to legally pursue an offshore entity)
>Buy yourself celebrity endorsements from prostitutes like Eric Schmidt
>Buy yourself some commercial endorsements from hundreds of literally who crypto websites that no one uses or has ever heard of.
>Pretend to operate a software infrastructure company while just dumping millions of premined tokens to the spot market.

You can't deny that Chainlink is a mirror reflection of Vechain.